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come sail away - leaving - Printable Version

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come sail away - leaving - brandykit - 02-22-2021

The air was almost suffocating around here. The cold, bitter anger at knowing someone else was living his life, his mother losing her memories, and the utterly deep chest feeling that he'll never see one of his other mothers again. It was time to pick up and leave. He took his pack, taking some of his closest memories, his easier to carry possessions, and left a written letter in his hut. He still had items in his hut that he would leave behind, but not for other people. A promise he would be back.

To whoever is reading this,

My name is Brandyskies Roux, and I'll return soon. I need to take some time to myself and discover who I am again. Please tell my mother I love her dearly and I'll be back soon, and keep her safe for me please. As for my house, I'll be back for that soon too. Please don't break my surfboard.


By the time anyone could read the note, Brandy was across the border and heading for the swamp.

Re: come sail away - leaving - michael t. - 02-24-2021

Deep down, Michael could certainly understand the need to get away when you were faced with such complex issues. After all, he had once tried to run away from The Typhoon when things were rough, and his emotions felt as though they were crumbling down onto him. However, he had been stopped then, by Seabound and Roxie, and he was so glad that he had been. He couldn't imagine what his life would've been like then, if he had actually managed to ditch all his responsibilities and run away. He'd probably be dead, if he was being honest with himself. After all, he'd have had little protection from The Lost out there, and they had managed to get Trevor even with everyone of The Typhoon around to protect them. It was an unpleasant thing to think about, so he usually ignored that portion of his life.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though Brandy didn't have the same support system in place to stop him before he ran away. Of course, that didn't mean Roxie or someone else wouldn't go running after him, as the dealer knew quite well. Either way, when Michael headed inside Brandy's hut to greet the other and see how he was doing, he was unsettled by the haunting emptiness all around. He glanced all around before his mismatched gaze landed on the note, his heart sinking as he read it. After a moment, he picked it up carefully in his jaws, heading outside and putting it down before he called out, "Goldie? Goldie, are you somewhere around here?" He didn't want her to be hurting, but she deserved to know that he had left.

Re: come sail away - leaving - ROXANNE R. - 02-24-2021

Leaving letters instead of stating you were leaving to loved ones made her angry, of course, she was much too late to actually say anything to stop Brandyskies. Hell, she hadn't known about anything until the sound of Michael's voice had made her ears twitch lightly and a frown would appear on her maw as she slowly began to approach "What's the dealio, Michelangelo?" She inquires with a toothy grin on her maw then that's when she realized the note did her smile falter, her eyes skimming over the paper and she frowned with a soft hiss of frustration "Oh fucks sake!" She spread her wings out hopping back and forth debating whether or not if she should wait for Goldie to arrive, she needed to be there to comfort her daughter after all. She chose to stay put for now, she nibbled on the inside of her left cheek. She could catch up to that runaway grandson of hers.

Re: come sail away - leaving - Windowmemer - 02-25-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —      ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

She was still skittish around the captain but nonetheless approached the pair, preferring Michaelangelo's presence over Roxanne's. Well goodbye Brandyskies. Inferno didn't really know them but for someone to run away and leaving a note? She personally found it quite a cowardly thing to do. At least tell somebody why, don't write it down and run. Her optics scanned the parchment and she frowned. It did seem like the runaway had some issues, Inferno realised, and that it sometimes was hard to explain what was bothering someone to other people. Since Inferno didn't have a sense of pride anyways she'd probably not even leave a note, just pack up her stuff and go. She sat down, wrapped her tail around her paws.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: come sail away - leaving - Seakit Roux. - 02-25-2021

tiguar . adult . he/him
demigod of the deep
It didn't take the tiguar but a second to figure out what was going on as he approached, ears pinning against his skull as he approached. "Did he run off again?" he grumbled out, frustrated. His large tail trashed behind him as he paid no mind to Inferno, not wanting to acknowledge her presence after the comments at the sage tryouts. Instead, he let his gaze skate over the message, looking frustratedly towards Michael in desperation. "Uncle Mikey, he's done this so many times..." he huffed softly, looking down as his chest tightened. He'd hoped this time had been the last, thay he'd actually stick around. He guessed not.

Re: come sail away - leaving - michael t. - 02-26-2021

Although he noted the approach of both Roxanne and Inferno, Michael didn't feel truly bad until he saw Seabound approaching. Turning slightly, the dealer's heart sank as he saw the look of frustration and disappointment on the other's face, and he was silently so glad he had been dragged back to The Typhoon all those moons ago. With a heavy sigh leaving him, the bobcat nodded before muttering, "Yeah, it looks that way... he says he'll be back soon, but I don't know if he means to stay." He then shifted a little to press his side up against Sea's, trying to provide as much comfort as he could as he spoke, "I'm sorry, Sea... I would've stopped him, if I could've. Looks like we all just got here too late, though..." The male couldn't help feeling frustrated alongside Sea. Sure, he had tried to leave once before, but not multiple times. He hadn't put his family through that over and over again.

Re: come sail away - leaving - bubblegum - 02-27-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The call of her name would cause her ears to prick, just at the entrance at one of the jungles, so she only barely heard it. She was unsure if it was something that was actually said at all, but it had seemed as if Michael had been calling her name from the beaches, so the tigress decided to push the camera from her face and let it hang from its lanyard around her neck as she turned her body to move towards where she thought she'd heard the sound. She lifts her head, letting her nose guide her to where she could sense Michael, and a few others at this point. They were discussing something, though what she couldn't tell at this point. Whatever it was, they didn't seem pleased, which would cause a slight anxiety to bubble in her stomach as she grew closer, body tensing.

The tigress looked over the others, before her eyes would fall upon the note, moving closer to read it. A frown forms upon her features, gaze shifting to the ground as her body now tenses further. Goldie could feel something twist inside her chest at the thought of him leaving because he was unhappy. She didn't understand it. She couldn't figure out who she was, not alone, and not even with help, but at least being surrounded by others made her feel safer. Being alone was scary, confusing. She didn't understand how someone would leave so they could figure something out on their own. Had she done something wrong? Was he upset with her? Should she have said more to him? She didn't know. Her body turns, still staring at the ground. Tears could be seen forming in her eyes, no words being uttered. Was she a terrible mother?