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full on freak - open; Coalition - Printable Version

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full on freak - open; Coalition - rhosmari - 02-11-2021

For the most part she was pleased that Brutei had listened. Very much so as she was not the one to be double crossed. Her rules were law after all and she had no issue with punishing those that thought otherwise. So this was the main reason as to why she had ventured back to the putrid swamps. Ah, their first conquest and the first lost. It was such a shame that Sthenos had let them down so utterly. A terrible thing really and she felt the half smirk that pulled at her muzzle. As they all walked together the Kingpin was humming gently, walking with a graceful waltzlike step as she swayed back and forth. There was so much history here and she remember limbs being torn from bodies, watching them starve. Ah, ah, they would surely be mad still. Probably think that the Coalition was too much small to be much of a bother. They would be wrong but she was inclined to humor them. "We are almost there~!" She sang in almost a whisper as the clogging smell of algae and mud invaded her nostrils.

Once at the border the woman stopped and she beckoned with her tail for both whom accompanied her to stand beside her as well. Her eyes narrowed slightly in thought before she looked to Brutei then, tilting her head a bit. "I'm sure you already have your apology all set up. Besides after this we can go home and work on interesting matters that actually, well, matter."

[member=16137]Brutei Tsune[/member]

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - SirDio - 02-12-2021

"Yes, yes, I have it in mind. I'll have to do something to get my pay back from those hooligans that helped cause this mess. Unless, She," The icy lion motioned his tail to the Tigress trailing behind, "Wants to do that herself, which I don't mind."

"I do want to get my claws dirty, anyway." He shrugged. For a moment he considered the idea of using his previous oriental form, but decided against it.

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - Seven - 02-12-2021


She couldn't correctly think. Her mind was fuzzy and everything seemed a blur. She looked to her shoulder, examining how it had been patched up by someone back at the icy islands. It still stung, and she wanted to rip away the bandaging.

Standing to Brutei's side she stared at the swamp. Home. But still everything felt fuzzy. Like webs. The only thing that was concrete was the fear she felt. Would she ever be rid of it?

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - arrow - 02-12-2021

"Seven?" Arrow had just gotten the news that the tigress had practically vanished, and yet here they were, in all that red and white glory. Arrow shook her head, not sure what to confront first. Seven was here, but so were...they. Granted, the ghost had never seen the Coalition personally, but the stories that circled among the survivors were terrible enough, not to mention, they ripped Vig right out from under her, just before her undead adventures, and caused overwhelming misery to her home. That was more than enough to fuel her hatred and disgust, she didn't even need to see the atrocities.

She squinted, stopping right before the party of three, eyes darting between each figure. "What do y'all want? And what's she doin' with such lovely saints like you two? Hope we're just looking at a nice little drop off. Not too safe to be wandering around in a place that has a price on all of your heads, eh?"

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - wormwood. - 02-12-2021

The scent of the Coalition. It was a rotten and unpleasant smell, and one that set Aurum on edge as soon as he detected it. If they were trying to cause trouble, this was hardly a good time for it, considering the archangel was already quite pissed off, and ready for a fight. First The Pitt sending Elsweyr back in stitches, and now this? The tiger had known that Seven had gone missing, but he hadn't been expecting her return so soon, figuring that he would have to organize a raiding party to go and get her back. However, he was glad to see her back, and bandaged up as well, to boot. That didn't mean that the luminary had any intention of offering the wanderers any kindness, however. He had no intentions of doing so anytime soon, no matter their actions. After all, the other group had hurt them so many times before, what was the point in believing that they had changed? The Pitt clearly hadn't.

Similarly to Arrow, Aurum had a wary and displeased look on his face as he approached, his tail lashing behind him. Even in his current pregnant state, he still struck an intimidating figure, his golden tiger form large and muscular, tensed for a fight if such an altercation became necessary. He looked over Seven, his voice soft as he questioned her, "Seven...? Are you alright?" He then let his blue gaze travel over to Sojourn, and Brutei. He actively had to hold back a laugh at the sight of Sojourn, remembering her only as Stryker's whelp that he had shaken around quite handily. Was she seriously the one in charge now...? They really were falling back on their weakest links... it would almost be a shame, if Aurum wouldn't delight in seeing them fall. The luminary greeted the pair with a growl, his large claws sinking into the soft earth beneath him, "I hope you're here to ask for forgiveness for taking her in the first place, or I'll be sure to escort you off of my territory in pieces." He had little patience for being diplomatic at the moment, considering all that was going on.

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - Seven - 02-12-2021


Seven felt a pull in her heart, muffled like a scream, as she saw Arrow and Aurum. She searched for an explanation, a reason, a lie, anything. For a moment her head cleared and all she could do was lie. "Explored too far. Got lost. Attacked by old home, too many, had to run. Hurt shoulder." She said as slowly as she could, hiding the frantic feeling she had.

[color=#ff7f7f]"cold place help me, patch my shoulder. Said they lead me home." She looked to Brutei and sojourn, noticing Brutei's slightly shocked but agreeing expression.

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - trojan g. - 02-12-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When Moth had found out about Seven's disappearance, she had run off to go pack her things. She didn't care if it would just be her that was going or if she would be stopped at the border of Tanglewood before she had left, she was going to go leave and make sure she got Seven back. She was going to try at least. The mutated jaguar cared about the other, and didn't want to see her get hurt more than she had already been. Moth had been surprised at the state of Seven's mental health - or, at least what Seven had showed - around Tanglewood, given her experience at the border. She was surprised that some had been trusted by the tiger.

Bag at her side, Moth had made her way over to the border, pausing for a moment when she heard speaking and the scent of the Coalition reached her nostrils. Ears pinned to her head and she would carefully make her way over, afraid that someone else had been taken, though they lifted and pricked when she found out that it was actually something completely different. When she saw Seven and listened to her story, Moth would look over to those that had brought her back, eyes squinting in suspicion before moving forward to attempt to move against Seven in a motherly way, hoping to bring her back over the border and towards home. She wouldn't push for the truth, Seven was obviously frightened and the main thing was getting her home to rest and eat. "Thank you for bringing her back, as surprised as I am with the action. It won't go unnoticed but now that what you're here for is done it's best you leave before someone less patient comes along. You're stretching it quite thin." She wouldn't forget what they did at the border, no, their act of kindness, but one act of kindness did not cover what their founder did not so long ago.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - rhosmari - 02-13-2021

Her eyes looked over to Brutei and then she looked at the beast that he had captured or at least those thugs had captured and brought to the Coalition. Rather they were paid by him or not didn't much matter to her and she just wanted to be out of this place. The stink of the swamp was enough to make her vomit. She just might in front of them and the image of it made her chuckle to herself. What a surprise that would be for them. The first to arrive was a ghost, a nonthreat. She looked at the woman as she spoke and her head tilted to the side a bit. Oh she could detect what she was saying underneath her words but she was more than inclined to not care much about it. She was just here to give back the brute that was so easily stolen out from underneath their noses. They really ought to look into that, having low defenses and all. Her tail swayed back and her mind wander, almost absentmindedly she played the scene in her head. When Goldenluxury got her leg ripped off at the border. Her eyes closed before a voice she knew would come met her ears. She opened them up, the bright pastel pink focused on the attempt at intimidation that the leader of muck was trying to pull off.

She remembered him as just the punching bag. Her mother had dealt more blows to him then she could count and it was nice seeing him crawl in this filth of a place they called home. Would be better of he rolled over and died. But she ignored him. Like she would ever ask for forgiveness from something like him. But the one that was worth her words was the woman that came forth when Seven spoke. She was a gentler soul and she dipped her head. ''We will most certainly be leaving. We just wanted to make sure that your...Tangler was escorted home after a misunderstanding. Right Brutei? All her wounds are looked at and patch up. So goodbye swamp people.'' She sung brightly before she beckoned the other with her after he did his whole apology thing. Or whatever it was that he wanted to do.

Re: full on freak - open; Coalition - SirDio - 02-13-2021

Brutei flicked his ears, listening to everyone before Seven spoke out. A lie. Well, half of a lie. He nodded slowly, "Indeed. Sorry about this misunderstanding, we planned to bring her back when she was up to date, and she arrived to us two days ago." He dipped his head, tail swaying gently before he turned to leave.

"Take care." He called out, turning to face the group.