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In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - Printable Version

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In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - SirDio - 02-14-2021

And I'm not your protagonist
I'm not even my own
I don't know anything
I don't even know what I don't know

He still felt it. The sharp pain in his back as the knife slid in, his lover holding his slowly dying body knowing he had done it. Against the salt scent of the beach he still smelled the sweet lavender of the auburn-haired man. Wine mixed in but it made it so much better and hurt him so much more as his lover held him close. He couldn't stop the tears now, they streamed from his seafoam eyes and fell into the sand to be washed away by the ocean. Eltrous tried to breath, finding it impossible like he was choking on blood. Was he choking? No.

Suddenly the breath inhaled and he coughed, now realizing the tears that fled from his eyes down his cheeks. Lavender scent gone, replaced by the sea. He breathed again and the sob struggled out. Why wasn't he over it already? He died by his lover, shouldn't he hate him? Why did Eltrous still see him in sleep, as a handsome lion or leopard or jaguar with the auburn fur and wine red spots? Eltrous rubbed his cheeks gently, sobs quiet and controlled for now.

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - ROXANNE R. - 02-15-2021

It was safe to say that Roxanne Roux had her fair share of failed lovers or ones that she had cried over anyways, now that she thought about it. She had been horribly stupid to cry over such people only a few of them actually meaning anything to her, they had left her. Where to? She didn't have much of a clue but her trust had been damaged and some issues with abandonment began to rise from these frequent moments where she had been left without much of a word. Not even a fucking goodbye, she had never died. Quite literally and surprisingly enough, she had yet to actually die. She absolutely never died from a lover but she had killed hers though for her own personal reasons that she hardly ever disclosed with anyone for that matter. But if anyone had killed her, well, they gotta make sure they get rid of her completely since she was certain that she'd pop up the next day or whatever... That's what she hoped anyways.

The sound of quiet sobs caught her attention, a light frown on her maw as she began to walk over in the direction to see that it was Eltrous that was crying. A frown on her maw as she asked with a tilt of her cranium "Hey, are you alright?"

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 02-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne, on the other hand, had yet to experience anything remotely similar to heartbreak. Sure, there was the fact of her being stressed out over choosing The Typhoon over her mother, but that was a different kind of heartbreak. No, she was too young at the moment to really know what romantic heartbreak was.

That being said, the young Cipher tried to sympathize with others and when she heard Eltous's sobbing, followed by Roxanne's question, Vayne went off in search of a small seashell. Upon finding one, Vayne trotted back over to where Roxie and Eltrous was. "... Hey, this is for you." She squeaked out, gently pushing the shell towards Eltrous, a soft smile on her face as she attempted to cheer him up.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - roan ; - 02-16-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Roan didn't know Eltrous well, really. He knew that the other existed, obviously, since he kept tabs on others in order to make sure he knew of them in case they got injured. Beyond that, though, the siamese knew nothing of Eltrous. He didn't know the other's past, or what he enjoyed, or how long he had been in The Typhoon so far. However, when the soothsayer spotted Eltrous hunched over from afar, he found himself hesitating. Shit, he needed to help out, didn't he? Part of being a medic was helping with mental health, even if he didn't really consider himself to be a very good therapist. The approach of his mama did spurn him forward, however, considering he knew she would be there to help if he said something wrong. Plus, Vayne's presence would also act as a bit of a buffer.

After a moment of hesitation, the pregnant feline stepped down into the sand, his tail flicking behind him as he made his way over to where Eltrous was. The tears slipping down the other's cheeks caused Roan to wince, a soft sigh leaving him before he spoke, "Hello there... you're Eltrous, right? I don't believe we've properly met before..." Michael had told him a bit about Eltrous, but he also didn't want to bring the dealer up right at this moment. After all, considering recent events in the bobcat's life... that didn't really seem like it would help with the tears. Jumping off of what his mama had already asked, the soothsayer muttered softly, "...Do you want some people to talk to? Seems like it might help." Hopefully it would, anyways.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - SirDio - 02-17-2021

And I'm not your protagonist
I'm not even my own
I don't know anything
I don't even know what I don't know

With a quick shake of his head, rubbing more tears away, he turned to face Roxanne. "Yes.. Yes I'm alright. Just bad memories is all." Though his voice shook, he tried to make it look like he was okay. Turning his attention to Vayne, there was a small smile on his face as she nudged the shell to him. "Thank you, little one. It's rather beautiful."

Hearing Roan's unfamiliar voice the serval turned to face the Soothsayer. "Yes, I'm Eltrous. You must be Roan?" He'd definitely heard of the Soothsayer, but didn't see much need in bothering medics at all. "Ah.. yes, some people to talk to would be nice.. To be honest, I've been trying to settle before making any friends."

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - ROXANNE R. - 02-21-2021

When Vayne and Roan came over, Roxie couldn't help but feel slightly relieved knowing that she wouldn't have to stick around someone who was sobbing their eyes out by herself. It would've gotten awkward rather quickly if that had been the case, she let out a soft breath nodding in understanding "Ah gotcha gotcha." She smiled when Vayne decided to give the boy a shell, she was rather proud of Vayne for being nothing like her stupidass bitch of a mother. Roxie sighed quietly as she flicked her tail to the sides as she spoke with a soft grin "Well, that was rather kind of you, Vayne." The captain nodded her approval slowly.

Her mismatched gaze turning to her son hearing his inquiries to Eltrous and then twitched her whiskers at what El said about settling in before making any friends. She spoke up with a soft snort "Usually, it's a lot easier to settle in when you make friends. I settled in quick when I became friends with most of the Typhoon back in my day," Back in her day... God, she was making herself sound like an old woman.

Re: In love too young - Memories - Too stupid to act the fool - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 02-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne smiled as Eltrous accepted her gift, seeming pleased with herself. "You're welcome," She whispered her response, listening to the conversation that was happening in front of her. She fluffed out her fur at Roxanne's praise, grinning now, before she looked back at Eltrous. "You don't have to get settled in first to make friends. Everyone here will be there for you." Hell, they were there for her when Aphra tried taking her away, despite her mother's claims that The Typhoon hated her and her littermates.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]