Beasts of Beyond
I'M THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER /Transformation/AND EVEN I MAKE HIM RUN - Printable Version

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I'M THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER /Transformation/AND EVEN I MAKE HIM RUN - SirDio - 02-07-2021

Her feelings toward Rhine were... complicated. Rhinestonestar (Rhine-shine, Mezrith wanted to start calling her) was her legate, her leader, so obviously where was loyalty there. But after the recent assassination attempt, she felt scared, worried about what would happen next. She was protective, far more protective now. It was honestly weird. She ended up scouting the territory more often now, making sure no one was sneaking in. Seems that the day was fruitful, considering the Coalition bear that seemed hellbent on making his way into the territory.

[color=#ffc7c7]"Get out of here, I don't know what you want but I won't let you have it." She hissed, aware of the sudden influx of saliva in her mouth. Hunger clawed at her. "Why should I, are you scared I'll hurt that coward you call a leader?" The bear laughed, unaware of the nerve he struck. Rhinestonestar was a good many things, smart, strong, capable, leading, cute, but cowardly was not even on the list. The bear seemed unaware of the demon walking toward him, ink black saliva dripping from her mouth. A coward. A coward. [color=#ffc7c7]"The true coward is your bitch of a leader."

She leapt onto his face and dug her claws, which were becoming larger, sharper, scaled, into his eyes. Jumping back on therapod legs, she reared her face to level with his as her tail became stiffer and scaled, as did the rest of her body as fur became scales and she became a large dinosaur - an Irritator. Dull pink scales were mottled with light, jaws split in a hoarse roar, a slit across her midsection opening to a mouth of many, many teeth. Black saliva hung from her teethy mouth, barbed tongue lolling out as she opened pink eyes.

Hunger. Evergrowing hunger. The bear turned to flee, but her slavering jaws reached over and clamped down on his body, head severed clean from body and the body thrown down with a heavy thump. Midsection mouth opened, ready, waiting, black saliva dripping down. Heavily hooked claws gripped the body and moved it into said mouth, taking satisfaction in the warmth that spread. But it wasn't enough.

Hunger. Non-stop hunger. Ever present, ever growing. Hunger clawed at her. A low, thunderous rumble sounded within the beast and she turned her head, lower jaw splitting in another hoarse roar. Hunger.


Ever since an attempt had been made on her life, Rhinestone had been... cautious. She no longer made her den easily available to the public while she was asleep, the entrance covered and barred off. Of course, once she was awake, she made sure that it was open, wanting to ensure that Glades members could get to her easily. Aside from that, she also found herself near constantly on edge, her fur pricked and her body tensed at any moment, ready for an attack. She wanted to be able to relax once again, but the legate imagined it would be a while before she would be, at least until the Coalition ended their misguided rampage. Hopefully that would be fairly soon, considering the Coalition would be wiped off the map soon if they continued their actions – not that Rhine would particularly care, at this point. No one worthwhile was actually left within that group.

In addition to her own nervousness, Rhinestonestar had certainly noticed the way that Mezrith had become more protective as of late. While it wasn't to the point where Mez was constantly following after her, it was hard not to notice the other constantly coming in and out of camp. A couple of times Rhine had either tried or considered trying following after the other to go and accompany her on one of those patrols, but usually she was ignored, told to go and rest in order to let her injuries heal. While she understood the intent behind it, she couldn't help but feel frustrated, just wanting to help out her group as she had done before. After all, she had only sustained a couple of injuries during the fight – along with her new form, obviously – and they weren't all that dire. She was fine, really.

Intent on proving that she was alright, Rhine had headed out shortly after Mezrith on her own patrol, her tail held high behind her as she searched for a worthwhile piece of prey to catch. She was soon distracted from this goal, however, when the scent of blood hit her nose – not only that, but it was also accompanied by the scent of the Coalition. Instantly her body tensed, her jaw clenching and a rush of anxiety flowing through her body. However, the scent of Mezrith there as well motivated Rhinestone forward, not wanting her friend to end up injured as well. When she reached the scene, though, she wasn't greeted by the familiar face of Mezrith – or even a Coalition member, either. Instead, she was greeted by a rather gory scene, her ears scraping slightly against her horns as they pinned back against her skull.

Eying the monstrous beast in front of her, Rhinestone had to assume... that this was Mezrith? What had happened to her? Even though she was vaguely afraid of what Mez would do in such a vicious looking form, the legate still pushed through her fear. Taking a slow step forward, Rhine questioned softly, "Me... Mezrith? Is that you? What happened? Can you... can you please calm down for me?" She had no idea whether her words would actually get through to Mezrith, but she had to try.

Re: I'M THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER /Transformation/AND EVEN I MAKE HIM RUN - SirDio - 02-08-2021

The beast turned on a heel, looking down at Rhine while the hunger got stronger. Something else welled up within the beast as well, a sense of chaos being controlled, dampened down by the idea that she was safe. Still that hunger built up like water behind a dam and the beast opened its jaws in a hungry growl.

As if it was struggling the beast inched forward, expression suddenly pained as mentalities clashed. The ever growing hunger becoming stifled by the frantic woman beneath the savagery trying to control what she became. As the beast got closer it became smaller and more cat-like and just before Rhine was Mezrith, black spit coating her maw and a scared expression on her face. Heavy breaths drawn and she looked at her paws. [color=#ffc7c7]"Did.. did I hurt anyone? God I'm so sorry.." the scared expression deepened and changed to that of a more tired one as she looked at the Tasmanian tiger.

Re: I'M THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER /Transformation/AND EVEN I MAKE HIM RUN - rhosmari - 02-10-2021

The overwhelming smell of blood was what drew the maned wolf to the scene, eyes of golden blue beginning to glow softly as the intoxicating aroma surrounded him. His tongue slide across his muzzle slowly as he waved his way through the thick underbrush that was slowly beginning to come to life as spring began to settle in. It would still take a few more weeks but he could scent the change on the wind. He had not been able to find the herbs to stop this alluring phase that the red liquid had on him. Sanguine water calling to him like a siren's song. He swallowed thickly as he pushed his way through the thick brush and emerged on the scene that held both Rhinestone and Mezrith. Though the gorey scene was what drew his attention. He could feel his heartbeat pick up in pace and he swallowed thickly before he ripped his gaze away from what blood and pieces of flesh were left. Instead he focused on how Mezrith sounded and he supposed that she was the reason this was the scene before them. Honestly, knowing that the Coalition was the reason behind such brutality it didn't make him happy.

It didn't make him feel safe either if they could continue with these vicious attacks and leave scars well after they were dead and gone. He was tired of it but he was forcing himself to be here for his group mates. They were more important than starting wars right now. ''It doesn't look like you did. Just....whatever that had been. Are you hurt, Mezrith? I can check you over if you feel any pain.'' He began as he shuffled his paws a little and kept his gaze away from the scene and on the one that he was questioning currently.
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