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SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - Printable Version

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SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - wormwood. - 02-16-2021

Fury. It rolled off of Aurum in waves as he moved through the desert, his strides long and his footsteps heavy. He had shifted out of his pregnant form for the moment, instead standing tall in his lion form, large wings settled against his back and his jaw clenched. He wasn't willing to risk the lives of his cubs, and considering this could easily go south, and fast, he wanted to make sure he was ready for a fight. Not that he was particularly intimidated by The Pitt – they were a tiny and weak group at this point, and the archangel was fairly sure his patrol was as big as their entire member base at this point. Honestly, the desert-dwelling group was just lucky that Aurum was merciful, and he hadn't just launched a raid on them to begin with. Instead, he'd listened to Elsweyr's tale of what had happened, and he knew exactly what he wanted now. Dante's head, served up to them on a goddamn golden platter. And if Gael had some sort of problem with that... well, he'd learn just how rough things could truly become in the middle of winter.

The lion only stopped his grim march forward when he reached where the desert met the trees, sitting back on his haunches. Behind him stood not only one or two other Tanglers, but six. Sophiea, Moth, Kiira, Steel, Arrow, and Atbash all followed after him, eager to demand some sort of payment for the truce being broken, and their shadow regent being injured. Some of them, such as Moth and Kiira, had only come along to make sure things didn't get too out of control, but Aurum doubted they were particularly happy about things either. Particularly Moth, considering even more of her supplies went into healing the wounds that Elsweyr had sustained. Just thinking of what had happened caused the luminary's tail to lash behind him, the sand around him seeming to shift and sink in response to his elementals. He could already feel the distinctive warmth of his flame elementals burning in his chest, ready to respond at a moment's notice. Part of him just wanted to open up and burn down the rest of The Pitt's territory already, but he resisted – mainly due to the presence of Moth. He knew how disappointed his sister would be in him if he did such a thing.

Taking a deep breath inwards, Aurum roared out into the air, his wings opening as he announced, "Pittians! Not only has one of your members broke, the truce that I had established between our two groups, but they also near fatally injured none other than my shadow regent! We are here to demand that Dante be turned over to us for punishment!" As soon as he heard approaching footsteps, the Tanglewood luminary lowered his voice only slightly as he continued, "Tanglewood was never looking for any kind of alliance with your group. We were merely looking for some level of peace, especially considering recent events. And yet... evidently there is so little control over The Pitt's own members that you couldn't even last a damn month with a truce. However... if you just hand this Dante fool over to us, we will be willing to forget this incident." Never forgive, though. The archangel had little intention of ever forgiving The Pitt's damned actions.

( feel free to post before them, but [member=17611]moth[/member], [member=2344]suvi k.[/member], [member=17953]Steel .[/member], [member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member], @— arrow and @S. PENDRAGON )

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-16-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The incident had been the act of one person, much to Atbash's surprise, but in her opinion, the whole group was at fault. Clearly, they hadn't had control of or didn't try to stop their clanmate properly, or else Elsweyr wouldn't return in such a state. The savannah was willing to believe in the benefit of the doubt, that The Pitt wasn't able to control their clanmate in time, but she wanted to accuse them of not even trying. Oh, how she wanted to.

Atbash stood beside Aurum, her one-eyed gaze piercing the lands before her as she searched for signs of any Pittian approaching, forcing the anxiety in her throat down. This was the same group that destroyed her home; of course she was a bit nervous in being here - and clearly, it seemed their views have not changed in the four years. They were still slimeballs, making deals that only benefitted them in the end.
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - trojan g. - 02-16-2021

When Els had come back to Tanglewood from visiting the Pitt, Moth didn't know what to do. Furious about the whole ordeal, she had seethed silently as she took care of her groupmate, making sure to mend wounds the best that she could for as long as she could at the border before moving her back to her home to watch over her. When she had woken up and told them what had happened, her anger had flared once more, soon turning into confusion. How had Gael let this happen on the border? She knew that they didn't want an alliance with each other - both groups had made that clear - but she had at least thought that if someone had acted out that they would get it to stop as soon as possible. Gael was one of the few around now that knew the wrath of Tanglewood when they got pissed off, espeically when it came to the desert dwelling group.

When Aurum had mentioned going to the Pitt to demand that Dante be taken into their custody for punishment, she had offered to go. Though she didn't like traveling too far outside of Tanglewood given their current issues with the ranks in medicine, she had decided that she would go, even if it was only to fulfill a promise she had made last time she had been to the borders of the Pitt, when she had returned from the land of the dead not too long ago. She had packed away three books, two being something more practical and one being something she had thought that the purpose of her coming here would like, all three books that the swamp had more than enough copies of in their library and in Moth's own home.

Coming to the border for a second, the female would be sure to be in her more familiar form for this meeting - a domestic feline - in the hopes that it would cause things to be less hostile than she knew that it would turn out to be. Aurum at the border of the Pitt was not a pleasant site to see for the majority of the group, and she was sure with the demands that had been said it would be a less than joyous occasion. For now she would keep the books inside her bag at her side, wrapped up to make sure that they didn't get ruined by anything. She would only take them out if she saw Aine, since she wanted to give them to her directly. She knew another chance to see the Pitt in a "friendly" manner likely wouldn't show up again.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - SirDio - 02-16-2021

Rightful justice - it was something Steel always treasured, from the moment she joined the army under her father's command. While she never truly harmed anyone in the name of justice, she turned them in, scolded them. After hearing what Elsweyr had been through, she had enough of just turning people in or telling them words that probably wouldn't mean anything. Action was to be done. When Aurum said he was to patrol into Pittian territory, she offered to join with no hesitation.

So the heat was a bit unbearable for the drake, but it didn't temper her own anger. It just made her want to get it over with. Standing on Aurum's left side (A sign of respect in her old society), she slammed the bottom of her spear on the ground, her own sound of arrival as she held back from her own powerful roar.

Looking at the jungle, she sighed deeply. [color=#e57f7f]"Just get in, get the perpetrator, get out, punish him. Seemed easier to simply turn said perpetrator in or talk, but it seems words won't work."
——————— Steel & Tanglewood & Info ———————

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - gael - 02-16-2021

Predictable.  The vulpine narrowed his eyes -- unsurprised to find his daily patrol met by the demands of Tanglewood.  'Righteous' fools.  The Ardent approached without hesitation; unimpressed and unintimidated. "I hope you intend to have a civil discussion about this.  You have no authority here, Aurum -- I do not bow my head to you." Nor would he ever.

"You would do well to understand that Dante disobeyed my commands, and persisted despite intervention attempts by both my Fleshweaver and Marauder."

He tilted his head, "and it is within my right as Ardent to punish Dante.  Understand that I do not trust you to your 'justice' with one of my own, but do not presume that I am merciful in my capacity to discipline my clanmates."  And if the Luminary decided to punish the rest of the Pitt for the arrogance of one -- the faerie would demonstrate how little mercy he truly possessed.

"Dante Northwest has been left to fend for himself entirely; for injury and food.  He is an arrogant fool, and I have little doubt he will go hungry many nights, and if his injuries grow infected -- so be it, his actions reflect a blatant lack of consideration for his own clanmates that I will not tolerate.  If that is not satisfactory, and there is further discipline you wish to add, then tell me and I shall consider it, but I am not going to hand a clanmate over to be murdered in your 'righteous' fury."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - suvi. - 02-16-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
The petite vixen trotted slowly after the patrol.  Mitch-matched hues flickering idly.  All to familiar with the desert.  But Gael was not Jervis.  He was family.  And the former medic wanted to ensure no further violence incited from this unfortunate predicament.

The arctic fox flicked her ears as she came to a halt, glancing upwards.  Listening quietly.  Offering no words.  Frowning at Steel.  They could deal with this with words.  She knew they could.  They could.  If they didn't... She didn't want any part in it.  The blood would be on their stubborn paws.

Kiira chewed the inside of her cheek.  Gael was not merciful, no.  She had no doubt about that.  His words made sense to her.  But Aurum was mad... A heavy breath built in her chest. 

She didn't want this to escalate.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - Kold - 02-16-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
Kold was next to arrive, black fur rippling with anger. While Aurum wouldn't remember her, in account for the many forms she took and left, the Marauder remembered his actions at the meeting filled with violence. Primitive. She stood next to her father and examined the company. No one she would recognize.

She said nothing, but was prepared for anything. If fire was thrown she would throw fire back. The only time she would ever use fire within the Pitt for drastic measures. Control? Kold held back a snort, did Aurum show any control at the meeting? Did he struggle with it, then break under the loss of the former Luminary? She almost wanted to laugh. Almost.

"Even someone as dumb as Dante should, at the very least, get a chance." but only one.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - aine. - 02-16-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Hatred.  The petite deer-fox did not enjoy it.  Did not like to embrace it.  But she felt it.  Towards not only Tanglewood but Dante too.  Frustrated and impatient.  Irritated.  Her hazel hues flashed up at her father.  Falling beside him without a word.  Standing at his side, as always.  Her chest felt tight but she kept her chin up.  They didn't answer to Tanglewood.

Discuss.  Absolutely.  Follow demands blindly, hell no.  Never.

She wouldn't mind throwing Dante to the wolves.  Not really.  If it had been the Typhoon, maybe.  But not Tanglewood.  Not Aurum.  Talking of control.  She wanted to scoff.  He had no control.  Not over himself.  When he was angry, he was nothing more than a monster.  They couldn't trust him to punish a clanmate.

Her hooves shifted in the sand and snow.  Wings close to her sides.  Muscles tense.  "He is being punished," she muttered coldly, eyes sharp and alert.  "... And he'll be exiled if he does anything else." Or killed.  That wouldn't surprise her too much either.  If he did something bad enough.  Her father had been furious with him after all.  A scary sight.

The benefit of the doubt may have been... Present in younger days.  When she was a frightened but hopeful child.  Now she was only angry and sad about the losses she had suffered since then.  For the needless death.  It would be nice if Tanglewood decided to be reasonable and acknowledge they could punish their own, but if not... Well.  It wouldn't surprise her.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - arrow - 02-16-2021

"Sure still looks the same as I remember it."

Arrow frowned, then scowled, at the sands of the home the Pitt called their own, once it started looking less new and more familiar. The actual trek there wasn't something she remembered, because the last time she'd been here, she was knocked out the whole way. But the point where she woke up had not been forgotten, not after all these seasons gone, not even after death. Maybe her grudge had been taken too far, gone on too long. After all, her almost executioner was probably long gone, buried somewhere deep in the sands, or had managed to break her chains and leave for good. She had pondered this now and again, but no matter how she tried to spin it, the Pitt was responsible either way. And it was certainly hard to forget an incident that left her crippled beyond saving, no?

Dante was the name that was spat out by Aurum like something distasteful, and initially she thought it was familiar, but couldn't place why. Was he infamous and just didn't remember? No. No, she'd recall. It did take her some time, and after a lot of prying in her own recollections, she came around to why the name Dante Northwest rang an unusual bell in her head. Sure, he was old as fuck at this point, just like her no doubt, but he'd been there. He'd been there to watch her get maimed, brutalized, and the grudge started all over again. Small world after all, wasn't it? He hadn't hurt her, but beat the everloving shit out of her close companion. And reasonable agreements had never been something that ever crossed her mind.

The ghost stuck close to her Luminary, lip curling over her teeth as she released a quiet hiss, considering how simply beautiful the image of Dante fending for himself with no medical aid or food was. But then again, something nagged at her that it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough. Personally, she was fond of an "eye for an eye" system of justice delivered. Her green eyes traveled to Atbash, and she knew that there was also a personal grudge that outweighed all of theirs put together. The savannah wouldn't make the accusation, but she would.

"Some weak ass attempts, man. You're tellin' us the risk was worth your merciless punishments?" Arrow raised her brow, wrapping her head around the speech. Leave Dante out in the desert, good. Getting kicked around by the group that he spat on, bad. Was there something more to this than just that? "We don't have to murder him, right, big guy?" She patted one of Aurum's massive shoulders with an ethereal paw, tilting her head in disdain. "Just rough him up, a lotta bit, after his soul searching journey in the sand pit. Shit, I know it's rough but the wilderness could just as easily make him tougher than before, and less afraid of you. But I don't know Dante Northwest. Besides, if we didn't try to fuck his shit up where you failed, hell, it would look bad on our part."

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - Kian. - 02-16-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
Here we go. The Irishman heaved a breath before bounding over to the group, halting besides Gael with a sigh.  This is why I hate politics.

"If I may speak," the pirate began politely, dipping his head.  "As family to both Kiira and the Ó Broins and neither a member of the Pitt or Tanglewood; I believe Gael is being reasonable."

"If you are enemies, there is no reason the Pitt should trust you to enforce justice that wouldn't result in their clanmates's death." Simple as that, in the end -- moreso given Aurum's track record of ruthlessness.

"And as much as Dante is hated by his clanmates, they're too loyal to submit to that.  Especially when they are perfectly capable of inflecting any further punishment you might desire.  However much you might disagree out of anger and bias; I've seen the way they treat him now.  If you ask for his injures to further match your shadow regent's, I'm sure that could easily be arranged." The wildcat knew Gael was angry at Dante, so he had little doubt in his mind.

Kian continued to frown.  He didn't like the idea of his neice and cousins thrown into unnecessary conflict -- not when it could easily be avoided. "Is that reasonable to you?"

// Mobile
We'll all be returning, if we sail together