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YEAH I'M WATCHING THE STARS ☆ baby rats - Printable Version

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YEAH I'M WATCHING THE STARS ☆ baby rats - michael t. - 02-28-2021

Overall, Michael tried not to advertise the fact that he kept rats as pets and companions too much. Not because he was ashamed of them - quite the opposite, in fact - but because he didn't want anyone to hurt them. Ever since that damn owl had arrived a while back, the thief had become worried about some predator coming down on the head of his poor unsuspecting babies. That didn't mean he never let them go out. He did, he just made sure that he was always there with them, not wanting them to end up injured or eaten. It meant a lot more carefully plugging up holes within his hut, but he believed that to be worth it, just because of how much he loved his little rats. Not only that, but he had become especially protective after his only female rat, Princess, had become pregnant.

It wasn't exactly a surprise that Princess had become pregnant, considering she was the only female one in a crowd of males, but Michael had still been stunned when he had found out about it. Stunned and excited, mainly because he couldn't wait to see how adorable her children would be. Originally, he had envisioned the entire little flock of rat children remaining his hut, with the rest of his rats, but that didn't exactly seem as though it would work out well. He already had an entire mischief just with those he already had... if the new babies remained, it would mean the place could become overcrowded. Not only that, but fights could break out between his companions more easily, and he didn't want any of Princess's little ones to end up hurt. So, with a heavy heart, Michael had decided that he would give her children away to those who wished to care for them. The first little baby rat had already been given away to Roxie as a birthday gift, since it had been the one that looked the most like Princess herself. The rest of them, though? They needed homes.

It was because of this that Michael had headed to town, a small cart of supplies - along with a carefully padded box of baby rats - being rolled along behind him. He came to a stop nearby to the tavern, sitting down and shuffling his paws a little bit. He was still reluctant to give the little ones up, but... it really was the best decision. So, after taking a deep breath inwards, the dealer called out, "Hey! Uh... if any of you would like to take care of a rat pet or companion of your own, you should come over here. Princess had babies recently, and well... I can't just keep them all around my hut. Don't want any fights breaking out, or anything... so, I'm willing to give them up to those who will take care of them right." With another uneasy little shift, Michael further added on, "And don't worry, I also brought along some starter supplies for anyone who takes one... little water feeders, various kinds of food they like... the works. So don't feel like you're starting off from scratch." Even if he trusted someone completely, he wasn't about to send them off with one of the babies without any extra supplies.

( if you want your character to get a rat baby, they can just come up and pick one! the babies can have any appearance that you come up with )

Re: YEAH I'M WATCHING THE STARS ☆ baby rats - Grimm - 02-28-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It would be rather appropriate to deem Harland a coward, though it was more of his own choice compared to an involuntary part of who he was. As such a choice for the behaviour to change, one he had grown tentative with, yet as the days passed, more tantalising had it grown.

Each pressed further time between his misstep of running when faced with a compliment he had grown unsure on how to take, the nature of it thrilling and terrifying at once. Avoidance had been comfortable and familiar, few the times the other was spoken to, in passing at most, an acquaintance at best and thus no poorer for leaving it at such. Why was it his heart felt crushed when he fled with quickened steps to dissuade conversation, wished to turn back and apologise, say everything that had been on his mind in that moment. Because he was a coward all by choice, let his life be dictated by the whims of others and now the terror of such was known.

Quiet the scrap of his claws against cobble, before the entrance of the tavern settled. Only moments before, or what he thought of as such even as the minutes passed and he never noticed, exited with intent to seek the dealer and put to rest his worries. Something had stopped him, his throat closed about each thought he wished to express, questions among them. Could he truly have meant it in such fashion, been serious or simply fun with it. He seemed the kind of guy to be loose with such, compliments easily falling from his tongue and sought, a sight that demanded attention for all the gold he wore. And he deserved it, only accented his rugged charm by his chosen accessories.

Heat scoured his cheeks as he brushed that particular line of thought aside. Indeed, he had found he looked after Michael at times, enamoured by looks not ruined by the apparent wear of age and combat, rather it was fitting. Each seemed a further highlight, as his golden jewellery was, so stark a different against the ebony backdrop, a draw for the eye. His paws arose, forehead struck as he ground out an annoyed groan. Such thoughts were not something he should be having, not when clarification was needed. Too soon did it feel since he had stumbled across the aftermath with the dealer caught in the depths of a panic attack, this a time when he'd be tender in his grief.

Why was it he wished to be selfish and respond in kind even as his mind and body raged against one another, wanted both sides — to be the compassionate voice of reason, help him through this as he had others before, and to pursue what was put before him, whisper each thought that had arisen into his ear. The choice was not his, never was, a bridge upon which only the middle ground may yield a true final decision.

Thoughts scatter, noticeable beneath the din of voices the sound of wheels against the stone, irregular their turn as the path it follows. Upwards his eyes trail, seen first the cart. Strange the assortment seen over the side, little as it is. His curiosity is only further piqued at the quiet sounds a particular box seems to be making, shuffling and squeaks, the origin difficult to determine. About his attention swivels, directed towards the one that pulled it along with query present on the tip of his tongue, swallowed when he realised who it was. Michael.

There had been an occasion Harland had been at his home, though had not entered for such seemed rather rude after what he had gone through, and never noticed his assortment of rats. He bore no issue with the rodents, though mild his confusion as he called for attention with an offer that was decidedly further perplexing. Baby rats as companions. As one may expect Har deemed most small creatures as only a source of food rather than comfort or companionship, the practice simply not common when he had been a child. He would not begrudge another such, though was hesitant to join in, for a time left merely sitting there studying the dealer.

He seemed better. Of course Harland lacked any idea of what he once was like and knew only this gradual change from the isolated and depressed mess he had been, though what he had picked up from Diya had been worrying. At the very least Michael seemed brighter and alert, the prospect of giving his rats away dampening it some, though that would be expected if this Princess had been with him for a time and giving her babies away did seem more out of necessity then choice. Time continued on and no other stepped forth, few showing a small bit of interest before moving on. Against his better judgement Har arose and stepped closer, uneasy each step, slowed by hesitation.

Would Michael even wish to speak to him after his snap decision, one he had come to regret almost instantly after the choice had been made. Had he thought himself in the wrong, excused his own terrible behaviour by taking the blame on his own shoulders entirely undeserved. Such and more all he could think about on the short walk from his prior placement to where Michael had set himself up, his nerves provoked to such a point he wished to run once more. He was not given that option, however. Unknowingly had he stopped before the bobcat, worry written along his features, ears lowered as he slowly came out of his thoughts. It would be beyond rude to once more depart with any hasty excuse he could make up, something he did not wish for with how poor an impression he had left last time.

"Oh um… Hello Michael," he stammered in a quiet voice, gravelly tone further warping the words. A wince briefly accompanied a clearing of his throat, head turned away so his embarrassment may be hidden. Schooled into a small, and rather noticeably tense smile, when once more was the dealer regarded his attention deviated for a moment, his supplies looked to as words formed. "I wanted to apologise for my behaviour from before, your comment was just very… Unexpected." And very nice. Such kept behind closed lips, loosened now as his smile grew, still unsure but his confidence bolstered a slight bit.

About his gaze travelled, sought any that may be within close enough proximity to hear him. Satisfied with his assessment he leaned closer, his words meant only for Michael and he wished to keep it that way. "You're quite handsome, if you don't mind me saying." Once more flushed his cheeks as he moved back, a few steps taken to give Michael some room, though it was largely for his own benefit, sheepish now his smile. Impossible had it grown to meet his eyes and so Har settled on looking to the contents of the cart. "Could I see them." Unnecessary the gesture of a paw, though it was something he may do to halt the desire to fidget. Still was he unsure on actually taking one, he was not overly confident in his skill to take care of himself though time had seen him improve, the idea was novel and may be an interesting experience. And he was none too fussed with the notion that he may see Michael more to get some tips, the dealer seemed rather adept at handling the care of the rats and would be a big assistance if he was allowed one.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra hadn't kept any pets in her home, though she did have little foxglove plants that she took care of (surprisingly). That being said, of course Vayne as a child wanted a pet and Aphra denied her. Hearing Michael's call had the Beta interested though and she quickly wandered over, her ears pricked. Surely Roxanne and Diya wouldn't mind if she took one, right?

"Can I have one??" Vayne asked excitedly, sitting on her haunches beside Harland and trying to stretch her neck as far as she could to see the baby rats, trying to control her own fidgety feelings.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YEAH I'M WATCHING THE STARS ☆ baby rats - michael t. - 03-02-2021

Honestly, Michael hadn't thought too much about the whole recent incident with Harland. He had felt a bit bad after what had happened, thinking he had somehow upset the other with his flirtatious comment, but that had also mainly faded from his mind. He hadn't wanted to dwell on it for too long, since he knew that he would only end up making himself upset. Besides, he was fairly sure the other hadn't run off because the dealer was just so undesirable to him. If he had... well, that would certainly put Michael's mood down in the fucking dumps. That didn't seem to be the case, though, considering what Harland had to say to him. Michael's head snapped up when Harland came up to him, blinking in surprise before he said with a soft chuckle, "It's really alright, Harland... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, if I did. Was just having a bit of fun with you." He gave the other another small smile, crooked and amused as it sat on his muzzle.

For once, though, the bobcat found himself as the one who was caught off guard. He found that his face warmed slightly as Harland leaned in, the burning beneath his thick fur only becoming worse as he heard the other's compliment. He stammered for a couple of seconds, trying to get his bearings once again, before he found himself muttering, "Ah... th-thank you, Har. I'm pretty glad to hear that you think so." It had been quite a while since Michael had properly flirted with someone, so he couldn't help feeling fairly flustered. Not to the degree that Harland had been before, but certainly close. When the other asked to see the babies, the thief laughed and nodded, the grin on his face broad as he carefully peeled back the twine keeping the box together. Inside, the mischief of rats was shifting around, the various individual rats occasionally squirming and letting out soft squeaks. Their fur had just begun to grow in, the whole lot of them in various shades of colors, including grey, black, brown, and many others.

As Vayne approached, the burning in Michael's face subsided, figuring he'd tone down his flirting with Harland a bit now that a child was present. He nodded in her direction, pushing the small box forward as she spoke, "Of course you can, Vayne. I trust you to take care of one well... just need to pick one. They're all pretty eager." He gestured towards the box, watching as a couple of the young rats scrambled forward. They put their small "hands" on the edge of the box, sniffing all around as they tried to figure out who had approached. One of the smaller ones, a black and grey rat, squeaked straight at Vayne, their dark black eyes glimmering.

Re: YEAH I'M WATCHING THE STARS ☆ baby rats - Keona. - 03-02-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Curious, more than eager for a companion.  The tiny wildcat padded over at Michael's call.  Ears perked at the sound of tiny paws.  All the scrambling movement.  They were... Smaller than her.  For now.  Just babies.

Her cousin, Suvi, had a raven companion.  Fiachra.  Independent as he was, he liked to pester her sometimes too.  And his occasional presence was more than enough for her.  Keona liked her space.  Wasn't prone to sharing it so willingly.  With a few exceptions.

Politely, she turned her head towards Michael.  Pale sea-green hues lightly flickering in thought.  "How's Princess?" Uninterested in adopting, Keona decided checking in on the mother would be more proper.  It sounded like she had quite a large litter after all.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne didn't notice the flirting that Michael was giving to Harland, her attention focused mostly on the box of rats in front of her. She squealed in delight seeing their little hands peek up on the edge, her gaze flickering to the black-and-grey one that was practically pleading at her. "Can I have this one?" Vayne asked excitedly, trying to give the rat a little pat on the head.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]