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an open soul - open; herb collecting - Printable Version

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an open soul - open; herb collecting - rhosmari - 02-22-2021

For him, life had been calm since he got here. Granted he had been keeping his opinions to himself and staying away from the political scheme. That side of life was much too tiring and being in what he hoped would be a final retirement so he could raise a family with Mulder was what he wanted. To be there for when others needed him with simple things. This was definitely one of them. Unofficial or not he was just here to do his part. He was a fighter and always had been since he was a crazy youth and up into his age. Experience had chanced him and he could say greatly. He used to very reckless, very prone to injuries, not giving any fucks for himself and others. Bad romances sprung up, and well the tale goes on. He had moved on or so he liked to think and rather his demons sprung back up or not he would wait to see.

Taking a deep breath he left his new home. Knowing that things would be fine while he was gone his main goal was to find specimens he could grow in pots as well as some he could collect for storage. Basic necessities. The archangel left from the town, greeting those he passed by as he went. His feathers rustled slightly as he moved, leaving behind golden particles in the air. The forest and swamp area were sure to be filled with something despite the winter weather and he eased his way along the path. Grimacing at the water here and there. He had to agree with his husband. Not a fan of the water or the swamp but he knew what he was looking for. Varities of water dwelling plants. Maybe some marigold, burdock would be nice too. Feverfew and something for his pained hips. He nosed around a bush before lightly digging in the soil and putting plants into his satchel. Some whole and some not.

Re: an open soul - open; herb collecting - suvi. - 02-23-2021

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Reclusive.  The petite vixen often wandered on her own.  Reluctant to make a sound.  Exhausted.  Though sickness had passed, the glitches kept her body drained of energy.  Insomnia left her weary.  None of it was new, though she had grown less and less talkative than before... Although S̫̿uvi͉͞ never had a voice to begin with, Kiira did.  Soft and broken as it was.  She hadn't uttered a vocal word in moons.  Since she was sick.

Still.  She trotted through town sometimes.  Only offering small nods whenever someone greeted her.  Never so social. Slipping into the forest and swamp beyond to re-stock.  Kept a small supply of useful herbs on her as often as she could.  Never too much.  Reluctant to take what Moth may need to gather.

Had some newly picked elderberry in her satchel when she saw Barghest.  On a similiar mission it seemed.  Ears disappearing and perking.  Quiet, even as her raven companion, Fiachra let out a call in greeting.  Mishevious as the bird enjoyed being, he was helping for once.  Holding some freshly gathered willow bark in his talons.

Re: an open soul - open; herb collecting - wormwood. - 02-24-2021

Honestly, Aurum wanted to put the political side of things behind him for a while, as well. He knew that was nearly impossible, considering he was luminary and all, but he really preferred things when they were calmer. With no major political bullshit, except for the longstanding alliance between Tanglewood and The Typhoon. And he didn't even consider that to be political "bullshit" so much as it was a simple friendship between the two groups, fostered by their former leaders and now himself and Roxie. Now that things with The Pitt had been dealt with, so to speak, he really hoped that there wouldn't be much more trouble anytime soon, if only for his own sanity. If he had known that Barghest had gone through similar experiences in his own world, he probably would've felt a sort of kinship with the other. Of course, that was on top of another sense of kinship, considering the fact that they were both archangels – not that Aurum really knew that at the moment. The other certainly looked angelic, but the tiger had never really been one to just make assumptions.

He actually didn't know all that much of anything about Barghest as a whole just yet, so it was a bit of a surprise to come across the other scouring the swamp for herbs. Did the other have some amount of medical knowledge? That would be useful information to have, even in a non-official medic capacity – more members with medical knowledge were always good, in his opinion. Kiira's knowledge was also appreciated, even with recent issues. With his tail flicking behind him, Aurum approached Barghest slowly, clearing his throat and saying with a smile, "Hello there, Barghest... I can't say I was expecting to see you out here. You and your husband didn't seem like such big fans of our more... swampy areas." He couldn't say he blamed them, even if he had come to love his home's unique terrain more and more over time. Gaze drifting down to what Barghest was picking, he then questioned, "What are you collecting for? A garden?" It would be nice to have an extra herb garden, even if it was more like Barghest's personal supply. He certainly hoped the other wouldn't mind if any of it got used in the case of a dire emergency.

Re: an open soul - open; herb collecting - S. PENDRAGON - 02-24-2021

Sophiea had her share of political matters when she had been home, she didn't enjoy them at all but seeing her position back then... Well, there wasn't a way for her to avoid it exactly. Even if she had wished there was times where she could make it all go away, Sophiea recalling when Chevalier often stole her away from her duties despite her protests and the two of them found themselves enjoying one another's company. Those memories she cherished the most. What she would give to see Chevalier and her homeland once more. A soft breath left her as she walked through the town only to realize Barghest was leaving, it made her curious as to where he was going. Her eyes turned to the library debating it over with herself before turning to see what the larger male was off doing, she eventually found him nosing around for plants. It seems that he was gathering herbs, she took a few steps forward careful of where she stepped only to find some marigold, she picked up a few of the flowers only to leave the rest.

She turned around to see that Kiira and Aurum had arrived, her tufted ears twitching still holding the marigold within her jaws. She set it down close enough for Barghest to grab for himself only to listen to the conversation deciding to stay silent at the moment though after the swamp bit, she parted her maw with a frown  "I'm not sure if anyone is a fan of the more muddier areas within the swamp." At least, she wasn't anyways. With a twitch of her whiskers, she quipped with a slow nod of her cranium "A garden isn't such a bad idea... Especially given with all the herbs being picked for such," Sophiea didn't think she would be able to manage a garden... No, that was more of her cousins type of thing. With her moving back and forth from the Typhoon to Tanglewood, she couldn't find any time within her busy day to tend to plants.