Beasts of Beyond
keep it clean - open; visitor - Printable Version

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keep it clean - open; visitor - rhosmari - 02-10-2021

Hmm, hmm, she had never been to a desert before. A putrid swamp sure but never to a desert. Why did she suddenly feel older than she was? Maybe it was the status? Maybe, maybe. Still she was here and with a good reason. To speak, waggle her tongue a bit and perhaps get something done. Her eyes of pastel pink watched the surrounding area and she tilted her head a bit. At least it was a little bit warmer than her boreal home. Just a little oddly enough. Frost glided after her pawsteps as she walked along the border, ice spiking up here and there before dissolving into puddles of water. She wondered how any leader could stomach doing housecalls. Maybe it was because they knew that they had someone friendly on the other side. The Coalition had made a splash that rippled through the groups but she was not her parents. That much she knew. She was never like them.

Sitting down she curled her tail around her paws, dark blue serpent tongue slithered from between her jaws to swipe against near her eye. She guessed she was ready for this, she guessed. No time for laughing, but it was there in her chest. Would this be just another joke too?

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
The Coalition had made ripples in the history of Beyond, though Dante cared little for the group. He came back to The Pitt during the end of their havoc so he hadn't personally experienced anything with them, but he did recall Gael warning the group about them. Suffice to say, when a visitor was at their border, Dante had no idea she was apart of the Coalition since he had no way of knowing the other group's scent.

"Well, are ya gonna introduce yourself or are you just gonna sit there lookin' like some kind of bitch?" Dante asked as he walked up to Sojourn, his voice coming in a slurred grumble. "Ain't got all day, y'know."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - gael - 02-11-2021

The vulpine creases his brows as he pads forward, hazel gaze narrowing.  While he did not recognize Sojourn by name, he knew the Coalition's scent -- irritated by the prospect of any more imperialistic drama they seemed to enjoy.

The Ardent tilted his head, cold words speaking without hesitation or feeling.  "The Coalition is not welcome here, so why have you come?"
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - Kold - 02-11-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
Kold couldn't help but let smoke billow out of her nose as she approached, almost standing in front of Gael to protect him before realizing he could handle himself so she simply stood next to him. Sojourn, though familiar from that one meeting, was unknown, a stranger to the Pittian. But she shared the irritation of her father, hardly interested in any diplomatic shit, especially with Dante here. After the attempt of Ambassadorship with the Tanglers essentially going up in flames, Kold couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Mhh. Yeah, what do you need." She seemed tired, muscles sore from a very violent shift. Wings folded gently at her sides. Why would the Coalition give a damn about The Pitt?

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - rhosmari - 02-11-2021

The first that approached had a rather interesting appearance. Or maybe he was just different. She had seen a lot of individuals with unique appearances and well, he was not the first one. Nor would he be the last. But the first thing that left his mouth pulled a smile across her face. "That's cute." She began with a giggle to her voice because she was a bitch. She wouldn't refute that one. "I like you. You actually say what you mean." Most covered up their feelings with long winded speeches and sometimes even she could monolog with the best of them. Slowly her attention turned to the next and she could presume that this guy was supposed to be important. And she tilted her head to the side slightly in thought but only for a moment. "I don't remember the Coalition doing anything to the Pitt. Well, save for putting a little scare into you enough to make us 'not wanted here'." There was a teasing to her voice as she moved along the border again, not wanting to sit still for too long. She could get antsy that much was certain.

As she paused when she heard another voice her eyes squinted for a moment before lighting up as if remembering that there was something she was here for. "Right, right! Of course there was a reason for coming all this way. How could I forget. Stryker and Ninazu are dead. Isn't that wonderful? I came here to ask for peace. Perhaps even to help with something you need. Oh fuck. That guy was right. I'm still sitting here looking like a bitch and not introducing myself. I'm Sojourn, Kingpin of the Coalition."

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - aine. - 02-11-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Coalition.  The petite fleshweaver fumed.  First Tanglewood.  Then Coalition.  Her hazel hues narrowed, flickering in irritation and frustration.  Peace?  Screw them.  They took their members and turned their minds against them.  Tore down a temple.  It was lucky the latter hadn't hurt anyone.

She growled softly.  "You're not welcome here," she repeated her father's words coldly.  A mask of ice.  Non-negotiable.

She didn't want anything to do with anyone from that imperialistic group.  They hurt Ry.  Hurt Atticus.  Sweeny.  Got into their heads.  Manipulated their very minds.  Unacceptable.  The deer-fox tilted her chin, eyes aflame.

"Congrats on the promotion," she muttered dryly.  Who cared? "Now you can go."

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - rhosmari - 02-11-2021

Her face almost fell when another came forward. Holding much more hostility than she wanted right now. If her eye wasn't twitching, well, maybe it was now. Her eyes bore into the other and she tilted her head a bit. Just slightly. There were culprits specific to what had happened to the Pitt. Two individuals who were in the dirt now? Ashes in the air? Dust to the wind? Eh. She had no real conclusion for that and she could promise a different Coalition....perhaps. Slowly her face changed again, morphing the expression into something more pleasant. A smile that was calmer, a gaze that was interested. The Pitt was full of interesting characters that much was certain. "You know, holding grudges is a bad look for you." She didn't mean it as an insult but it could come off that way as she stared at Aine.  But at the congratulations the woman seemed to perk up suddenly, oddly not reading the atmosphere.

"Aw, thank you! I have a lot of plans in my head for moving forward. Just have to put things in a different light is all." She seemed to have missed the 'now you can go' part. Humming pleasantly as her pastel orbs focused back to the big man with the plan.

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - gael - 02-11-2021

The new kingpin would find the Ardent a vindinctive man -- the Coalition had taken and manipulated the minds and free will of not one, but three of his clanmates.  Only one of whom had returned so far, in gravely injured state; the others mending in Tanglewood.  "You will not find us quick to forgive here."

"If you do not know, I am Gael -- Ardent of the Pitt.  And out of consideration for the three members of my clan that your previous kingpin manipulated and harmed, I am not interested in any deals with the Coalition at this time."  He would not work with another group without his members comfort in consideration -- he held himself to more loyalty than that. 

He disliked the prospect even more given the Coalition's history with a particular neighbor -- the Palm Glades held an interest to the vulpine, more so than the Coalition and their failed conquest.  Working with Rhinestonestar appealed to him more than this restless stranger.  "However, if you simply avoid stirring up more trouble here, I see no reason to bother you or yours."

"Thank you for informing us of your recent change in leadership."  For information about their neighbors was valuable.  "But that should be all for today.  As I said, I am not interested in any deals with your clan at this time."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: keep it clean - open; visitor - Kold - 02-12-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
Kold steeled herself from an outburst, instead keeping her face flat and poker even though her family seemed colder than her. Her father and sister spoke their parts and she simply listened while something seeded itself in her mind. She gritted her teeth behind thin lips but stood to the side of her sister. Manipulation. Stealing freedom from others. Bending them to someone else's will. It made her skin crawl.

"Yes, congratulations on that promotion." Her voice sounded empty and she forced away a sigh. Manipulation.