Beasts of Beyond
c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Printable Version

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c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Morrison - 02-26-2021

The wild waves of the forbidden sea rolled off against a strange captain's wooden boat that sailed towards the shore. With a crash, the bow slammed into the black beaches of the Treasure Cove. A victorious howl echoed from the deck and pawsteps slammed in succession as the lone wolf upon the ship celebrated his relatively smooth landing. Golden eyes peered over the edge, cautiously observing the black sand and the blue sea before him with narrowed hues. Satisfied, his body propelled forward. Navy blue fur collided with the waters with a splash and his tail directed him to the shore.

A gasp sounded out as his bulky paws breached the shore and his head rose above the water. Soft, fizzling waves caressed his back paws as he stood triumphant at the edge of the shore with his eyes on the horizon. In the distance, no one seemed to be present. Morrison had heard the stories about The Typhoon and the mainland past it, but he had never thought this would be his entrance. He thought he'd see booming parties, welcoming faces... but not a volcanic beach on the edge of no-mans land. Thankfully, his purpose was not to visit. There was other business he had to attend to. The rumors of the Pendragons pointed him here and the wolf was confident in his findings, despite the barren land before him. His family had to be somewhere.

With a shake of his pelt and a sneer, the wolf traversed forward with his ears pointed upwards. "Oi!" came his sharp bark. "Anyone live 'ere?" Met with no response, or rather one not quick enough, Morrison continued to saunter forward and speak to a presumably nonexistent audience. "This place-" He paused for a moment, craning his head and gesturing outwards. "-is deader than the dead sea." His paw tapped impatiently on the ground below. With no one in sight just yet, he decided to settle upon the beach. "But I can rock the boat and change that, eh?" A deep, scratchy laugh left the old canine. At least he could entertain himself.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Keona. - 02-27-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
A howl was a familiar sound to the tiny wildcat.  Many of her family could shapeshift into dire wolves after all.  But she knew this howl didn't belong to anyone she knew.  Not family.  Nor was it Danny's puppy howl.  Maybe the lost boy's mother... But no.

The voice was distinctly masculine.  Awfully peppy too.  Eager.  Or impatient.  Her ears flicked.  Tail twitching behind her as the petite dealer approached.  Pale sea-green hues steadily bouncing towards the voice's origin.  "Aloha," she offered her soft voice in a response to the canine's search for residents.

"May I have your name and buisness with the Typhoon?"

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - michael t. - 02-27-2021

Well, someone was certainly upbeat, weren't they? Like most of – or really the rest of – the Typhoon, Michael avoided the Treasure Cove like the plague. While the name was certainly intriguing, and the prospect of something shiny was always appealing to Michael, he wasn't willing to risk his life just to head down there. So, to hear a rather loud and sharp voice echoing through the air from that direction wasn't exactly a good sign.

However, the dealer wasn't willing to just let someone wander around the territory unchallenged – well, technically Keona was there, but she'd be rather easy for the canine to overpower. This was why it wasn't long before the thief arrived, pitch black and inky fur standing out next to Keona's smaller form. He muttered softly, shaking his head at Morrison as he spoke, "We're not dead, and we certainly don't need you to change things around here when we're doing just fine. The fact is that you just came from one of the most dangerous parts of our territory. In fact... the legends say that you're now cursed, if you believe that kinda thing." Michael personally didn't really believe in "curses," but he knew there were plenty throughout The Typhoon who did.

As he sat down comfortably beside Keona, he nodded in the other dealer's direction before continuing, "Like Keona here just said, you're on the territory of The Typhoon. So you better have a good reason to be here, or we'll be more than happy to toss you right back onto the "cursed" lands that you came from." Normally he didn't pick on potential joiners quite so much, but Morrison had treaded on some pretty important lands, and seemed a bit full of himself. So, there was no harm in picking on him a little bit, right? He seemed like he could take it, if he was willing to dish it out. Plus, there was the fact that what Michael was saying was true. If the other wasn't planning on staying and helping out, it was unlikely that he'd be welcomed for long, or at least treated all that positively. The Typhoon was the kind of place where everyone was free, but everyone also contributed. It made sense to make potential joiners aware of that right off the bat.

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - bubblegum - 02-27-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

While she hadn't known it, she'd been to the Treasure Cove. Only three times, and never conscious when doing so. It was quite possible the female hadn't even pictured the place accurately in said occurrences. But, given both instances had involved the Gods, and seemed to reflect what she'd seen from flying around the territory, she was willing to bet she'd gotten a pretty good view of the place.

The first time, it'd been a nightmare. If she could remember it now, she would've realized it was likely the first time some higher being was giving her a fortune of her fate. Her papa had been alone, dead on the black shores in her dream, just a week or two before the very same thing would occur on the white beaches. The second, she herself had perished, burned alive, to save a crewmate. She'd not wanted to die, had not been ready for it. And the Gods would gift her the body she lived in now then, lead her to the cove where Njord would present her lost life to her, the lost memories almost a reflection to how it was now. Only this time, it did not seem to be retrievable. The third was much more cryptic and she'd not really made sense of it, other than that there was some sort of call to her - that she was the demigoddess of raging storms, and that she'd been given water elementals. But, all of that experience had been lost to her head injury, blood and mind oozing out simultaneously in just one fell swoop.

But she didn't need that experience to know to avoid this part of the territory. It was quite obvious, given how others warned and spoke in hushed tones of it. With all the mysticism in the air about it, she would wonder if anyone in recent years had even physically been there to see for themselves. She'd never really bothered to ask though. She trusted her crew, and if someone had in fact gone in recent time, she didn't want to hear about it if the stories they told were true. The looming danger of giant sea creatures hiding an ancient treasure and the image of lava pools scorching the beach were enough to give Goldie an idea of what it was like.

She had no interest in going there today, or in any upcoming days for that matter. The tigress had actually been at one of the beaches just outside of the crystal caves when she'd heard voices not far away, in the direction of their No Man's Land. She'd hesitantly approach, only picking up the pace when she came to the conclusion they were not actually at the Treasure Cove. They'd found a stranger coming out of there, her eyes would watch quietly and curiously, standing behind Michael, seeing if the other seemed to be injured at all. She remained quiet for the time being, seeing as the other two already said what needed to be stated.

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Morrison - 02-27-2021

A voice nearby caused his head to turn. Morrison's eyes peered downwards at the small wildcat with her prompt arrival. Rather than lowering to her level to avoid embarrassment, he remained tall and offered subtle smile. "Aloha," he echoed back. The word rolled off his tongue elegantly, curiosity flourishing within his mind. It was not a common greeting. As always, the island dwellers he visited had flare. Nevertheless, he wasn't here to speculate and explore this time around, but rather find a place to settle and find his family. "M'name is Morrison. Captain Morrison." With his introduction, he offered a dip of his head and a paw to his chest. "I'm in need of a place to stay if that's alright with you. I 'appen to hear th..." His voice traveled off into silence.

The dark silhouette of Michael graced his vision and soon enough his rambling managed to meet his ears too. Morrison was amused. He couldn't help it. Couldn't the sweet, little kitty take a joke? A smug smirk curled across his maw and the canine suppressed a chuckle. "How cute," he murmured sarcastically. Even Keona, the smallest feline on the block, kept her cool and didn't take offense. Did he hurt Michael's ego? Was that fragile masculinity Morrison heard? Taking a joke personally is never good for self-reflection. The canine didn't want to dwell on his presumptions too much and instead smoothly transitioned further. After all, hearing the word 'curse' made him snicker. "I'll live. The number of bloaks I've seen under an island 'curse' were usually... well-" His claw encircled his ear. "-little coo-coo up in the noggin in the first place." Not to say that he wasn't. Old age does that to a man.

With Goldenluxury's cautious approach, his golden gaze redirected to the large tiger. His attention merely phased Michael's next words out, watching the girl curiously as she approached hesitantly and remained silent. A soft grin donned his lips. "Greetings, miss," he exchanged momentarily. Morrison concluded if she didn't want to talk, he wouldn't push though.

His pointed features rotated back towards Keona, as she seemed to be the wisest among the group. "As I was saying-" Round hues moved to Michael for a second, only to snap back to the smaller feline milliseconds later. "I'm fiending for somewhere to settle and I heard a certain Pendragon dwells here, so I think this island suits me well." He didn't feel like specifying who. It wasn't their business. "I'm not sure what I can provide, darling, but I am willing to work for your group in return for homage." Morrison never caught her name, so 'darling' suited for now. He didn't want to offend her by taking a shot in the dark, especially given her brave attitude to traverse these lands with her size. In the words of his mentor: 'Never judge a ship by it's flag.'
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Keona. - 02-27-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The issue of the 'cursed' land certainly made Morrison's arrival interesting but... Well.  The tiny wildcat didn't entirely forgoe the possibility but... She respected the story.  Just enough to nod slightly as Michael mentioned it. 

But she didn't entirely mind Morrison's amusement of the matter.  He was a sailor.  A captain, evidentally.  One peice of cursed land wasn't all that intimidaitng in comparison to the ocean.  Truly.  Little compared to the ocean.

So she remained quiet on the issue.  Listening to the wolf as he stated his purpose.  Noting his overall bright demeanor.  Very easygoing nature, from what she could tell.  Polite greetings.  He didn't seem so bad, though she wondered why the mention of Pendragon... The name was familiar... Was it... Sophiea's last name?  Strange.  Her tail twitched behind her, sightless hues flickering in thought.

"Keona," she offered after a moment, reitering Michael's statement of her name.  Usually she could care less for darlings and the like, but Morrison clearly spoke formally.  No harm or demeaning nature to it.  And nodded as he concluded explaining his buisness.

"So long as you're willing to help out," and it seemed like he was, "you're more than welcome.  There's plenty of places to stay here."

"But if I can ask," she'd add politely, "are you a friend of the Pendragons?" While he seemed to bear no ill intentions, the fae wanted to be sure.  Morrison was still a stranger.  Sophiea wasn't.  Sophiea was close to Goldie.  An ally of the Typhoon.  It was better to be safe than sorry.

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - S. PENDRAGON - 02-27-2021

It seemed that certain Pendragon would show up. Her tufted ears twitching as she sat along the beach with a few thoughts occupying her, Sophiea eventually rising from where she was to go check on her girlfriend and make sure that she was doing alright. She could recall seeing the tigress near the crystal caves only to catch sight of her though before she was able to say anything the large femme was already walking away and it made Sophiea frown with confusion wondering what the other had seen. Her ears twitched again when a familiar laugh brushed against her ears, she felt her pupils widen in that moment slowly picking up the pace heading in the direction Goldie had gone and where the laughter had come from. There was only one arsehole that laughed like that and he was family... Ever since she had left home, well, Sophiea hadn't really gotten a chance to say goodbye to a few folks yet... It wasn't like she would be able to say goodbye to Morrison considering that the man usually was out at sea.

"Well, I'll be damned." The British woman spoke as she arrived at the scene brushing against Goldenluxury gently, she offered the former captain a soft smile that disappeared moments later as her narrowed gaze shifted over to Morrison. "You finally got tired of life out on the sea?" Sophiea was uncertain of how to feel at the moment... She was happy that her uncle decided to show his ugly mug again but after so many months, well, that was the bit that irritated her. Her usual frown present on her maw with each word that she spoke, she didn't know what to do really. She wasn't the little girl that ran at the mere sight of her uncle pleading for the stories he always seemed to gather throughout his trips, no, that was a long time ago. She was an adult now and had her own life going on, Sophiea would always make time for her family yet... She was uncertain. What if she got too close with Morrison leaving them again? The thought alone made her bitter.

Hearing Keona's inquiry if Morrison was a friend to the Pendragons made a snort leave her, her wings stretched out a moment before resting at her sides as she spoke with a small shake of her cranium "He is an arse... But he is family. The daft cunt is a Pendragon." Still standing beside Goldie close, she gave her girlfriend a gentle nudge before taking some steps forward until Sophiea stood in front of the lupine "It has been a while since I've seen you... You're still as coy as ever." The ambassador of the Typhoon sitting down as she took in a deep breath not sure of what else to say, there was an awkward shuffle of her forepaws within the sand. Don't get attached. She thought to herself holding her breath for a moment falling silent with ears lowering themselves until they brushed against her skull. Her pupils still narrowed almost appearing annoyed in a way.

"I missed you, uncle Morrison."

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - Morrison - 02-28-2021

Admittedly, He should have caught that but he was too focused on Goldenluxury's own arrival. It was nice to receive the female's name properly nonetheless. Morrison was already growing to like the small feline. Formal, polite, and the hell of a face. Putting a name to her tiny stature was satisfying, causing a firm nod to come from the wolf. "A pleasure, Keona," he reiterated back. With a satisfied hum, he went on to seal the deal.  "I would enjoy that."  If he had to mop the deck for a place to say, so be it. In the end, the effort would be worth it. Before he could answer Keona's next question though, her answer had already shown up.

That voice. Unmistakably cocky, just like he was, but oh-so elegant and well-versed. Ears perked up. His haunches shot up from the sand and Morrison got to his feet, cascading over towards his niece. A smile donned his lips in. The canine attempted to place his head on top of hers in sweet embrace and close his eyes. "Never," he rumbled deeply. A cackle left him as he pulled away and his gleeful smirk widened. Golden eyes took a moment to look her over in awe. Sadly, he never noticed the subtle frown she had. Instead his focus remained on her and how much she had changed, yet somehow stayed the same after all this time.

He wasn't sure what to say. Luckily, she filled in the blanks and left Keona with the answers she desired. "You flatter me, Sophiea," came his mocking tone. His eyes quickly grazed past her nudge towards Goldenluxury, not questioning the intent behind it, and instead continued on with their reunion. "It sure has been quite awhile. I must hear about your adventures this time around." A claw pointed towards her chest as a hopeful glint lit up his eyes. They had a lot of catching up to do... Even she didn't want to. He could understand her frustration about his time away, but Morrison did not pick up the cues. Sophiea had managed to stun him.

"I missed you too, Sophiea."
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: c'est la vie mesdames et messieurs ~ joining - ROXANNE R. - 03-03-2021

Walking over with both of her ears perked forward, Roxanne noticed that there was a few people gathered in the distance. Her tail lashing to the sides as she approached with her whiskers twitching, her mismatched gaze fixated on the strange lupine  "You can join but just know that the only captain round these parts is me." A toothy grin on her maw, it seemed that Sophiea had family outside of Eternalknight... How interesting. She decided that she might as well introduce herself as a soft snort left her "M'names Roxanne Roux and I'm the captain round these parts." She didn't like the fact she had to look up at the canid creature but it wasn't like she was going to be an absolute bitch and shapeshift into a tiger just to be eye level or more. With a flick of her ear, she managed to catch his name and she continued with a light nod "Welcome to the Typhoon, Morrison."