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AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - Printable Version

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AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-09-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The Palm Glades were a new group, weren't they? Obviously. Atbash answered her own question as she made her way towards the beach-dwelling group, carrying a small basket of supplies. She hadn't heard of them before, unsurprisingly, though she remembered there being murmurs of them during her time as a prisoner in the Coalition. "Hello?" The savannah called out once she reached the border, gently setting down her basket so she was able to talk properly. "I'm Atbash Cipher from Tanglewood. I'm gonna be your guys' Ambassador!" Unfortunately for her, she had no idea that her younger brother had been here and had already gotten kicked out.
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - SirDio - 02-09-2021

Mezrith wasn't around to know of what the glades had done, who the coalition was, all that such. She was pretty in the dark about all that until the recent assassination attempt. When she heard about the Coalition, it seemed her rage toward them was about as thick as smoke. Cowards, the whole lot of them.

Hearing the call, welcoming and kind as it may be, the demon moved with stiff limbs until she heard ambassador. [color=#ffc7c7]"Sweet - Sounds like a clean idea." The whole Cipher bullshit meant little to the woman - not all Chipers had to be jackasses, right? [color=#ffc7c7]"My name's Mezrith. Rhine'll have to confirm this, but honestly? I like the idea of ambassadors." She smiled, pushing back the saliva in her mouth that showed slightly as she spoke like a hint at a pool of black ink with white stones of teeth peeking though.

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - magnum - - 02-09-2021

Mezrith was not the only one on the “no-clue-what’s-going-on” club when it came to events that had been happening in this land, especially since had traveled far beyond the sea around these parts on his own adventures. But he had heard mumbles of some coalition group stirring things up not too long ago before he appeared here. Lucky for him, he wasn’t around for some of that messed up shit.

Slinking onto the scene with his signature hat and a cigarette on his lips as he looked to the stranger carefully, knowing well that Rhine would be here soon to talk things over with this lady. “Tanglewood, huh? ‘S nice to be seeing an ambassador, I suppose. ” He commented, looking to the smaller cat through his mess of hair while he waited for their leader.

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-09-2021

Winterhymns was not too far to follow, the scent of Tanglewood making the Pendragon feline excited thinking that it might have been his brother but only saw that it was some clawed up femme though his friendly smile did not waver from his face as he approached with tail in the air. He turned to Magnum for a moment noticing that he had one of his cigarettes though Winnie decided to keep a distance from the lupine getting ready to greet the Tangler that had come to their lands. "Why hello there," Came his smooth voice, he sat down curling his tail over his stomach and front paws. Perhaps this ambassador could make it a lot easier for him and his kin to communicate a lot easier? He thought about it briefly before introducing himself "Winterhymns Pendragon," There was a pause only to add with a polite dip of his cranium "Charmed to meet you, miss Cipher."

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - rhosmari - 02-10-2021

The gladiator stepped forward but a bit more hesitantly than everyone else had done. The name of Cipher put an edge on his nerves and he was sure that some would know why. Especially given that they had just exiled a Cipher not that long ago at the meeting. If he was caught back here he was to be attacked on sight and maybe even killed. Taking a deep breath he looked at the Tangler with a frown placed on his dark blue colored muzzle. Well, he supposed that it was alright given that she was not Caesar but she was potentially related to him and that could also come to play. There was some given facts that as far as he knew some Tanglers didn't like them but that was not all of them so he had no reason to be snarky and mean back. At least it wasn't in his own nature to be like that unless he was provoked to be. Slowly the young male sat down and he lightly lifted a paw to brush it against his muzzle, he needed to gather up some herbs soon to try and quell this feeling that was growing by the day within him. ''I think it's nice that they want to send us an ambassador but aren't we neutral?'' Perhaps it was just to make sure that it stayed that way with having friendly contact and who knew maybe it would grow to be something more. It could and he honestly didn't think it was a bad idea.

Though he realized after a moment that he hadn't introduced himself. That was definitely bad manners and he gave a quick apologetic smile before offering it up. ''My name is Sorbet Roux. I'm a gladiator here and it is nice to meet you.''
code by Reggan

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-11-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Honestly, Atbash was used to being judged for her brother's crimes, as sad as that fact was. She couldn't entirely blame them, though, especially if Caesar was the first person they met in the family. He was a disgrace to both Atbash and their now-deceased brother, Vigenere, but they could only do so much in regards to telling others that they didn't approve of Caesar's actions; they couldn't force anyone to like them.

"It's nice to meet you all." Atbash chirped, dipping her head out of respect for the others here. Her gaze went over to Sorbet as he approached, asking about why Tanglewood was sending an Ambassador here in the first place when they were only neutrals. "Aurum thought it would be something nice to do, strengthen our bond. Of course, if you all don't want that, that's fine too." She explained. "I'll just let him know."
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - RHINESTONE. - 02-12-2021

An ambassador? From Tanglewood? Well, this was certainly a surprise. However, Rhine wasn't exactly in the mood to turn Atbash away. Even if Tanglewood hadn't exactly been kind to Medusa when she had visited them, she hadn't been attacked, and it wasn't as if the other group didn't have reason to be a bit aggravated. The legate would certainly rather foster a neutral or even positive relationship with the swamp-dwelling group, rather than a negative one. It was because of this that the tasmanian tiger had a calm smile on her face as she moved over, tail wagging behind her. As she settled next to Sorbet, she spoke softly to the gladiator, "We are neutral with them, but it's never a bad idea to try and foster better relations. Especially considering we've got a bit'a history with this particular group." There was bad blood between them, and that was something that the legate knew well. She hoped to rectify it, especially considering she had only ever acted to protect her own group, but she also understood if they never progressed beyond neutrality. That was alright with her, though, as long as it meant they wouldn't be attacked.

Turning her attention properly towards Atbash, she offered the small ambassador a smile, saying with a hum, "Hello there, Atbash Cipher. My name is Rhinestonestar, although you can just call me Rhine on future visits. While I'll obviously see how the rest of my members feel about it in the next meeting, I have no issue with you being our ambassador. It is... especially kind of Aurum to send you." Rhinestone did have to wonder how Elsweyr felt about the whole matter, considering she had been one of the harshest to Medusa when her primus had gone to visit. Hopefully they wouldn't have an angry shadow regent showing up on their border at some point, aggravated that Atbash had come to them with kindness.

After a moment of thought, Rhine then questioned, more out of curiosity, rather than anything malicious, "Slightly off topic, but... your last name is Cipher, yes? Are you, by any chance, related to Caesar Cipher? Don't worry, I have no intention of judging you based off'a his actions, we just had a bit of a run-in with him, fairly recently..." She was very much glad that Roxanne had come and notified them of Caesar's past crimes, so they could be ahead of any of his future plans. While the legate wasn't entirely sure of what the other feline had come to the Glades to do, she was still glad that none of her members had ended up injured because of him.

Re: AND FINALLY IT DRIVES ME MAD // Tanglewood Visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-12-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Truth be told, Atbash had no idea of what happened with Medusa and Elsweyr, or else she would have been more wary in coming here. Thankfully though, nobody seemed to be outright hostile towards her for any reason. "That's fine, I understand. You're still free to take these supplies though, if you want." Atbash offered, gently pushing her basket towards the Gladers, though at the mention of Caesar, the savannah tensed up.

"Um, yeah, unfortunately." Atbash replied, a frown forming on her face now. Caesar had been here? And based on Rhinestonestar's words, he was gone now but the point still stood. What havoc had he done here? "He's, um. He's my brother. Did something happen here with him?" Not that she had to apologize or atone for his actions, but it still pained her to know that Caesar was going around giving himself and his family members a bad name.
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi