Beasts of Beyond
Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - Printable Version

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Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - SirDio - 02-15-2021

I think I'll burn myself to the ground,
Pile up the ashes and walk the whole world 'round.
The young husky seemed to sway stupidly toward the border, bottle of whiskey held closely to his lips as he kissed it again and tilted up. Disappointment shined in in his bi-colored eyes as he shook the bottle. "Eah, Piss. Out of it again. Motherfucker." The husky went to throw it but stopped, lips peeled in a tired snarl. "Don't throw it, you dumb fucking drunk. No one wants an empty whiskey bottle on their front porch. ... Well, no one wants a drunken fuck like me on they're front porch so what good does that fucking do me, eh, father?" Still, he lowered the bottle and simply swayed on his paws, looking at the swamp. "Bloo'y fuck'in 'Ell, is it actually gettin' warmer? Or does this swamp still got snow? Fuckin' hell, winter, leave and let me sweat my fuckin' fur off." he groaned, then realized the heavy scent of a group.

"Mhhhfuck.. Well, I do need a good drink. And a place to commit to - that's what father always fuckin said. 'Find yourself a home and make yourself a commitment, secure the Khrest family and keep it going.' Then he fuckin dies on his bed and leaves me. Alone. Fucking-god-damnit." he swung the bottle against his head for a moment, then, for the slightest moment, sobers himself. "My name is Trevor Khrest, head of the Khrest family and in need of a place to drink, rest, and stay."

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - wormwood. - 02-16-2021

Well this was certainly... a sight. Slow footsteps drew the pregnant tiger over to where Trevor stood, a frown pulling at his muzzle. Arrow couldn't exactly get drunk anymore, so it had been a while since he had heard anybody drunkenly rambling along their border. Trying not to let too much obvious disapproval leak into his voice, Aurum muttered softly, "Er, hey there... Trevor, you said? Not sure you really need anything more to drink, at least not for the moment... we do have a tavern here in Tanglewood, though." The tavern was mainly used as a place for social events and games these days, but it wasn't as if the place was devoid of drinks. Especially since they needed drinks around for their death rituals, since having a toast to someone's life was considered a sign of respect.

With a heavy sigh leaving him, the tigress then sat down nearby, dipping his head before he spoke, "You are welcome to join us, though. My name is Aurum Kingmaker, and I'm the luminary of Tanglewood. Or the leader, if that's a bit... more simple, for you, at the moment." He wasn't actually trying to insult the other's intelligence, more his... level of soberness. He didn't exactly look like he was entirely in his right mind, and that was why it wasn't long before the archangel was questioning, "...Do you want an escort back to town? I can show you around our major landmarks, if you want." That is, if the other would even make it all around town without falling over.

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - trojan g. - 02-16-2021

As it had been for Aurum, it had been a long time since Moth had seen someone as drunk as Trevor was now. Crow, Arrow, and funnily enough Aurum himself, popped into the Reaper's mind when she saw Trevor at the border talking to himself. She wouldn't comment on what was said before he had introduced himself, but she knew that it would be on her mind for a while. "I'm sure we could get you some water to drink if you're thirsty." She would offer with a slight chuckle, head tilting to the side for a moment.

"My name is Moth, it's nice to meet you Trevor. I'm the head medic here in Tanglewood." She looked over to her brother for just a moment before she looked back upon the other. "If you need a place to stay as well we've got plenty of houses around the town that are empty, or someone might be willing to let you stay at their place if they have an extra bed." She would have offered but he reminded her too much of their former leader, not to mention she already had all of her beds taken in her home considering those injured and those living with her.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - arrow - 02-16-2021

Speak of the devil.

She noted it had been a suspiciously long time since the swamp had a drunken idiot roaming around, the harbinger of obnoxiousness and inconvenience. That was her, once, and she remembered her alcoholic escapades quite fondly. At least, what parts she could remember. The difference was that she liked to drink for fun, usually, and this new guy sounded like he had a life's worth of baggage and daddy issues. Not that it was a problem, or she needed to make fun of him for his entrance or anything, but it wasn't a subtle display.

"Trevor, dude, you're fuckin' wasted." Arrow laughed, giving away her position on a branch overhead, apparently much more amused than the sibling pair that beat her to the disgruntled husky. And in truth, she was, as long as he didn't fuck around and find out by causing any trouble immediately. "Homeboy looks I used to right now. Try not to get liver damage, ya damn drunk."

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-16-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Drunken stupor. It may seem strange to others, but Atbash found herself angry at the drunken state of their joiner. Maybe it was a self-defense sort of thing; the fact he was so intoxicated that he didn't seem to be able to stand straight unnerved Atbash and as such, she felt Trevor was untrustworthy. The savannah tried not to let that show, however, and came to stand next to Aurum, looking Trevor over as if she was looking for some sort of weapon. "Welcome to Tanglewood, I guess." She spoke, her tone flat. She didn't outright hate Trevor at the moment, per say, she just didn't trust the guy right now. Atbash felt bad about this, honestly, but she just couldn't shake the unease she felt off. "Name's Atbash Cipher."
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - SirDio - 02-16-2021

I think I'll burn myself to the ground,
Pile up the ashes and walk the whole world 'round.
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Before he could even speak, several tanglers crawled out of the woodwork. The husky, still on a more sober look, staggered back. "Woah- hey, didn't expect a welcoming committee." He chuckled bitterly, noting the distaste a few of the greeters had. Not something he wasn't used to, at least. Taking a gaze to Atbash, he moved his cloak to reveal a sword and whip. Then he threw the cloak to one side of his body, keeping the weapons in sight for everyone. "I would like some water, yea. I might lay off the whiskey for a bit, that was my third bottle." He shrugged.

"I would, in fact, like to be guided into the town. I can't stay this sober for long and eventually I'll sway and stagger and fall on my ass. North Star doesn't do well with gators." He felt his legs sway a bit and he sat down, the cloak falling back into place. He would definitely try to sober up with the alcohol for a bit, at least until he was settled. Trevor wasn't sure if he was completely trusted, especially after Atbash's tone. How would he prove himself to be, at the very least, capable of standing on his own feet?

Re: Someone's gotta keep me up, no? - Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-17-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The sharp movement Trevor made when moving his cloak made Atbash tense up, her claws unsheathing in defense, as if she was expecting Trevor to lash out all of the sudden. When he didn't, though, she simply blinked and stared at him, clearly surprised by it. Well... If he was going to hurt someone, he certainly would by now, right?

"This is your sober?" Atbash echoed, a snort escaping her. If he thought he was sober, that was a slightly terrifying thought, at least to the savannah.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi