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BOTTLE AND A GUN ☆ new pet - Printable Version

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BOTTLE AND A GUN ☆ new pet - SHIELDKIT. - 02-21-2021

Things for Shieldkit recently had been... rough, to say the least. While he hadn't been physically hurt at all - aside from some bruising on his side as a result of the whole bath incident - it seemed as though his siblings were competing to see who could get more hurt. It had caused him a great deal of stress as of late, and he found that he was no longer able to get any good sleep, whether it be during the daytime or at night. While he had previously been able to nap at anytime or anywhere, he now found it difficult just to close his eyes without visions of Mazekit plummeting, or Wyv soaked and unresponsive in the sand. Even when he was actually able to drift off to sleep, he was usually woken up not very long afterward by some kind of horrid nightmare where all of his siblings had disappeared, or all of them were injured and dying. Those dreams always made him wake up gasping and struggling to breathe, desperately trying to regain his sense of calm.

Most nights, he just remained within the room that housed himself and his siblings, pretending to be asleep when he was really just staring at the wall, feeling numb and exhausted. This time, though, he found that he simply wasn't able to do that. He was feeling restless and upset, and he needed to get out. So, he carefully got up to his paws in the dead of night, slipping silently past the dozing bodies of his siblings and out of the house. He was sure he'd get yelled at later for leaving when it was so late, but he couldn't help it. He didn't feel as though he had any other option than to just... allow himself to wander out through the territory of the Glades, his bright green eyes focused upward, at the stars. He didn't know where he was heading, but it wasn't long before he found himself at the edge of the Twisted Forest, surprisingly not fearing the towering darkness of the trees around him. Instead, he just found them comforting, since they provided a barrier between himself and the rest of the world.

However, it didn't seem as though the child was completely alone. As he sat and just allowed himself to take in the forest around him, he was surprised to hear the sound of footsteps growing closer. He initially tensed up, thinking that it was either one of his parents, or someone coming from another group to hurt him. Instead, it was something much different - a goat. Specifically, a pygmy goat. It trotted innocently through the trees, letting out a soft bleat as it spotted Eld, pausing and staring at him. He stared back, having never seen a goat before, except for in picture books. After a moment, the goat moved forward, letting out a more enthusiastic bleat as it toppled him over, before bouncing around excitedly. Shield let out a soft grunt as he was knocked over, but soon found a grin on his muzzle, laughter bubbling forth from his mouth as he said happily, "You're pretty funny, you know! Do you wanna be my friend? I think I could call you... Brody. How does Brody sound to you?" He glanced over at the small black and white goat, unsurprised as he simply let out another cheerful bleat and bounced around a bit more. Eld doubted that mapa would be too happy about him bringing his new companion home, but he already felt a great deal of affection for the other animal.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BOTTLE AND A GUN ☆ new pet - Onyxdreams - 02-22-2021

~ ☼ With the newfound freedom that becoming a discens had granted her, Onyx had found that she actually rather liked to stay up fairly late into the night. Oh it did get a bit cold, but it was nothing like it had been through the middle of Winter, and it was easily fixable with a nice, warm blanket...which she had to wash sand and dirt out of later. Still, it was a great time for a lot of things, hunting for eggs, with a free bird to go with them, a bit of late night training, enjoying the atmosphere, or her favorite, searching for cool stuff! Sure the day was a great time to go out looking for new things to add to her slowly growing collection, but when she really thought about it, that just let everyone know she had found new stuff, but more specifically, it let Mezrith know if she had found candy. She couldn't stand for that, especially not if she was followed to her hiding spot!

Tonight though it was more of a 'nice walk through the woods' night than a proper 'cool adventure' one, but that was alright, it was nice in its own sort of way, even if she hadn't found anything neat just yet. Turning her gaze up through an open patch in the canopy above, she took a moment to enjoy the sight of the moon overhead, shining up there in the sky...yea, nights like these were kind of nice. A few more seconds was all she got to enjoy of the moment however, when a noise caught her ears, a kind of sound that she had never heard before, a bit distant, but still there. Moving closer to the noise, it wasn't long before she was given a repeat, and it was just as strange the second time, like some kind of rumble, but way more high pitched and kind of...vibrate-y? What followed was just a little more concerning though, a voice, one that she recognized, and one that definitely shouldn't have been out in the forest this late at night.

It didn't take Onyx long to arrive on the scene, she had already been pretty close, and when she did she was greeted by the sight of Shieldkit on the ground, with some weird little thing bouncing around nearby. The tirone didn't look hurt at least, in fact he looked pretty happy, and wasn't that a relief. Still, just...what was that creature he had found? She hadn't seen anything like this before, with hooves and horns and.....were its eyes sideways? Its eyes were totally sideways, oh wow that was creepy but also really, really cool! "'re uh, out a little late....alone, probably not the best idea." the discens commented as she stepped closer, might have been a little bit hypocritical of her, considering she had snuck out her fair share of times before, but she wasn't wrong, it wasn't really a good idea. "Also, what...what is that thing?"

Re: BOTTLE AND A GUN ☆ new pet - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-25-2021

Winterhymns just like his son found it difficult to get any sleep after the incident with Mazekit, it had scared him horribly at the possibility that his son could've died that day had he not been there... It was a thought that hurt and squeezed at his heart, he tried not to dwell on it yet his restless gaze usually watched over the small boy never wanting to leave him. Winnie found himself slowly closing his eyes until the sound of pawsteps made his folded ears twitch, he glanced over at the sleeping form of his son and lover deciding that he would not wake them. The Pendragon slipped away only to push through the small crack within his door making sure that it didn't squeak, perhaps one of the children had gone to get a glass of water. He crept over to their room glancing around at all the bodies that were huddled together before he turned to the kitchen. No one. It was rather late out... The sun hadn't even rose.

With a frown, he stepped out from his house seeing that there was paw prints heading in the direction of the Twisted Forest. His heart nearly leaping out of his chest recalling the encounter he had when he went there for a few herbs, Winnie picking up the pace as he already made his way over to the forest being a bit hesitant in approaching. Still the feline would slip through the entrance only to pause hearing the sound of laughter, he continued further until the sight of Onyxpaw, Shieldkit, and some goat came into his view. Winterhymns let out a relieved sigh to know that his kitten was safe but that didn't stop the slight frustration from bubbling in his chest as he spoke up in a stern voice "Shieldkit Pendragon-Daisuke." His pupils narrowing ever so slightly as he continued with his tail lashing behind him "You shouldn't be out so late... Or let alone anywhere near Twisted Forest," A frown on his maw as he took a few steps forward.

Although, it was getting hard to stay upset at his son seeing how happy he was around the small goat. The frown faltering and eventually, a tired smile appearing as he closed his eyes with a light shake of his cranium "What am I going to do with you..." Out of both him and Magnum, he was less disciplinary and strict... He was much too soft and he needed to change that... Or at least, be less lenient with his children so they could stay safe.