Beasts of Beyond
THE HOUSE OF ANARCHY WE SHARE ☆ drinking contest - Printable Version

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THE HOUSE OF ANARCHY WE SHARE ☆ drinking contest - michael t. - 03-08-2021

Recently, Michael had gathered up the majority of the alcohol in his house for Goldie's upcoming potluck. It hadn't been a hard decision to do so, despite the sheer volume of different kinds of booze he had. In spite of the fact that the bottles were still sitting around his house, the dealer didn't actually drink that much, anymore. He mainly only did so on special occasions, or when he was feeling particularly down. Needless to say, he had a few drinks following Trevor's death – but never more than that. He didn't want to fall back into old habits, especially when Trevor and his children were what had pulled him out of them in the first place.

However, even though most of his alcohol had gone towards the potluck, he still had a few bottles sitting within his house. He knew they wouldn't be gone anytime soon if he just kept them for himself, so he decided to host a little event of his own. It seemed like a pretty good idea, considering event-hosting was part of his job description. So, he had gathered what remained of his little stash, and had immediately headed towards the tavern. Well... he had also stopped to grab a reward for the little competition he was hoping to host. Didn't seem right to have a drinking contest without some sort of reward at the end. Although, some could certainly argue that the drinking itself was the reward, and Michael could understand that, even if he wasn't personally of the same mind anymore.

After a brisk walk over to the tavern, the bobcat began to place various different bottles of alcohol up on the bar, humming softly to himself. The barkeep at that moment barely paid him any mind, no doubt used to various crewmates doing weird things at the bard. Michael was quick to flash him a little smile, hoping that he wasn't causing the other too much trouble. Either way, it wasn't long before the remainder of the dealer's alcohol was lined up on the bar, with a medium-sized pile of gold and various small gems sitting next to the bottles. The pile was meant to be the reward for winning the contest, gathered from Michael's stash of goodies from years of stealing for himself, and others.

Already seeing various interested glances thrown in his direction, the thief turned to the bar itself, a wide grin on his muzzle. He called out, throwing his front limbs out dramatically as he spoke, "Crewmates! Who's up for a good old fashioned drinking contest? All you have to do is drink your friends under the table, and last for as long as you can! And of course, whoever manages to win gets this absolutely gorgeous pile of goodies right here." He motioned with a paw towards the bits of gold and jewels, his tail twitching excitedly behind him. He then added on, wanting to make sure he was being responsible like Diya or Roxie would no doubt want him to be, "Course... this drinking contest is only for adults, so no kids. Sorry, but you guys will have to wait a bit before you can participate in something like this." He wouldn't kick the kids out of the tavern if they wanted to watch, though. That would just be unfair, and they would probably take some amount of amusement in watching the adults stumbling about as their tolerances were put to the test.