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bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - Printable Version

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bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - suvi. - 02-18-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
Tired.  The frail vixen never seemed to escape the exhaustion.  The glitches.  Insomnia.  True rest evaded the petite vulpine.  Despite Torren's best efforts to keep her company.  Leaving her to her thoughts at night.  Her frustration.  Bitterness.  Pain.  Shoú̯ldn't h̢̆av͖͝e b͓͋othe̠͘reḏ̊ sṕ̮e͇͞aking͎͛.  It never made a difference.

Three years.  She never made a difference.  Frightened.  Desperate.  Soft.  The same.

Frightened the most of disppearing.  Not into seclusion.  Had always been painfully shy in nature.  But in entirely.  Her body fading away.  Losing all sense of reality.  All stability.  And i̬̓ẗ̠́'̬̉s̜̑ nǒ̺t l͕͒ī̩k͚͌e͛͜ t̮͂hẻ̠y'ḓ̌ c̟͌arė͕.  No.  Some would.  At least one.  But mayb͔̓e͈̐ h̻̚e̳̾ sho͕͒ǔ̱l̗͠dn̞̎'͉͆t.

Kiira's ears fell flat against her skull.  Dull mitch-matched hues watching as a paw faded away.  Waited.  Watched as the snow white returned to view.  Vision blurry.  Every step of progress.  Every right.  Disappeared like her paw, when one made a misstep.  And the hatred and vengence kept them all blind to it.  Everyday without a raid.  Everyday without captures.  Everyday without slaves.  Everyday without senseless murders or bloodshed.  Every.  Single.  Day.

She breathed in crisp air harshly.  Broken vision locked on the statue in the center of town.  Sanctuary.  No.  This wasn't a sanctuary.  Too cruel.  Too quick to maliceShoú̯ldn't h̢̆av͖͝e b͓͋othe̠͘reḏ̊ sṕ̮e͇͞aking͎͛.

The fluffy tail behind her faded out.  Invisible.  Ears.  Paws again.  All four.  Brief sense of panic.  Of disorientation.  Displacement.  World going topsy-turvy.  Next to the statue now.  Then away.  Head growing light.  Started with the ears this time.  Tail.  Paws last.  On top of the roof.  Torren's roof.  Home.

Scrambling for purchase for a moment.  Off-balance.  Then letting herself go limp.  Too worn out to move any further.  To attempt jumping down.  Silently pleading for no more glitches.  No more spastic teleporting.  Taking deep and frantic breaths.  Trying to calm down.  Trying to solidify her paws which kept fading in and out of corporality.  Nearly jumping out of her skin when a deafening caw peirced her ears.

Fiachra.  The raven fluttered onto the roof, landing besides her, dark feathers shining in the light of the sunrise.  Giving her a curious look.  Cawing again.  After all, arctic foxes didn't belong on roofs.

[ tl;dr Kiira's stuck on Torren's roof after a particularly bad batch of glitches -- she's still glitching in her paws, but otherwise corporeal; just panicky and exhausted.  Her raven companion, Fiachra, is also up there, making a slight racket. ]

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - arrow - 02-18-2021

She had gotten quite used to Kiira's glitching over time, unsurprised but always inquisitive of it. After all, it was something she had yet to see in anyone else, and had her doubts that it could ever be mimicked. It was just something that felt very...Kiira. Next to Aurum and Moth, Kiira was one of her few constants left, faces she remembered prior to her death, tying her to her days of old. When she and Aurum, speaking off, had their spat, their disagreement over how the Pitt situation should be handled, Arrow wasn't sure what to do. Her sense of honor and what it demanded and her desire to keep everyone safe and out of harm's way clashed violently that day, in a way she'd never had to face before, not once. She had meant to check on everyone involved, from the Luminary to Atticus and the glitching girl.

The problem here was that when she went to do just that, she discovered Kiira was not only in a less than optimistic state, but she was also, well, on the roof. The roof of Torren, to be exact, who she had taken a mental note of so she could somehow return the favor of the rag and pain meds. Fiachra seemed to have the same train of thought judging by the calls, but she didn't know. Arrow was not a bird. "Kiira? Do...Do you need some help down?" There was the new problem of being, well, corporeal again, but she did have the added benefit of being tall. Much taller, fetching the vulpine would be much easier this time around. Ah, where was Torren? He be awfully useful in calming her down.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-19-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Despite what it may have seemed like, Atbash felt no hard feelings for Suvi after the meeting; in fact, the savannah almost felt bad for not sympathizing like she should have when Suvi mentioned being captured herself. Atbash's opinion of Suvi definitely wasn't a super positive one, but she had no reason to hate the vixen, she just didn't really see why Suvi would forgive a group that didn't condemn slavery in the first place. Atbash wasn't a warmonger by any means, but she also knew that fighting was enviable. It was something that almost needed to be done at some point, to protect yourself. She learned this the hard way.

The savannah was drawn to the scene by Suvi's crow making noise, mostly wanting it to shut up - that is, until she realized that the crow was making noise as an alarm of sorts. Something's wrong. As Arrow spoke, Atbash looked over at her, her eye wide with worry. "Is this normal..? Can something be done about it?" Could Suvi even respond when she was glitching? Should she have asked Suvi herself? God damnit.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - torren - 02-19-2021

The caws arose Torren from an uneasy slumber, eyes snapping awake with sharp attention.  Fiachra?  Familiar with broken sleep patterns, the youth did his best to offer his housemate care and attention, but failed to remain conscious some nights; painfully aware insomnia and anxiety plagued her mind and body even while his struggled to remain awake.  The wildcat scrambled to his paws without hesitation, nearly tumbling out of the door when a duo of voices fell on his ears. 


Only Arrow and Aphra lingered beyond the porch -- his face falling with further concern.  'Can something be done about it?'  Torren released a breath, stepping away from the door and down the steps, his thick tail lowered behind him.  "It's... It's not something she can control.  Especially when--" she's not well.

The prince suspected mental and emotional health could compound and increase the unfortunate glitches; leaving his friend further exhausted and drained.  While too late to attend the meeting in person, the feline knew how well Kiira took the matter -- kept his opinions outside of public view, although he doubted there would be surprise that he agreed with her over others.  Of course, while they may suspect bias if they knew, it truly boiled down to his similarly 'soft' views, as the Winther boy was a trained diplomat and a pacifist.  Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.

Shaking his head, Torren allowed his body to change, taking a form similar to Fiachra's and took to flight.  He shook off the change as soon as he landed upon the roof, returning to be the more familiar scottish wildcat and settling besides his friend, close enough to brush his fur against hers.  "Kiira.  Do you want help down or... Do you want to stay up here for a moment?"

With a sheepish smile, he flicked his tail, glancing back down.  "It's not a horrible view... We're just worried.  I don't think anyone would like to see you fall off a roof." Not that I would ever let you, the promise rested somewhere in the back of his throat, broken by the seasons in his friend's eyes.  Winter and autumn were still beautiful, yet more pained than he wished to bear; there must be something, he prayed, to say or do that would make her crack a smile again.
**whist (v.)   torren winther / scottish wildcat / tangler

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - wormwood. - 02-19-2021

The last meeting had certainly been a time of rising tensions, a fact that Aurum very much wasn't happy about. He didn't like pointless bickering when there was more important things going on, and he had seen the discussion as just that – a pointless argument. He hadn't even made any changes, considering he had never even shifted the status of The Pitt from being an enemy. However, he did wish that he had been a bit less harsh on Kiira. Emotional stress and general annoyance, compounded with the hormones from his current pregnancy, had caused him to lash out at her with gusto. While he still didn't think it was proper of her to have such an outburst during a meeting, he should've just ignored it and tried to talk to her later. Or at least used a softer tone. However, he couldn't go back and change the past at this point, which meant his only option was to look towards the future. Hopefully, it was a future where he could allow things to calm down slightly. Then, he'd be able to have a meeting without an entire shouting match erupting from it.

The frantic cawing of Fiachra was what had caught Aurum's attention, causing the luminary to slip from his home and over towards the shared residence of Torren and Kiira. He immediately frowned upon growing close, the angel knowing full well what was going on. It wasn't the first time that the smaller Tangler had glitched quite badly. Hell, it wasn't even the first time she had glitched onto a roof. He considered saying something, but he also didn't want to make things worse – not to mention that Torren seemed to have the situation in hand. It was because of this that he sat himself down nearby, looking up at Kiira and warily keeping track of her, not wanting her to fall and break something. As he watched Torren try to soothe her, Aurum raised his voice just enough to mutter, "Worst comes to worst, I can fly up there and bring her down. If she isn't able to get it herself." He would've liked to see Kiira able to get herself down, but he could also shift into his lion form for a moment if it came down to it. He did find himself missing his wings more and more these days, anyways.

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - rhosmari - 02-22-2021

Much of the meeting had flew past him and frankly he hadn't attended. He had let his husband tell him the details. And of course it was political mumbo-jumbo. Shit he didn't really want to get involved with. He had enough to deal with and getting back into that game was something he was not looking forward to and would promptly skip if he could. After all it was tedious and he could never please everyone and he supposed that was the most stressful. But he didn't temper them. They were allowed to be upset as long as they didn't lash out and was constructive about it. It was the best route that he supposed he took. Well...he guessed. Ending up here had most certainly not been in the picture. Tanglewood was odd that much was certain and here was something else that was a first for him. Seeing an arctic fox stuck on a roof with a cawing raven.

The angelhound blinked his golden colored eyes and he pulled his wings up as he slowly descended. The four wings rustled gently against the air and he landed on the roof, tilting his head slightly. Seeing her paws made him pause for a moment but he was always good with these situations. Being a medic for over half his life went a long away he guessed. "Hey..." He began, the old man shifting himself as his golden stained fur shifted as he walked. He kept himself in a confident stance but with his head lowered a bit. He could see that there was a crowd and he guessed they were all talking to her as well. They probably knew her better than he did. Perhaps he would only get in the way. "You okay? I know they are probably talking to you but if you need anything else I can help I guess. I mean I'm not gonna pretend I know what is going on but if you need help down or just some company I got your back." He gave a small smile, warm but docile as he slowly sat.

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - suvi. - 02-23-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
Voices.  Words.  So many words.  Su̚͜v̧̎ì̤ never had so many.  Ki͐͢ir͕͊a had always been shy with hers.  Her ears remained flat.  Maybe she lost interest in words.  Could leave them to the wind.  To drift away like battered leaves.

The petite vixen tensed.  With particular voices.  Disinterested.  Bitterness returning.  S͞ͅho͉̽u̼̔ldn'̿͟t̼͞ h̓͟ave sai̢̔d̯̾ a͎̿nythī̥n̥͘g̦̀.  Good intentions burned away.  Lost in the words.  No desire to forget.  Only to prevent intentional malice on their part.  To prevent them repeating the bloody cycle.  Provide their enemies true incentive to be cruel in turn.  Frustrated and so tired.

Kiira subconsciously pressed closer to Torren.  Tail disappearing behind her even as her paws reappeared.  Disinteresated in excessive attention.  Safer with him.  Only growing warm a second later.  A strange buzz in her cheeks.  Head snapping back down, suddenly avoidiant.  Relucant to look into his eyes.  Already knew what she'd find there.  Remembered seeing it once before.  The night he gave her his necklace.  The silver north star that still rested on her chest.

Her own mitch-matched hues locked on Arrow below.  The safest, most familiar face.  Considering the distance between them.  And how tired her body was.  Knew she could stay on the roof.  Knew Torren would never let her fall.  Finally glanced at him once more.  Her breathing finally slow.  Then back to Arrow.  Uncertain but... Had no intention of worrying anyone.

Put everything she had left.  Purposefully displacing herself.  One more time.  Teleporting.  Directly to Arrow's side.  Legs trembling beneanth her as they reappeared.  Exhaustion weighing heavy even as her ears remained flat, tense, edging closer to the cheetah.  Trying to distance herself from the crowd by extension.  Eyes flickering up to Torren, left on the roof.  Waiting for him to follow her down.

No voice.  Maybe she didn't want one anymore.  Certainly did not feel up to words.  Not for the moment.

Re: bad glitch episode [★] walking with the moon - arrow - 03-01-2021

Was she expecting Kiira to teleport off the roof? Nope. Was she expecting Kiira to appear beside her? Also, no. But she would bite her tongue as to not let her surprise throw off her game. That wasn’t what was important.

”You’re alright, Arrow’s got ya.” Good lord, Kiira had always felt small, even when she was on the same level. Now, Arrow felt like if she wasn’t careful it would be detrimental, like she’d crush her or something dark like that. Yeesh. No thank you. Green eyes turned up to Torren, a subtle nod his way to give the same message as the other, for him to follow her down. Her long tail curled around Kiira’s side when she felt the fox inch closer, almost protectively. There was no one here that would harm her obviously, Arrow’s reaction was mostly instinctual, and to at least hopefully make the vulpine feel a little safer. ”Birds are also welcome.” Referencing Fiachra, naturally. Her tone was light, as if to attempt to ease the tension. Also she was not a fan of making a raven of all creatures think she was going to grab Kiira and run, they were smart birds, and a corvid enemy? Absolutely not.
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