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what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - Printable Version

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what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - rhosmari - 02-14-2021

How was he going to explain this to someone? In a way that wouldn't make him, the one and only hero of the Typhoon, not look utterly stupid. He dangled there high up in the tree from a branch he had been playing on. Well, he was most certainly not playing on it now because he was in a rather dangerous predicament. For all intent, it looked like he had gotten ensnared by a net trap. A rather sloppily made net in fact but it wasn't what it seemed. See, today he had been trying to behave himself (really hard for him) and he had been playing with a ball of thick yarn. He wanted to try out his hunting skills because he was gonna be a beta soon. He wanted to prove to himself that he was a quick learner. He had what it took and then he could get an awesome mentor. One that would actually teach him all the cool stuff.

Well that also led to him trying this climbing skills and he didn't want to leave his yarn behind and so he brought it with him. Up and up into the trees to try and play. And he imagined himself hunting birds. And well, one thing led to another and here he was entangled in bright lemon colored yarn and swaying dangerously from in high. Heros didn't trip but he surely had and he was moving from side to side as he struggled to get untangled. Which wasn't the best idea. His claws flexed as he grunted, shaking dangerously. "Oh come on!" He hissed as he struggled, not thinking that if he fell it could end badly.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - Grimm - 02-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]To make mistakes was expected, the process of learning at times necessitating them. Childhood seemed rife with them, though long since lost the days when he was of such an age, unexpected the strange occurrence that led to such disastrous results.

Familiarising himself with the land he had found himself upon, one among the population though poor the thought still as he made rather grand efforts to minimise the past, all he had wished to achieve with his walk. Other purposes were there, avoiding one person within particular rather high upon the list, interrupted and pushed aside each. The wild thrashing of the entangled child caused more noise than that he emitted, the branches trembling, leaves upset until they seemed to shiver. Perplexed by this closer Harland crept, brief his pause as the bright point of colour caught his attention.

Realisation slow, mind not quite registering that ensnared among clinging strands, back ears pressing as it arose. Forth he bound, stopping at the base of the trunk, wild his own movement, paws raised and waving in a bid to get the attention of the trapped child. Useless this, nothing to come of aid that really amounted to nothing. Quickly formed and rejected various ideas, settled on one that greatly displeased Harland but offered the best results. Too long since last he had climbed, lengthy the process as focused upon was Pyrrhicreign more than the correct placement of each hold, out of breath by the time he settled upon a branch close enough to the other.

"Stop." Strained his voice, breaking as he lifted it to a volume he had not tried to for quite some time, adorned his countenance with a brief grimace.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - bubblegum - 02-17-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

When Goldie had been making her rounds around the territory today, this was not something she'd been expecting. Although, to be fair, she never quite did know what to expect. Other than perhaps some beautiful sights, a beautiful woman that visited her, and family. Those three things were at least to be expected. And one of those three would be answered fairly quickly as she heard the noise of Pyrrhicreign call out, seemingly from somewhere above. Her pace quickens ever so slightly towards the sound.

"Oh dear," she'd say worriedly as she came upon the scene, blinking up towards both the child and Harland. Her wings shift, seemingly tempted to try and get her body up through other means, but she'd not tried flying yet, and this likely would not be the best time to learn how. She'd rather not accidentally fall or drop Pyrrhicreign, or anything else that could potentially go wrong in any attempt to help using her wings. So instead she just stood there and watched as the event unfolded. "Um, be careful!" the tigress decides to call out. Wow, thanks, Einstein. Very useful. Her paws lead her a bit closer, ultimately deciding she may be of better use on the ground, wings outstretched, just below the two - an effort to catch any if they did make a wrong step and slip. Thankfully, both of them were at least smaller than the female, so it wouldn't be too hard for her to try and catch them.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - michael t. - 02-18-2021

One paw, then the other. Step by step, slowly, the bobcat would emerge from his home, taking a deep breath inwards as he was shocked to life by the fresh air around him. It had been days since he had last emerged from his hut, far too caught up in grief to even consider his usual duties. However, he couldn't just stay inside forever, and he knew it. He had made a commitment as dealer of The Typhoon, and beyond that, the thief just wanted to make sure he helped Roxanne out as he had promised. Besides, if he just remained inside all day and allowed himself to waste away, he'd be disrespecting the memory of his husband. Trevor wouldn't want him to just wallow in sadness, and the male knew that.

Unsure of what to do with himself first, Michael opted to just walk along the shoreline, his paws briefly dipping into the sea as he watched the waves come in and out. His nub of a tail twitched idly behind him, and he considered heading to the tavern, when several familiar scents made him look up. He hadn't even noticed how close he was to the jungle's numerous towering trees, usually keeping his distance thanks to the whole "getting lost" incident that had happened. However, he opted not to stay away this time, mainly because he could see something swinging wildly from side to side, dangling off of one of the branches. He couldn't immediately see that it was one of his nephews, instead only really able to see Harland slowly climbing up, and Goldie frantically standing beneath them.

Making his way over to the treeline, Michael froze up upon seeing what was going on, his ears pinning back against his head. He was filled with a sense of anxiety as he muttered, slightly baffled, "Pyrrhic... what... how did you even do this?" Of course, his worry outweighed his confusion, both for Pyrrhic and Harland, seeing as Diya's brother was also now precariously high up. Seeing what Goldie was doing in case either of them fell, the dealer opted to help out as well, shifting from his bobcat form into his larger and softer coyote form. His pitch black fur was plush and thick, and the body beneath was muscular, meaning he could hopefully catch at least Pyrrhic if it became necessary. Moving in close to Goldie, he spoke to both Harland Pyrrhic, a frown on his muzzle, "Careful, Harland. Diya'll kill me if you fall and break something, heh." His tone was soft and joking, hopefully concealing the anxiety and fear underneath.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - Simon F.M. - 02-18-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
"You're absolutely right, Mikey," the polarbear would say as she approached, looking over the scene with displeasure. She moved past the others gathered, greeting Goldie by brushing against her before nudging Michael. "Gimme some room," she mumbled before moving into standing on her hind paws. She faltered for a moment before gaining balance. "You're in a lot of trouble, mister," she told the kitten, eyes moving to her brother for just a moment. She gave him a grateful look, deciding to help him down after she helped her adoptive son.

She lifted a paw under the kitten, lifting him ever so slightly. "Don't move," she gritted out as she focused, using the claws of her other paw to slowly saw at the yarn. It was sad to have to cut it but, she could easily get some replacement later on. Once the final string let loose, she pulled him close to her chest, bending down and using her now free paw to catch herself. She set the boy on the ground, meeting his eyes, and said "Now, you stand right there while I help your uncle down," she said before standing back up on her hind legs, one paw supporting her weight against the tree and the other lifted below her brother. "Go ahead and climb on, Har, I can help you down so you don't have climb," she offered.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - Keona. - 02-19-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Tree-climbing.  Not a particular skill of the tiny wildcat.  Or rather... Not one she enjoyed.  Getting up didn't take too much effort.  Surprisingly easy in fact.  Getting down... Less so.  It felt precarious to be so far off solid ground.

Of course, Keona trusted that anyone who could climb up a tree could probably get themselves down.  Still.  Her ears perked and pale hues flickered in thought as she trotted over to the gathered group.  Puzzling out the situation by listening.

Well, it seemed Diya had it handled.  From the sound of it.  The dealer hummed softly in thought, tail twitching.  "Is everyone okay?" She inquired softly, head tilted.  Better to double check.  Especially when she didn't know how Pyrrhicreign got stuck in the first place.  Whether it was simply the conumdrum she faced of struggling going down or something else.

Re: what a scene, he's a clown - open; predicament - ROXANNE R. - 02-20-2021

Roxie seemed to miss all the excitement or rather she was too busy for the most part, her ears twitching of the sound of several voices and she would turn in that direction wondering what was going on. That was until she saw that her son had got caught in string and seemed to be stuck in a tree, well, that was an interesting predicament. Roxanne would pick up the pace with nonexistent eyebrows raised, she glanced around at the small group only to mew with a small frown "Pyrrhic! What were you doing, young man?" Kids always did their dumb shit and it was understandable with her son's age, she was moreso amused if anything as she watched Diya begin to reach for the kitten. She spread her wings and immediately went into the air, until she was on a branch above everyone else with her ears pressing flat against her skull.

She'd make sure that the boy wouldn't fall "It'd be a lot easier if you guys had wings," The captain mused with a lash of her fluffy tail. Well, Goldenluxury had wings but flying whenever she had her head hurting probably wasn't the smartest of ideas not right now anyways.