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KIDS ♡ intro - Printable Version

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KIDS ♡ intro - charrie graveyard - 02-13-2021

Sitting on a blanket outside their family den, the brown and white kitten known as Rosekit could be found with a bunch of cards laid out before him, pictures of brightly colored fish and other animals printed on them. On the opposite side, a black stuffed dragon with bright green eyes and a quaint little smile etched onto its plumply shaped snout was sitting with it's own set of cards, clearly losing when comparing to Rose's own matching sets. Mismatched eyes narrowed in concentration, the young Pendragon-Daisuke child would suddenly draw a card from the face-down deck in the middle of the blanket. "Ha! Sorry Leyley, but I win again!" Ross would exclaim before placing a paw proudly on the cards before him, a huge smile on his face. The stuffed dragon would reply with only an eerie silence, but the child seemed to understand the stuffed toy's unspoken words. "Don't worry buddy, you'll win the next game of Go Fish for sure! Do wanna watch me play against Fiona next? I can show you some pointers!"

With that, the child would gently take the dragon in his mouth as he went back down in the tunnel, trotting off into his room as he looked for the other plushie. Sitting on his bed were different dragon-like beast stuffed toys that appeared to be made in a similar fashion to the one Rose called Leyley, otherwise known as Wheatley. They all had their own names, but that was a story for another time. What was most important right now was the fact that he couldn't find Fiona anywhere. "Fiona? Where are you? We were gonna play Go Fish, remember?" Rosekit said in a worried tone as he looked frantically around the room. This would lead him to wander all around the den, looking under and through everything before he would finally reappear at entrance once more, Wheatley sitting beside him as he tried to remember where he could have left Fiona, or what could have possibly happened to her. It was hard not to cry right now, but he was determined not to let it upset him just yet. She had to be somewhere! Sighing in frustration the kitten would turn to his companion. "Don't worry, we'll find her before sunset, I'm sure!"

Re: KIDS ♡ intro - SHIELDKIT. - 02-16-2021

Shieldkit had never really been big on toys or stuffed animals, even at his own young age. Unlike Rosekit, with her collection of stuffed animals, and Swordskit with his collection of ducks, Shield instead preferred to collect only two things - mini skateboards, and cards. He had already started a rather impressive collection of mini-hand skateboards from searching the boardwalk thoroughly, and he enjoyed collecting the small human cards that he came across as well. He couldn't remember what exactly they were called... Pokemon cards? Yeah, that was what they said on the back... or at least, that's what he thought. He wasn't exactly an expert at reading, just yet. Either way, he liked to think that his collections were far more impressive than Rose's little group of companions. However, that didn't mean that Eld wanted his brother to be sad. Quite the opposite, actually. As much as the male liked to pick on his siblings, he did actually prefer when they were in good spirits, rather than upset about something.

This meant that when Shieldkit heard Rose's frustrated tone of voice from across camp, he found himself both concerned and interested. What exactly was wrong? Tail flicking behind him, the brown kit turned and approached Rosekit, his green eyes bright with interest as he questioned, "Rose? What's up? You sounded like something was wrong..." The youngling's gaze drifted over towards Wheatley, his head tilting to one side as he inspected the small stuffed animal. Reaching one of his paws out to prod at Wheatley's belly, Eld then muttered, tail flicking behind him, "Are you missing one of these little guys...? I'm sure it's not all that big of a deal. I mean... you've got a ton of them, don't you?" Of course, he was being a bit hypocritical in saying that. If any of his miniature skateboards went missing, he'd probably throw a hissy fit. If any of his Pokemon cards went missing... well, he probably wouldn't realize it was missing, considering he couldn't read them. Still though, he'd be more than happy to accuse one of his siblings - probably Swordskit, honestly - of snatching away one of his things.

Speaking of which... with a thoughtful hum, Shieldkit then suggested lightly, "...Wait, maybe Swordskit took it? You should definitely try and get it back from him. Or, uh... get them back from him, I guess." He had never looked at Rosekit's stuffed animals as actual creatures, but considering how much Rose cared... it only seemed proper not to refer to it as an it.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: KIDS ♡ intro - SWORDSKIT. - 02-16-2021

The kitten ran around the house with his favorite rubber ducky in his mouth, he didn't have much of a care in the world at the moment and he was much too happy to do anything else. He ended up running into the walls when he wasn't exactly paying attention and Azul let out a squeak, he sat there rubbing at his head with a paw only to notice Shieldkit was going outside of the house. "We should check on him, shouldn't we?" He mumbled out to the blue rubber ducky as he rose to his paws only to grab the duck once more, he left the front door only to notice that Rose was outside with one of his dragon friends, Wheatley, Swords actually quite liking his brother's collection of stuffed animals.

He was about ready to speak when he set down Azul only to be taken back when Eld began to accuse him of stealing Fiona, who was another one of Rose's dragons, the kitten couldn't help but frown as he said in protest "I didn't take anything from Rosey! Why would I do that?" He raised a nonexistent eyebrow at his brother holding onto Azul before giving the duck a soft squeeze hearing the squeak was enough to make him less mad than what he felt at the given moment for being blamed of theft. "You're being awful quick to say that I took it when I didn't! I was playing with Azul the entire time in the house!" Swords was the least argumentative kitten out of all his siblings but his nose wrinkled a bit, it made him wonder if Eld had taken the dragon instead... Why was he blaming him so quickly.

He was about ready to switch the blame over onto Eld but he bit his tongue deciding that wouldn't really help Rose if he and Eld were arguing. "I'll help you find em, Ross!" He piped out finally feeling his frown fade again and a smile appear onto his maw with tail waving to the sides "If we all work together, I'm sure that we'll be able to find her a lot quicker in the house. I'd be happy to help since I know you would help me if I lost Azul!" He held onto his rubber duckie with a smile on his maw, Swords was absolutely certain that the stuffed animal was under the bed or something. They just needed more pairs of eyes to look for Fiona.