Beasts of Beyond

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Winterhymns had been tending to his garden that morning with the watering can inside of his jaws, he was humming a quiet melody to himself as he shifted about making sure that he didn't step on any of the places where he had planted the seeds. A soft breath letting him as he set down the can near his porch with satchel pressed close to his side, he glanced behind him at his home not certain if he would go inside or try fishing. He hadn't strayed too far from home wanting to make sure that Mazekit was well after his flight attempt and Wyvernkit seemed to have not been too well after the bath incident that involved one of sons. A soft sigh leaving his maw as he glanced down at his paws wondering if he was beginning to fail as a parent... Maybe that's why... "N-no, I mustn't think that way." He murmured under his breath with tail lashing to the sides, he knew that Magnum would likely watch the kids while he was absent just for a small amount of time.

He was hesitant recalling when all of his kittens had been mere newborns and vulnerable to the harsh world, he had not wanted to leave them for a single moment... Now, he was feeling that once more. They weren't the small kittens that kneaded at his belly blindly anymore, they could see, hear, and run now. Winnie worried for them constantly yet he knew better than to be a complete worrywart. That wouldn't help at all. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he forced himself to take some steps forward until he was leaving the Tiger's broadwalk where he lived, Win had to separate himself from them momentarily and recollect himself. If he was stressed then what good would he be? It wouldn't help anyone or himself, he needed to be calm and collected... For the kids, Magnum, and his clanmates.

Approaching the shore where the sea foam lapped at the sand, Win found a tired smile on his maw and watched the ocean through half closed eyes wondering if he should take a dip. He was about ready to take off his satchel to do that but the sound of rustling foliage got his attention, he turned around with a small frown forming on his maw. "Hello? Is anyone there?" The fur on his spike prickling slightly as an unfamiliar scent brushed against his nose, he took a few cautious steps forward wondering what or rather who was hiding behind all the plantation.


[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Although Aphra could definitely relate to being a mother, she couldn't really relate to the feeling of wanting her children to be so defenseless again. She hated how dependent they were at such a young age and honestly, if it wouldn't have looked wrong to her former crewmates in The Typhoon, she definitely would have given her children away for someone else to nurse. Children were a curse, in the succubus's mind. It was an uncomfortable feeling for her whenever her children kneaded at her stomach for milk and she felt relief the moment they showed an interest in wanting to eat solid food.

Aphra was still angry at The Typhoon for kicking her out and as such, she tended to hang around the edges of the island of Beyond, wanting to get some sort of sense of familiarity. Unfortunately this meant crossing into other groups' lands half of the time and today was one of those days when she crossed pretty far into The Palm Glades's own. She didn't care at first, though, until she saw something sparkling in the distance and sought out for the source. Unfortunately, that source would be an actual person, carrying a satchel with the sparkling things that caught her eye. Shit. Her ears flattened as Winterhymns called, her claws flexing in the ground as she tried to figure out what to do.

As WINTERHYMNS came forward, Aphra leaped from her hiding position, trying to tackle the other feline in the process. If successful, she would try to dig her claws into his skin, trying to hold him down. "Well hi there, cutie~" Her purr came out sickenly sweet, a mocking sound to it. "Didn't mean to startle you~"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


Winterhymns hadn't been expecting to have anyone tackle him down today but it give take him by surprise as a grunt left him as he hit the sand. A growl would leave his throat hearing the other talk to him in a sickeningly sweet voice with mocking undertones to it, his pupils narrowing into dangerous slits "Why I'm flattered that you think I'm cute-" He began feeling the claws of the femme beginning to dig into his flesh, he kept to the ground but with a swift, powerful movement of his hind legs did he attempt to hit Aphra directly in the gut to make her recoil with pain or fling her off, he spat out with lash of his tail "But I'm a taken man." He would roll back onto his legs keeping her gaze on the Cipher with his lips drawn back into a snarl. His satchel having fallen off during the other's attack but his eyes caught sight of his dagger from the corner of his eye, he brushed sand over it with his tail deciding he would fight tooth and claw until he deemed it necessary to use his dagger.

The fur on his spine rose with hostility as another growl would escape "It's not a very smart idea to attack someone on their homeland, darling." The word slipping out with sarcasm as his spotted tail lashed to the sides, he lunged forward aiming to swipe at her chest or face with outstretched claws, he didn't even know her motive for attacking him to begin with. I don't even know who you are, Winnie thought with frustration only to back away after a few of his swipes, it had been a bit since he had fought but he could never forget the times he and Eternalknight would spar with one another. Except... They never used their claws. He took a deep breath as he took some steps back standing over his satchel unaware that was Aphra's main goal to get, if he had known that's what the woman had wanted then he would have probably been more than willing to throw a few gold coins at her. Unfortunately, she chose to pick a fight with the Pendragon.

"Why don't you go home before you get really hurt?" He hissed knowing that Rhinestonestar or any of the others wouldn't be pleased at the fact that this random stranger was attacking him, Winnie was certain that Magnum would be the least pleased. He continued to hold his ground deciding to keep an eye on what she did next, Win knowing that he had to get back home at least in one piece after this... Scuffle.


[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Alright, okay, maybe she should have thought this through a bit more. As soon as Winterhymn's paws connected with her stomach, the she-cat recoiled and shook her head, trying to fight through the wave of nausea that hit her. When Winterhymns started talking to her again, Aphra looked up at him with a snarl on her face, only to be met by his claws raking her, reopening the scars on her face. She scanned the surroundings for the satchel the Glader had, ignoring the words he continued to speak.

Aphra noticed the dagger that Win swished his tail over, though considering how close it was to him, she deemed it unnecessary to go often. Not that she was particularly fond of daggers, anyway. Once again, Aphra would try to leap towards WINTERHYMNS, though this time with the intention of trying to grab the satchel underneath him. If he wasn't going to let her get off easy with the bag, then, well... she had a couple of powers she could use, but that definitely wasn't a preference of hers.

If Aphra was successful in taking the bag, or at least having the straps in her mouth, she would taunt, "I'll be taking this and I'll be on my way, alright, hun?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]