Beasts of Beyond
WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - Printable Version

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WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - rhosmari - 03-16-2021

- tw for blood third paragraph

She had woken up this morning with a small chill down her back. As if there was a feeling humming in her ears that something was going to happen. But she forced herself to ignore it. Things had been going well despite the warm weather. The snow was melting and it seems the mountains were handling it just fine. Days had gone by and the thaw had left her mind. She had other things to focus on so she almost forgot about it and went through her daily routine. Thinking of what to do next against the Typhoon, whom to interact with. The day goes on normal, things seem okay as she reentered the village after her hunting. The Kingpin gives small nods to those she passed on the way to her home when she paused in her steps. The feeling that she had been ignoring the whole day was almost suffocating now and she lifted her head up slightly.

That was when the rumbling started, faint. Small vibrations in the ground and her gaze narrowed as she looked up from within their ravined home. Slowly the vibrations began to get stronger till things because to quiver and shake. Her own heart was picking up pace as she realized that yes, something was wrong, yes she should have heeded her brother's words and planned for this. But they were out of time now, weren't they? Her eyes slowly widened as she watched the deludge of mud, stones, rock, trees start to make it's way down. Funneling like an earthquake. The blue tinted lioness stood her ground and the mudslide seemed to hit something, stopping but pressing hard against a force. That force being their leader.

She used her powers to bend the water that was within the mudslide and was holding it back but it was straining to say the least. She was not infinite in her power, not like she wanted to be. The natural force of gravity was a toll to try and stop, the power of nature great working against her. Her legs began to tremble and shake as she shout out. "EVERYONE!" Her legs buckled slightly, the mudslide moved closer. "EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!" She hissed out, her breathing labored as she concentrated on halting this flow of moving liquid earth. Give them time. They just needed time. Something warm caught her attention, slowly seeping from her nostrils, beginning to run quicker and quicker till she was bleeding terribly. Then it began to seep from her eyes with the strain she was putting on herself yet she had to give them time. But time was running out. Her head was going dark, she was becoming confused, tired.

Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - SirDio - 03-16-2021

A mask of my own face?
I'd wear that!
The icy wyvern knew something was going to happen. He had been trying to practice his water control just in case. As he descended from the sky, as the mudslide continued until Sojourn put her entire life on the line to stop it, he hissed. "Shit." he snarled, landing in the middle of the village. No time to be civil. Opening his jaws, the fiercest roar he could muster escaped him, echoing into town and rousing everyone to quicken their pace. "EVERYONE, GET TO HIGHER GROUND - GET OUT OF THE VILLAGE! EVACUATE!"

With everyone making their way out and away from the village, he turned his attention to- oh fuck, "Sojourn!" He ran, the wyvern stopping next to her and exerting his effort into trying to redirect or at least keep the mudslide back just a little longer. Hopefully he could take the brunt of it, hopefully Sojourn could stumble behind him or under him or something.


i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

To say the least, he hadn't ever experienced something like this. The deep rumbling beneath his paws, the terrible stench that came down from the mountains- not to mention the shouts and screams that were starting to break out. Just ten minutes ago it had been fine- peaceful morning, people milling about as normal. Ravenwood had been focusing on stretching just then, planning to go for another run.

But it had changed, and just as quickly as the birds fled the mountains, silenced in their flight, it had become obvious that something was terribly wrong. So, here he was, turning his head towards the slipping mud slide. His breath hitched, ears lowering for a moment, before his head turned, brain thinking too fast for him to process.

Aphra had just given birth- but surely her partner would gather all of them, kids included, and head out of the village and towards.. any other ground. He couldn't think of anyone else that was currently disabled, not right now. His eyes shifted forward, grimacing for a long moment. His eyes had darted towards the caverns at first- but no, they're drown in the mud there. He turned his head again, before calling out- "IF YOU NEED HELP, CALL OUT! I'LL COME FIND YOU!"



[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Sojourn had warned her clan about the possibility of mudslides a while back and Aphra recalled thinking about how awful they would be, particularly for her fur. Of course at the time, she hadn't had the burden of carrying cubs and now that they had just been born, the woman wasn't wanting them to die so soon. Not when she had gone through the whole damn process of giving them life.

The rumbling of the ground is what startled her awake from a nap at first, her ears pinning against her head. At first, she didn't think anything of it until the cries of Sojourn, Ravenwood, and Brutei hit her ears. God damnit. Why now? Fuck.

"Jormungand. Inferno. One of you grab a cub each." Aphra attempted to call out to the two who were sharing her home telepathically, her words coming in a sharp demand. She knew Inferno might try to say something smart here, or try to back-sass her - but hopefully the little bitch knew better not to at this specific moment. For now though, Aphra picked up Hydrostatic in her jaws, hoping Jor or Inferno would be here soon to pick up the other two - or at the very least, someone else would help if they couldn't.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - angelembrace - 03-17-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── The sudden noise all at once was a hit too much, waking Angel from his sleep and leaving him in a daze. He didn’t have much time to process that something bad was going on, not until Aphra grabbed hold of Hydrostatic and fled the scene. He looked up, then around, clambering to his tiny paws and trying to follow behind. He failed, of course, Aphra was fully grown and therefore much faster than he was. He tried to push on, he really did, but the more he tried to sprint to catch up the more his vision seemed to grow fuzzy as he exhausted himself from over exertion. He didn’t even have the energy to call for help from his father, or Inferno, or even Ravenwood, though the cub did hear the offer.

He didn’t want to die.


[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He had been having a walk when the world all of a sudden shook  and mud was  slamming to the ground only to be held back by a force that was-
She had treated him nicely ever since he came, well by nicely he meant not killing him on the spot. For some reason he felt like he had to repay the favor and looking at her weak form bleeding from her sockets and dainty nose he had to do it. All thoughts of safety left his head and he focused on reaching her, bounding over fallen twigs and branches, the muscles in his body lengthening and pushing him forwards with almost a sickeningly speed. Brutei helped, he saw the ground shift, and he saw an opening that left Sojourn undefended underneath Brutei. He barged through, careful not to rush into the other wyvern and attempted to lock [EDITED FOR POWERPLAY] his jaws around the scruff of her neck, murmuring an "I got her." towards the other male and bounding off, the blood rushing to his head and making him not hear Aphra.


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Inferno. Grab a cub. Was the curt thought from her mother, and Inferno snorted. What point? Why? What would it bring her? She looked up, saw Jor sprinting out the clearing with Sojourn, and huffed. Now wasn't the time to snipe back at Aphra so she looked at the cubs, her apparently siblings, a grimace on her maw. She really wanted to quip, to argue, and she was selfish and knew a cub would for sure slow her down. She herself was only eight months, after all. "You think I can carry one of those? I'm eight months, mother. Forget it." She snapped then heard Ravenwood's offer. "RAVEN! CAN YOU CARRY ONE OF THESE THINGS?"

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: WE HAD HIGH HOPES || MUDSLIDE - Byriath - 03-17-2021

The thunderous footsteps were drowned out by the thunder of the mudslide. But Byraith, in all his muscular glory, barged into the house that Aphra, Inferno, Jor, and the cubs were in. There was a primal anger in his eyes, just catching Inferno's cowardly words. Selfish. He snarled, though walking over to AngelEmbrace. "If you do not care for family, you are less than dirt." He snarled, before attempting to gently pick Angel up. From there he would start his pursuit out of the village. Muscles burning after he reached , stopping next to Ravenwood and gently placing AngelEmbrace down. [color=#cc7fcc]'Go, get the other cub.' He reached out to Ravenwood. [color=#cc7fcc]'I'll stay here and make sure everyone's accounted for.'
[sup]© tikki[/sup]


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

"They are not my family." The female snapped back flatly. The only family Inferno had was Aphra and in the kit's eyes she was as good as dead. "Only Aphra is, and she doesn't deserve the title 'mother'." Coward? Her? No. She held no particular thoughts about dying since her life was meaningless anyways, having been raised like a piece of shit. But Byriath's words stung and she hissed as his back as he turned tail and ran, Angel bouncing against his chest.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!



i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

Everything kept happened. Fast, but slow- it felt like an eternity, aching in his lungs and finally it all started to catch up. The crashing of the mud and trees in the tidal wave slowly approaching. His eyes watched Jor run towards the pair keeping it at bay, before whipping his head back forward. Inferno, calling out for him first. Byr ran past then, and Ravenwood followed in his footsteps, the wolf blinking wildly.

He glanced towards Byr as he spoke to him, not offering any response, stepping inside. His eyes met Inferno's- wild with anger and something else he couldn't quite detect- and offered no words of comfort. Now wasn't the time for it. Ravenwood leaned his head down, wrapping his muzzle around the scruff of Asmodeus. If he wasn't mistaken, this was the troublemaker at the beginning of it all.

The wolf wasn't much older than Inferno- but he definitely had a bit of size on her already. He picked up the child, turning paw and heading for high ground after Aphra. "Keep up, Inferno!" He called back.
