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GET THOSE PEOPLE'S MONEY ☆ personal announcement - Printable Version

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GET THOSE PEOPLE'S MONEY ☆ personal announcement - RHINESTONE. - 02-26-2021

It felt... odd, doing this. After all, the legate had already essentially been using feminine pronouns for some time now. However, she had originally rationalized it as simply her wanting to make things easy for others. Her thylacine body was biologically female, so she figured it was just easier to use she and her until she was able to shift back. Though, as time had gone on... she had found that she liked hearing those pronouns used for her. It felt more comfortable, and more right than when others had used he, and him. She had initially been simply neutral about her assigned gender at birth, but the longer she spent in her current body, and the longer she used new pronouns... the nicer it felt. It felt like things were finally fitting right. Like the last puzzle piece had simply slotted into place. Truthfully, she didn't know why it felt so incredible to just use new pronouns, but she wasn't sure of how to figure it out.

That is, until she had met Diya. The officer of The Typhoon had been quite friendly to her, and while their discussion had started off fairly casual, it had also gotten personal fairly quickly. The polar bear had seemed as though she knew something about Rhine that even Rhine herself didn't know, but somehow the legate didn't feel panicked by that. Instead, she felt... relieved. It was a relief, to know that someone out there could tell her what was going on, and try to explain to her why she was feeling the way she was. Rhinestone truthfully didn't know how long their conversation had gone on for in the end, but she felt incredibly refreshed when it was over. She felt as though she could take on the world. She felt as though she finally knew who she actually was, instead of just who she had been trying to be for most of her life.

Now that she was back home, she wanted to share the news with everyone. She didn't want to make a big deal of things, just... make sure everyone knew who she really was. So, she made her way slowly to the middle of camp, clearing her throat before she spoke up, "Hey... Hey everyone? I have a little announcement... it's not anything related to the group. It's actually more... of a personal nature." She then waited until a decently sized crowd had gathered, ignoring the way she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. Taking in a deep breath, she continued firmly, "I know I've been using feminine pronouns for a little while now, because of the body change, but... I'd like you to all use feminine pronouns for me... always. Even if I shift back into my old form, and into another one. I feel more comfortable with them, overall. I won't be changing my name, or anything, just... a bit of an update on my pronouns." She glanced warily at the crowd around her, wondering what their reactions would be. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though she saw many – or any – withering glares.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: GET THOSE PEOPLE'S MONEY ☆ personal announcement - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

The days here were progressing slowly. He still hadn't forced himself to mingle with anyone. It just...felt odd. Sure this was supposed to be his new home and all that but his homesickness gnawed at his belly. He wasn't one for change line that and so suddenly. The choice having been one sided but he was here and he needed to get used to it. He was stewing in his own negativity but perhaps soon he would see the positives in this place. Like the cliffs. He really liked those and the bird hunting up there was phenomenal. Still he just wished he could have had a few more days to get ready, to say goodbye to people he once knew and the house. This one here was a bit better given that he had his own room now but still. Putting on a neutral expression the borzoi was leaving the house when he heard a call. Blinking he turned his long snouted head in that direction and looked at the woman.

A personal announcements? He tilted his head a bit as it went on and well he was rather surprised. He had just assumed that the other was just that, a female. His eyes narrowed a bit and he found that this didn't change much for him. He had never seen them as anything else but being comfortable in one's own skin was important. He was told this before. Lightly he looked down at his paws, the black markings that carved through the silverish white. Right right. It made him think and gave him a reason to pause. Sitting down he rubbed a paw against his own leg before just giving a nod. There was not anything to disagree with. This was logical.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: GET THOSE PEOPLE'S MONEY ☆ personal announcement - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-03-2021

Winterhymns could recall in the past when he felt that he was more comfortable with masculine pronouns than the ones he was born with, his family had been very accepting and he had changed his name to try and strip himself of a life that was no longer his. He still loved his old name but it often brought bad memories though he wanted to honor the first part of his name and named one of the kittens such. Rosekit. One of his beautiful sons, the thought was enough to make him smile and the Pendragon tomcat had been tending to his garden after checking on his children only to see that Rhinestonestar had an announcement, he pondered over what it could've possibly been.

He would walk over with a slight tilt of his cranium only to stand back and listen to what was going to be said... Soon enough, Rhinestonestar announced that she would be going mainly by feminine pronouns and Winnie couldn't help but feel anything but happiness for his dear friend. "Ah, duly noted! I'm so happy for you," Winnie could recall when he had first met Rhinestonestar and well now, look at her. He was truly proud and happy of his friend.

Re: GET THOSE PEOPLE'S MONEY ☆ personal announcement - Grimm - 03-03-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]For what seemed, at least within recent memory, he felt whole and yet splintered, given everything only for his own rejection to tarnish all. The days passed in predictable mundane normality, routine established and kept, the addition of proper training a footnote. Again taken up his wandering, enjoyed the freedom, yet found himself rather set on his destination, sought where a particular individual was present. She had been lacking, however, empty and cold her den when he had entered, bold even with hesitation marring his first steps. Poorly taken this, though suppressed his more turbulent thoughts. His exit was concluded with setting up outside of the den, there perched without sign he would move before her return.

And he did as he set out to do, though the arrival of Rhine was something he was not awake for. Rather, he seemed to have sprawled haphazardly upon his back, twisted in a manner that seemed uncomfortable, asleep as he had not been for many nights prior. Her voice a sudden and jarring thing, snort accompanying the sharp closure of his teeth, head rising as blurry eyes rapidly blinked. She was back. The thought arose and no other, clumsy his rise, further added to the grains caught in his coat as numerous times he tripped over his own paws in his haste.

Her words slow to register, momentum dwindling, head slight in its cant. He knew of her change, had it explained after their reunion, little thought of it beyond a preference for now gone the ebony depths she once had for eyes, and was enthusiastic over the change, though at times clumsy with it. This something unexpected, an unknown. Thoughts slowly turned over as Foam approached with the end of her announcement, gentle in pressing his forehead to her leg, the only place be may reach with relative ease. "Got it, ma." Easy the utterance of the unfamiliar title, singular the time prior deemed a parental figure, and that upon the other side of things, wide the smile he wore.

He had never had a mother before, part of him always expecting it to stay that way, but now, looking to Rhine with wide eyes and a dopey smile, he was glad he had found her and could think of her as such.