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PETALS FOR ME LADY ♡ birthday - Printable Version

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PETALS FOR ME LADY ♡ birthday - ROXANNE R. - 02-27-2021

She had woke unlike any other day but today was different, it was her birthday and the captain rose that morning with a scowl on her face realizing that the moment she had opened her eyes that morning. She slid off the bed that she shared with Diya only to hobble over to the bathroom to gawk at her reflection for a few moments, Roxie going crossed eyed as she searched her face for any gray hairs. Nothing. Yet. Groaning quietly to herself, Roxie fluffed up her chest a bit with her paws only to squint rather tiredly at the mirror "Five fucking years old... Ugh." She pulled out her pink nail polish to start painting her claws humming a quiet melody under her breath once they had dried, Roxanne left the bathroom deciding that she'd start working on her paperwork then spend the rest of the afternoon to herself... Maybe some alcohol too.

Once she arrived at her office within the Tempest, she shifted through a few papers only to turn to glance at the wall behind her seeing all the baby pictures of her children. She sighed quietly as she fixed her paperwork "Where has the time gone by... It only felt like yesterday." She pulled a small picture frame with herself and a smaller younger Roan smiling in the image itself. Oh, how he had been happy back then... And sure, he was happy now... But he was moreso emotionally constipated for the most part. A snort of amusement leaving her at that thought and set the frame down carefully as she hummed "Happy birthday to me..." A soft grin on her maw, this was nice.

/ a few days late BUT IDC... PRETEND ITS FEBRUARY 21ST

Re: PETALS FOR ME LADY ♡ birthday - Simon F.M. - 02-27-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
Diya laid still in her shared bed, stifling a smile as she heard her fiancee move around. With what she had planned, her wife could have no suspect, no clue. So, she laid still in the bed, pretending to slumber, while the love of her life got ready for the day. When she finally heard the door click shut, she pushed herself out of bed and began to get everything ready. She'd gotten the ingredients the night before for cupcakes, after Roxanne had fallen asleep, and hidden them into the back of the icebox. She pulled everything out and got cooking and, within hours they were ready. About a dozen tres leches cupcakes sat on a plate, all with pink colored icing piled high and little sugar hearts resting on top.

She snapped a plastic covering over them, proud of herself, and moved with the container towards the living room. She set the container down before flopping to her stomach near the couch, batting under it with a paw until a small box wrapped in pink paper came out. She picked it up in her maw gently, pushing it into a massive over-the-shoulder bag that was meant for her polar bear form. With it, a bag of pink sugar cookies she had picked up from the tavern the night before and a bottle of the captain's favorite rosé wine wrapped in a small blanket. Satisfied, she dragged it outside before returning for the cupcakes, setting them beside the bag. Stepping into the strap of the oversized bag like she was going to wear it, she let her body shift and grow until a polar bear stood in her place.

Satisfied with the bag's placement, she bent her head to pick up the cupcakes by the container's handle. Making her head towards the Tempest, she was careful not to drop anything. When she finally arrived, she knocked on the floor with a paw to alert of her presence before pushing open the door with her head. She greeted Roxanne with a smile and a wave of a paw before moving forward to set the cupcake container on the desk. "Happy birthday, Mon oisillon," she said softly, reaching her massive head towards the captain to nuzzle her before moving back to set the bag down.

Bag settled, she rolled her shoulders, stretching as she allowed her form to settle back into her base feline form. Much easier for smaller spaces. She flipped the bag open, flashing a toothy grin at Roxanne, before pulling out the rosé and the cookies, setting them on the desk next to the cupcakes. "One more thing, Ma biche," she said before using a paw to scoop the last thing out of the bag and set it in front of the captain. When Roxanne opened the paper wrapped box, she would find a moon-shaped necklace with a rose twisting around it. She'd loved it when she found it, finding the moon was fitting for herself and the rose for Roxanne. "Happy birthday, Pop-Rox, I love you".

Re: PETALS FOR ME LADY ♡ birthday - michael t. - 02-28-2021

Roxanne's birthday. It seemed almost crazy, how quickly time passed. Michael had only first joined The Typhoon very shortly before Roxie's last birthday, and it felt like ages since then. He could barely remember most of his life before The Typhoon or Roxie, and he found that he didn't particularly want to. Aside from Trevor's company, most of Michael's life before arriving on the seafaring group's land was... negative or hectic. It hadn't exactly been a positive experience all around, so the thief preferred to focus on his current life - the one that he loved, even with all of the recent hardships. It felt insane that he had been within The Typhoon for more than a year, but it also felt crazy that his sister had aged yet another year. She seemed no different than when he had first met her, aside from being a bit more responsible, and obviously having finally found the person who was right for her. Otherwise, though? She was still the same old Roxie, and he was so glad for that. She was his rock in times of stress - along with the rest of his family including Diya, of course - and he didn't want her to change.

Even though Michael had known full well that it was Roxie's birthday, he hadn't wanted to head to the Tempest until he saw someone else doing so. After all, Rox never seemed to appreciate being interrupted while she was working, and he felt as though he would be grumbled at less if he arrived after Diya. Once he spotted the officer heading towards the Tempest, he waited several minutes before heading inside his hut, emerging a few minutes later with a box. The box was simple and brown, with several holes poked into it and a plain pink bow tied carefully around it. Inside, faint squeaks and chittering could be heard, from none other than one of Princess's babies. In fact, it was the baby that looked the most like Princess, considering he knew how much Roxanne loved his one and only female rat pet. He had no doubt that she would be delighted by the gift - even if the captain probably would've preferred to steal Princess herself.

A few minutes after Diya had put her gifts down, Michael slipped inside the doorway to the captain's quarters, his jaws gripping the small box's handle carefully. He offered both his sister and Diya his own broad grin, moving to carefully put the box down on Rox's desk. Once his mouth was free once again, he purred in greeting, small tail twitching behind him, "Hey there, captain Rox. Couldn't help but notice that you were another year older today... I figured you could use a little something... or someone to help you feel as young and spry as you really are." He'd never tease Roxie about her growing age. One, because he'd never risk his life like that, and two, because he was older than her, so that'd be pretty ironic.


Much like his uncle, Roan had known since he had woken up that morning that it was his mama's birthday. It would've been impossible for him to forget her birthday, considering she was the one who had cared for and raised him his entire life. Unfortunately, unlike his soon to be step-mother and uncle, the soothsayer wasn't exactly great at gift-giving. He never really had been, considering he didn't really like getting gifts. They felt like an obligation to him, and he felt bad when others had to try and pick something out for him. However, he couldn't just not get Roxie a gift. She deserved the entire world, as far as he was concerned. He racked his brain for some sort of idea for what to get her, but ultimately found himself coming up short over and over again. It was frustrating as all hell, and he was fairly sure that Paintbrush could tell that he had been getting annoyed, considering the other had finally eventually dragged him to bed the previous night. Ultimately, though, he came up with a gift. It wasn't exactly a "gift" in the traditional sense, but perhaps it would serve to alleviate some of his mama's common worries.

After doing his usual morning duties within the temple, Roan had stepped out into the fresh air of the outside world, taking a deep breath before stretching his wings out. Normally he would avoid flying given his current pregnancy, but he wanted to get down to the Tempest in some kind of decent time frame, and that was quite the long walk. After a short and thankfully uneventful flight, the siamese landed outside of the temple and headed inside, tail flicking behind him as he eventually made his way to the captain's quarters. When he arrived, he was unsurprised to see that his uncle and Diya were already there. It made sense that they would be the first one's to come with their gifts, after all. He sighed softly before waving his tail in greeting, muttering in a soft and tired voice, "Hey mama... and Diya, and Michael. I wanted to come and say happy birthday to you, mama." He offered both Diya and Michael a nod as well, briefly glancing at what they had brought with them.

After briefly biting down on the inside of his cheek, he eventually continued despite his nervousness, "I, uh... I don't exactly really have a traditional gift for you, I'm sorry. But..." He glanced down briefly, paws shifting in front of him before he continued, "I was thinking that maybe my 'gift' could be us spending the day together? Like... me not doing any work for the day, and just spending time with you. Of course, that could be today, or some other day where you feel like you're free. After all, I'm sure that Diya wants to spend the day with you." He flicked his tail in Diya's direction, no sense of bitterness in his voice. After all, it made sense that Diya would want to spend her fiancee's birthday with her.