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ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - Printable Version

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ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - RHINESTONE. - 02-14-2021

Valentine's Day. A happy occasion for most, but that wasn't exactly so for Rhinestonestar, at least this year. Although the legate wasn't depressed over her own lack of a love life currently, she couldn't deny that she felt a great deal of stress on her shoulders. There had been an extremely happy occasion in the form of Winterhymn and Magnum's children coming into the world, but there had been some rather dour ones as well. The death of Medusa weighed heavy on the female's mind, not to mention the sudden disappearances of both her son, Quasar, and Sorbet, the only thing close to a trained medic that they had. It left her feeling shredded, as if her very insides had been pulled out and she had been left with nothing but a stressed out and hollow shell. Still, she had to put on a brave face. Not only for her group as a whole, but also for the new little ones that had only recently been brought into the world. They didn't deserve to see their leader weakened so soon into their lives – even if they didn't know much about her, yet.

Rather than hosting this particular meeting in her usual spot, on the meeting rock, Rhine had instead opted to head for the boardwalk. It seemed more appropriate, considering even their rather large camp was beginning to feel a bit cramped – not to mention it would be a bit of time before she truly felt comfortable there again. It was hard to feel safe and at home when the corpse of her primus had been laid there not too long ago. With a heavy sigh leaving her, Rhinestonestar stared up at the large ferris wheel that had stood atop the boardwalk ever since they had first ventured onto it, and for many years before. Briefly closing her eyes, the tasmanian tiger felt her body shifting and growing, fur giving way to tough scales as her body took on the form of a large dragoness – lacking wings, and extremely bright in coloration. Even without wings, Rhine was able to use her elementals to bend the wind around her, heaving herself up with thick claws so that she could drape herself amongst the spokes of the ferris wheel. It was surprisingly comfortable, and let her have a bird's eye view of those below.

With a large breath of air inwards, the dragoness called out, her voice booming and attention-grabbing, "Members of the Palm Glades, if you can hear my call, gather around for a group meeting!" She noticed a few confused gazes thrown in her direction as members of the group approached, no doubt surprised by the change of scenery, and her change of form. Still, they all gathered around as usual, eager to hear what their leader had to say. She offered them all a toothy smile, saying in a calm tone, "Hello, everyone. Don't mind the new form... I've been trying to test the limits of my shapeshifting abilities." She then continued, the back of her body flicking rhythmically behind her, "First of all... not only has the Glades gotten a few new joiners in the past couple of weeks, we've also been blessed with the children of Winterhymns and Magnum. So, not only would I like to welcome Ares, Drayden, and Jaeger, but I'd also like to welcome Swordskit, Mazekit, Wildkit, Shieldkit, Wyvernkit, Murdock, Rosekit, Sirenkit, Gunkit, Sleepingkit, Ironkit, andddd... Chevalier. That was... quite the mouthful." If Win and Magnum ever had kids again, she could only hope that they wouldn't have quite so many, if only so she wouldn't be out of breath so soon into a meeting.

After taking another large breath of air, the legate seemed to hesitated slightly, her expression darkening. Still, it wasn't as if she could just avoid the subject forever. Shaking her head a little, the rather spiky dragoness spoke softly, "Unfortunately... these last couple of weeks also brought some tragedy, as well. Not only are both Quasar and Sorbet seemingly missing, but as I'm sure you all know... Medusa passed away, just a day ago. I'll be holding a memorial for her very soon, so that we can remember all that she did for the Glades. And... I encourage anyone to speak up if they see any signs of Quasar, or Sorbet." She couldn't help the way that her heart ached, especially when talking about Quasar. Obviously she was devastated about Medusa, as the other had been one of her best friends, and most trusted colleague. But Quasar... he was her son. Where had he gone? Had she done something wrong?

Knowing full well that she would bring herself to tears if she thought of it all much longer, Rhinestone simply shook her head. Pushing all thoughts of those lost from her kind, at least for the moment, she then moved on, "In... in terms of promotions, we've had a fairly light couple of weeks. No shout-outs this time, but I would like to ask both Mezrith and Winterhymns to step up as gladiators. Win... I'm sure you've already got a lot on your plate, considering the kids, but you'll also have Magnum and Mezrith working alongside you, and I think you'll be a wonderful addition to the team." She could only hope that the pair would both accept their new roles, considering she was working essentially from scratch. Feeling a brief bit of frustration with the situation that the world had thrown at her, Rhine briefly scrubbed at her face before continuing, "Speaking of... I encourage everyone to help out Magnum and Win as much as they can during the next few weeks. Being a parent in general can be very stressful, but when you're dealing with twelve kids... well. Let's just say I'm sure they'll appreciate the help." She'd do her best to help out as well, but her role as legate had a tendency to eat up most of her time.

Continuing on, the dragoness tried to reflect back on the last couple of weeks, pushing the worst of what had happened from her mind for the moment. She spoke firmly, her gaze Drifting towards the direction of Tanglewood's territory, "In terms of what has happened in the last couple of weeks... well, we got a visitor from Tanglewood. Apparently they sent us an ambassador, named Atbash Cipher. I ain't got a problem with her occasionally visiting, especially if it means Tanglewood isn't on our ass. I'd hope it would go without saying, but please don't fuck with 'em at all. We're neutral right now, and I don't want that changing." She didn't really think that anyone had any plans of messing with Tanglewood, especially with the new children around, but she wanted to make herself very clear. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she then muttered, "Not only that, but... we had a bit of a mysterious case of... ducknapping... and Rosekit also went on the search for a friend of his." As usual, the children were already getting themselves into trouble and having adventures. That was really of no surprise to Rhine, considering she had experience from raising her own children.

She was really starting to feel tired from everything on her mind at the moment, so she found herself getting eager to wrap the meeting up. Shifting a little on her spot within the ferris wheel, the legate's eyes then narrowed, a warning leaving her, "Also... I'd like everyone to keep an eye out for any signs of Coalition activity. Thankfully we seemingly haven't had too many issues, but... I don't want anybody getting hurt. So, if you see absolutely any sign of 'em at all, come and tell me, alright? Alright." Of course, those not too many issues did include an attempt on her life, but she was more worried about the safety of her groupmates, more than her own. Speaking of the safety of her group, it was time for her final subject of the night, "Lastly... seeing as Sorbet has gone missing, and he was really the only one among us with obvious healing knowledge that was more than just the basics, we're out of someone to take up the medical position. Since I at least know the basics, I'll be heading to The Typhoon to ask if I can get a bit of training there, and then I'll hold a tryouts when I return. So, if any of you are interested in a medici position, or the role of medicus legionis, be sure to keep an eye out." She desperately hoped that someone would step up, especially considering the new little ones. Rhine had no doubt that they would end up getting themselves into trouble, and end up with injuries because of it.

Feeling rather thoroughly drained, the legate let the air once again twist and shift around her, moving from her position within the ferris wheel to drift down to the ground. She was careful to avoid the large crowd, landing in front of them before she spoke, "Now... unless anyone has any questions they would like to ask, that should be meeting dismissed." Rhinestonestar certainly hoped there wouldn't be too many questions, since she very much felt like taking a nap.

meeting recap:

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - trojan g. - 02-14-2021

It seemed as though the first meeting that Mazekit would attend would be one that was in a spot that he had never been to before, and in a spot that the meetings weren't usually in. That would likely prove to be an issue later, but for now the child simply sat there, listening and unaware. He had followed some NPC's to the boardwalk, deciding not to wait on any of his family members so that he could make sure to get there first. He needed the best seat and he knew that if his siblings had gotten there with or before him, they would all argue over it. Well... most of them would argue over it. But since he was already there, sitting firmly, the seat wouldn't be taken from him, though he was sure he'd get an earful later about running off by himself, but that didn't really matter in the moment for Maze.

Listening to the words that Rhinestonestar spoke, he would cock his head to the side, keeping his mouth shut for the time being, trying to figure out the words and names that were said. He didn't know Quasar or Sorbet, he didn't know who Medusa really was, though he had seen her body when she had been put out into the middle of camp to announce her death. But he hadn't ever really known her. Most of the things that had been said were things he just didn't really understand, so when the time came for questions, Mazekit jumped to his feet, maw opening as he blurt out a series of questions. "What does Quasar and Sorbet look like? I gotta know what they look like so I can tell you if I see them." He would begin, orbs directed at his leader, looking her straight in the eyes. "And what's Tanglewood and Coalition? How do I know if they're around? Or what Atbash looks like so I know she's from the Tangleroot instead of the coalition?" A soft hum would leave him as he bounced on his paws, waiting for the answers to his question, before asking one last one. "What's a medici do?" And then he would freeze.

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - SirDio - 02-14-2021

The time leading up to the meeting was a sodden time for Mezrith. She, having bore the news of Medusa passing, couldn't help but feel terrible about it. But it steeled her, made the demon put on a brave face for everyone else. And maybe it was just her hunger speaking, but the recent loss caused something within Mezrith to crack. Behind a stone expression she schemed what she would do to them.

Mezrith had hung around the Boardwalk more often, unable to face the camp for a bit. But seeing Rhine her face lifted gently, only to become shocked at the transformation. Hurt flashed in her eyes. If only she could do that without risking harm to anyone. [color=#ffc7c7]"Looking great as always, Rhine."

With the announcement of so many young the demon held back a moment of panic. For what she wasn't sure. But the mention of not just Medusa, but the disappearances of Quasar and Sorbet made Mezrith grit her teeth.

Then, she heard her name again. Promotion? Mezrith swallowed back spit and smiled against pained expression. [color=#ffc7c7]"Yeah, I'll step up to Gladiator." but after that she felt metal in her mouth and turned to leave. That hunger clawed at her yet again.

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - SirDio - 02-14-2021

The wire's getting older - I can hear the way they're creaking.
The wolf listened as he sat, flames swirling and dancing on his neck. Death. Death meant a candle vigil. He made a mental note on asking about candles. Turning his gaze to Mazekit, he smiled. "Sounds like it's got to do with healing. My old group had something similar."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - RHINESTONE. - 02-16-2021

Ah... this was one of the new little ones, wasn't it? From the Winterhymns and Magnum litter... it took a moment for Rhinestone's mind to connect name to face, considering there were twelve of the little buggers. After a moment, the dragoness was able to identify this particular one as Mazekit, a soft sigh leaving her before she began to answer, "Hello there, little Mazekit... good to see that you're eager to participate in Glades culture." On any other day, maybe she would be a bit more enthusiastic about the child's questions. Right now, though, she just felt exhausted, and her mind was scrambling to come up with answers. After taking another deep breath in, the legate muttered, "Quasar was... is quite distinct. He's a very brightly colored canine with three different massive tails... and a bit of an attitude. I don't think you'll confuse him with anybody else if you come across him. And Sorbet... he's also pretty distinctive. He is a long legged canine, with a dark pelt. Again, I'm sure he'll speak to you if you see him." She could only hope that the child - or anyone else, for that matter - would come across them. Already, she found herself missing them both dearly.

The other questions... well, some of them were easy to answer. Some weren't. With a shake of her head, Rhinestone explained softly, "Tanglewood and The Coalition are both other groups... you shouldn't have to worry about them, considering you shouldn't be going far enough out to encounter them. However, Atbash is a yellow and black feline, so she's not hard to miss. If you see her, just know that she's a friend." Even if her relations weren't exactly desirable, that wasn't any reason to blame her for Caesar's actions. As for the medici question, at least Jaeger was around to help out a bit. Nodding in the newcomer's direction, Rhine added on, "Jaeger is correct. A medici is a medical helper within the Palm Glades. They take care of everyone else with their medical knowledge, and are usually the student of the medicus legionis. So... they're still learning, but they're also very helpful. Now... is that all from you, little one?" She prayed that it would be, considering the fact that going to sleep right in front of the ferris wheel was looking more and more appealing by the moment.

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-17-2021

Winterhymns would walk over with his tail flicking behind him, he was quite tired mostly due to how many kittens he had though he did not mind it at all. He loved all his kittens equally and was rather happy with all twelve of them, his steps leading him to the ferris wheel which wasn't the usual meeting place. He found his son, Mazekit, within the crowd as he took a few careful steps forward until he was sitting beside the kitten "Exciting isn't it?" Winnie would inquire to his son lowering his head just to groom a bit at the boys head though his attention eventually traveled back to Rhinestonestar as she began to step, he curled his tail around his son deciding to listen for now. Win almost felt bad when Rhine began to announce not only the new joiners of Palm Glades but all of the kittens that were now tumbling about on the beaches, he was sure that if he and Magnum ever decided to have any other kids then it would likely be less than what they had at the given time.

Then the announcements of Sorbet and Quasar being demoted made a small frown appear on his maw, he had wished that the both of them were safe to say the least. He did not want any harm to come to either of them, a soft sigh leaving his maw feeling fortunate that no one else had disappeared despite those two, he fell silent dipping his head in a respectful manner. There would be a memorial for Medusa, he would keep an eye for it and for the other two that had gone missing. His frown not fading in that moment as he tried to figure out the last time that he had seen either Sorbet or Quasar.

He would perk up at the sound of promotions and Win was a bit taken back when his name was suddenly announced amongst the promotions, he could feel his face beginning to grow warm as the attention was turned to him. He let out a shy chuckle "I'll accept... Thank you for the promotion, dear." A gladiator, he had become a gladiator and he felt rather proud of himself. He nodded to Mez offering her a soft congratulations only to feel himself blushing even more at the next announcement about helping him and Magnum with the twelve kids, he was grateful to say the least as he offered another dip of his cranium. Then came the other announcements of Tanglewood, he was hoping that their would be an alliance...Mostly since his brother lived there.

Then Mazekit began to ask Rhinestonestar several questions and the man couldn't help but feel amused by this, a soft smile gracing his maw as he listened to each one before turning his lavender gaze over to the dragoness. Rhinestonestar answered all of them and she looked quite exhausted, he supposed that this would be the best time to pick up his child and take him home. Winnie offered the dragon a brief wink only to glance down at his kitten speaking in a gentle, affectionate voice "Alright. My little Sherlock Holmes," There was a small pause before he continued nuzzling Maz on the head "I believe that's enough detective work for today." Without waiting, Win would pick up the kitten by the scruff and began to head away from the ferris wheel only to go towards their home.

Re: ART IS DEAD ☆ MEETING 2/14 - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 02-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I CAN'T MAKE REALITY CONNECT !。+゚.[/glow]
The Typhoon held meetings occasionally, though Drayden had never personally attended one (his caregiver didn't want him going when he had been really young), so it wasn't entirely a surprise that the Palm Glades had meetings too. But it was still something good to note that other groups seemed to have meetings, or at the very least, two groups made it a normal thing. At Rhinestonestar's call, the snow leopard made his way over to the meeting area, following the others since he didn't really know where to go at first.

There was a lot to take in, though Drayden blocked most of Rhinestone's announcements out, until the mention of Atbash Cipher got his attention. There's others? Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised, but he was curious as to how this Atbash was related to him. Was she Aphra's sister, or her mother? Maybe I can ask next time she visits. Though to be fair, he would have to know it was Atbash visiting, wouldn't he?

Drayden was quiet throughout the announcements though, taking mental notes on what he should be doing - such as congratulating the ones who got promoted - as well as taking notes on the events that Rhinestone mentioned.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]