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Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - Printable Version

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Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - SirDio - 02-25-2021

In the coming late dawn anyone on patrol toward the cliffs could notice a bright blue and deep red blotch curled up on dark rocks, fur and scales creating a unified pattern on his body. Eyes shut in peaceful slumber, sides rising and falling with peace.

Unsuspecting the hybrid, lonely and sad with no clutch-mate or sibling to curl up with. Garters are notoriously social, and this hybrid is no different. Social group left by storm or tide, leaving the boy of 4 months alone. Unsuspecting of anyone approaching.
"Half of it was true." —-- Chevrolet / Palm Glades / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - SHERBET - 02-25-2021

Sherbet was out wandering, he did a lot of that since Drifting went missing. His green eyes were half-lidded until he stumbled and yelped out a swear as he fell down a little divot. With a groan, he swayed on his paws as he stood, until he noticed an oddly colored lump. With a shake of his goopy pelt, he crept over and crouched down to be eye level. He felt his fur melt a bit and splats of sherbet ice cream fell from his tail and stomach, but he pushed it aside as he softly asked, "Hey there, you okay?"

"Speaking" & 'Thinking'

Re: Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-25-2021

Winterhymns was more exhausted than usual but he still tried to keep an upbeat manner whenever he was around any of the clanmates, he had been stressed over most of his children and it was admittedly getting hard not to worry about all twelve. Sometimes, Magnum offered to take over and watch the kids... Winnie appreciated it but the feeling of unease always tugged at his belly, it was one of those days that his partner had to nudge him outside and tell him that it would be alright. The gladiator letting out a soft mm of protest but he chose not to fight it any longer, he would go tend to his gardens yet he stopped noticing that a feline that was dripping walked by and Win was confused by the sight. He had never met Sherbet to say the least, he paused for a moment deciding to leave his watering can next to the sprouts of his growing plants and follow, the other had seemed to see something or rather in this case, someone.

Ah, this man didn't seem to be the brightest as the Pendragon winced watching the other fall down the divot. He would make his way over carefully only to ask in a careful voice "Are you alright?" But he paused realizing that there was a moving lump of blue and red that was breathing. How odd. Winnie tilted his head to the side wondering if it was simply a fat snake yet... It had clumps of fur. The gladiator blinked his lavender kissed eyes a few times before using a paw to gently nudge the kitten as he spoke in a gentle voice "Hello?"

Re: Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - SirDio - 02-25-2021

Serbet's voice fell on sleeping ears, though as a tongue slipped between lips the child slowly blinked awake. A soft noise left him as Chevy was nudged, bright amber eyes looking toward the two with a tired light. "Wh.. where..? Who..?" Two legs shot from underneath the child, and soon he stretched as his hindlegs came into view. Now with a little more vigor the small thing scampered back further from the two, suddenly realizing they were strangers.
"Half of it was true." —-- Chevrolet / Palm Glades / misc. / [color=#af2a1b]roleplayer

Re: Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - RHINESTONE. - 02-26-2021

It was a fairly quiet morning that day, the kind that Rhine found herself appreciating more and more as time went on. It was nice to have a bit of an escape from it all, even if that escape was just a lack of anything major going on. It was because of this that the legate had allowed herself to wander, paws sinking into the sand beneath her as she walked along the shore, humming softly. The sun beating down onto her back was a pleasant sensation, and she allowed her eyes to close briefly as she just listened to the sounds of the morning. The peace all around her was broken, however, by a yelp from nearby.

Green gaze popping open, Rhine turned her head towards the source of the yelp, seeing both Sherbet and Win nearby, as well as an unfamiliar child. Head tilting to one side in curiosity, the thylacine made her way over slowly, arriving just in time to watch Chevrolet bounce back and forth between the pair. After a moment of just watching the brightly colored little hybrid, Rhinestone cleared her throat, offering him a warm smile when she spoke, "Hello there, little one... I take it you weren't expecting us? Can you tell us your name? We might be able to get you back to your family, if they're somewhere nearby." There was always the chance that Chevy didn't have any family left, something that felt far too common these days, but the legate didn't think that was the case this time. After all, he had been sleeping so comfortably, and he seemed genuinely confused by the new faces... had he been traveling with his family?
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Something you can laugh about - O; Joining - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

Truth be told he hadn't expected to come across something like this. Their own joining hadn't been much like this. In fact he was rather positive that they hadn't encountered anyone with authority during he and his father's happening. They just went on in and didn't say much about it. Granted there was a little bump caused by him but he learned his lesson he guessed. He was still miffed about it but he wasn't going to keep causing trouble when there was no need to. Licking his muzzle the borzoi watched the scene. Eyes of three different colors blinking slowly at the whole ordeal. He was sure that the kid was just here. Why? He didn't honestly know. It was a gut feeling that he had and it felt...bad. Like he vaguely understand something that he shouldn't. Shaking his head he finally decided to walk on over there and see what was up with the situation.

As he got closer he heard the conversation, severe expression softening a bit. Though not by much. He was exercising his calm nature, like his dad exuded on a daily basis. Though the young canine would hardly call himself good at it. Still he looked at the kid, forcing himself to at least care about the situation. It was harder said than done, he hated it here. "It's a place called Palm Glades since no one said I guess." As far as he was aware anyway and he curled his tail around his long leg before sitting down. "Where did you even come from?" He was curious, there were not many close to this place as far as he was learning and for a kid just to pop up was less than likely odds. Terrible even.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]