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once a home - open; nest making - Printable Version

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once a home - open; nest making - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

Throughout the day he had been wandering. Taking in the territory that he had now claimed as his own. At least to some extent. This place was his new home, but it held others within it. Others that he needed to hold some semblance of respect for. He would see. It would take time. He did not change overnight and he was sure that they did not either. The territory itself was not something he would call plentiful and with as large of a creature he was he would need to find sustenance. Perhaps here or somewhere else. He needed big game in order to satisfy his hunger. But he would ge to that in time. Here now he needed to make his nest. A place where he would rest in piece. The small dwellings that they had at that ofmdd encampment would not shelter him. He was too large and so instead he moved, leaving the lush jungle behind as his large taloned hands gripped branches. It was a leisurely thing as he moved, tail swaying and helping to keep his balance.

The jungle gave way to burnt lands that smelled of ash and rot, a place he felt close with. His own home had rotted away and left him barren. It was despicable. The raptor forced it out of his mind as he shook his head. Burning eyes searched the burned area and he sniffed the air, eyes narrowing slowly as be came to a massive gnarled tree. It curled and rose into the air, burned trunk long since healed but still holding scars. The tree was massive in size but the inside was open and hollowed out. It was perfect, large enough for him. With care that was unbecoming of a brute like him he dropped to all fours and began to clean out the inside. Throwing debris behind him before he dragged in the sticks that he had gathered up.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: once a home - open; nest making - SirDio - 02-26-2021

A small ferret seemed to scuttle up behind the giant beast, dark black with sleek pink eyes. "Hello there - what're you up to?" he questioned as the trickster switched forms to his fox form. Jerikol grinned behind alabaster mask. It was always a treat to see who he would encounter here. "I'm Jerikol, by the way. Jeri for short."

Re: once a home - open; nest making - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
"You must be that dino-guy I heard about." Dante commented as he came to stand next to Jerikol, his invisible eyebrows raised and his head tilted with interest as he studied Serpentine. He tried to move away from some of the debris that the dinosaur threw around, his lips peeling back as some of them hit him. "You could 'lest try to look where you're throwing shit." He grumbled, his long tail lashing in irritation. He didn't bother to introduce himself yet, unlike Jerikol.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: once a home - open; nest making - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

A low grumble shook his throat as he pulled his head back from the entrance of his new home. His eyes blinking slowly as he looked down at the fox. He was not really expecting someone to come all the way out here. The place was barren and one of the reasons why he picked it. But he supposed that some lonely and poor soul would venture here. With a light growl he shook his head a bit before lifting up a large talon to scratch just beneath his jaw. "Just cleaning out my my new nesting ground. The tree is big enough unlike the other place." He spoke with a low tone before he turned to get back to it. But soon he had to pause as he heard another voice.

The large predator didn't bother coming out this time. Picking up large sticks and dragging them inside to organize it. His head did tilt at the complaint and humor glazed his eyes briefly. But only briefly. "How about don't stand where the trash is going." He replied calmly enough as he then backed up fron the den to survey his work before he turned to finally look down at Dante, scaled lips pulling back slightly as he breathed in his scent. He stunk of chemical and alcohol.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: once a home - open; nest making - aine. - 02-27-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The petite fleshweaver only really wandered out where the land faded and died when she was thinking.  Lost somewhere in her mind.  While the land was slowly recovering, there wouldn't be much to find here.  The druid drifted out of her thoughts when she heard voices.  Ears perking curiously.  Sounded like Serpentine.  The new raptor.

Though she didn't feel particularly social, she began to trot over.  Supposing it was polite.  And she wondered why they were way out here in the first place.  Hazel hues flickering inquisitively as she watched the dinosaur work.  "Salut, Serpentine," she offered softly.

"Do... Do you need any help?" The deer-fox hardly minded offering some time and effort to a helpful task.  If he needed anything that was.  Or even wanted an assistant.  Some liked working alone.  Especially when it came to getting comfortable.  Aine liked working indepedently herself, so she would certainly understand.