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BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Printable Version

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BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 02-21-2021

Hey! I'm windowmemer, or window, and this is my character storage! In it you'll find their picture boards, biographies, and random writings centered around that character!

Characters //

Inferno Cipher-Vantas

Jormungand D'Angelo

Cassius Fender

Damion Maverick

Lucinder Xiu

Kiara Kokytos

Loki Flóki

Skádi Angelica Tsune

Seraphic Viotto

Valerie Lingré

Asmodeus D'Angelo

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 02-21-2021

      ↪ i . general information ✦
Izabella Nayomi Francezza Elanor Regan Natalia Octavia | " Inferno Cipher-Vantas" | hell | the golden Princess
. ❜ female . she | her .
. ❜ two (2) years . ages on the 26th
. ❜ Coalition of the Condemned : Thane
. ❜ human faceclaim - Virginia Hill
. ❜ human voiceclaim - Gabrielle Olivia Mirville (ABRA)
. ❜ human profession - narco-smuggler / hitman / mercenary
. ❜ as a human would belong to - La Cosa Nostra

    ↪ ii . relationships ✦
Sojourn Malus [ adoptive father, alive ]
. ❜ Romulus Malus [ uncle, alive ] 
Aphra Cipher [ mother, exiled ] | Quill Harbringer-Vantas [ father, status unknown ]
. ❜ Vayne Cipher-Vantas [ sister, status unknown ] , Alia Cipher-Vantas [ sister, alive ]
feminine preference | heterosexual
. ❜ taken . crushing on agrimony
. ❜ she doesn't give out her trust easily, but when she does you'd better keep it and treasure it well. if you lose it it's very hard to regain it. with her you only get one chance, basically. one chance to prove yourself. if you do, and you pass her " test " , she'll form a close friendship with you. partners. allies.
. ❜ friends : open / enemies : open / character bond : difficult

☾・゚. TO MIX
    ↪ iii . appearance ✦
feline - esque [ birthed as a feline ] | health 100%
. ❜ l
Inferno is a regular-sized feline, though larger than her siblings, taking after the genes of her unknown father. Her fur is mainly ivory-colored with light brown striped patterns around her muzzle, tail, legs, and scattered throughout her body.  She's very slender and thin, but has a hidden muscular build unobvious at first glance. Her underbelly is a pale white, like cream. Her paws are medium sized ( think if you cut a lemon in half, the circle shaped in the middle ) that support her body well, thanks to her muscular limbs. She has had the Scarecrow Effect applied to her, granting her pelt flickers that turn her briefly dark, a ragged skeletal figure appearing throughout her body. Her eyes become either bright gold or deep crimson.
Her eyes are innocent and doe-like, which does help her get whatever she wants most of the time, and outlined with a very thin rim of gold, drawing attention to the delicate features of her face. Her eyes can range from a color of icy blue to a deep hue of violet, cutting across the boundaries of pink and red as well. She can shift them at will. They also shift according to mood, which she cannot control. Chart shown below:
    ——— ( injuries & illness )
small lacerations along her chest - cause: playful sibling attacks
deep grooves on her left foreleg - cause: shattered wine glass
anger management issues
borderline insanity
pseudobulbar affect - cause: poisoned by arvid then diagnosed
. ❜ anger management issues - gets angry over the smallest of things , can be caused by certain words / phrases , certain actions towards her | borderline insanity - triggered over certain actions, for example sudden threatening movements , certain sayings - "calm down / relax / we can talk about this" and others , others touching her stuff
    ——— ( aesthetic )
smells of roses and floral scents
. ❜ motifs/general associations
. ❜ has a small earring with a blue jay feather and a red ruby
. ❜ soft Italian accent
. ❜ pinterest board

    ↪ iv . personality ✦
chaotic neutral | choleric | ESTP-T | Gryffindor
. ❜ direct, sharp, will do what she wants to get what she wants,
. ❜ determination/she loves ice cream and will literally not throw up no matter how much she eats - determined not to mess up anything
. ❜ lack of self-control/loses control very easily, can snap in an instant, cold-hearted, hard to read, hard to relate to
    ——— (detailed personality )
Inferno's highly distrustful of organisations of any kind, be it clans or cults or whatever. Furthermore, she’s a skeptic on many things, and doesn’t trust easily. Those she does trust, however, she’s incredibly loyal too, even when she’s in a power frenzy. She’s a street smart kid with little academic knowledge, but it’s the kind of smart she’s needed to survive.
Her humour is crude and her view of love is, as usual, skeptical. While not necessarily reckless, living life to the fullest is more consequential than living life to the maximum age.
Call her by her full name or any other odd truncation of her given name, and you will find that only half of your limbs are in full working order. It isn't a curse that leaves her less intellectual than some of her siblings and other family so much as simple lack of interest in matters of wisdom or logic – however, she is very invested in matters of fighting; she will fight you if you give her reason to, and it doesn't take much because she probably wants to fight you. It's what she's good at. After all, her two true loves are not people: they're throwing parties and starting fights.
hotheaded , easily angered , borderline insane , direct , sharp , harsh , sadist , family comare , manipulative , cold-blooded ,

    ↪ v .interaction ✦
hard to beat physically | easy to anger mentality
. ❜ will start fights, won't end fights
. ❜ powerplay of peaceful actions allowed
    ——— (powers )

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 02-24-2021

[div style="!INNER BOX; text-align: right; text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #330000; font-family: Impact;"]JORMUNGAND

[color=#8B0000]GENERAL INFORMATION ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・゚✧

JORMUNGAND D'ANGELO┊The Devil's Son┊ Male [ He, Him, ]┊
✧ 5 years ┊ 5th ┊ 25.05.[CLASSIFIED]
✧ The Pitt ┊ Maurader
✧ Titles? Ha, just call me Sir.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ RELATIONSHIPS
✧ single ┊ bisexual ┊ open for plots
✧ status of father : unknown
✧ status of mother : dead
✧ status of sister : dead
✧ doesn't speak of outer family / asmodeus di angelo, hydrostatic di angelo, angelembrace di angelo

APPEARANCE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・゚✧

✧ birthed as a cub / currently a panther [ cub / panther ] ┊ 98%
✧ Jormungand is a large black panther, weighing roughly 200 pounds and standing at 5'7 at the crown and 5'4 at the breastbone. He has very dark patterns spread all across his slightly lighter fur, ebony-black. He's very muscular and the evidence is clear as day by the rippling of his muscles as he moves. He isn't what you would exactly call... soft, he never learnt what the hell that meant, he was more masculine and angular, the planes of his bones, slashes of his cheekbones standing out. He was thin, but a sleek, healthy kind of thin. Think sculpted features.
✧ no accessories
✧ unnaturally bright, icy optics┊very dark, patterned pelt┊shadows wrapping around body that adjust to his mood


✧ previously damaged chest
✧ scarred muzzle
✧ scarred lip
✧ torn flesh
✧ mark of Cipactli branded on his chest

━━━━━━━━━━ AESTHETICS
✧ tarot - The Emperor
✧ smells like expensive cologne
✧ Italian accent
✧ power ┊ player ┊ business ┊ revenge ┊ reputation ┊
✧ Mafia connection
✧ clairvoyance
✧ air elemental
pinterest board
[color=#98F5FF]spotify playlist

[color=#8B0000]PERSONALITY ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・゚✧

✧ ENTJ ┊ Neutral Evil
✧ sadist ┊ flirt ┊ charmer ┊ sarcastic
✧ Sadism doesn't run in his family, but he had always grown up under a cut-throat environment under the rule of his successful businessman father and the icy-cold beauty of his mother. So he turned to brutality and bloodshed. Addicting. During his younger days he never had any love from neither of his parents. Then came his adopted sister. She was the light of his life. The warmth to wash away his coldness. The light to light up his path when all he could see was black. The comfort when he needed to stress out and rant. The slim, beautiful snow leopard to his muscular panther form. She was always there, patient, caring, soothing. The complete opposite of him.
He had problems. Issues. Mental ones.
Neglect, waste. He was a waste of time, money and space in the house. When he got injured, his father always told him the situation would be handled accordingly, but nothing ever did come. His mother didn't even care. In his life, he had probably interacted with his mother under ten times. The last time he had said anything to her were the words, 'Thanks for the looks, bitch', right before he sliced her throat open whilst his father watched, trapping his sister to the floor with a sadistic smile on his maw. Jormungand didn't care about his mother, she never had been in his life anyways, he was curious, so he dipped his neck to lap at the blood pooling on the floor. It tasted metallic, and as he looked up his father had made Baby fetch a mirror. It had been cracked and stained with red as one of his parents had thrown it on the floor, smashing wine glasses as they argued before damaging his skin and muscles, picking and sniping at his mental weaknesses that he had begun to discover.

━━━━━━━━━━ DISORDERS
✧ short sanity snap

INTERACTIONS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・゚✧

✧ muscular ┊ sadistic
✧ as a human the battle style a mix between Kalarippayattu and Jujitsu
✧ won't show mercy ┊ will kill unless he has a client and says they don't want it
✧ ask for powerplay
✧ attacking in underlined

  MISC ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・゚✧
✧ penned by [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member]
— cocky, arrogant attitude
— awkward around children
— hums to himself whilst doing tasks

  ✧ significant events ━━ timeline
[color=#98F5FF]Baby's death
[color=#98F5FF]Candlelit Dinner
[color=#98F5FF]Birth of Cubs
[color=#98F5FF]Tanglewood Capture
[color=#98F5FF]Promotion to Skald
[color=#98F5FF]Second Blooding
[color=#98F5FF]Promotion to Maurader

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Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


Time to drink, chat, and get drunk.


"It was at that moment that his heart stopped."


Time - 0400AM, 21 Hours after Baby's death

Weather - Rain

Day of the Week (DOTW) - Thursday


Rain. Rain. A slash of lightning, lighting up the sky. The panther looked up from his crouched position, the phenomenon briefly gleaming up his features, the sharp angle of his jaw, the muscles on his body, the sad glint in his icy blue optics. He narrowed his eyes and let out a sigh, resting his chin on his paws and curling his tail tighter around his body.
Why, out of all the people, did Baby have to die? Out of anyone there, there were so, so many of them, why did she have to die? She was the only person Jormungand had left in his life ever since their parents died. She was the younger sister of the family, and they depended on each other like the tide depended on the moon. They were siblings, best friends, partners in crime. There was no way one could carry on without the other.
The rain pattered onto his face, over his eyelids, mixing with the salty tang of tears that leaked out of his ducts, an emotion bursting forth within him that he had never felt before. Not even when his parents were crushed. Baby had been devastated, but then again she had always been the softer from the two, the porcelain-looking doll. He was very protective of her, and a sad smile graced his lips as he recalled their best moments together.

When she took down her first deer, he was there to cheer her on. When she first got injured, he was there to relieve the pain, yanking the bone out with his teeth. When she was sad, he would be there to comfort her. In short, they had been unseparatable.
He didn't even remember properly how she had died, it had all been a blur, but he was certain that it had been an ambush meant to kill him, but it was technically his fault that she had to die. He had lagged behind to quickly hunt for dinner, all the while keeping her in sight, and he looked away for a brief moment to ensure the animal was dead, and when he looked back she was staring at him blankly, maw open. He was slightly confused, but picked up the animal- he didn't even give a shit what that animal was, whatever it was, it wasn't worth it - and made his way back to her in a few bounds in time to see her legs buckle and her collapse. He had dropped the animal and, as if in slow motion, watch the moving of her front elbow expose an impossibly sharp canine release blood from her side. She made a small whimpering noise and he dropped down next to her.
"Jor.. no, it's okay. Life happens all the time, it's just a circle that we're all in and cannot get out of." She said with a weak smile. He shook his head.
"Baby, no, hold it together, please. We-we can do something about it-" He had never, ever in his life been so emotionally exposed, but in this moment he didn't fucking care. Fuck everything. Fuck everybody around them. Baby was the only thing that mattered right now. He clasped her paw against his chest and held back a sob. Orbs half-lidded and a faint sigh, Baby continued. "Brother, please, stay safe. Whatever you do..." Her voice dropped to a faint whisper, and he had to lean close to her mouth to hear. "Don't go after my killer, and throw my body in the lake."
Then her eyes shut, and Jormungand felt his heart stop. "Baby-"
No answer.
"Baby?" He tried again, nudging her leg up with his nose, and watched it fall, limply, to the ground. He didn't know how long he sat there, staring blankly at her body, before getting up, as if possessed. His gaze honed in on the tooth, still sticking out of her limp, beautiful body. With an unholy roar he dove forwards, clamping his jaws around the weapon and yanking it out, being careful not to damage his sister's body. As if by some magic, as he dragged the tooth out of her body a long strand of Baby's tail fur also came loose and wrapped itself around the canine. With a paw he tried to pluck it loose, but found out he couldn't. The fur glowed silver, grew thicker, and wrapped itself into a loop. He slid it over his lobes until it came to rest on his chest, the string around his neck, and he tapped the weapon. It was sharp, very sharp, and he didn't care what happened to him whilst wearing it. Let him die too, over her body, so he could finally find her in Heaven. He'd probably go to Hell, but knowing how nice she had been when she had still been...
he knew she would make it to where the sun shone and everything was beautiful.
He was the opposite. He had seen so much bloodshed and enjoyed it, so his death wouldn't be all flowers and happiness.
Bones, blood.
Limbs scattered all over the battlefield.
Jormungand shook his head and clawed at the ground in frustration.
"Throw my body in the lake."
He remembered her breath, and picked her up by the scruff.
He usually enjoyed blood, spilling it, and watching it drizzle into the ground, but for once, he didn't want to see the crimson liquid from her body.
So he looked up as he pulled her limp form towards the water, taking care not to let sticks snag her fur and making sure her white fur stayed clean.
Getting to the water he laid her body down gently, and began smoothing out her fur with long strokes of his tongue, taking care to get rid of the blood and getting her fur back to its original silvery state.
He looked away as he nudged his dead sister into the water, but casting a quick glance back at her, and froze as he watched her body sink into the depth.
After standing stock-still for a moment, he spun, stalked through the bushes, and slunk towards the closest cave he could find, one closest to the water, and curled up on the floor. He opened his body posture, an invitation for her to come fit her form into his, before freezing again as the realisation that she was gone hit, and he pulled his limbs close to his body again, wrapping his tail over his nose.

All of that happened yesterday, and Jormungand was still crouched in the same position, blankly staring at the water. He hadn't moved since he last sat down, and he was slightly hungry, but he ignored it and pushed the hunger away.
Let him die.
Let him starve to death.
Let him not be alive anymore.
The only meaning to his life was gone. Poof. Disappeared.
Fuck it.
He kept his position, and raised his muzzle to stare into the sky. The rain pitter-pattered on the floor, getting his paws wet, dripping off of his nose.
It would take him time to recover, even if he could, which he didn't really feel like doing any time soon.
Why not just jump into the water to follow her?
Wouldn't that just be... easier?


Might have fucked up.

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]




"Thin as they were, they were slowly being plucked apart by this... moron's attacks."


Time - 2300PM, one day after Baby's death

Weather - Foggy

Day of the Week (DOTW) - Friday


"Weak." The male snarled, his tail lashing angrily as his claws dug deep grooves into the ground. "Pathetic." Another roar. "Pity." He let a growl rumble his throat. "You feel pity for me? You dare?"
This... person, had begun tugging at the strings. Slowly, teasingly, second by second. The strings of his sanity. Thin as they were, they were slowly being plucked apart by this.. moron's attacks. His opponent grinned, a sadistic smile, unsheathing gleaming talons and copying the panther's movements before dissolving in the steam, reappearing, curling around the panther's neck. "But, you don't want my pity? Everybody knows how you lost B-"

The strings snapped as his beloved's name was mentioned. Anything that held Jormungand's sanity to this plane had just been ripped to shreds, not that there was much to begin with. With a scream of anger, his vision turning crimson, the 200-pound, muscular male lunged towards his enemy. To his utter unsurprise, his opponent didn't try to run away, instead matched him, move for move. No blows were landed, though crimson lifeblood was spilt, only one-sided. He could call on his shadows to armor him, but he wanted to bleed. To stain the ground, to mark the place as his, and his only. This place was going to be his. Nobody could take it. Too much has happened here for it to be ruined by a mere trespasser. Dirt, dust, sweat, the pungent, addicting, metallic smell of blood, his blood, soon hung heavy in the air. He snarled, angrily, looking at his mauled frontal paws, and sat down, smoothing out his fur with rough strokes of his tongue.

"Do not mention her name again to me. To anyone. Ever. Or be certain those will be the last words you'll ever utter."
Outside he seemed calm, but inside he was positively boiling with rage. How dare he use Baby's name in vain? Calling her out to be a liar, and a cheat? No, not her. Jormungand may be one, and he was proud to admit it, but not his sister.
"I will hunt you down even if I have to travel to the edge of the Realm and back. I'll follow you into the Shadows and back. Insult her again, and I'll find a way to bring you to life so I can bring down a fucking plethora of shit raining down on you." He threatened, orbs turning icy cold and hard, unforgiving, as the handsome male scowled at the floor. His Shadow stared back, an evil smile on his face as it stood up and began striding on the floor.
"Actually, handsome, I can do whatever I want. You don't own me, you can't tell me what to do. I can dirt-throw shit on anyone and they won't be able to touch me."
Suddenly, a sinister grin spread on the panther's lips as he stood up, coming face-to-face with the demon. "Actually, I can. You seem to be forgetting something, don't you?" He taunted. The other seemed a bit confused, so Jormungand pressed on, anger still brewing in his mind, but sadistic pleasure took over the majority.
"You seem to be forgetting Hebe."
The witch, he had threatened into giving him the power to raise the shadows of the dead, what he used for his sister.
He watched with glee as the demon's complexion visibly paled.
"You seem to forget," Jor drawled on, "That I can make whatever I summon touchable, right?" He clucked his tongue, false sympathy dripping from his lips.
The other stayed quiet. Jormungand lifted his chin in triumph, blood dripping down it to splatter on the floor, eyes glowing through the mist.
"Anything you got to say?"

No answer. He was left alone in the clearing and the heart, once again. His lifeblood was still pooling from his paws and side, and he let out a gruff sigh, starting to limp towards the water mass that his dead sister was dropped into. Upon reaching it, he stepped into the water, wincing briefly as the coldness stung his warm pads. He hissed through his teeth before dipping his head down and lapping at the water, completely submerging his body, washing out the grime, dirt, blood and sweat, watching it drift and dissolve into the water.


It's survival of the fittest and you and me both play by the rules, no?

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 03-06-2021

Inferno track <3

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-06-2021

Jor track

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - CASSIUS FENDER - 03-11-2021

NAME. cassius fender
NAME. cassius
AGE. 2.5 years
LOCATION. The Golden Eye
PRONOUNS. he / him
HEALTH. 100% - fully healed

FAMILY. abandoned at birth | parents unknown, presumed dead | siblings unknown
ROMANCE. single 
HOW HE HANDLES RELATIONSHIPS. slow, careful, doesn't want to rush things in fear of losing his partner | loyal | clingy
HOW TO APPROACH HIM. be direct about what you want, he can be dumb sometimes and miss hints | don't suddenly approach him or he might be scared away

HABITS. skitters around when he's nervous, apologises a lot
LIKES. sunbathing, playing with shiny things
DISLIKES. being in big crowds, talking to strangers
DETAILED DESCRIPTION. cassius fender is a two-year-old owl-snow leopard hybrid who really enjoys sunbathing and playing around with things like feathers, or bits of string, or anything shiny he can find that draws his attention. he's kind but can also sometimes be shy under conditions like meeting new people or being in large groups of strangers, or large groups in general, but can also be a bit troublemaker-ish once he gets familiarised with people. he's slightly introverted, preferring to stay by himself and a few close friends unless he's venturing out to relax and play.
in terms of love, he can be very romantic and charming(old-fashioned), preferring a candlelit dinner over a bloodthirsty feast, and a nice walk along a moonlit beach rather than sprinting through the woods.
he's very organised, likes to keep things in check and make sure his life is alright because chaos makes his head hurt, which is another reason he's uncomfortable around crowds.
he prefers to observe what happens rather than directly engaging, and is clear-headed and can pick up information from everyone quickly but sometimes zones out and doesn't process anything.

CURRENT BODY. owl-snow leopard hybrid
EYE COLOR. clear yellow, ranging between dull or bright at different moods. most often they have a haunting look in them
BUILD. skinny, visible ribs
physically, cassius is very skinny, unusually so even for his age due to lack of nutrition and care when he was young. he is average-height for his age with soft, silvery fur, black and gray spots dotted throughout it, and bright yellow optics that are set seductively within their sockets. his body is also very sleek and long, and has very long talons. the muzzle of his face transforms, hooking up in a curve and exposing a beak, showing a part of the hybrid formation. his ears fan back, pinching together, like an owls' but larger due to the snow leopard's nature. wide wings sprout from his shoulder blades, easily his body's length, the underside thick and black patterns dotting the upper side. the fur around his neck is thick, very thick, and fluffs up when he makes any rapid movements in a way to make him seem bigger.

code by spacexual

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - DAMION MAVERICK - 03-14-2021

bla, bla, bla I want your love

NAME: Damion Maverick
— NICKNAMES: maverick
→ name meaning
    → Damion - to tame, subdue - Greek origin
    → Maverick - valiant hero - Bible origin

— GENDER | PRONOUNS: male | he, him
— SEXUALITY: gray asexual | no romantic attractions

— AGE | DATE OF BIRTH: 3 years | 13th October
— PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyiv, Ukraine
    → Russian
    → Israeli



— ALLIANCE Golden Eye | Inner Circle
— PAST ALLIANCES: Solntsevskaya Bratva | Солнцевская братва
— CURRENT RANK: Inner Circle - soldier
— PAST RANKS: Lieutenant , Captaiin


— BEST MEMORIES: playing games and making up new ones with his siblings
— ACCOMPLISHMENTS: rising to the ranks of Lt. and Cpt.

— WORST MEMORY: watching his mother die
— REGRETS: not spending enough time with his lover before her death
— SECRETS: n/a

text text


SPECIES: hellhound
BODY TYPE: muscular
— WEIGHT: 120 pounds
    → 4½ feet high at the shoulder
    → 137.16cm
— POSTURE: military - stiff
— SMELLS LIKE: death and forest fires

    → permanently decaying
    → zombification aesthetic
— COLOR: rotten dark crimson , almost black
    → torn ear
    → wounded muzzle
    → bite marks along his spine
——— EYE COLOR: poison green

— ITEM NAME: a bracelet with fangs and small bones around his right hind paw, it makes a quiet clanking sound when he walks

DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Damion is a MYTHICAL CREATURE known as a HELLHOUND, standing at around 4 and a half foot. His eye sockets are hollow, sunken, hooded, with poisonous green glowing orbs and rings of lemonade-colored circles around alabaster pupils. His body is infested with the ZOMBIFICATION AESTHETIC, giving him the appearance as if he were permanently decaying. His ribs protrude out thin, very visible, covered by a very thin layer of dark crimson skin. His bones are black, painted with almost an ashy-coal color. His chest and breastbone reach down low, stopping short of being the same level of his elbows. The shape curves back up, thinning out at the waist and expanding into the femurs, very visible due to the ZOMBIFICATION.
Deep grooves are cut from the lower corners of his eyes down the bridge of his nose, stopping at the top of the gray organ. Inside them are small pockets that fill up with his venom, illuminating his twisted features in the evening.
His neck is strong, covered with a thick patch of flowing fur, choppy in length and black in color, gradually getting lighter to mesh with the color of his skin. The fur thins down as it goes down towards his spine, also very jagged and protruded. Visible bite marks leave deep grooves in his skin, exposing the dirty white marrow of the bone.
Parted jaws reveal criss-crossed needle thin sharp teeth, a crimson serpentine tongue running down the length of his mandible. His MUTATION allows him to be able to summon venom in his maw at will. Sometimes the green glowing liquid drips down his body even if his mouth is closed. The venom does not do any damage to neither him nor anyone else. It it for AESTHETIC PURPOSES only.
Scars stretch from the top of the left cheek running down towards his upper lip and ending at the bottom of his right chin where another pale scar is exposed. Fire has left its mark on the front of his chest, deepening the color of the skin to almost black, beginning from his left frontal shoulder towards the underside of his chin - a constant stinging reminder of what took away his sister Mila.
An old fading tattoo of a slashed cross is almost hidden just below his right eye, a memory from his past wife. A tribal mark in form of a faded poison-green stripe above and below his left eye mark his status in his family and most importantly brings back a memory of his siblings.


    → Russian ( native )
    → English ( fluent )
    → Swiss-German ( fluent )
    → Hebrew ( second native )
    → Hungarian ( basic )
— ACCENT: Russian
    → gruff
    → low
    → "сука"
    → "verdammte Hurensohn"
    → "fuck it"
— LAUGHTER: rare but a deep rumble

— FATHER: Semion Yudkovich Mogilevich → Solntsevskaya Bratva | Солнцевская братва → businessman
— MOTHER: Katalin Papp → Solntsevskaya Bratva | Солнцевская братва
    → Mila Semyonova
    → Grigorev Yuliy
    → Julius Semyonov Grigoriev
— CHILDREN: Jázmin Kapinos → dead → daughter of Sofiya Kapinos

— PAST LOVERS: Sofiya Kapinos → dead

ACQUAINTANCES: Solntsevskaya Bratva | Солнцевская братва
— FRIENDS: ofp
— ENEMIES: ofp
— RIVALS: enemies to his father

    → ISTJ - A
    → logistician
— ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
— PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE: "It's kill or be killed, dog-eat-dog world"

    → abandoned places
    → occasional gambling
    → venom
    → snakes
    → natural disasters
    → ambience
    → candles
— GOALS: - repay a blood debt - promise he made when he was a child
— GUILTY PLEASURES: killing for sport
    → stargazing
    → taking walks by himself along quiet paths
    → breeze on his face
— SOFT SPOT: his deceased wife

    → chaos
    → anything annoying
    → whoever disagrees with his religion
    → social events
    → romance
    → perfectionist - "
    → sadist - "Killing is a form of art and I love it"
    → blunt - "I don't sugarcoat things"
    → manipulative - "Before we come to the physical things, I'd like to perform some mind
    → callous - "I feel little to none. I have been born and raised correctly."
    → intolerant - "I cannot tolerate simple-minded people with simple-minded plans."
    → PTSD - nightmares , flashbacks
    → killing spree
    → facing his father
    → disorder
    → chaos

    → creed of belief ( shahada )
    → daily prayers ( salah )
    → giving to the poor ( zakat )
    → fasting during Ramadan ( sawm )
    → belief in Allah
    → the one and only God
    → belief in angels
    → belief in the holy books
    → belief in the Prophets
    → belief in the Day of Judgement
    → belief in Predestination

— SELF-EVALUATIION: "I strive for perfection. The perfect killer, perfect soldier. That is how I see myself."
— EVALUATION OF WHAT OTHERS THINK OF HIM: "Frankly, I don't really care about their opinions. I just want them to know I'm there, I can protect them. That's all I expect of them."

— ANGER MANAGEMENT: attack , kill
— GRIEF / LOSS MANAGEMENT: wandering alone
— SADNESS MANAGEMENT: staying away from others
— CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: waiting it out
— CHANGE MANAGEMENT: change is for the best - slowly gets used to it

— DAREDEVIL / CAUTIOUS: a mixture of both
— POLITE / RUDE: polite but cold

    → brutally honest
    → cold
    → loyal
    → fight to the last breath
    → crafty
    → manipulative
    → apathetic
    → harsh way to rule and enforce laws
    → knowledgeable - father interacted with many people

gone cold ever since wife died

— Oh who am I M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna fuck with
— I'm uncontrollable, emotional, chaotically proportional - I'm visceral, reloadable - I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy
— It's hard to breathe but that's alright
— 47 АК, сука, мы палим города  | да, сука, новый автомат

template © kicksie

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 05-03-2021

LUCINDER XIU - male - african lion - he/him - heterosexual
[Image: AAMTNtS.jpg]
full name: lucinder xiu
    name meaning: "Bringer of fire, flame & light."

gender: male
    sexuality: heterosexual

age: 2 years and 5 months

species: african lion

    child body:
          build: as a child lucinder had always been slightly large in the litter with a stocky build and a size advantage he isn't scared to enforce on his siblings. long limbs hold him steady and jut his chest out, causing him to have a straight back and gives the illusion of a strict posture.
          face: amber eyes, sapphire blue(HEX: #52B2BF) primarily dominating the left and jungle green(HEX: #29AB87) the right. hickory(HEX: #351E10) grooves cutting into the bridge of his nose, the color making a swirl below his eyes. the outer sides of his eyes are outlined with a thin layer of white, highlighting the sparkly orbs. his nose is a pebble grey(HEX: #333333), dainty.
          mane+tail: tailtip iron-ashen(HEX: #48494B) as if preparing to take after his mothers' fire elementals. his mane is thick, fanning out in the winters to keep him warm. that color is also iron-ashy(HEX: #48494B), like the fluffy tip of his tail.
          body: his fur is a coffee(HEX: #4B371C) color, underbelly is a pale lion brown(HEX: #C19A6B) that dissolves into dots at the hipbones. his paws are black, running up to his elbows and mixing with the colors.
          pattern: smaller spots starting from the corners of his eyes and running down the length of his body and growing in size. the patterns are faded dusty brown(HEX: #D2B48C) that will develop into colors later.

    full-grown body:
          build: body long, sleek, muscular, hardened with age. taken after the dominating in the father figure, muscles clearly visible, everything sharp
          face: angular jawline, sharp slashes across his face and a harsh gleam in his optics, color still the same amber.
          mane+tail: thickness still the same but the colors start turning a chilli red(HEX: #C21807) mixing with barn red(HEX: #7C0A02), including strands of orange(HEX: #ED7014) and bumblebee-yellow(HEX: #FCE205).
          body: his fur is a now coffee color(HEX: #4B371C).
          pattern:, the spots at the corners of his eyes turning to a dusty crimson(HEX: #B90E0A) and the rest of the spots on his body a mix of cherry-rouge(HEX: #990F02) until it ends up a mixed reddish-orange(HEX: #FF2800).

    mbti: entj
the commander:
    long description: with his size being his main dominating trait lucinder has always been able to keep a calm and collected head no matter the situation. he's very strategic, not focusing on a direct solution that might be too easy but looking at trickier ways to solve it. he would express his opinion if needed and if asked, always thinking long-term and looking at how answers would lead to future problems. he doesn't like mess, chaos, but prefers everything in order, appearing rigid and harsh when he wants to. he's a natural leader when necessary, able to keep his temper in check, reserved in his ways of movements and only explaining himself if he has to, careful to not let his emotions rule his head.
sometimes life is harsh and so is he. he's blunt, talking to someone who messed up (should they be older) very directly, might even be borderline brash, (should they be younger) he'd speak in a softer tone, sympathising with the other and getting to the root of the problem easily. he values knowledge  a lot but has very little empathy. he's a judge, jury and executioner rolled in one, not hesitating one bit to do what has to be done to punish whoever broke what rule. he's held back though easily, has massive self-control, loyal and following rules to the period. he's old-fashioned, not good with dealing with change but gets used to it in a few days, max a week.

other: has purchased and developed fire elemental