Beasts of Beyond
BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - Printable Version

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BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - SirDio - 02-13-2021

Mezrith tapped on the stone doorway, calling into the house. [color=#ffc7c7]"Medusa~? I came by to check up on you, see if you're alright." She stepped in, almost instantly feeling a sense of dread as she entered. Biting her tongue, she looked around the dark main room. [color=#ffc7c7]"Medusa? You here, girl? 'Ave you been eating?" She called out again, finally catching sight of a curled up body in the corner. Smiling, she walked up. [color=#ffc7c7]"There you are! How're you holding u-"

Her throat choked up. Medusa say so still, motionless, cold against the corner. Skinny like a skeleton. Mezrith prodded at her, gasping at the stiffness and coldness the Primus carried. Her marred face seemed still, peaceful, like she was sleeping. [color=#ffc7c7]"Medusa.. shit.. No.. Come-Come on, girl! You needed to prove them wrong.." She forced out, changing form into a dull pink tigress and forcing the limp body onto her back. [color=#ffc7c7]"They're gon' miss you, you know? Rhine especially.." She gritted her teeth and started outside, toward camp.

As she entered camp she saw those conversing hush at the sight. Letting her body roll softly onto the ground, Mezrith breathed shakily. [color=#ffc7c7]"it pains me to tell you all that our Primus, Medusa, has died." She spoke, letting her words settle on the quiet crowd. Even she couldn't believe it. The tigress sat down, noticing that the sun seemed to have dimmed, covered by a thin layer of clouds over the midday sunlight.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - trojan g. - 02-14-2021

Maze had never seen a dead body before, and if his parents had anything to say about it, then he likely would have never seen one until he was at least an apprentice, when he was old enough to at least start to understand his feelings. His parents wouldn't get the chance to keep death away though, it seemed, for it was everywhere, including seemingly inside the borders of the place they called home.

When Mazekit had seen Mezrith walking through the territory, carrying the body of the former Primus, he had thought that they were just playing a game. He hadn't known what game it was but it seemed interesting, so he had come forth, only to pause when the body suddenly dropped, lifeless and cold, at the feet of those around the camp. He felt his breath catch in his throat and his heart begin to pound in his ears, unsure of what he was supposed to do, what anyone was supposed to do. Some of the NPC's were crying, some were just staring in shock, and Maze didn't know which was the right thing to do, so instead he screamed. He screamed for his two fathers, hoping that they would come to his rescue, come save him from the scary body of Medusa.

He would have liked her if she hadn't been so unmoving.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - Grimm - 02-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Life and death.

A perpetual cycle, necessary even as the wish for an end grew deeply rooted. Abstract the notion of existence, that which permitted the heart he felt beneath a light touch, rhythmic beat a silent backdrop to all. He knew not either concept, understood only that he was present now, the simple pleasure of a youth so fresh and new limitless seemed the wonders as of yet unexperienced. But, so too the horrors knew no bounds, extended beyond what his mind may grasp.

They were too young to understand, to witness the tragedy that came with that they knew only in the simple terms that filled their vocabulary. The world did not care, however, never did, the people the only things that bore the capacity for such.

Few the times perimeter of the boardwalk was crossed, cluttered expanse familiar, curiosity a rather strong driving force. Behind it all left, coarse the grains traversed, clinging to the sensitive skin between toes. Up lifted a paw, rough the shake in useless bid to rid himself of the feeling, left hanging with the sudden sound, forth drawn his ears. Wordless that sustained vocalisation, something within it he proved incapable of identifying, yet quick had grown the beat of his heart, ragged as confusion arose. Attention briefly diverted, over shoulder looking to assess the distance between himself and the boardwalk, notion abandoned as the wavering scream continued.

Poor decision. Easy his entrance into the shallow divot, performed a few times before, different this for lacking accompaniment or a distinct purpose, mouth opening only for his words to die. Mazekit. Within such proximity overwhelming it all, followed the line of his vision. No sound arose from Wildkit, the want was there, built in his throat until it grew into a pressure that scoured the tightened confinements, closed tight until each breath became a struggle.

He should move, help his brother. Nothing responded, muscles locked until slight the tremor that wracked his miniscule frame, silent the spill of tears dampening the fur of his cheeks. Confusion and terror welled in his chest, grew apparent in each harsh breath, too small the subsequent indraw, choking on the salt laden air.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - Ares - 02-16-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Ares was drawn to the screams, just wishing for them to stop. But as she approached the gathering crowd, her heart sank. "Stop... Stop screaming... please stop screaming.." Her plea was hollow as she stared at Medusa's body. She placed a paw on her cold body, suddenly aware that she was shaking, and violently. "It makes no sense... why..."

"You didn't deserve this, Medusa! The pain, it wasn't yours to bear!" She rose her voice, but softened it. "It doesn't make sense... why... you were so mighty and powerful.. it was as if nothing could take you down, trust me, pretty-mother said.." and she broke away. Pulled herself from her body and felt her wings shudder. Death. For some reason, deep down, Ares felt like she'd never see herself go down.. and it scared her.

As thunder rolled over the sky, low and mourning and quiet in the distance, Ares moved past the mourning crowd and broke into a sprint. Away from camp. Away from death.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - RHINESTONE. - 02-16-2021

Normally, the sound of Mezrith's voice would be something that would make a smile come to Rhinestone's face. After all, she enjoyed the company of Mez, and the other's joking attitude often provided her with a sense of relief when she was dealing with the stresses of being legate. In this case, however, Mezrith's call caused Rhinestonestar's heart to sink. The canine's head flinched up from her paws as she tried to process what she had heard, slowly getting to her paws and beginning to emerge from her den. The screams of Mazekit did nothing to help with the legate's mental state, her ears flattening down against her head as she moved closer. Her voice was low as she spoke directly to Mezrith, trying not to sound too furious as her claws dug into the sandy earth, "Mezrith. You... you shouldn't have brought the damn body here. Did you just forget that we have children around? Go... go bury her. Or get someone else to do it, if y'want. We'll have a proper memorial for her, later." She didn't want to be angry with Mezrith, but to just dump the body in the middle of camp was idiotic, to say the least.

Glancing briefly towards Medusa's limp and cold body, Rhine found herself forcibly turning away, her heart aching within her chest. She couldn't focus on her feelings regarding the primus's death – not right now, anyways. The canine didn't want to fall apart, particularly with at least two children standing nearby, already falling apart in their own ways. With a quick shake of her head, Rhinestone turned and moved over to where Mazekit was, raising a particular to gently usher the boy towards Wildkit. She blocked both their gazes with her body, muttering softly as she looked them over, "Deep breaths... it'll all be alright. Close your eyes if you have to, okay? I'm sure one of your fathers will be here for you, before long..." She would've brought them home herself, but she didn't want Win or Magnum to panic if they were within camp, thinking their children had disappeared on them. For now, she would try to just calm the situation down a bit, so that hopefully the wailing would stop.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - SirDio - 02-16-2021

Though her head was low, Mezrith refused to look up. Screams, the quiet mourning of a girl, Rhine's anger, it all fell on deaf ears. Hopefully they could tell she was on her own way down, but wordlessly she stood, grabbed the body, and walked out of camp. Nothing of malice but of a breaking woman just trying not to yell or scream.

Re: BEGIN TO SHAKE FOR NO REASON AT ALL - Medusa's death - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-17-2021

The gladiator had been tending to the flowers near his home, he had been relaxing for the most part about to water the garden until the sound of screaming made him flinch and his heart leap out of his chest. He dropped the watering can immediately as he realized who was screaming, it was one of his kittens "Mazekit." He mumbled under his breath but didn't stay where he was as he bolted forward with the fur along his spine rising, his pupils narrowed with heart racing in his chest hoping that no harm had come to his child but he was afraid. Please be safe, please be safe. He skidded to a halt feeling his blood run cold as he saw the body of Medusa laying there, he struggled to breathe for a moment until the screaming of his child broke through once more. He felt his blood beginning to boil with anger as he hissed under his breath "Dumme Frau." His usual warm gaze was cold and angry, he immediately turned to Mazekit and Wildkit. He had wished for the both of them not to be exposed to death at such a young age, he tried not to think too much on it as he began to lap at Mazekit gently in attempts to calm his son.

"I'm here, my love. I'm here." He soothed quietly with fur still spiked up, he only felt more annoyance when Ares began to speak only wanting Mezrith to get rid of the body, his snout wrinkling at the smell of death. "It's alright... You'll be okay now, I'm here." He continued curling his tail around Mazekit, he brought the kitten closer with one of his arms hoping the smell of his lavender coat would help in relaxing the small kitten. Although, he would attempt to bring Wildkit close to him though it was hard but he would try his best to be there for both of his sons. He supposed that he was grateful that no harm had come to them yet he still couldn't brush away that annoyance, the gladiator began to hum a quiet melody to both of his sons hoping to soothe their nerves further from what they had just seen. Dumme Frau. Came his silent, annoyed thought as he closed both of his eyes as he sat there.