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Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - Printable Version

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Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - Ares - 02-21-2021

"You're a bit young to be out alone, no?" the voice, smooth as ice, sent Ares whirling around from the back of the stone house. "The fuck? Who the fuck are you?" she hissed, taking her dagger within her jaws tightly. The light blue feline simply grinned. Putrid beast, ugly little cat. Simple prey.

He didn't answer, only descend upon her with the speed of a ghost, dragging a claw across her chest while she dug her dagger into his shoulder. Not enough. Never enough. Make him bleed. Make him cry. She twisted the dagger and tore his shoulder and he yelled in pain. Waves of sound filled her mind and she screamed, teeth sharpening. Kill him. Make him suffer.

Disoriented, she felt a tugging on her wings. That tugging became pain. Sharp, tearing pain. Then the ripping began as she was pushed to the ground. As a scream ripped from her, her mind suddenly cleared. And as the last sinews of her wings were ripped away she felt herself falling down, down, down.

The beast emerged with violent anger. The attacker, wings in his jaws, leapt away as her claws reached out and made contact with his right eyes, ripping them away. He scrabbled away, turned to look at her with triumph in his remaining two eyes, then left. Though she tried to follow the child fought against the dinosaur and forced it to lay down.

Silver tears slipped from her eyes as the dinosaur faded and shrunk to a hurt, scared child. Heaving herself onto her paws she cried out as pain radiated from her back. Only small feathers remained from her once dark wings. Clutching the eyes in her paw she gritted her teeth. Humiliated. Miniscule thing, insignificant thing. Weakling. Let me be free. Let me be free.

Tl;dr/// A coalitioner ambushes Ares and bullies her, though she tears up his shoulder. Disoriented by the Coalitioners mental manipulation the ambusher tears her wings away for a trophy. In a moment of calm Ares turns into a Deinonychus and tears away his two right eyes. He runs and Ares tries to chases him but she calms herself down and reverts back into her cat form.

//also this is mobile so sorry if there's some weirdness//
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-25-2021

The sound of screaming made him nearly jump out of his own coat and the fur along his spine rising as he got up from where he laid grabbing his bag, he slipped it over his body already heading out of his house. He stopped at the sudden smell of blood with his eyes widening, he made his way over to where the metallic scent had come from only to see that it was Ares... Someone had taken the poor girls wings and he felt a frown on his maw as he walked over quickly as a soft breath left him "You'll be alright, dear. I'm here to help you." He mumbled in a soothing voice noticing the claw marks on Ares chest and what was left of her wings, his gaze looking her over for any other wounds and he couldn't help but feel relieved that he found no others.

"This will sting slightly." He said already preparing a poultice from marigold flowers, he would attempt to apply it to the wounds carefully with his gaze being concentrated in his work. "I'm so sorry, Ares..." He doubted that her wings would grow back but at least, the girl was still alive.

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 02-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I CAN'T MAKE REALITY CONNECT !。+゚.[/glow]
The scream of pain brought Drayden to the scene, though the scent of blood definitely lured him here too, once he was close enough to detect it. Ares's scream was bone-chilling and it made the snow leopard shiver, biting his lip as he came to stand a little bit behind Winterhymns, trying to balance on his two hind legs as much as possible to see what was going on. "Shit..." He cursed under his breath, before asking Winter in a louder voice, "Is-is there anything I can do to help?" Might as well be useful for once.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - Ares - 02-26-2021

For the Record, this is self-destructive
For the record, I'm aware of that.
Fearful eyes turned to Winter, her paw swatting the eyes into the undergrowth. She wanted to tell him to leave, that neither him nor Drayden was safe. SHE was still there and Ares could hurt them. But still she allowed Winter to apply the poultice as she looked away, a slight tremor in her. She didn't feel cold. Pain pricked her paws and she seemed dazed.

Gently she set her head down between her paws and let a shaky breath go. In all honesty, even though she was scared, she feared that she would need some sort of physical comfort. It felt humiliating.

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - RHINESTONE. - 02-26-2021

The sound of fighting, and screaming. Both ripped through the air violently that day, causing Rhine's ears to flatten against her head as she stood within camp. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but she certainly knew that it couldn't be anything near good. It was because of this that she rushed to the mostly unused medicine den, ducking inside and grabbing whatever she could carry. She didn't have any kind of proper satchel, but she didn't particularly care in the moment, just grabbing whatever could treat most common wounds. Once she felt that she had enough, she turned and rushed from camp, noticing a few other worried faces glancing in her direction. It was clear that they had also heard that something was going on, but most of them were too uneasy to go and see for themselves. She couldn't say that she entirely blamed them, considering recent events. The Coalition's attempt on her own life was still very fresh on her mind, and she couldn't blame others for being frightened.

When she did arrive on the scene, the thylacine was horrified to see what had happened to Ares. The sight of the other's wings torn from her body made Rhine's stomach flip, and she had to take a step back for a moment. When she was able to open her eyes again, she was relieved to see that Win was already treating the other's major wounds, and she sent a grateful glance in his direction. Not wanting to interrupt the other's work, Rhinestone put her own stack of herbs nearby to draw from, if Win needed to. She then turned her attention towards Ares herself, a frown on her muzzle as she questioned, "Ares...? What happened? Who... who did this to you?" The legate certainly had her suspicions, but she wanted some confirmation first. All she knew was that whoever had done it? They were going to pay, and pay dearly for what they had done.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

A scream. Blood curdling and fresh split through the air and cause his head to jerk up from where he was laying. Teeth once moving stopped and dropped the small meager stick he had found interest in. The splinters laying at his paws he turned his head up and then he was on his paws, gangly figure moving fast across the open area. He wasn't sure of what he would fine. The scream being the only reason he had moved at all. It resonated in his head. Hearing screams...and more screams. His ears pressed back against his skull but his figure was built for speed in mind. And he was on the scene within moments. His body tensed as he looked at the image of the feline. This. This was a actual problem or at least that was how he felt. The smell of blood hanging in the air. He tried not to breath it in. It wouldn't due. Swallowing thickly he watched as others came. Tried to fix the problem but that was something they couldn't fix.

Wings didn't just grow back. They weren't like horns or claws. They were supposed to be permanent and he winced at the idea that this kid had a body part that was literally her just ripped off of her body. He could offer nothing in this situation. It was being handled. He wouldn't have been able to really anyway. He knew how to stop bleeding and a couple herbs to apply to help with healing but that was all. He just sat there like a lump, feeling a bit unsettled about the situation that had happened. What if it happened again? Was this place even actually safe?
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Find my way out - CoTC ambush + losing wings - Ares - 02-26-2021

For the Record, this is self-destructive
For the record, I'm aware of that.
The arrival of two others went seemingly unnoticed in Ares' mind, eyes squeezed shut as something burned in her. It gripped her heart and she wanted to sob in... something. The screams, the noise, it stuck in her head, resonating like the Typhoon's bell. Who had attacked her? "Bl... blue... cold." She couldn't correctly see what his face was, it was static now in her mind. The memories struck with static, flashes of fire and scales making her head hurt.

Make them bleed, the screaming won't stop. You cannot stop me, you cannot stop yourself. Run and hide all you want, you cannot deny what you are. That voice, stern and punishing, made Ares stiffen up and try to curl up tightly despite Winter trying to help her. A monster.