Beasts of Beyond
ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - Printable Version

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ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - bubblegum - 02-12-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

While half of the purpose for visiting had sort of been defeated by Aurum and Moth's own at their ally several days ago, the tigress still was set on visiting the swamp her girlfriend came from. It seemed such a funny image to the female, to think of such a pretty, clean thing walking through the mud to get around. The sand on their shores was certainly much more agreeable. Still, she was interested to see what all Tanglewood had to offer, and she thought it might be nice, to introduce herself to strangers and perhaps old friends alike. When she'd been captain, she'd been the one to initiate the partnership between the two groups, and the tigress had been quite involved in it for the entirety of her time as leader. But, she couldn't remember any of that now, and she'd just gotten to build up the strength it would take to make the journey between the two territories. She'd not ventured so far ever since waking up from her head injury, but the thought of it did make her excited. There would be so many new things to see and experience! And now that she had her camera, she could document all of it. She was sure the Tanglers would have plenty of their own interesting wildlife to spot.

The female had been a little hesitant at first bringing up the idea of visiting Tanglewood to Sophie. Not that she was hesitant on the idea of going in itself, but she simply didn't want to make the other feel obligated to help her get there. She didn't necessarily need to go yet, and even if she did, she could find someone else to escort her if the feline didn't want to. But, the other had insisted, said that only she would feel comfortable doing it if they were to go. And so, she wouldn't argue. She trusted the other, and while she could feel that anxiety tug at her stomach as they stepped past the gate to the unknown, she kept her focus on her surroundings, and Sophiea. It wouldn't be long before she grew distracted from the silent fear to focus on the exciting new world around them, pulling out her camera to take pictures of the most colorful birds and plants they spotted, conversing with her partner, and simply observing along the small journey, taking it all in.

And, thankfully, nothing bad happened along the way. There was no scent of the Coalition, no vision of the woman that'd gotten so close to killing her just a few weeks prior, and no other hiccups - not even a headache. A slight dizziness, here and there, when she'd moved too much too quickly, but it was nothing sitting down and drinking some water wouldn't take care of. All in all, Goldenluxury Roux was feeling better than she has since waking up, and this would put her in a good mood. Being around Sophiea only helped with this, too, her eyes trailing along the other as she walked ahead. And soon enough, they'd reach a point in which the scent of Tanglewood begin to nip at their noses, and the female's pace would speed up, brushing up against her girlfriend excitedly, glancing towards her. She adjusts the camera held around her neck, using a paw to click a few pictures, before shifting the bag on her shoulder to a more comfortable position and clearing her throat. "Hello," she'd call out in a nervous, but excited tone. "M' name's Goldenluxury Roux, or Goldie."

Though as she spoke, she could feel that sense of dread start to settle in her, ever so slightly. The last time she'd been was before she'd hit her head. She'd been vaguely told of the time, how she'd been locked up. Ninazu's words "Should’ve let you bleed out in the Tanglewoods," rang through her mind, causing her excited expression to falter. She lets out a quiet huff, shaking her head. The female couldn't even recall what'd exactly happened, so why did she have to feel this way? She shifts her body, pressing into Sophiea a bit closer. They would be fine. Everything was fine. She was here to make friends.

*please wait for [member=16079]S. PENDRAGON[/member] to post once before responding!


When Goldenluxury spoke of feeling better and wishing to visit the Typhoon's closest ally, Tanglewood. Sophiea had been hesitant at first and Goldie must have seen that almost deciding that someone else could escort her there but Soph didn't like the possibility of her girlfriend being harmed whilst she wasn't there. The British woman had been insistent after that and thus it was decided that the two of them would take the journey together to Tanglewood. Sophiea taking her rook full of arrows as the two of them began their trip, the duo speaking to one another with some moments where Goldie took pictures of their surroundings. The smaller woman glad that her girlfriend had found a hobby that helped calm her in the slightest, a soft breath leaving her maw only to realize that they were getting closer and closer to the border.

Feeling the other brush up against her, a rare noise left Sophiea as she purred offering a small smile. She picked up the pace slowly with her tufted ears twitching, the two of them sitting together. When Goldie leaned into her, Sophiea would let her head rest against the pirate heiress shoulder. The Shaderunner keeping close to her lover and hoping that none of her clanmates would overwhelm the tigress that sat beside her "You lot already know me." Without much of a thought, an arrow floated from her quiver with telekinesis.

Re: ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - arrow - 02-15-2021

"That we do, madam, that we do."

It had been quite a long time since she'd seen Goldenluxury, let alone spoke more than a few words to her. Obviously she knew of her, who didn't? Gossip got around quickly in the little swamp town, and it got around to Arrow what had happened to the heiress, and if she was being truly honest, she felt a strong degree of sympathy despite not really knowing the woman. It was just one of those things, tragic enough to leave a brutal reminder of how cruel this bitch of an earth could be. She had taken note of Aurum's reaction to the event, knowing that at one time they were close friends, or so she had heard. There was a lot she had missed, and still piecing together what she was not present for.

Adopting a more mannered exterior than what was expected of someone like herself, the bad mouthed troublemaker that she was, Arrow offered a friendly smile and jovial twitch of her whiskers. "Miss Roux, pleasure to meet you. I hope the journey wasn't too much trouble." The muddy trek wasn't exactly a relaxing walk, she didn't think, but she at least had faith in Soph being a reliable guide. Had Goldie spoken her thoughts out loud, Arrow would have agreed on the fact that someone like Sophiea Pendragon walking around in the uncivilized swamplands was absolutely hilarious. Actually, she would have liked to know the reasoning for such a choice, but it was none of her business. "Don't believe I've ever formally introduced myself. Name's Arrow, y'know, like your lady's choice of weaponry." Funny how that turned out. For a brief moment, she wondered to herself how she even got the name of something like that. It was probably something stupid. Thanks, mom.

Re: ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - rhosmari - 02-15-2021

While he didn't know the dramatics and theatrics of all the groups that lived in this strange new world he and his husband happened upon he found himself rather intrigued. Though he knew that he didn't want to get sucked into things too much. After all it was rough when he did. Politics were always a filthy mind game and those loyal to their leaders would follow them no matter what. Even if things pushed their moral boundaries they would do it if it meant preserving their own. No longer was it shocking to him when others wouldn't listen to reason. It was just it was. Wild and untamed. Tiring. So he and his husband had somehow come to this world and he hoped peace would be here. Despite how weird and strange he felt now. If something had happened to him he guessed he would find out soon enough.

Soaring overhead the archangel moved across the skies with ease. He was attempting to get a lay of the land. Seeing what others couldn't from the ground. His pale and golden marked figure moved with elegance through the skies. He had gotten quite used to air travel now. Though he tried not to make Mulder do too much of that himself. He knew it could be rough on him. As he twisted his form he realized that someone was there on the ground and a couple others as well. As he dropped he was a little shocked to be able to hear their conversation so loudly from how high up he was. It almost made him fall out of the sky with how startled he was. Flourishing his four wings the angelhound landed upon the ground. Blinking his golden colored orbs for a short moment. "Well, glad you both made it across the place safely. Um, I'm Barghest. New here and just moved in. Nice to meet you Goldenluxury." He had picked up on the fact that that was her lady, so he assumed that they were a couple then.

Re: ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - trojan g. - 02-16-2021

News had spread about how Goldenluxury had been hit on the head from Stryker in such a bad way that she had lost her memory of everything from before. Roxanne was now the captain of the Typhoon and although Moth was proud for her, she still couldn't help but worry, especially since she had been one of the ones to help Goldie out when she had lost her leg. Goldie wasn't her patient anymore, but she was still someone that Moth cared for, so when she saw the other at the border of the swamp with Sophiea, she would move forward, offering a smile to the two before speaking at last.

"Hello," She would offer, wings resting at her side for a moment before she continued, "We've met before but my name's Moth, I deal with medicines here and helped make sure your leg didn't get infected before you went back home." She would make a motion with her paw towards the leg as she said that, "How have you been faring?" She still cared, still wanted to make sure that her old friend was still doing fine, even if said friend didn't remember her.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]


you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
As funny as it might seem, Goldenluxury was one of the reasons why Atbash felt so uncomfortable with The Typhoon at the moment. She hadn't liked the way Goldie ever seemed so hurt and offended by Snowbound un-allying themselves with The Typhoon, though looking back on it, the demoness could understand why Goldie had been so hurt. Why The Typhoon as a whole seemed upset at the matter. Although time has certainly passed since then and those who even remember Snowbound probably weren't even around anymore, but still, Atbash tried to avoid the ocean-dwelling group as much as possible. Unfortunately with Tanglewood being allies with The Typhoon, that might be hard to do.

"Hi, Goldie." Atbash had no idea that the former Captain had lost her memories and as such, the way she approached was wary and slow, as if she were expecting Goldie to launch a verbal attack at her. Still, the savannah offered Goldie a small smile, trying to seem as friendly as possible.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: ALL THE STORIES YOU WILL LEAVE / visit - bubblegum - 02-16-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The ghost and the goddess had met once before, though not necessarily on good terms. It had been a week before the other's unfortunate passing, in fact. She had never held any particularly strong opinions over the other, however, even if she hadn't lost all of her memories. It was just a small spat they had, one that she likely would have gotten over if they'd interacted on more light terms afterwards. They never got the chance, however, until just now, and it'd be fair if Arrow herself didn't even remember the insults they'd thrown at each other, given how long ago it was and in the grand scheme of things, how little it mattered. She was glad to be greeted with a friendly face, it helped the anxieties go away just a little bit. The more numbers that would inevitably appear, the safer they'd be overall. "I think we had a good time, actually, if not a lil' paranoid. I got plenty o' pictures at least. It's nice t' see more o' the world outside the Typhoon." She'd respond in a friendly manner, flashing a quick grin to the feline.

Her attention would shift as another approached, blinking as he would land in from flying, noticing his four wings. She wondered what the use would be for so many, but she thought it did look interesting. Her own wings would shift slightly. She'd still not tried to use them, she doesn't think she will for quite a while. It was much too risky, even with her recovery going mostly smoot the past month. Headaches were still common enough, and she was still slower, more overwhelmed with simple tasks. Flying seemed to be a bit too much for now. "Is' a pleasure t' meet you, Arrow, n' Barghest."

It was a shame she wouldn't be able to offer a proper thanks to Moth for her aid. At least, not for a little while. It was likely because of her that she had not died to the infection that'd taken over her leg. But all she'd known since waking up, really, was the brief overview of everything that'd occurred. The fall of the groups, and then the beheading of Stryker. The other seemed to be quite trustworthy, based off her introduction alone, and she would straighten herself up a little bit out of a newfound respect for the other. "Ah, thank you, Moth. 've been okay. Had a scare a month ago wit' a seizure, n' then a...uh, an attack a week ago. Sophie rescued me. But m' recovery's been goin' okay. Only a few hiccups here n' there." She explains briefly, a little awkwardly, with a small nod. If the other was the medic, then it was fair enough she'd get more of the details as well. Roan would probably rest better knowing that Moth also knew what was happening, at least.

Had the female still known about her former life, she likely would continue her disapproval of Atbash. The female had been one to hold grudges, especially when she felt she'd been stabbed in the back. And the situation of Snowbound dropping them certainly had felt like betrayal. But, it was all ancient history, and all she knows now was right in front of her. A stranger saying hello. "Hello," she'd offer with a small nod to the savannah. This was clearly someone she was supposed to know, but she wasn't certain if the other expected her to recall or not. Her demeanor was cautious, as if she knew she had changed like the rest did, but she had only offered a greeting. Perhaps she simply was a careful cat. And so, Goldie would have to take the initiative to know. "What's your name?" the tigress would ask lightly, an almost apologetic look on her features. If she truly was supposed to know who this was, she wasn't sure how they'd react to her suddenly forgetting who they were. And it wasn't something she's quite gotten used to yet, despite how often it occurred. She didn't like the disappointment, worry others had when they realized.

With that she would fall quiet once more, a paw silently reaching for Sophiea's own, trying to hold the others. It's been a while since she'd needed to introduce herself to so many folks at once.


you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The way Goldenluxury responded to everyone was strange, almost as if she were an entirely new person. Atbash blinked as she realized this, with that only being reinforced with the fact that Goldie no longer recognized her. In a way, the former Hailcaller was relieved in this fact; it was almost as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, but on the other hand... Atbash felt sorry for Goldie. "Atbash Cipher." Atbash responded, allowing herself to relax and push her feelings behind her. Maybe this was a good thing; to get a new perspective on herself. It was a relief.

"Sorry, I probably should've introduced myself before saying anything." Atbash added awkwardly, trying to pass it off like she had only heard Goldenluxury in passing. "Is everything okay after your seizure? That can be a terrifying experience, you're doing okay?" She decided to ask, concern on her face now.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi


The British woman would watch through half closed eyes as her clanmates began to walk over and nodded slowly to Arrow with her usual frown on her maw, the arrow that was lifted with telekinesis returning to her side. "Indeed," She decided blinking her eyes momentarily as Arrow began to introduce herself to Goldenluxury,  her tufted ears twitching in an almost uncaring manner as she sat there deciding to remain quiet unless someone got too close for comfort. After all, Goldie was her guest and as her girlfriend... Well, she did not want the other to be overwhelmed by all of her clanmates that were slipping from whatever direction in the swamp. Her choice of weaponry, that got a snort out of her as she let a soft breath leave her maw with both of her ears flattening themselves against her skull in a moment of thought. But that was short lived when someone else arrived and she didn't know them, well, she must have not been there when the other had arrived she supposed. A small frown on her maw but she decided that it was best to introduce herself then and there "Ah, I believe we haven't met... I'm Sophiea Pendragon."

When Moth arrived, Sophiea gave a small nod in her direction as a form of greeting though what she said next about the leg made the fur on her spine rise slightly recalling how Goldie had lost her leg. That had not been a good time, her gaze darkening for a moment as her claws sunk into the dirt underneath her body. But at the sound of her name did the feline slip away from those thoughts catching onto the bit where Goldie mentioned the attack from a week ago, her pupils narrowing as she nodded slowly unsure of what to say beyond that. She is simply grateful that Goldie was safe, that's all that mattered to her nowadays. The safety of her dear friend and beloved partner. At the thought, she could feel her face growing warm and another small breath slipping from her maw. Her gaze softening ever so slightly when she glanced over to Goldenluxury but it shifted over to Atbash only for it to go back to it's hard and cold gaze. Cipher? Had she met this one? Probably not.

But it seemed that she knew Goldie and it was a damn shame that her girlfriend wouldn't remember Atbash. With whiskers twitching throughout the interaction, Sophiea began to piece together some things in her mind. A few ideas that she had for a while now but those were interrupted when the feeling of a large paw touched her own, she found a small smile on her maw as she leaned against her girlfriend and held her paw. Sophiea felt proud of Goldenluxury for coming this far and she might not be the same as she used to... But she was stronger in every way possible and still the woman that Sophiea loved. "You did wonderful, love." She murmured quietly to the tigress only to turn to Atbash hearing the question regarding whether or not if Goldie was alright, the smile slipped away and her trademark frown returning.