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real crowd pleaser - private for now - Printable Version

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real crowd pleaser - private for now - rhosmari - 02-20-2021

She didn't often travel so far to find a meal. Oh dear, was she lost? Really she didn't know nor did she remember the terrain. She had personally never traveled to the land of the Palm Glades but it looked like she was here now. The smell let her know the place she had hit. The border distinct in the smell that she did actually remember being in the raids and on those at the Gathering. What a joke. What a lie. A soft sigh left her muzzle as she walked along the forest, looking at the many plants and mushrooms that were attempting to force their way into life. Spring wasn't here yet and they would dry out and die. She didn't feel anything about the circumstance but she knew some might. With out soft their feelings could get. She could cry too though? She could fake it. With pale pastel pink eyes roaming she found the exit to the forest and she tilted her head a bit.

Claws lifted and she tore them against a tree. A reminder. To who she didn't think about. Maybe herself. Maybe to them. They should be reminded and often of the mistakes that they have made. Another reminder came to her, a growl rumbling in her stomach. A hunger that had festered for much too long. The stew she had made did not last and now ravenous she could eat again and perhaps again and again. And she guessed she should find something here. Or someone. It didn't matter to her honestly. Tearing her eyes away from the tree the Kingpin allowed a smile to stretch across her muzzle as she moved forward, tail slowly swaying through the air.

Re: real crowd pleaser - private for now - SWORDSKIT. - 02-20-2021

Swordskit had been grounded for what he had done which was very understandable seeing as he had endangered most of his siblings, it had not been his intentions and he felt angry at himself for not having been more careful. He could have killed someone and that alone upset the usually happy kitten, a soft sigh leaving his muzzle as he glared at the corner of the wall with slightly narrowed pupils trying to figure out what to do. He noticed that no one had been around so, he figured that he would leave the spot where he was told to stay. "I'll be back before they even notice I'm gone," Swords said under his breath as he slinked through the hallway making sure that his siblings didn't see him, he was already out the door without much of a noise. A small smile on his maw as he walked onto the warmth of the beaches sand starting to hum a quiet melody to himself, he felt a bit disheartened that his ducks had been confiscated but he chose to mumble under his breath with a small skip in his step "Patito! Patito! Patito!"

His ocean blue eyes turning in the direction of the forest, he was thinking of going to the abandoned house so he could have some time to himself before being found out by his siblings... Especially Gunkit. Swordskit didn't want his oldest brother snitching on him for disobeying their parents, the thought made him grimace as he huffed under his breath "I just gotta make sure he doesn't see me and I'll be just fine." He was already turning to the mouth of the Twisted forest only to find himself stopping at the smell of some other place hitting his nose, he hesitated not recognizing it. His ma had told him of the other groups but he never really had smells to identify them, he squirmed through the small barrier of brambles and thorns that was at the entrance of the forest with a frown on his maw. He flinched at the sight of a large lioness, his eyes widening at the sight of her and he felt himself hesitating more. He began to back away but his back paw snapped a twig and he winced.

Offering a nervous smile did he speak "Aha... Are you lost?" He fell silent for a moment before continuing as he decided to introduce himself "I can give ya directions if so, m'names Swordskit!" Little did the boy know that he was speaking to someone that was dangerously unstable.

Re: real crowd pleaser - private for now - rhosmari - 02-20-2021

She hadn't really been paying attention to her surroundings. Drifting in and out of her own consciousness. Perceiving her own reality when a sudden snap made her head jerk to the side and her eyes locked on a small creature. A child. Slowly her head tilted, pastel colored orbs seeing but also not believing. Who would so carelessly allow for their child to wander so far away? Did they not know that there were merciless dangers in the world. Dangers that lurked just underneath their own skin. The lioness listened with a slow pulling forward of her rounded ears at the child's words and she allowed herself to move. Slowly shifting her weight from one paw to another, rolling her shoulders. "Swordskit, such a pretty pretty name. I simply adore it." She breathed softly, her head lowering down. Again that rumor in her stomach, that pain in her heart.

Parents should learn to cherish their children. Shouldn't they? Keep them safe because one day. The parents won't be there, they will leave them. They will abandon them. Blood will stain their paws and the world will grow bleak. It wasn't her fault. It couldn't have been. Anger pulsed in her vision. Her muzzle curled slowly, teeth showing in a cruel smile as she began to circle the child. She was going for blocking his escape route, to stand where he had come from. "Children shouldn't wander. But then again...your parents should be more attentive. That just means they didn't  deserve you." Just like her own. Suddenly she moved, eyes going black and pink becoming deep and vile. She aimed to smack the child with her horned skull just to daze and sling him across the ground, a laughter breaking from her jaws.

Re: real crowd pleaser - private for now - SWORDSKIT. - 02-21-2021

When she turned around to face him, he could feel a twisting feeling of unease settle within him and he had half the mind to flee yet his paws were frozen to the ground. She was already near him within a few steps, his ears pressing flat against his skull noticing how the lioness began to circle him only to stop where he had come from. The feeling of dread settling itself further within his chest but he tried to remain positive as he mewed with his gaze glancing to the ground "Thank you... My dad named me... What's your name, miss?" He could feel the fear squeezing at his chest but he was determined to reassure himself in some way and this was it. Keeping conversation though his blood ran cold at what she said next making him furrow his nonexistent eyebrows at her and frowned wanting to argue back to her. She was wrong. His parents did deserve him... But... Didhe deserve them? He had snuck out when his father had told him to stay in the corner to think about what he did. Was he a horrible son for disobeying?

He felt his fur puffing up slightly as he said with a sudden hiss "How would you know!? You're just some lost lady in the woo-" Suddenly, he was struck back and sent flying with a smack from the lionesses' horn. He hit the roots of a tree feeling anger and fear as the woman laughed at him, his pupils widening as he ignored the cut he had gotten from the sharp horn. She had smacked him close to a tree with a hole within it... Maybe he could go there to avoid her. He swallowed slowly to himself unable to move once more paralyzed by fear. It dawned on him suddenly. He could die here. Tears pricked at his eyes slightly.

And no one would know.

Re: real crowd pleaser - private for now - rhosmari - 02-24-2021

How would she know. How would she know? Her parents had been loving, caring, thoughtful to their children. An unbroken image of a perfect family on the outside to those looking in. Yet it had all been a lie. A lie. A lie. A LIE! They had all been doomed from the start, from the beginning of her own birth perhaps. Suffering had to follow their family and they had to endure it. Her parents had made their choice and she had been thrust into a world that didn't want her. Given the throne of a dying kingdom to try and make something of it. Given? Given? No, she hadn't been given it. She had decided it would be her's. There had been no one else. Maybe...her brother? Maybe Romulus could have taken it. Her laughter had stopped, a cracked in a clean face. Muzzle twisting with different realizations. All spinning in her head. No, no, she was there. She was queen.

Her breath shuddered in her chest as her gaze suddenly and intensly focused on the child on the ground. Her claws breaking up the earth before she suddenly dived for him. Wild, crazed, impulsive movements that were random and out of place for what she had been before. Those eyes. Those eyes almost looked innocent, a child gone wrong as jaws snapped and aimed to take hold of a paw, a leg, anything she could reach for distraction. Anything to smear blood on her gone as she used her paw to try and hold the kid down against the ground harshly as her head thrashed.