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Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - Printable Version

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Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - Ares - 02-21-2021

The night was a blessing and a curse for the girl. Hardly did she now sleep. Nightmares about stone halls and torn wings and snarling monsters kept her up. But the night was welcoming. It helped. She could tell the moon and stars her issues, cry about the monster she had chained inside. It pained her with sharp stabs of pain in her chest and paws and back and head. It would scream to be let out but she refused.

And now, under the moonless night she cried. It was quiet, no sobs no weakness. it was gentle as the night sky. Under the moonless night she spoke, quiet and fragile. "I feel lonely, it's ugly. I don't have friends. Cire is silent, that thing still screams. People have left and I didn't know them." she sighed.

"I have nightmares about screaming and stone walls and monsters tearing at me. I'm scared to tell anyone because they'll say something and I'll get mean.. I don't want to get mean. Don't want to make a mistake again." another heavy sigh as a thought came to mind. "Aurum is probably still mad and that's okay.. I was stupid and selfish and now I'm scared to go back."

On that beach under a moonless night she watched the waves, wondering if they'd carry her away one day.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - RHINESTONE. - 02-21-2021

Nighttime. It was a time that Rhinestone liked a great deal, similarly to Ares, but not quite for the same reasons. She liked the dark of the night because it provided her with a time of peace, when she could doze off and let all worries escape her mind. That wasn't an opportunity that came often for her, considering her position within the Glades. She was often worried and frustrated, trying to keep everyone around her safe while also struggling to keep herself afloat. This wasn't to say that her life was miserable, though. Quite the opposite, in fact. She was happy with her position, and incredibly proud of how far they had come since their very humble beginnings. Not only that, but she was surrounded by family and friends who cared about her, and that was something she would never give up. She just... couldn't deny that it was occasionally nice to just sleep and let her mind turn off, if only for a bit.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though Ares wasn't able to turn her mind off quite so easily. Rhine had only been out because she had figured she would get a nighttime patrol in before bed, only to stumble upon Ares as she vented her frustrations to the open air. The canine felt a frown pull at her muzzle as she heard what the girl had to say, her heart aching as she made her way closer. Sitting down carefully beside Ares, the legate hesitated for a moment before muttering, looking up at the stars as she spoke, "You know... I used to come out here and talk to Starclan a lot, when I was younger. I thought that they would be able to give me advice, and help me with all the problems I had when I was an apprentice..." She then turned her gaze towards Ares herself, reaching out a paw to gently pat the other's back, "They never responded, but... I always felt better about it. It was nice to just... get those negative feelings out, even if I wasn't immediately given the answers I was looking for. And, you know... even with all those problems that I had back then... I like to think that I still turned out pretty well." Just like I'm sure you will went unsaid, but the message still lingered beneath her words.

Re: Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 02-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I CAN'T MAKE REALITY CONNECT !。+゚.[/glow]
Ironically, the night wasn't a friend to Drayden. Or at least, he wasn't very comfortable with being alone at night; his thoughts tended to wander about how useless he supposedly was. Although the nighttime probably wasn't a good idea for him to go exploring around and getting used to his new home, Drayden decided on doing just that to keep his mind off of things. The faint sounds of people talking drew Drayden closer to where Ares and Rhinestonestar were and he arrived to hear the tail-end of the leader's words.

Honestly, the Cipher kid wasn't sure how to say anything at all, given how he had hardly any context to what was going on. But it tugged at his heart how Ares was crying and he frowned, deciding to come stand next to Rhine. "Hey. You okay?" He asked, unsure if he should be wary of Ares or not. Some people lashed out when upset, he knew, and he was a stranger, so that certainly wouldn't help matters.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - rhosmari - 02-22-2021

The young borzoi didn't believe in the stars or whatever fictitious thing that was being spoken about. The night was just that, something to try to get some sleep during. Something that was cold and lonely and that would never change. He remembered he had been scared because of the nightmares that he had been having but his father told him not to worry about it. True warriors didn't let their minds run away with them. So he believed that and they slowly became quiet in his skull. But he was just annoyed now. Annoyed and irritated at being here. He knew he hated every moment of it and he wished that they could just go back to how things were. Every piece of fur on his body itched with nerves and he sighed. Sighed hotly when he heard the flow of issues being spewed out. "Great now I have to listen to someone blathering out their problems like we all don't have them." He grumbled to himself as he happened upon the scene. Shaking his head the skinny canine would pause and look at the group.

What he saw was unimpressive and he stared for a short moment with his odd colored orbs before he shook his head and looked away. There was nothing for him to say. Currently he felt little sympathy for any of these strangers and he didn't have a notion of that changing. Sighing roughly he merely turned away and sat down on his own, glaring at the ocean waves, part of which they had to swim through to even get to this place.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - Ares - 02-22-2021

For the Record, this is self-destructive
For the record, I'm aware of that.
Her tail dragged across the sands as Rhine sat down, the child (who usually wasn't very receptive to grown-ups talking) listening quietly. "Yeah.. It's nice to just let it all out. No sense being angry for too long, or I might hurt someone." She shrugged, turning to face Drayden. Ares smiled gently, nodding. "Better than how I was a minute or two ago." She wiped the silver tears from her face, stiffening at Sauvignon's words. Instead of biting back she just gritted her teeth. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to, no one's keeping you hostage here with us three."

Re: Six Forty Seven - Venting to the stars - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 02-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I CAN'T MAKE REALITY CONNECT !。+゚.[/glow]
Well, Sauvignon certainly made a good first impression. Drayden's pupils turned into slits as he heard the other male's comment, frowning at the other and flattening his ears. That was an unwelcome comment. Luckily though, Ares spoke what he was thinking and he didn't feel the need to really add on to what she said. Besides, he hardly knew the guy.

Looking back at Ares, Drayden tried to give her a smile. "Bottling up your emotions is never good, I don't think." That was, admittedly, a bit hypocritical for him to say, considering he very often kept his feelings to himself. It was a defense mechanism, mostly, because he didn't want Aphra to see him weaker than she already did. Of course, his mother never really ended up paying any attention to him at all, which of course in turn, hurt the boy too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]