Beasts of Beyond
YOU DON'T MAKE SENSE → exploring the ferris wheel - Printable Version

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YOU DON'T MAKE SENSE → exploring the ferris wheel - Grimm - 02-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Everything came down to shapes. Strange once the notion, odd slotted among that he knew, a miniscule tidbit of information that lacked a need for attention. Yet it was present always, mouth moving, soundless each name, gentle the quirk of lips as named each. Square. The toast beneath his paw, somewhat blackened as attention had been diverted, too many within the space. Circle. The opening of the jar containing strawberry jam, mess the smear, strange each little seed located within it. Square. The sink into which he deposited his knife, a corner shoved into his mouth as he quickly departed the kitchen.

Rectangle. The door that opened into a land of wood and metal, bright beneath strengthening golden light. Quiet the closure behind, settling where his back may press against a wall. Sticky the toast he ate in slow bites, marred long chocolate strands beneath red. Slow the wander of his eyes, looked across each structure, numerous and differing in size, purpose and unknown he cared little to think upon. At least until a particular sight caught his eye.


Above the rest the rust lined construct towered, fine the lines connecting outer circumference to the central point. Confusion arose as his eyes narrowed, trying to study the odd objects that hung down from the top, slight their sway in a breeze he could not feel. To the door he quickly gazed, knowing well closer inspection would not be permitted, but the words had not been spoken, their restriction more broad to allow easy watch. Quickly shoved into his mouth was the rest of his toast, his departure made without second thought, no chance allowed for another to learn of his intent.

Surprisingly lengthy the journey, such a by-product of his inexperience with the densely packed boardwalk, out of breath when finally the shadow of the structure fell across an open segment Wild stepped into. Upwards his vision travelled, back ears flipping as head moved with it, wide his mouth as he looked upon it. Idiotic may have been his idea, out of operation for a time that would make approaching it dangerous let alone ascending, but won out the thrill of it. Climbed the small platform it sat upon with ease, issue arising with the chair. Over edge paws hooked, the departure of his back paws prompted a slow swing, however, the motion unexpected.

Sharp the expulsion of his breath as back struck the platform, pout taking hold as he glared at the seat as it came to a halt once more. Little time elapsed before he was on his feet again, prepared this time for the movement that would occur due to his momentum. All the same forth he rushed, his speed enough to allow his jump to clear the short distance, still too great his momentum, his halt only conducted as his head made contact with the metal connecting the seat to the floor. Dazed the kitten as he lay sprawled, the wild rocking slow in evening out, pitiful the little noises he made as the pain grew steadily more pronounced.

Re: YOU DON'T MAKE SENSE → exploring the ferris wheel - SHIELDKIT. - 02-16-2021

The ferris wheel. Shieldkit had studied the structure from afar once or twice, but he had no intention of actually going over to it anytime soon. After all, although he possessed a pattern in the shape of wings on his back, he didn't actually have wings. He had no way of flying up to such a great height, and although he could occasionally be seen as a sort of thrill-seeker, he didn't want to die. Falling from such a height would surely make his head crack open, and as nice as it would be to not remember some things - such as that time when Gunkit had snitched on him for cursing and he'd had to clean up the entire house all by himself - he wasn't exactly in the market for a concussion. It was because of this that Eld had figured none of his siblings would try to scale the towering structure on their own, either. After all, he was clearly the smartest among them, and if he wasn't willing to risk the danger of doing something, then none of the others would, right? At least, that's where his line of thinking went. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though Wildkit felt similarly.

Shieldkit had been quite comfortable when he caught Wild passing by, the brown pelted kit sitting up on the roof of one of the buildings of the boardwalk. He had actually been laying, really, halfway between sleep and simple people-watching, idly swinging one of his front paws as he watched others pass by. It had been a bit of a pain to make his way up on top of one of the boardwalk huts, but he thought it was worth it. Not only was the sun raining down on his back a very pleasant sensation, but it also meant his siblings couldn't bug him up here. And that did turn out to be true, but instead it seemed as though he would have to bug one of his siblings. Upon spotting Wildkit passing by, Eld found himself curious as to what the other was doing, his head tilting to one side. What exactly was his brother trying to do...? With a weakly annoyed sigh, Shieldkit pushed himself up to his paws, carefully making his way off of the roof in one smooth leap. His legs were slightly shaky as he landed, giving Wild the opportunity to make his way to the ferris wheel before Shield was ready to follow.

Once Shield did go after the other, however, he was shocked to see what Wildkit was trying to accomplish. Eld froze as he saw the way Wild tossed himself forward, a soft squeak of protest leaving his lungs as he shouted, "Wildkit! What are you doing?!" Generally, Shieldkit didn't really consider himself to be the responsible one. That was more Gunkit's bag, with the other's whole "sticking to the rules" thing. However, even Shield was able to see that Wild was doing was stupid - and dangerous. Quickly making his way up and onto the nearby platform, Shield's ears flattened down against his head as the seat cart swayed wildly in response to Wildkit's actions. Having heard the resounding clang of Wildkit's head connecting with the metal of the seat, Shieldkit hesitated for a moment before he spoke again, a frown pulling at his muzzle, "Wild...? Are you still alive? Please don't be dead..." God, if he was around when Wildkit had died, mapa would kill him.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: YOU DON'T MAKE SENSE → exploring the ferris wheel - SWORDSKIT. - 02-16-2021

Swordskit had been making sure that his side of the room had been cleaned seeing as dad had explained to him many times that he shouldn't leave his rubber duckies laying around on the floor. That someone might end up tripping on them and even if it would've been a funny sight, Swords knew a lot better than to make his siblings get any type of injury. He had to be a responsible big brother seeing as he was the second oldest after Gunkit, a soft breath left his maw as he put away the last duck into the toy box feeling rather content with himself. He knew that his parents would be proud of him keeping his side of the room clean, he decided to leave Azul in his designated hiding spot and decided to get out of the house and possibly head for the beach for shells to take to his siblings.

He hadn't expected to see Shieldkit hopping off one of the houses and it made his heart almost leap out of his chest from the mere sight, he was about to say something until the other began to walk away. Swordskit frowned deciding that he would follow only for realize that Wildkit was doing something rather dangerous did he yell out "Willy! You shouldn't be doing that! It's super duper dangerous!" He was standing next to Eld the entire time and suddenly, the sound of his siblings head hitting the ferris wheel seat made the fur on his spine begin to rise. His eyes widening when the kitten fell onto the floor, he stood there unsure of what to do or say though what Eld said next made his heart drop. "Willy?" He piped out with a tilt of his head, oh god, how were they going to tell ma and dad? The thought of his father being angry made his coat fluff up even more yet, he moved a paw to try and nudge his brother.

It was safe to say they were going to be in big trouble.