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MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - Printable Version

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MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Alright, alright. It was about time that Vayne had joined a Division, wasn't it? She was so far behind in getting to one, mostly due to Aphra keeping her shut in and avoiding anything to do with the community of The Typhoon. Fortunately Michael taught Vayne a little bit about each group, but he didn't exactly say how to join it. But being the outgoing and personable person herself, Vayne wanted to declare it publicly.

Making her way towards the Tempest, one of the most visited areas of The Typhoon. Vayne knew she wasn't particularly important but she felt like this was a very important moment in her life. So, once she gathered herself up, the she-cat called out, "Um, I have decided what Division I want to join!" A couple of NPCs looked her way at the sound of her voice and Vayne gave a smile towards anyone that she made eye contact with. "I want to join The Blackjack Rats." She declared.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - michael t. - 03-09-2021

To say that Michael was proud of his status as a member of the Blackjack Rats would be an enormous understatement. After all, he was one of the heads of the entire division. He had dedicated his life to it, and spent every day thinking of events, or information-gathering. Even if he was just snooping in on conversations around The Typhoon, he liked to be aware of everything that was going on.

Besides, going on a proper spying mission at the moment would be difficult, given that the only main target would be the Coalition. He had to imagine that they were on high alert at the moment, considering they were down to so few members, and had already gone through their first two leaders. So instead, he focused on the social side of things, a part of his job as a dealer that he delighted in. After all, he had always been an extroverted and charismatic person, which was impressive considering his parents had always been so... not that.

Needless to say, when the thief heard Vayne call out that she had decided on her division, he felt some amount of excitement. He had been the one to teach her about the various divisions, after all. He was quick to make his way over, smiling calmly at her as he sat down to listen. His grin only grew when she declared she wanted to be a Blackjack Rat, his heart soaring. His niece had certainly made a good choice, at least in his opinion. He moved over to her, throwing a front paw around her shoulders and giving her a half-hug before he spoke, "Blackjack Rats, huh? I know I'm biased as all hell, but I certainly think you made a good choice. We'll be more than glad to have ya." He wanted to make sure that Vayne felt supported in her choice. She had gone through so much of her life without a clear sense of support, after all.

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - Keona. - 03-09-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
It felt like... Years now, since her blood division ceremony.  Perhaps because it had been.  Three.  Sitting on the edge of the volcano.  Making a choice.  Casting the charms into the molten lava below.  Now... She was a leader for the division she choose.

Hearing Vayne's call made her smile slightly.  Nostalgic.  Of course, she certainly hadn't been as... Social about her own decision.  Ironic, given the choice.  She simply returned to the bay, wondering if she ought to take a nap.  It'd been a busy day.  But nice.  All things considered... Aside from her first brush with true heights.

The tiny wildcat twitched her ear as she padded over.  Nodding her head to the youth in approval.  A good choice.  But then... She was biased.  "I think... It's been three years since my blood division ceremony..." Which reminded her... Did anyone tell Vayne the full process of joining or...? "..."

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - rhosmari - 03-09-2021


The Tempest was a cool spot to be in but it also had a lot of other animals too. She was sort of wary of it and normally only came close to the place when it was nearing dark. That way there were less people to see her if she did have some kind of tick breakdown. Still, she was happy to be at least normally out and about today. She had been wrestling with someone her age when the call and been shouted out and she paused to see what was going on. But the other tom didn't  and be wacked her face. "No fair!" She squealed as she then rolled him over a bit too harshly before jumping away from him and scrambling over to the whole announcement thing. She didn't really think about if she hurt him or not as she stared up at Vayne curious of what the other was going to say. As she tilted her head she was slowly becoming lost, tail starting to flick back and forth rapidly.

She had personally never thought of which division she was going to join. It just seemed so far away for her. Looking at it now she was old enough to but she just never gave it any thought. Shaking her head a bit she listened and gave a soft hum. Blackjack Rats? Sounded weird. She scrunched her face up a bit before she simply decided to move along, after all she had an evil doer to finish beating up.

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne really appreciated Michael and in a way, looked up to him, so she was pretty happy that he was the first one to congratulation her. She laughed as he placed an arm over her shoulder, a purr rising in her throat at him accepting her into the Division. "Thank you!" She chirped, though frowned at Keona whenever the little Dealer mentioned a ceremony. "What's the blood division ceremony?" She asked. Oh god, did she forget to do something?

Surely given the fact that Michael hadn't initially told her of the ceremony and the fact he'd already accepted her into the Division, she shouldn't be worried, but still, Vayne felt like she had done something wrong, now. The frown was still on her face as Mariana came and passed, though the younger girl's antics did make her chuckle a bit.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - daniel - 03-09-2021

So she chose the Blackjack Rats after all. Not that Danny had been expecting any less, Vayne had seemed excited enough about the decision, enough to make it public anyway, but now wasn't the time to be indecisive either. He'd admit, it would have been fun to train in the same job fields as a friend, but he wasn't cut out for that division. Being around people was difficult enough on it's own, making it a requirement for hosting the social events made his stomach turn. Shell girl, on the other hand, had enough pep in her step for the entire crew. Then again, was he cut out for any of the divisions? That kept him up at night.

There was a cheerful little bark from Danny before any actual words, falling back on instinctual behavior when he didn't have the nerve to speak up just yet, or didn't have the words rehearsed in his head enough. For a moment he was distracted by Mari and her path of destruction, taking a step to the side to avoid the poor defeated target that she'd practically stepped on to observe the scene. The wolf bounced on his rather large paws while listening to Keona and Michael alike, making a mental note that both were a part of the division just announced. He thought he may have heard mentions of the blood division ceremony, nothing directly, but didn't have any details of his own to share and suddenly got very, very worried. "It's not dangerous...right?"

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - michael t. - 03-10-2021

Ah... the blood division ceremony. Michael had actually remembered the tradition, but he had neglected to tell Vayne about it originally. Mainly since he didn't want the young girl to freak out at the thought of climbing to the top of a volcano. He wouldn't have blamed her if she had been a little uneasy, though. The thought of it even made him a bit unnerved, after all. It seemed as though the time had come to tell her about it, though. Initially the dealer shifted a little, jaws briefly parting as he tried to think of how to explain. Danny spoke up beforehand, though, and Michael found himself glancing over at the canine. After briefly biting down on the inside of his cheek, the bobcat shook his head, "No, it's not dangerous... mostly, anyways. I mean, the risks of it are pretty small." Of course it was dangerous in some ways, but Michael hadn't heard of anyone dying from their blood division ceremony. Besides, Keona had managed to get through it, and she was blind.

Deciding that he had hesitated enough, the thief soon launched into his explanation, "The blood division ceremony is... essentially a scavenger hunt. You'll be given a map from a high position that has three x marks on it, all around the archipelago. Those x marks will show you where you can find three treasures, each one associated with one of the divisions." That part wasn't so bad, it was the next part that would probably cause some fear. After a moment of silence, he continued, "Then... you take all three charms to the top of the volcano. You throw two of them into the volcano, and keep the one representing the division that you want to join." It sounded insane when he said it aloud, honestly. After all, it hadn't been that long ago when Trygve in his dragon form had emerged from that very same volcano. Still, Michael wasn't one to just disregard traditions – most of the time.

Re: MONEY IS THE WAY // Division joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Danny's question only fueled Vayne's worries and she looked up at Michael expectantly, her eyes wide, before he started to explain what the ceremony was. "That... doesn't sound too bad." She spoke her thoughts out loud, her response coming in slow, drawn out words as she considered it. Then, her expression changed to a more determined one and she grinned up at Michael. "I'll do it." Not that she really had a choice in the matter, huh?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]