Beasts of Beyond
just the sunshine - open; introduction - Printable Version

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just the sunshine - open; introduction - rhosmari - 03-07-2021


Having lived here her whole life she didn't think there was anywhere else she wanted to be. She didn't even know she was born somewhere else and just dumped here so that she couldn't be a reminder. What reminder that was? Well she would never know and that was a good thing because she was absolutely happy here. She was thriving here despite her being shy at every corner. The friends she had come to make here often had her back and she loved them for it. As the young beta finally decided to leave her little home she had claimed as her's she waddled a little and paused at the sun that glared in her eyes. Squinting a bit she tried to be menacing but really she didn't appear as such, just a very large fluffball. "Ooo, if I could I'd shine light in your eyes, sun!" A positively harsh challenge but one she did not mind taking on. After her little hiss at the sun she jumped down from her steps with ease debating where she wanted to go.

As she thought the fluffball wanderer absentmindedly and humming to herself. She could do her daily collection of flowers. She would love that honestly. And spring was surely approaching. There would be new buds coming in and blooming flowers to pick. Maybe even a bug or two scampering out to enjoy the sunshine. With a large smile on her face the winged child would hustle, almost tripping over her paws but alas she didn't get that far because her eyes became glued to something. It was round. It was brown. And it was hairy. It was in a tree and she stuck her tongue out suddenly, eyes widening just a bit in thought. What was it? Pulling her tongue back in she pushed herself onto hind paws and pressed her front paws against the trunk. "I can totally reach it." She had some skills, however pathetic, in climbing. Though it was different here cause this tree grew dumb. It didn't have any branches!

Oh well, with a finally courage building grunt she launched herself up the trunk of the tree. Gripping with bright red claws as she huffed. The stress of the climb had her ears twitching but she ignored it. And she thought she was making progress only to realize she hadn't even gotten halfway up the trunk yet and now she was sliding. Claws losing grip and she huffed trying to maintain a hold."Oh no..oh no...oh no.." With every moment her claws and limbs were giving out till she was no longer on the tree and instead she was connecting with the ground. The fall knocked the wind out of her and she just laid there, eyes half open and trying not to cry. Fighters didn't quit. But man that was harsh.

Re: just the sunshine - open; introduction - daniel - 03-07-2021

Disturbances seemed to be common enough here. Every day he woke up and found something new to focus his attention on, trying his best to figure out how everyone ticked so he could come off less awkward when he got the courage to talk. It wasn’t exactly easy, with everyone being so eccentric and with the energy to run laps around him. Obviously, his goal was to at least make friends so he didn’t look like a lonely little man, but he wasn’t doing so hot at keeping up with those his own age either. Not to mention, it wouldn’t help him if he kept running away to the outskirts of the bay or hiding in his own corner of the upper floor of the tavern, not having the courage to live on his own. Unlike Marianas, who had just fallen out of a tree.

Was he really excited at the prospect of talking to someone by himself? Nope. But Danny waited for a good few minutes post fall, looking left and right to see if someone better would see if the girl was alright, and the end result was the same. He shifted his body weight nervously, watching the fluff ball just lay there, like a corpse. ”Man...” He mumbled to himself, nervously traversing the distance between where he was just standing and the tree of doom.

”Are you...alright?” Danny asked, tail wagging gently. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for specifically, but he figured he knew a broken bone or head injury if he saw one, something to obviously report to the medical team. His voice shook subtly, looking down at the crumbled little puffball with concerned brown eyes. ”M-Maybe, uh...maybe next time?” At least she could climb a little bit, he couldn’t climb at all. Not that he would, he didn’t want to fall to his potential death.
[glow=black,2,300]— ❤ —[/glow]

Re: just the sunshine - open; introduction - LUMIA CIPHER. - 03-07-2021

It had only been a day or so since Lumia had arrived to join The Typhoon. In the hours since her initial arrival, she had mostly just been wandering, trying to find out as much about the territory as she could. The vast archipelago was certainly a lot different from what she was used to, considering most of the loner groups she and her father had stayed with had only tiny camps. However, she tried not to let it intimidate her too much. She had always considered herself to be an adventurer, after all. What good adventure would be put off by having something new and massive to explore? Of course, it didn't help her nerves that she occasionally got stares from others as they passed by. The existing members were no doubt intrigued and worried about the presence of another Cipher in their ranks.

Pushing herself to just ignore every other distraction, Lumia found herself pausing in her travels when she heard the sound of someone talking nearby. That alone wouldn't be all that interesting, but it sounded like they were saying oh no over and over again. That was hardly a good sign, and Mia was quick to head for the source of the sound, looking around from side to side. She couldn't see anyone, though, so she found herself just asking the empty air, "Hello? Is... is there someone here? Are you okay?" The young feline simply hadn't thought of looking up. This meant that she was in for quite the surprise when Marianas came tumbling down, connecting with the ground right in front of her.

Lulu couldn't help the way that she jumped back when Marianas landed, her green eyes wide with surprise and brief terror. For a moment, she had thought that some massive creature was dropping down to catch and eat her. But no, it was just a rather fluffy feline, looking to be around her age. Maybe a couple of months younger? She wasn't sure. All Lumia knew was that Marianas looked upset, which was understandable. She had fallen from quite a height, and it no doubt had to hurt. Taking a moment to gather her bearings after being so thoroughly startled, the wheat colored feline spoke up once again, "Uh... uhm, hello? Are you okay? I can try and go get someone for you, if you're hurt. I mean, I don't know much about this place yet, but..." Lumia glanced around briefly as she said this, a frown on her muzzle. She had absolutely no idea where the medics of this place even were, let alone who they were. Shifting a little anxiously on the spot, she then continued, "Or... you could try thinking about something nice! I know that whenever I'm hurt, it helps to think of something I like. Then I'm distracted from the pain!" Hopefully that would work to keep Marianas from crying.

Danny's approach did very little to distract Lumia from Marianas, although she did glance over in his direction, offering a little nod. At least she wasn't the only one trying to help out. Although... she wasn't sure how much she approved of his suggestion. Was it really such a good idea to try climbing the tree again? It seemed like a pretty daunting task, and there was no doubt in Lu's mind that if Marianas kept falling, she could get seriously hurt. Hopefully, though, Danny would know better than her who the medics were around here. So, if Marianas did decide to try again, the canine could hopefully go and grab them, just in case.

Re: just the sunshine - open; introduction - Keona. - 03-07-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
When the tiny wildcat had been a kitten, she made her own attempts at the trees.  She had everything for it.  The claws.  The balance.  Just not the eyes.  And while she climbed up and up just fine... Getting down proved too daunting.  It still made her uneasy.  However bitter she felt with herself.  Holding onto a fear of falling after moons and moons of time.

Her ears caught the impact of a body against the ground.  Perking quickly in alarm.  Bounding over without hesitation, sniffing the air softly for any trace of blood.  She had little medical knowledge.  Just the basics of the years.  But she could check for the obvious.  Sightless hues gleaming in thought.

"It's alright," the Dealer murmured, cool voice attempting to be soothing.  "Deep breaths and talk to us.  Does anything feel broken?"