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CALL ME A HATER → intro - Printable Version

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CALL ME A HATER → intro - Grimm - 02-12-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Rather evident had it grown that there was a distinct lack of entertainment that may occupy such a high number of children for any amount of time. Different each, though similarities at least offered some respite during specific times, their tastes spread over a wide range. Of no surprise was the disarray of the home with such known, limited space over filled with all they may wish, odds and ends brought in even as such was barred. None of it was appealing in that moment, however, tiresome and worn grown it all.

Once more pilfered ducks placed in a haphazard formation, the end goal simply to have them in a rough pile. This completed taken up was his chosen tool, a stick sharpened at one end though the work was poor, splinters adorned the segment of peeled back bark that was blunted to assure no harm may be done with it. Back it was drawn, clumsy the momentum as it was swung in a wild arc. Some tumbled, others were airborne for only a short time, the end result, as it had been for the last few times, a mess of multi hued plastic ducks staring back with empty eyes, strokes of black paint yet more. Averted his own, heavy the sigh bypassing the light closure of teeth.

Stale grown this makeshift game, the excepted response from the one who claimed ownership of stolen ducks not given in a timely manner and thus the thrill of it fizzled out.

"Stupid ducks, ya don't do anything, why does he like em so much." Miniscule the paws encircling one, lifted until he may peer at it, silent until too much pressure was placed upon the sides. Dropped the rubber duck, bitten off his surprise at the sudden squeaky noise it emitted, bouncing across the floor before it rested among its brethren. Annoyance bubbled within his chest, rather off the mark the tiny growl voiced as he picked up another, uncaring of which, thrown with the little force he may muster. Off it went, aim poor and distance similar for the duck may be light but the shape was odd, offering pathetic little squeaking noises as it bounced away.

After looked, silence falling as it supposedly settled, gone beyond his view. Waged a battle between his annoyance, present always that heat, a quiet sear stoked by the rest as they enacted squabbles that looped back upon itself time and time again, and his curiosity. Victor proven his wish to know of its whereabouts, after trailing, thoughts swirling as he looked into each room he passed. Maybe he could find a place to hide each duck, stealing them had not given the desired results but such would be more than capable. Smile slowly bloomed across chocolate hued muzzle, stilled as realisation struck. It seemed his chosen projectile had landed in the room of his parents, though both were absent at the moment.

Quick assessment made it clear he was alone, for how long an unknown Wild did not think upon for it was an unnecessary detail, being found was of little worry. All the same hesitation left him lingering in the threshold for a moment, rather well known the circumstances thst permitted entrance into the space. Yet this would be fine, he simply needed to retrieve the duck and there was no one around thst may tattle on him for such. His mind made up high held his head as Wild finally entered, though was once more stopped as he reached for the duck. Atop the made bed sat an item he had grown familiar with, at times permitted to wear though short those intervals and often used as bait to get him to do something undesirable, such as taking a much needed bath. Closer did he creep, reaching up the side of the bed. Wild the flailing of his paw, his stature too small to allow him much chance to take hold of the hat.

An idea formed and he backpedalled, rhis return accompanied by the stick tightly held in his jaws. Set in place once more he clumsily held it between his paws, once more uncoordinated in his movements, the extra reach was enough to at least make this possible. On the ground the hat fell, quick his abandonment of his stick, behind left with the duck as a hasty retreat was made. He did not wish to be found out, either by one of his siblings or Magnum himself, and so his trajectory shifted. At the least low enough the handle to accommodate his height, left open in his wake as the chocolate hued kitten ran with wild abandon, giggling about the brim he held tightly so it might not fly away.

Re: CALL ME A HATER → intro - SWORDSKIT. - 02-13-2021

Swordskit had a fascination for the rubber duckies that he had collected and each one was truly special to him, they weren't actual ducks though he didn't seem to mind at all since he was certain that his parents wouldn't let him bring a living flock of ducks so the rubber duckies did just fine. He could collect plenty of them and the most he would be told was to clean up after he played with the small rubber toys. He enjoyed the sound that they usually made too, he didn't know why but it was truly comforting to the young kitten. Sword had been too preoccupied playing with one of his siblings to realize his ducks had been stolen by Wildkit so, when he returned to his side of the rook to realize that some of his ducklings were missing did his fur puff up slightly "They have been ducknapped!" He squeaked to no one in particular, a frown on his maw as he glanced around for any signs of one of his siblings taking it.

He put a paw underneath his bed finding his favorite duck, he held the toy close to him with frown eventually subsiding "Well, no matter! Detective Azul and Swords is on the case!" The folded eared kitten declared with a puff of his chest, he squeezed the rubber toy to hear a soft squeak before heading off to find the culprit. It would be quite some time before he figured out who it was given that he had so many siblings, he was determined to find who it had been. He was already out of the hallway realizing a few of his ducks scattered on the floor, his eyes squinting slightly as he declared with a quiet mumble "Such heinous mas... mass.... massacr.... big word!" He used a paw to check the pulse on one of the rubber ducks only to say with a shake of his head "We're too late, Azul. But we will find the murderer!"

He continued along until the sound of a distant squeak caught his attention and he noticed a dark chocolate tail slipping through the door of his parents bedroom, his head titling for a moment before mumbling under his breath "I think that's our culprit, Azul." The black and white kitten started to slink forward with tail wiggling behind him, his pupils narrowed as he shoved the door open to see that it was Wildkit and he was holding their dad's hat. "First, ducknapping and murder... Then theft of what isn't yours? I caught you red handed, Willy!" He stood in front of the doorway setting Azul down next to him as he put one paw forward adding with a confident smile "We got you surrounded! Explain yourself, fiend!"

Re: CALL ME A HATER → intro - SirDio - 02-13-2021

There will come a Poet
Whose weapon is her word.
She will slay you with her tongue,
O lei, O lai, O lord

Gaia was confined to the nursery for a while, unable to really do much with a case of a nasty cold, and unable to see Papa Win or Papa Mag during that time. When she recovered, though, there wasn't much stopping her from seeing them again. What was even better, though, was that she found out she had siblings! She could be a big sister! Or younger sister. Walking into the house, she wandered on and on until she caught sight and sound of her brothers within the parents' room. Stepping closer to Swordkit, she leaned over him to try and see what was going on. "What- What happened?" She chirped with a goofy smile across her cat-like face.