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No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - Printable Version

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No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - Ares - 03-04-2021

For the Record, this is self-destructive
For the record, I'm aware of that.
"Ow- what the hell?" The Medici hissed, looking toward her tail as it flicked, sending a sharp pain from the tip right to her paws. That combined with the pain that usually radiated from her paws was just fucking unbearable. "Why are you hurting? My paws hurt more and I don't need this." She grumbled, starting to part the fur around the tip of her tail.

As she stared at the four small spikes that started to break the skin on her tail, she groaned. "Seriously? I don't need this.. and there's no sword to cause it. Please, please tell me this is natural or I swear to god." She huffed, placing a paw atop the smooth horns that crowned her head, wincing at the memory. That fucking sword. That fucking breakdown. That fucking dinosaur. All that shit. The memories made her grit her teeth. Dig her claws into the sand beneath her in the medici den. Pain blared in her paws as she did so but she just growled into the air, bearing the pain but after a moment sighing. Pain soared in her back where her wings once were, worse combined with the pain in her paws and she felt tears prick at her eyes.

Re: No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
If it weren't for how loud Ares was being, Drayden would have had no idea what was going on. Hell, he didn't entirely understand at first until he came closer, a frown forming on his face. Mostly out of concern for the pain that Ares was likely feeling, not out of judgement for what was happening. "Do you need me to see if there are like, any poppy seeds, or something to help?" He asked, unsure if that was even the right thing to use in this particular situation. He just overheard it maybe once or twice back when he was in The Typhoon.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - Onyxdreams - 03-08-2021

~ ☼ While she may not have known just what parts of her appearance came from her real parents, or just what exactly she even was, Onyx wasn't going to complain when she had wings and a chance to fly some day. Sure it would be neat to know whether she was a cool half-dragon or just a half-snake with neat added bits, but it really didn't matter all that much! What she hadn't ever thought of though was just how painful it had to be for someone who didn't have wings to just suddenly grow them over a few days, or heck, even a few minutes. All of her bits and pieces had been with her since birth, but thinking back on the time she lost a fang and had to regrow it over a day, she had to imagine that growing something bigger than that sucked.

The groans and growls from Ares were hard to miss as she passed by the medici den, and they definitely weren't happy sounds either. At first, as she stepped into the den to check just what was going on, she thought that maybe their Medici had just knocked over a pile or something and gotten frustrated, or dropped something, or maybe found a spider, but seeing the tears in her eyes made her think otherwise. "Oh, uh, oh jeez, what's going on? Did you nick yourself or something, uh, step on a thorn?" Whatever it was, it looked like it hurt, like alot, oh boy, where were the poppy seeds at, she should probably go ahead and get those just to be safe, except she had absolutely no idea where they were, this was the first time she had been here in months

Re: No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - Ares - 03-08-2021

For the Record, this is self-destructive
For the record, I'm aware of that.
With pain blaring in her mind, she couldn't quite hear Drayden until she managed to calm down, only catching the poppy seeds part. As Onyx walked in she blinked away tears. Shaking her head gently, "Nothing.. I'm being dramatic is all. Uhm... but yea, snag one poppy seed and a little bit of cobwebs. I need to put them on my tail." She sighed a little, rubbing away the last of the tears before they spilled over.

Re: No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-08-2021

He did not know of Ares' past or her whereabouts before coming to Palm Glades but he found himself worrying for the girl, after all, she was his apprentice and as her mentor that meant he had to check on her well being. Winnie knew not of mutations or how they hurted, he only ever shapeshifted into his ursine form but even then that never had been painful to him so he could not imagine how much pain Ares was undergoing at the moment. Upon hearing the growls and groans of the young girl did he find a frown lacing his maw, he had been making his daily rounds in seeing if everyone was doing well and it was a good thing too. He stepped into the den with a small frown on his maw as lavender kissed eyes shifted over all of those gathered there before fixating onto Ares "Are you alright, dear?" He inquired in a gentle voice accompanied with worry, he took some steps forward noticing that she had been close to crying. He tilted his head to the side only to make his way further into the den and chose to get a few poppy seeds for the medici, he held them out to her before saying with a slow nod "Perhaps it is best if you rest, love." A small smile present on his maw.

He fell silent as the tip of his tail would flick back and forth "Would you like some tea? I'm sure I have a remedy that will help soothe the pain," Or at least, help soothe Ares in general since she seemed to be stressed.

Re: No one there to watch her cry - Mutations - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 03-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL RUN IN CIRCLES 'TILL I CRASH !, PALM GLADES, 8 MONTHS]。+゚.[/glow]
Well, shit. Drayden blinked as Ares accepted his offer, suddenly realizing that he.. had no idea what to look for. Other than cobwebs, of course, but that was a given, wasn't it? "Um. A-actually, Winter. Do you, um. Mind showing me where to find these herbs for her?" He asked rather sheepishly, not looking at the Legate as he asked.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]