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WE ALL CARRY ON / Injured boy ; Joining - Printable Version

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WE ALL CARRY ON / Injured boy ; Joining - SirDio - 02-13-2021

The wire's getting older - I can hear the way they're creaking.
The fire-necked wolf's breath came out in short bursts, the flames flickering in all sorts of colors as he leaned his body against a tree. Whoever lived in these woods had a very salty scent, it stung his nose and made Jaeger snort. This snort caused him to cough harshly, feeling a metal taste in his mouth. "Shi- Shit.. Damn bastards.." he grumbled, moving only a few inches before his legs gave out. Teeth marks littered his haunches, a nasty bite wound on one of his forepaws. Growling, he forced himself up and walked a few more inches before collapsing.

"Hope.. to god.. someone's here.." he wheezed out, fatigue taking over his tired form and he felt his eyelids drooping.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: WE ALL CARRY ON / Injured boy ; Joining - trojan g. - 02-13-2021

Although there were many within the territory of the Palm Glades, it would go without saying that the first one to arrive to the scene was not one that Jaeger would want. He'd likely want someone with the knowledge to heal - or simply any knowledge at all - but the three month old only really knew how to talk, walk, and sometimes steal things, but only when it came to his siblings. At least for the moment.

Mazekit had begun to wander around the territory more, excited by his adventure to the border earlier, curious about what else he would find out there. He would have settled with a hat or a cool rock, but he found himself stumbling upon another stranger, and this one seemed hurt as well. Though he didn't seem to be hunched over dying at the very least. "Hello," The child would begin, offering a beaming smile to the wolf before him, watching as his flames danced across his neck. "You're on the ground, and you have bite marks and you're bleeding." He would point out matter-of-factly, standing on his toes as he looked behind him for a moment. "I think someone will come soon, but for now I'm here! And my name's Mazekit! What's your name?"

Re: WE ALL CARRY ON / Injured boy ; Joining - SirDio - 02-14-2021

The wire's getting older - I can hear the way they're creaking.
Jaeger didn't know what he was expecting, but a kid wasn't it. Mazekit's arrival was enough to rouse the wolf into a laying position. He looked at Mazekit with a confused look. "You're a little young to be out and about, aren't you- ow.." he winced as he moved his left paw a bit. "Serves me right.." He sighed. Looking back at Maze he felt his fire flicker a little more. "Jaeger Fir. Where.. Where am I?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: WE ALL CARRY ON / Injured boy ; Joining - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-18-2021

"You're within Palm Glades territory." Came the voice of Winterhymns as he walked over with satchel hanging at his side, the man often found himself busy having to keep track of all his twelve children and now his gladiator duties. He couldn't help but let out a soft snort of amusement when he saw that Mazekit was already there talking to the stranger, he would nuzzle the kitten affectionately on the head before turning his attention over to Jaeger. It seemed that he had a nasty bite wound on his forepaw and several other injuries on the lupines haunches, he flipped through his satchel pulling out some marigold with a small frown on his muzzle.

"Here I can help you with your injuries, Jaeger." Winnie said as his gaze softened slightly only to realize that he hadn't introduced himself, he ducked his head in slight embarrassment only for a chuckle to leave him "My name is Winterhymns Pendragon. Although, you're free to call me Win or Winnie as that's what most refer me to." With a twitch of his whiskers, the Pendragon began to chew the marigold into a pulp slowly pulling out some bandages from his satchel. He would scoot a bit closer as he spoke up "It'll sting a little." After the brief warning, he began to apply the poultice to Jaeger's wounds.