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Roxanne had been enjoying her time on the beach without much of a single care in the world, her eyes settled on the moving waves with the smell of salt water making her relax in that moment. A soft sigh would leave her slightly parted maw, her half closed eyes shutting slowly in a form of relaxation. She had been rather busy with her captain duties not having the time to relax until now, she rolled onto her side only to stretch out her front legs only for her pink claws to unsheathe in that moment. "God, what a good fucking day." Her tail lashing to the sides, she parted her jaws letting out a soft yawn though it was interrupted when something tried to grab onto her tail.

She rolled away immediately opening her mismatched eyes to see that it was a crab did she hiss with a toothy grin on her maw "Well! Aren't you a cheeky son of a bitch. I'll dub thee Pincher Jr," Roxie mumbled under her breath but then it took her a moment to realize that there was more crabs coming out of the ocean or sand around her, the captain rose to her paws with widened pupils and said with a growl "Oh for fucks sake."

Re: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO ♡ CRAB INVASION - michael t. - 03-11-2021

Much like Roxanne, Michael had just been relaxing on the days when the crabs came. He had been stretched out in front of his hut, eyes closed as his dark fur soaked in the heavy sunlight. Unfortunately, it seemed that his peaceful naps were always destined to get interrupted. When he heard Rox in the distance, he popped his one seeing eye open, watching her briefly before he realized what was going on. A soft snort left him, and he called out jokingly at his sister, "Heh, looks like you made a friend there, huh Rox? He seems a little... snappy, though." The pun was absolutely terrible, and he knew it. He was ready for Rox to groan and start tossing sand at him, but then she took notice of something else. Something big.

As his gaze followed her line of sight, the dealer froze up when he saw the crabs rushing towards the shore, and coming up out of the sand. Stumbling quickly up and onto his paws, Michael found himself muttering, "Shit, shit, fuck... fucking hell." As the crustaceans began to swarm closer to him, the thief hissed aggressively at them, "Get the fuck away from me, you nasty little sea spiders!" He rose one of his paws in defense, using his elementals to churn the sand around him into an unruly mess. This managed to disrupt the crabs around him slightly, although he knew it wouldn't be long until he found himself exhausted. Fucking hell... what had irritated all of them, all at once?

Re: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO ♡ CRAB INVASION - daniel - 03-12-2021

Crabs. Danny had done a lot of staring at crabs, fascinated by the little things, with their eye stalks and their pinchers. For the most part they were harmless, running from him more than they ran towards him. This time, however, when the wolf pup investigated one of the little pests, it promptly clamped it's claw down on his nose. He flailed around helplessly in the tide, shaking the little bastard off and flinging it back into the water with a pathetic sniff as little tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, rubbing his sore nose with a paw.

Then there were....more.

"Nonononono-" Oh, absolutely not. Deciding that the threat of crab attacks was too high, Danny turned tail and booked it from the arrival of a new crab army, a panicked continuation of his "no" being all he had to say about the problem. Self explanatory.


It had been a while since Lord Helix had interacted with the other Typhooners, given that he usually stayed with Goldenluxury Roux. The former Captain had practically adopted him, seemingly as some sort of pet (to his annoyance, obviously) but once she lost her memories, he decided to stay with Roxanne Roux, the next Captain. It was only suitable that he, The Typhoon's Lord and Savior, stayed with the current Captain. That being said, he decided it was finally time to interact with his subjects, given that he had disappeared rather abruptly. Not to fret though, as he was here now!

... And Helix was immediately regretting his decision to go to the beach, where there were seemingly hundreds, hundreds of crabs. Enraged, the ammonite sprayed water at a few of them that got too close. They were lucky he didn't eat them, quite frankly. "This is enough!" He declared, speaking to the crabs (who of course paid no mind to him, but he didn't realize this). "Lord Helix demands you all to go back home!"


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"Awwwhhh I want one!" Vayne's excited squeal was loud, her fur fluffing up in excitement as she watched the crabs crawl from what seemed to be everywhere, watching as Danny booked it away from the scene. She frowned a bit watching him run off, but her attention was caught by one of the crabs coming closer to her. With a grin, she tried to poke one, only for it to snap at her pawpad. Vayne let out a yowl of surprise and pain, shaking her paw to try to make it let go of her.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO ♡ CRAB INVASION - trojan g. - 03-12-2021

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]"I don't like these crabs." Torsten yelled as he ran away.

Re: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO ♡ CRAB INVASION - rhosmari - 03-12-2021


"But they are so cute Torsten! Come back!" The young beta would call out after her friend who had taken off. She didn't think the crabs were too bad. In face she thought they were adorable. Especially the ones that had one really big claw and one tiny claw. She shuffled forward and sniffed a bit before a thought sprang into her head. One that most probably didn't think about but she was still a growing girl, even if she was much bigger than normal foxes her size. "Can we eat them? I bet they would taste like the sea." She wiggled her hindquarters for a moment as she crouched down as if stalking one. Crawling forward she lifted a paw to bat at the crustacean before she managed to flip one over onto its back. Theu did kinda look like sea spiders in a way. But she wasn't scared of spiders so no need to be scared of these guys.


keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny wildcat tended to leave crabs alone. Pinched once in her kithood, and lucky it had been an equally tiny crab as herself.  But some could be... Big.  Especially compared to her.  Just more reason to avoid them when she could.  As much as she loved the beach, she always paid attention for little sounds, such as little legs scuttling over the sand.

But her perked ears had not expected... So many skittering legs.  Flattening against her skull in sharp protest.  Great seas.  Sounded like a swarm.  One she did not intend to be buried under.

So, the petite dealer quickly bounded across the sands to her most familiar landmark atop barracuda bay.  A stone statue in the shape of a turtle.  Tofu.  Long unappreciated, but certainly not forgotten by the fae.  The jump was a high one for her, but Keona scrambled up, claws scraping against stone, until she rested atop the stone shell.  Above the sand and crabs.  There, she sat, a thoroughly puzzled look on her face.

"How many are there?" A wary question.  Certainly not enthused by the prospect of... Hundreds, hundreds of crabs.