Beasts of Beyond
falling to pieces - open; ambassador - Printable Version

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falling to pieces - open; ambassador - rhosmari - 02-07-2021

This was her second time back here and she was unsure if she actually wanted to be. After what the Ardent had told him of their history together it was a wonder why this was even a thing to be done. Had Aurum asked if they even wanted an ambassador in the first place? It seemed like a reasonable thing to do but she supposed she would find out if they declined. Hopefully it would be a peaceful defining. Slowly the pale lioness made her way toward the border. Although she was a little annoyed as memories flooded in about her speech patterns. She was not messed up in the head and a part of her wondered if it was even worth dealing with people who were allowed to insult others like that. Shaking her head a bit she sighed sharply before pausing upon the desert sands. The night was crawling in as she looked at the surrounding area. Her jaws parted and a vicious roar resonated from deep in her chest and echoed across sands.

Slowly she sat down and curled her flaming tail tip and tail around her paws. Surely someone would have heard that. And if they did and some individuals would appear she would swallow her nerves and speak up. "Hello, it is her again. Elsweyr has been assigned as their ambassador from Tanglewood. Ah, if they want one that is. She is not sure if they are okay with one." Maybe it would help to settle the waters even more. She kind of hoped so.

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - SirDio - 02-07-2021

A high-pitched yell sounded in response to the roar, distant. Soon after, a sleek melanistic jaguar with a stark white fox mask approached, feathery wings folded in at his sides. Under his mask he smiled. "Hello! That was some roar you had there - hearty and bombastic! I'm Jerikol - Jeri for short. Ambassador, eh? That's cool. I'm all for it, but since I'm not the leader I can't accept it."

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - Kold - 02-07-2021

How long did you think we could make it?
How far did you think we could take it?
We couldn't be bothered,
We didn't have time
To think
So far

"Like the court jester said, Gael has to accept it." The wolf-rottie hummed, stepping to the side of the jaguar. Black eyes reflected the night. A harsh huff left her. "Sway-man better not show his damn face, and if he does he better not be a bitch's man and throw insults." Keeping the neutrality with Tanglewood wasn't in Kolds best interest, considering Aine and her own opinions. But it wasn't just to allow insults.

The Marauder sat down, looking at the sands while waiting to see what would happen.

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - aine. - 02-09-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The petite deer-fox felt her ears flick back.  Hazel hues dim.  Wary.  An ambassador?  From Tanglewood?  She folded her wings close to her side.  Halting besides Kold stiffly. 

"Why?" Soft tone slightly sharper than usual.  Suspicious.  Tense.  The Pitt did not have formal alliances.  It didn't make sense to offer an ambassador.  Much less from Tanglewood.  Working together once did not mean they wanted to be friends. No.

Her hooves dug into the sand.  Da will think about it.  But he always asked.  Took in popular opinion.  He doesn't like them either... I know he doesn't. So he'd ask.  Surely.  But what did everyone else think...?

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
As if Kold's comment about him summoned him, Dante would be following soon after Aine. Thanks to his Enhanced Senses, he had been able to hear Kold's comment and tried to give [member=16195]Kold[/member] a friendly shove as he stood next to her. "Wow, I'm offended that you don't want me around." He rumbled to her before looking at Elsweyr, his pupils dilating to show his displeasure.

"Why should we care for a group that houses some unintelligent individuals?" Dante asked, adding onto Aine's comment. Of course, that was his own personal opinion and likely not shared by the fae but still, he was not too happy with the idea of having an Ambassador period, let alone someone who spoke about themselves in third person. This is what we get for being peaceful, Gael. The hybrid mentally grumbled to himself.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - gael - 02-09-2021

While neutrality came with the benefit of a certain lack of trouble and constant injury, the vulpine had no intentions of establishing alliances with anyone.  Fostering ambassadors felt too close to an agreement of potential friendship; an agreement Gael doubted many among the Pitt desired, himself included.  Much less where there is bad blood.

The Ardent furrowed his brow as he approached the gathered; conscious of Aine's rigid stance and Dante's rough words.  Popular opinion no doubt weighed against Tanglewood -- a fact that hardly surprised him.  "Elsweyr, if I remember correctly?"

The vulpine inclined his head politely; keeping his tone smooth. "Personally, I do not believe it is in my clan's interest to accept this.  May I ask what exactly an ambassadorship would entail? As I explained before, the Pitt is no ally to Tanglewood, nor are we interested in becoming such."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - Kold - 02-09-2021

I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see, You with Me.
The wolf-rottie seemed unfazed by the shove, simply rolling her eyes at Dante's words and insults. A black-dipped paw pawed at the sands, sighing. "This one thinks Dante should keep his mouth shut sometimes." She teased, honestly finding Elsweyr's manner of speech interesting. The lioness was second in command at Tanglewood, right? She had to have something good up in her head or else she wouldn't be in that position.

"This one thinks Elsweyr's manner of speech is quite fine - she is sure that the lioness is not stupid in some ways." Shaking her head, she looked to Aine and Gael. Not having an ambassador meant little to the marauder. Friends in other groups, maybe. But, then again, her opinions were somewhat based on the opinions and emotions of her family.

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - rhosmari - 02-09-2021

For the most part she was quiet. Warmly smiling when those that came forward creeted her and spoke their pieces. She was happy that it hadn't been hostile so far given the circumstances and she almost felt her body relax. But she also had to remember that she was not among friends here. Her paws shuffled in the sands with a measure of worry in her bright blue eyes before a woman came forth and questioned her with why. She seemed tense about it and though she could actually now understand why she knew that progress could not be made if one side remained unwilling to try. Were their not different Tanglers residing in the swamps now? A different generation? Herself included. "It was what Aurum wanted." She spoke evenly but still with a friendly tone before the one whom she had dislike for showed up.

Her eyes narrowed a bit as he spoke up and decided it was okay to insult the intelligence of herself and the others that lived in Tanglewood. If she was such a thing then she wouldn't be a Shadow Regent. Her tail lashed, the fire along the tip enlarging for just a fraction of a moment. "All the children in Tanglewood have more intelligence than this one. She is pretty sure of that." Her words were cold as she turned to ignore them and instead she looked to the Ardent who seemed rather okay with her being insulted. This was not a leader she would follow when it came to bettering relations. Her claws flexed against the sands and she frowned but acknowledged that he got her name right. He said the very thing she had been thinking given the circumstances but she had to wonder then. Why were they wasting their herb supply in treating two Pittians who were living in their town if no one in the group would given them a chance? It seemed pointless. Maybe it would be better to promptly return Sweeney and Atticus. "As far as she knows from what she was told it is to check in every once in a while. As well as progress to a more neutral standpoint. She knows what ambassadors do and they learn from both groups and take such things back to grow on." She answered truthfully and when someone else stood up for her speech pattern she couldn't help but dipped her head in thank you. It made her feel better that much was seen considering she had not grown up on this island of Beyond.

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - aine. - 02-09-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Aine continued to drown, ears only flattening further at the mention of Aurum.  Did he really want this? She doubted it.  Didn't trust it.  Rage.  Fire.  That's what Aurum was.  Perhaps hypocritical... But she was only showing Tanglewood the same courtesy they had shown the Pitt for a time.  Distrust.  Bitterness.

The Fleshweaver shook her head.  "D-doesn't Tanglewood... Still consider us enemies?  ... Why should we want an enemy... Learning about us?" Didn't make sense to her.  No good.

Keep friends close, enemies closer. "..." She didn't like it.  Her hazel hues flickered back to her father.  She didn't mind brief visits... But a regular ambassador... No.  Her wings shuffled at her sides.

[ Mobile ]

Re: falling to pieces - open; ambassador - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Fortunately it seemed that Gael was on their side. Honestly, if Dante didn't care for respect as much as he did, as soon as Gael said that he wasn't interested in an ambassadorship with Tanglewood, the hybrid would have tried to attack Elsweyr. But he did respect Gael's decision on not wanting to cause unneccessary wounds, as much as his claws were itching to sink into someone's skin.

Kold defending the Tangler though cause Dante's neutral demeanor to change and the hybrid curled his lips back to show how he hated what Kold was doing. "Well, this one thinks that maybe our Tanglewood visitor should go learn how to fuckin' speak before trying to be apart of some group." He was obviously mocking Elsweyr's way of speech and how Kold had taken it upon herself to defend the strange Tangler.

By now, the shark-cat was growing more irritated by the second. Dante looked back at Elsweyr and snarled, digging his claws into the ground. "You have your answer now. This one suggests that Elsweyr packs her shit and leaves before Dante decides he wants her as dinner."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]