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I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - Printable Version

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I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - Kold - 02-07-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
A jaguar running head first into her was the last thing she expected from a solo patrol. Air knocked out of her, patches of her white fur torn away as she was sent sprawling on the ground. She felt numb with it, though, like it wasn't happening to her. But it was, she was sure. Teeth grazed her ear and she felt her body grow hot. Knocked to one side, then the other, back and forth as she felt herself struggling to restrain. Finally, she moved from the blow, fur coming in black and white, body subtly changing, wings sprouted from her shoulders, teeth lengthening as she moved to bite.

Jaws clamped onto a neck, gripping as fire cooked the skin around her opponent, their struggle weakening. Soon did they fall limp to her bite, and then someone leapt atop her, grasping at her back with deep gouging claws leaving gashes in her body. Deep red blood flowed from her wounds but she thrashed and used the wind to knock them off. The leopard was sent sprawling and she was atop them now, long claws digging into their chest until she was elbow deep into them and they were lifeless. Cruel, yes, but necessary.

She took the time to loot the bodies, though only the jaguar had anything of value - a green cloak and a cross necklace. "Not bad." She muttered, but groaned at the pain in her back. Deep wounds. She'd have to see Aine for them. With that idea in mind she turned to walk back to the jungle, taking the time to know she was in a different form again. This time, it was no dinosaur or overgrown reptile, but a wolf. With wings. And large fangs and claws and iong tail. It seemed permanent enough.

Soon enough the white temple came into view, relief washing over the Marauder as she stepped into the entrance. "Aine? I need some help. Couple of rogues attacked and, though I took care of them, one of them got me on the back." She called out, sitting by the entrance. Hopefully Aine could tell it was still Kold and not some stranger.

Re: I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - gael - 02-07-2021

The sight of a wolf is unfamiliar, but the vulpine recognizes her swiftly enough -- just as before.  The ability to do so had begun to feel more and more valuable.  The thoughts regarding another change were swiftly dismissed however, at the scent and sight of blood.

The Ardent moved quickly to join Kold at the temple, hazel gaze analyzing the injuries on instinct -- he had been the one to instruct Aine on her initial medical studies after all.  The cuts were deep; they would need to utilize whatever marigold or horsetail they still possessed to ensure they did not grow infected.

"How many?" Gael inquired in the meantime, trusting his daughter could assess damage while he assessed the situation -- it sounded like Kold took care of it, but they should be cautious for any further attacks.  "Were they alone?
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - Kold - 02-07-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
Kold turned to face Gael, pearly eyes blinking for a moment. "Only two. They were alone, yes. No doubt buddies or partners." She spoke softly, looking at the cloak and necklace. "One of them had the cloak and necklace. Since they weren't going to need them anymore i decided to take them." She attempted to roll her shoulders but ended up falling short. "A bit reckless of me to fight one-on-two, but the second one caught me by surprise." She sighed, speaking as though it was something that happened everyday.

Re: I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - aine. - 02-09-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Peaceful.  The days since the blizzard had not seen much violence.  But that wasn't something to be taken for granted.  Never.  Still.  She's disappointed for it to be broken so suddenly.  Ears perking and flicking back in concern.  Her herbs did not like the cold.  Her stores reserved in the temple now.

"Kold?" Felt like Kold.  The deer-fox carried her satchel out with her, hazel hues flickering over the winged wolf.  At ease as her father recognized her too.  She chewed the inside of her cheek.  Studying.  No broken bones.  Just some deep gashes.  Okay.  Could be worse.  Could be better.

"Could... Could you sit down for me?" She asked softly, eager for an easier height.  Carefully, she removed a vial of horsetail poultice from her satchel, brows furrowed.  "This should help with the bleeding and prevent infection, but... I want you to check in with me for a few days, okay?  Just to be safe. D-don't want you getting sick."

Re: I don't belong to anyone / Rogue attack - Kold - 02-09-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
Pearly eyes turned to the fox-deer, gentle smile upon her face. "Right, yes." She lowered down more, wings folded in at her sides. They felt so clunky, two separate pairs folded against one another. She set the cloak and necklace between her black paws and nodded. "I will, don't worry."

"I want to help protect my family."