Beasts of Beyond
I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - Printable Version

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I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-01-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
For the past couple of days, Aphra had been possessing the body of a jaguar, something that her clanmates may or may not have noticed. Nobody really seemed to question it, though, but once her stomach started to swall, Aphra decided it was time to announce the inevitable. Considering the fact that she wasn't really well-known in the Coalition, it would be... sort of awkward to just announce her pregnancy and although Aphra wanted to shout it and make her presence known, it felt weird to do it here when hardly anyone knew her.

Instead, the jaguar was lounging around in the Pub, enjoying some food and maybe a few light drinks here and there. A lot of people came here, she knew, and she was kind of hoping that someone would approach her and ask what's going on. Why she had suddenly switched bodies, or maybe accuse her of eating more than her fair share? That last one would be kind of funny, actually, wouldn't it?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - rhosmari - 03-01-2021

The lioness was keen on keeping her observations silent. Watching the coming and goings of those she saw as family. Easy enough. It wasn't like they would wander off and do things she would despised. She trusted them. But she had noticed that Aphra was wearing a new skin. She had seen it, a jaguaress and one that looked swollen more and more as the days progressed. The idea that the Coalition could potentially have new life running around made her nervous. There were many different reasons why considering they didn't have a Guru to help with deliver. They barely had any high positions at all but a Guru was the most to their society. She stiffened at the thought before she shook herself and entered the pub, eyes narrowing slightly to get used to the warm lighting within.

The blue woman tilted her head slightly as Aphra came into view and her curiosity rose once again. She wanted to know the reason for the recent chance and like a young cub she skipped over before settling down near the female. "So what's the deal with the new look? You got something going on?" She teased as she reached for a bottle of scotch and made some ice to pour over it.

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-02-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
As strange as Sojourn was, Aphra was glad to see a familiar face at the very least, and the leader no less. It came of no surprise to Aphra that Sojourn had notice the form change, and the jaguress looked over at Sojourn and smile. "In fact, I do." She replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'm pregnant." Although she wasn't entirely happy about the pregnancy or having to nurse children herself, it did mean more members for the Coalition. Hopefully.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - Byriath - 03-02-2021

"Congratulations." The large xeno rumbled, walking up to sit next to the two. The words were neutral, though he was quite anxious since the fact that, even though he delved in some medicine, he had no experience with helping pregnant people deliver. He grabbed at a bottle of what was probably whiskey (not his preference but hey! He just grabbed at it) and swayed the bottle a bit. 
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - rhosmari - 03-03-2021

Well, she had figured it was something like that but she hadn't thought that Aphra would be so straight forward about telling her the news. The Kingpin was not well versed in pregnancies nor did she expect to suddenly be either. All she knew about them was that babies grew and then they were squeezed out. End of story for the blue tinged woman. But she supposed that the right reaction was to be positive about everything. Be including of the idea that there could potentially be little cubs running around and getting under everyone's paws. Her head turned as she watched Briatore come into the pub. Listening to his tone she slipped the drink from her small glass before she lightly set it upon the table. It was going to get interesting around here.

"Yes, congratulations. So, who helped you make them? I would be happy to get you two a gift. Or at least something." To be kind and courteous. Generous. After all, these animals were her only family she had left.

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-04-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
"Thank you both." Aphra dipped her head to both Sojourn and Byriath at the congratulations, though she wasn't as entirely excited for it that she might have seemed to be. No, she was rather dreading the whole ordeal but what's done has been done and couldn't be reversed. Though when Sojourn asked who the father was, Aphra sucked in a breath, unsure of how to really tell the leader that the father was an enemy. Technically speaking. Honestly, truthfully speaking, Aphra didn't have to answer.

"A Pittian. I promise it was only a one-night stand, though." She finally responded, her ears flattening as she prepared for some sort of harsh words from Sojourn.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M MISS SUGAR PINK LIQUOR LIPS // pregnancy - RAVENWOOD - 03-04-2021

i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

Ravenwood had little to no experience with family- at least, bearing it. He himself, like most everyone else, had spawn from parents. It was just more then obvious that his family had never loved him. But he had, the wolf in the woods. But it was dizzying, to think of him now, at least like that. Slowly, Ravenwood entered the pub, looking for a quick distraction to his thoughts. Settling in had been easy enough, but he was still starving.

The thin boy stepped in, looking at the group that was gathered. The apprentice-aged wolf blinked at Aphra, fluffing up a tiny bit, before stepping closer. He had nothing to offer in the way of familiarities. He didn't know Aphra well. It had been in passing when he was found soaking wet at the border. But, perhaps, he was a spectacle in that matter. Most of them had considered him like he had two heads, considering he came from offshore. He had realized rather quickly in his few days here that this group made home on a group of islands.

He stepped past them for a moment, looking around for some food, before his feelings got the best of him and he looked towards the group. "Congrats. I uh.. I don't got much t' offer, but if you want me t' get you anything as you. Erm. Progress. Let me knew." Ravenwood offered with a tiny, awkward smile.
