Beasts of Beyond
COME WHAT MAY ◇ visitor - Printable Version

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COME WHAT MAY ◇ visitor - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-08-2021

It had been a month and few weeks since he had been to Tanglewood, Winterhymns had intended to visit sooner but he had gotten rather occupied. The trip itself was a long one but he knew that it would be worthwhile if it meant that he would see his brother again and his cousins even if Sophiea seemed to have little to no interest in meeting him personally... Which was fine by all means but damn, it stung slightly given that she was his kin. He figured that he preferred it that way than the young heiress finding out about her homeland, he decided not to dwell on those thoughts at the given moment as he found himself at the border of Tanglewood holding a small basket in his jaws. He would set it down as he sat onto the roots of a tree, he didn't wish to get his coat dirty not at the time anyways since he would need to go back to Palm Glades after speaking the news he brought.

He was both excited and nervous of how his brother would possibly react but he didn't wish to dwell on that for too long as he spoke in his usually polite voice "Winterhymns Pendragon, I'm here to visit Eternalknight." If Sophiea wanted to show up on her own then she could do that, he didn't need to summon her just yet or didn't wish to be confronted by her first anyways moreso wishing for the presence of his brother.

Re: COME WHAT MAY ◇ visitor - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 02-09-2021

"Look vat zee cat dragged in," came the call of snark, pale white feline limping through the trees. Despite the snark, a gentle smile was on the tangler's maw. He'd been mad at his brother before, absolutely livid actually. Coming by and dropping off their young cousin and then dissapearing in the middle of the night. He'd made an inproptu trip to the Palm Glades, absolutely spitting mad, but they had worked things out in the end.

He climbed onto the root his brother sat on, greeting his life long best friend with a gently head butt against the other's shoulder. He took a step back, chuckling, and sat down with a tilt of his head. "Not zat I'm unhaby to zee vu, vinnie, put vat prings vu all zee vay pack to zee svamp?" asked the accented knight, looking over the basket that sat next to Winterhymns, trying to get a peak inside to see its contents. 

Re: COME WHAT MAY ◇ visitor - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-09-2021

Winterhymns was quite relieved when his brother was the first to show up, he felt less nervous about being there. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at what the other began to say only to retort in an equally snarky tone "Truly the sight aren't I?" His fluffy tail flicking to the sides gently, his lavender kissed gaze fixated onto the albino tomcat feeling a smile form on his maw. He knew that his brother had endured many hardships even now when he had joined Tanglewood from what he heard, this was why Eternal had been fit for a knight and a guardian of some sort to Sophiea. His brother had been born as a knight and he was more equipped for the crown though had he denied it, it would have gone to Slumberpaw... The thought of his deceased brother made him feel sad in a sense but he would try to keep a bright and happy demeanor during this visit, he had good news to share after all. He playfully nudged his brother with a bump of the shoulder, his brother would always be his best friend. They had moments where they butted heads but for the most part, the two of them worked it out and found it to be hard to live without the other.

He returned the affectionate gesture with a purr only to hear the comment about being back so soon... Soon... It had been two months since he had dropped off Averill to Tanglewood and then left for Palm Glades. It had felt like a long time since he had seen Eternalknight yet he was happy to be here nonetheless. "Well, I had to make sure you were still in one piece and that you haven't been eaten by an alligator." He mused before noticing how Eternalknight was trying to get a peek of what was inside of the basket did Winnie lift a paw to playfully push the other's head away "You were always so nosy as a child, I didn't think you'd still such as an adult." There was a pause as he tried to figure out how to share the news, he was a bit nervous but he continued with a slow nod of his head as a thoughtful expression appeared on his face "You need to write more and get a raven or any other avian companion. It isn't easy traveling quite a ways in my conditions."

He would let that sink in feeling a warm, happy smile appear on his maw. It had been a long while since he had a litter of kittens and that hadn't gone well for him, even now he was nervous but he knew for certain that things would be a lot more different this time. "You're going to be an uncle," Winterhymns said in a quieter voice for only Eternalknight to hear him, he looked to the side for a moment unsure of what else to say. He hooked the handle of the basket with a claw as he brought it closer "And I brought you a few baked goods to share with your group mates, I hope they like apple cake. There's a few herbs that I picked the other day too," He had nearly died getting those but he chose to not say that as he curled his tail around the leg covered in bandages "Just don't become gluttonous or hurt yourself jumping head first into danger, dummkopf."