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[ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - Printable Version

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[ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - daniel - 03-11-2021

It had been close to a month, give or take, and Danny still did not know where his mother was. He tried not to think about the passing time, and how the longer he stayed the more he realized he didn't want to leave. Maybe deep down he'd accepted she wasn't coming back, for whatever reason. The idea of being abandoned was too much to consider, and he refused to believe that she would stoop so low anyway. That wasn't like his mother, it just wasn't. Maybe she just got lost in the storm and went the other way, or went to find her own family so they could all look for him. Something like that, anything like that. Still though, the sympathetic glances and words too quiet to truly understand never went unnoticed, Danny just chose to avoid them. Didn't make eye contact, never asked. He was not abandoned.

Kicking over half of a shell along the beach, the boy contemplated his own bitterness by himself, not feeling up to facing the chance of someone asking what was wrong. He didn't have a straight answer as to why he kept running off to the where the ocean met the land, but he could at least explain in very simple terms that it was a source of comfort when he didn't have one. He'd explored it up and down, from the shallows to the length of trees that bordered the sands. Although he'd been a little wary of the foliage since Deldrach stumbled out of them without an eye.

Soft ears twitched as the sound of smaller creatures among the leaves distracted him, inciting the usual sense of dread in the few moments of not knowing what he was really looking at, frowning at his instinctual panic. It was just some sort of rodent or something probably, sounded too small to be a threat. He growled at the shaking greenery, practicing his defense skills to try and scare whatever it was off. It didn't work, of course, and that just made him frustrated. So he kicked at the large leaves, jumping back a significant distance when he felt something both furry and cold underneath, by a tree or something. Heart pounding against his ribcage and rush of blood echoing in his ears, the wolf pushed the plants aside with a shaky paw. For investigating.

There was only three ways this particular chapter in his story could go, and one of them didn't seem likely. The reality was grim, much more macabre than what had been expected. It took Danny nearly ten minutes, by himself, to push the half of a fallen tree off the corpse of his mother.

The strain, of course, was a little too much, and besides the headache that went mostly unnoticed there were little bloody spots in his dark coat from scraping his skin trying to push the botanical death trap with his body weight. Paws, shoulder and hip alike. Not that he could complain, he was still very much alive. She was a little worse for wear, spine shattered and having been chewed on here and there by the local wildlife, to put it gently. To say the kid wailed would be an understatement, a terrible cry locked between mournful and terrified at the vision of canine remains before him.

Looks like he was staying in the Typhoon for sure.

Re: [ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Quite honestly, Vayne had forgotten the fact that Danny was only staying here because he was looking for his mother. The memory of that had slipped her mind, already thinking that Danny had found a true home here. Or at least, that's what she was hoping for. She was hoping that he'd be staying here, so they could continue to be close friends. If he ever left, Vayne didn't think she would judge or hate him for it, she would just be upset.

That being said, she couldn't relate to the feeling of wanting to find her mother. She already had a family here in The Typhoon, with Roxanne, Diya, Michael, their kids... She was surrounded by actual family and not by someone who wanted to control her. Vayne had no idea where Aphra had run off to, but she was glad that Aphra was gone. The moment her mother ran off, it was almost like Vayne had breathed fresh air for the first time in her life. Her chest wasn't so tight and she could actually breathe.

The howl that escaped Danny made Vayne's blood run cold, her heart starting to pound at the mere sound of it. Though she didn't know who made the sound just yet, she could hear that it was a mournful one. Mournful, distressed, hurt, lost... A number of things and to hear it made her heart skip a beat. The Beta went in search for the source of the howl, once again happening upon Danny for the second time just because of his howling. At first, she couldn't tell if it came from him but as she got closer, she realized that he was hovering over something. Something dark-furred, like him, and in an awful state.

"Danny...?" Vayne called out to her friend, slowly coming closer and immediately regretting it. Her mouth remained agape as she realized what she was staring at and the realization hit her. The memory of Danny living amongst the pirates in the first place; he was here looking for his mother. And although the body by itself wasn't necessarily proof that it was her, it was Danny's reaction that made Vayne realize. Her body shaking, Vayne tried to press herself against Danny, mostly to comfort him, but also to comfort herself.

This wasn't something she should have stumbled upon.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: [ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - LUMIA CIPHER. - 03-12-2021

A howl. A wailing, echoing call of death and agony, splitting the air like thunder. It immediately caught Lumia's attention, the feline freezing where she stood near the tavern. She had no idea where the howl had come from, but she knew it couldn't have been caused by anything good. Those around her had also stopped in their tracks, meandering about and questioning each other about what could've happened.

Mia wasn't willing to just sit and wait, though. Instead, she needed to find out what was going on. She needed to make sure that her new friends were safe and sound, and needed to make things better. The young feline knew that she wouldn't be a very good adventurer if she just turned tail and ran whenever things looked dangerous, or scary. She didn't hesitate for long before she headed downwards, paws sinking into warm sand as she bolted towards the source of the noise. The girl hardly even noticed the looks that followed, either ones of pity, or concern.

Once she grew nearly the thickly clustered trees, Lumia found a sense of dread settling within her chest. Vayne's scent was on the air, as well as Danny's, and neither was a particularly good sign. It quickly became obvious that the howl was Danny's, but what had caused it? Was he hurt? Was Vayne hurt? The thought of her niece becoming injured so soon after Lu had met her caused the girl to move faster, breath coming out in pants. The wheat colored feline was unwilling to turn back or hesitate when there was a chance of Vayne being hurt, or Danny. After all, she had been hoping to become proper friends with the canine, and she couldn't do that if he was stuck in the temple all day.

Unfortunately, what the young Cipher eventually stumbled upon was so much worse than some mere injuries. The scent of death and rot on the air was strong, causing her to recoil and gag as she grew close. Her heart sped up, her mind supplying endless possibilities for why the scent could be there. None of them were good, and while the actual scene didn't involve Danny or Vayne being dead, there was very much a corpse nearby. Not only that, but it bore an uncanny resemblance to Danny when it came to species, as well as scent. Although... that was admittedly hard to pick out, beneath the scent of blood and decay. For the first time, Lumia seriously considered running. Just... turning around and bolting before either noticed her. She wasn't quite sure that she could handle such a scene... but, she had to, right? She was Vayne's aunt, she wanted to be Danny's friend... she had to be responsible.

The next breath she took was a shaky one, but it was enough to push her forward. She spoke quietly at first, her voice gradually becoming more firm, "Danny, Vayne... you... you guys should back up. We'll have to tell someone so they can... bury her properly. And Danny... you're hurt." Her green gaze drifted down towards his bloodied fur, although she didn't try to move him just yet. She was worried that he was too volatile, liable to lash out or fall apart if she tried. Deep down inside, Lumia hoped that a proper and actual adult would come by soon, who could handle things better than she could. As it was, she was essentially a blind girl leading the blind, desperately trying to console two other children exposed to death too soon.

Re: [ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - daniel - 03-12-2021

By the time someone inevitably found him, considering the fact that howling wasn't exactly quiet, for obvious reasons, Danny was threatening to pass out from stress and the overpowering scent of death, which just circled back and increased his stress over the situation. The shock seemed to pass pretty quickly, the adrenaline that gave him the ability to push a fucking tree off his mother's body leaving his system with it, though much, much slower. At the very least, he was able to show some emotion finally, beyond the misery that had already been situated for some time. His body quivered subconsciously, the world around him starting to blur as his eyes watered, a little bit at first, then the wetness of his face rivaling the damp fur over his sustained injuries. Part of him wanted to at least know when she got trapped under there, and if it was instant, no, he changed his mind, he didn't want to think about that. The possibility that she'd been under there longer than she needed to be, it made him want to retch. He didn't, but he thought he would for a second.

Standing on the very precipice of hyperventilating, Danny flinched when he felt someone else touch him, the voice that called out to him beforehand sort of going over his head, fading into white noise. Tearing his eyes away was difficult, and once much closer to him he could at least differentiate the new scent from the overhanging one, which was more than enough identification. Only one person carried the scent of rose and the sea. The problem with comfort was the same as the lost grip on any composure when asked if you were okay when you clearly were not. He sort of lost it, making an attempt to say anything ended in just a sharp voice crack and gasp for air. So he resorted to lean against Vayne, making an attempt to not knock her over or anything.

"Danny... you're hurt."

Was he? Danny suddenly felt a sting somewhere on his body, and looked over to where the pain seemed to originate, no longer oblivious to his injuries, but still not quite all there to process that he was in pain. He rolled back his bloody shoulder, thankful at least that he wasn't just smearing blood all over Vayne, and shook his head. "I'm...I'm f-fine." No he wasn't. A choked sound and a feeling like he'd been punched in the chest was his only response, out of breath immediately, when Lumia mentioned a burial. He felt real dizzy. What a fine mess this all was, huh? He tried to take a step back, nearly collapsing as his back leg threatened to give out. Ouch.

Re: [ picking fights with the devil ] - open; discovery? - Grimm - 03-16-2021

[div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"][ from the dashes down is the actually important part and absolutely no one has to match my ramblings ]

Coarse the exhaustion pressed atop shoulders low in their droop, a mantle bore without grace, familiar even as it gathered further additions. Maybe such the expectation of existence, the price one must constantly pay for there is a permanent growth to the final tally, end only allowed once there was nothing left to give. What allowed this brief moment, a suspended moment carved from the delicate frame of a millisecond, to be gilded, wear the title of gift.

It was not such, far to the point of opposition, burden tempered and reframed. Free will, love, decisions. So gentle the tip, the touch against the scales, the grey no man's land cast into the monochromatic shading of black and white. Was it easier, an acceptance coming from the degrade, wearing all down to singular purpose and intent, no belonging or wayward affection, heart mere stone settled upon a pre-destined path.

Breath stirred the pages, a prop more than that which may enact the true purpose pressed between the yellowed surface of each. Long ago, a time his mind grappled with for the span of a moment before discard easily deemed it a useless fact he need not waste further time on, ignored. Once thought escape, pleasant the pages that spelled out stories spiralling ever closer to an ending often pleasant, though overly sweet in the notion of proposed happy ending. Sharp the closure, a snap that startled other residents present in the upper floor. To care could he not bring himself, gone the capacity, at least believed such, a method to stop further cracks from forming along the poorly mended chambers of his heart.

Some more vocal in their displeasure of his actions, ignored each in turn, averted vision. It was there all the same, a taunt edge, withheld the apology that gently trailed along the edge of his tongue. Once hast made clumsy those broken words, tears a fine veil he found himself pleased to note missing, yet to dampen those habits, discard what was written among the space between ribs and adorning his heart, a task he was not capable of. Thick his swallow, beneath pillow book pressed, forgotten title and plot line, known only the leather and soft gold lettering flaking away until paws were adorned in those fragile fragments. Had he no fear that tongue would form that he wished caged laughter may ring forth, the rasping note an embarrassment, however.

Other pursuits needed tending. Deft, though minute the tremor to paws, the movement, lavender and copper winding about wrist, there cinched. His history written in poor stitchwork, facsimile of the stars, a life placed among the pages of history. Nostrils flared, breath leaving in a sharp burst, vision averted. Those of before were gone now he had those of the present, strangers as each were, a new face added to the catalogue sans a name to assist in identification. Of course not all were such, some known, if for reasons he grew unsure of, selfish in the wish to enact his bygone days.


Movement stilled, his mind more than prepared to supply a visual to tie to the name. Wrong the connection, allowed a conjuration of another, solemn grown even as the last vestiges of youth are slowly taken. Harsh the shuddering breath falling from the slight part of lips, discarded each in turn, once more into their dark corner locked those memories. Private his once wish, a withered rose allowed to fall to ruin, in all ways but that which seemed of too grand an importance family. Sudden and sharp the shake of his head, teeth brief in their reveal, a snarl that trembled and fell, grimace painted in its fleeting shadow. This boy was not one who has come before, wore a mediorite shard now adorning frost laced oak, wishful his thoughts, a want that made simpler his acceptance.

No, the child deemed Danny, who had arrived with dark tidings that only now may be revealed for the truth, was not Alexander no matter how his heart sung a pitiful song for his own days of innocent youth. Nor did the lupine deserve the weight of expectation he may never meet, crushed before Harland may tie it about his throat. For the best this, alongside his withdraw, rejected any request or attempt to follow the child made even as his heart longed to accept, fantastical the ideas that bloomed like so many roses in his mind. But for who, was it all simply another mistake cruelly deemed selfless or a blade pressed into the heart, already deep having wormed the child.

He deserves a better guardian, someone who might care for him in ways I can not offer. The realisation sharp, as though a stray bolt of electricity overcame him, back stepping, a move that scraped the tips of his claws along the wooden flooring. Never had he thought himself capable of taking on a parental role, partial responsibility falling to his inability to truly figure out his taste in terms of romantic pursuits and a fear that had plagued him for quite some time. Yet comfortable had he grown in the notion, a gentle hope that partially filled the holes that pitted his heart.

Of course there was always issues in such, his own acceptance not equalling a mutual agreement on the basis of such a shift from what was a mere acquantinceship. And there was the purpose behind Danny lingering, as he currently waged an endless war against he had no place, a temporary visitor, though easy his acclimation, a search he knew too well. To request he give up on such, a lie heavy against his tongue, and accept him in a role that may not be wanted, only a callous sort would deem such a fitting avenue to go down. As with much else Harland brushed the notion aside, allowed it to fester in the dark corners of his mind. The child needed support and care, that well within his ability to give and thus so the role of support would the bombay readily fill alongside the rest.

Where once silence presided sound swelled, a raucous mixture of various conversations, laughter, and nearly drowned out music, further increasing the volume as he stepped closer to the staircase. Unconscious his halt, upon the precipice lingering, over the edge of the top step claws hooked. Within such proximity visible now a small selection of patrons, rowdy the rabble present only for their fill of alcohol and any meal upon offer, others wore their displeasure as tasks necessitated their entry rather than pleasure. Familiar some of them, glimpses caught among the shifting sea of never still bodies, the majority strangers however. A stop off, rest found in the wooden establishment, nothing more meant. One of them was he, or, as some part of him clung to desperately, he was once.

Deep the breath he drew in, momentary his hesitation. One at a time. Behind each fell, few and rather slight the creak produced by his passage, louder that by those who brushed past, banister unkind as side met it time and time again. Expected it, miniscule the feline compared to the rest, their eyes touching upon and sliding off him, unworthy even of a moment of inspection. His side ached with a dull throbbing pain when he stepped off the last, back ears pressed as he was engulfed in the scene, alive the tavern in a manner he had only a small glimpse of from above. Quick the sweep of his gaze, sought an escape. Found it as the door swung open, against the wall slamming, the barked complaint from the bartender gone unanswered as the new arrivals found their own places.

A path now clearly set out for him the issue before Harland was actually traversing the packed establishment, his relief near palpable when the space beneath each table proved enough for him. Unnoticed his departure, the door closing with a faint click, behind trapped the overwhelming noise. Against the wall he leaned, forehead pressed to it, slight the laughter lacing his each uneasy breath. He truly was an outsider here where those from shores beyond the archipelago found and settled well into the places set aside for them, renewed thoughts he much prefer to be left well enough alone. Up his head moved, eyes moving across those present. Fewer and calmer, those that milled about, in particular interesting one.

When he had been a relative newcomer, though he was loathe to deem himself anything else for the culture was one he still could not grasp as a whole, unknown the individuals that carried the last name she did. Time had rectified this, understood and, though only partially, felt the hatred for those tied to the Cipher family. But pleasant had been his interaction with Vayne, while unwilling to call himself her uncle he could see easily that which drew Diya to the girl, and the disposition of the other seemed pleasant enough. Off the wall he pushed himself, intent on engaging Lumia though he was poor with small talk and he drew a relative blank on how to begin, his steps faltering.


Distance did little to strip back the call, for such is what it proved, a beacon that announced a tragedy. Too well had he grown accustomed to the entwined emotions present in that drawn out howl, sorrow bleeding into agony, fractured beneath a grief not to be handled alone, all consuming, a festering darkness that sought only to find a permanent lodging among the delicate strings of the heart. Known to Harland only one individual capable of such, heard even before though the call had been different, the purpose to draw another in and announce his position.

"Danny…" His name fell from lips that quickly came together in a hard line. Across each his gaze moved, none sure, their inquiries echoed and met with uncertainty. There seemed none among them willing to purse the knowledge they requested, once more his attention settling upon the Cipher. Different her external response, in place supposedly rooted though she assessed those present as he had rather than go off on useless tangents, theories filling the space when repeating the same questions offered nothing. Momentary her pause before her momentum began, assured her steps though it seemed unlikely the singular mournful cry would allow her to pinpoint the exact origin. That a trivial detail, useless when she seemed assured this was the best course of action.

Behind Harland lingered, lip worried upon, too many the sceneries that played through his mind. There was nothing good that may come of his hesitation, his aid may well necessary as no other seemed keen to follow, after the beta watching as though nothing may come of accompanying her. Finally begun again his own movement, caution discarded as he followed the path Lumia had taken, her lead enough few and far between the glimpses he was capable of catching. In time this dwindled, the ungrowth thickening and rather close hard grown each tree, a dense canopy that seemed set on drowning out any light. His momentum began to dwindle, proximity to the treeline bringing with it confirmation. Though that of Lumia was most apparent it took very little to determine she was not the first, all the same he could not disregard the vein hope he had been false, another placed where he knew a child should not be.

There was no point in hesitating, nothing good possible when his judgmenet was impaired by fear, still slow his approach, their voices that he caught first. None of them should be present for this. Mouth opened, words present on tongue held between as teeth closed, forth stepping even as back did Danny move. "Wait, Ale-" Voice died in his throat, choked the misspoken name, correction a quiet murmur forced past trembling lips. "Danny. Please, you need to wait for…" Again lost, scene exposed as around them he circled, stilled in an incomplete step.

Thick the rot that permeated the air, the sickening sweetness of decay lost in the stench of flesh allowed to fester and rot, sight worsen beneath clear feeding. Eyes turned, upon the wolf focused, all he could see. His mother. The idea rose Unbidden, again the notion Danny was the only lupine there to accompany it, all too easy the joining of that and the identity of the deceased. What might he say, what empty words devoid of true comfort may alleviate the torment that came with such discovery. There was nothing, mouth working, teeth coming together again and again with a quiet click.

Silent his approach, miniscule beneath the other though he was a child, a reminder of a day well past when the crimson petals of a rose garden had acted as a grave for another. "You're not and that is okay." Shakey the smile he wore for a brief moment, falling away as the seconds passed, replacement frown holding firm. "I know how it feels and I know she would want you to keep living, no matter how hard it is." The ocean, unkind and ever moving, beneath those waves another swallowed whole until only her memory remained. Sigh bypassed his teeth, paw reaching, a touch Danny was left to decide if he wished for, halting before contact was truly made. "It won't get easier, but it will be easier to handle. Right now it is best we find Roan, he'll know how to handle things." At the least such he assumed to be the case, his wish only to ground Danny in this moment, give him something different to focus upon that was not the grisly discovery.