Beasts of Beyond
sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - Printable Version

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sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - rhosmari - 02-05-2021

Well, it seemed the Pitt hadn't exactly worked out for them. There could be many reasons why given their long and extensive history. One could be how it brought back a plethora of negative and sometimes even stressful memories. Their lives had not been the greatest when it came to deserts. They were called murders and a few other unsavory things by people who never really mattered to begin with. They were rule twisters and chose often to look the other way when the same things they preached against was committed right in front of their faces. Hypocrits. So needless to say the desert just wasn't going to cut it and instead they had left in the middle of the night. Not like anyone would miss them. After all they had not gotten to know anyone there. Vague names and titles swirling around. So they had simply departed with a more eagerness to explore this odd realm they found themselves living in.

The archangel had decided to walk this time and honestly it would save his back a lot of grief later on. Passing travelers they managed to get directions from and he simply idly chit chatted with his husband. Four wings shifted against his back as he allowed a deep breath to swell his chest and then he release it. "You know what's good about this? Being able to walk around and not constantly be harrassed." Humor laced his tone as the angelhound stepped across a small stream that was in his path. He waited for Mulder on the other side as thick forested shifted to swampland. It was interesting that much was certain and he tilted his head a bit. Gazing over the mangrove trees he would lift a paw, wondering where the most solid ground was. "If you want to climb up Mulder, you can." He indicated to his back with a light movement of white and gold feathered wings before he glances to the marshes again.

Well he could say he never lived in a swamp before. At least not on that was so bogged down with water. His nose twitched and the pale canine moved forward, picking his way through the mud and hopefully with his husband in tow on his back. "You know there could be gators here? Anyway that guy said that a group named Tanglewood lives here. I wonder if anyone gets trench foot from staying in the water for too long. I'm sure they have to live somewhere actually dry."

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - mulder. - 02-06-2021

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; height: 165px; width: 165px; border-radius: 100%; border: 4px #222222 solid; float: left; margin-top: -20px; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: 5px;"]
how could you be what i want to see?・°☆

While bad memories influence his mind just as much as his husband's (especially of that blood soaked place that cracked his head), the true homeland jungle might have been nice. It's just, his driving force to go besides his husband's departure is fairly simple: there weren't any damn aliens in The Pitt. He's going to come to a new world and not find any cool aliens or alien stuff? He thinks not.

The fox trots beside his mate and scratches his scruffy chin at the thought, amethyst eyes narrowing on passing morsels of fleeting ideas that he can't focus fully on for too long. Instead, he's focusing on not sinking. The ground is spongey under his lithe paws, his scarf threatening to dip its edge into every soupy earthy secretion. He's towered over by cypress roots and after the brightness sun they traversed under, his eyes are troubled with adjusting to the darkness of the canopy. He feels clammy and sticky and all over just gross, though he's mostly dry above his elbows. [b]"You know what's not good about this, honey? I've never been in an overgrown puddle before. Not a fan, not a fan."

The tiny fox grimaces, not afraid of bodies of water like his lover, but certainly distasteful of getting dirty. He hikes his scarf up in more wraps around his throat then leaps over the small stream with surprising distance. As Mulder lands, his front paws break through some algae masquerading as dry ground. "Hell. This is hell." He hisses, drawing back his paw like he's been bitten by a snake. Barghest doesn't have to ask him twice to get refuge from this earth sponge. It's the most alien thing he's found here yet in properties, even though he knows its perfectly normal. Mulder shakes his paws dry then clamors up one of hound's wings like a ramp, taking his usual place between his shoulder blades.

On his perch, the autumnal male peers around at the marsh, sclera popping at talk of alligators. He scoffs soft and crawls up to playfully squish his husband's forehead into a roll of wrinkles."You're trying to freak me out now!" The orange, cream, and brown fox slides back down after a few seconds, pressing his cheek to Barghest's neck with a huff. Trench foot, gators- the slime. I'm starting to wonder why we came this way at all. They can keep this place to themselves." It's putrid, he hates it, he wants to go as soon as possible. Once they clear this tangle of trees, Barghest can take off and they can be on their way to some place a lot less green.

"Maybe we can find someone and get directions to a new, less smelly place. We cou-" He interrupts himself with a gasp and practically leaps from Barghest's back into knee high water. He scampers toward some underbrush and, drawing his engagement dagger from his scarf with telekinesis, slices away some vines. Out floats the remnants of an old, rusty soda can. Barely legible, full of grime, certainly just some old garbage yet a treasure to the fox. "Bargh! An artifact!" The fox has seen these precusor alien items in books before but never has he seen one in real life. Previous to their little reality shift, he had a small little museum of rubbish old two-leg artifacts and those took him years to find. Here he's just found out this glubbing around in this godforsaken place!

His entire attitude doing a one-eighty, he looks up at his mate with gleaming twilight eyes. They near sparkle, his fluffy tail swishing around like a motorboat propeller. "What if there's more? Or something strange mystery out in this swamp? A hidden civilization or legendary monsters that only the locals know about?" His imagination is running away with him and in his excitement, he hops up and gives Barghest a big kiss on the cheek. Maybe if they can find some open air, he can check the sky and do a time test or maybe even locate some high ground to monitor the stars. Mulder pulls a notebook from a bag he'd slung over his husband's shoulder, using his pack mule of a mate as a table to furiously scribble down some notes. Snakes, alligators, leeches be damned.

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - SirDio - 02-06-2021

The hybrid slinked toward the two, fearless or stupid or what have you. [color=#a1263d]"These guys have a whole junkyard near the town. Barbed fence to guard it but there's some spots where you get in scratch-free! I picked up a few things for myself there." She grinned, waving a paw. [color=#a1263d]"My name's Nyx rose, by the way! I'm part of Tanglewood - I'm sure you guys are welcome but that's up to the boss."

Nyx, though smiling, knew bad memories and what they could do. She had a few baddies of her own. She wouldn't let that show, though!

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - rhosmari - 02-06-2021

She had personally never seen anything like the pale canine before. It was almost unsettling the way in which he looked and she was cautious about it. But they also seemed to be here to join. Tanglewood could use more new blood in the system and having more outsiders never seemed to be an actual problem. But she knew that they couldn't just trust everyone. Slowly she made her way forward, bright blue orbs focused on the tiny fox that was scribbling like a mad man on some notebook. She couldn't even begin to understand what he was writing and so she merely looked away with uninterest. Writing was not something that the tribe had found necessary nor reading. So she found it to be a waste of time. Instead she dipped her head to Nyx before she gave a small and welcoming smile to the two males. ''This one is correct. They both stand upon Tanglewood lands and by the looks of it both seem to not be having too great of a time in the swamp. If they both wish to stay here then they will have to get used to the area.'' When she had joined she had not been used to such a place either. It was definitely a challenge for her to say the least. But over time it had become her home...well, it used to feel like her home. There were many things that troubled her right now.

''She is Elsweyr, the second here. She is happy to invite the both of them in. She can also show them where they will be staying. We have town which is much drier than the swamp.'' She muttered softly as the flames crackled down her neck. They had not given their names and she felt more inclined to ask them as she beckoned with her flame tipped tail for them to move here where there was more solid ground. ''This one has given name. So what do they call each other?''

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - trojan g. - 02-07-2021

It seemed as though Tanglewood was taking more and more members of the Pitt into their ranks, even if two out of the now four were only here temporarily. Still, Sweeney couldn't mistake the scent of the desert, no matter how much that of the swamp clogged her nose. She'd never get used to the stench, she knew that, but also knew that she'd never be able to get the horrid thing out of her nostrils, even years down the line when she was back at home, she knew the scent of Tanglewood would forever be with her, whether she liked it or not. The kitsune couldn't help but let a small scoff leave her at the sound of the two that were on the border at first, complaining about things like trench foot and gators. Of course, they were real concerns, but the gators seemed to stay out of the town that Tanglewood called home, and it was high and dry, away from the muck of the swamp surrounding it.

"Why'd you leave the Pitt?" She would speak as soon as she arrived, getting straight to the point. She wanted to know if things were fine there, needed to know that those she had left behind when she had come to Tanglewood to make sure her friend was okay were still there, still kicking. "The desert heat too much for you?" She would offer a small smile to the others, clearly joking in her words that were spoken, before finally waving her tails in their direction in a slight greeting. "Name's Sweeney, I'm still a Pitt member, just here on temporary stay." She was just glad to be able to move around again. All she had to do now was make sure Atticus could do the same before they made their long journey back.

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - arrow - 02-07-2021

"but you promised me this is love"   ── Sweeney was right, there was a unusual trend of Pitt members trudging their way through the swamp. If these two were to stay wasn't a question she could answer, but it didn't matter. She knew Tanglewood's numbers relied on two things, the blood of new joiners and Aurum's fascinating ability to always be pregnant. Then again, she wasn't sure where half of those kids went either. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing, after all, she was trying her very, very best to not grimace openly at the scent of the Pitt under the truce. Old habits died hard, it took her a good while even back then to trust the Typhoon, and she didn't even remember when they were on tense terms with Tanglewood. She even thought sometimes it was just a weird dream, but her dislike ( see also: hatred ) of the Pitt was very much real and memorable. May the unforgiving swamp wash away the clinging residue of the unforgiving sands.

"You'll get used to it. Well, actually, you need to manage, or you'll just die. And then we'll never find your body." Arrow snorted, ethereal form sliding under Elsweyr's chest as if she was using the larger woman for shade, or protection. Neither was the case, she was just hopefully temporarily being clingy. And it was much more comforting being in the presence of someone familiar when she felt like her brain was being rattled with the dry scent of the desert and the imaginary scent of a whole lotta blood. That part was her mind playing tricks, mind you, but it didn't make it any less fucky. "We got two headed gators, if you look deep enough. I don't think they like company though."

Re: sometime last night - open; trespassing joiners - rhosmari - 02-07-2021

The angelhound couldn't help but laugh a little bit at how his husband did a one eighty and started getting excited. And all over a silly little can. "Alright, alright, slow down love. Maybe they have a mystery and maybe they don't but don't get ahead of yourself." Coming from someone who had lived among humans one upon a time he didn't find their gadgets and bobbles all that interesting but they were next to treasure when they came to Mulder. And well, he was sure his husband wouldn't be disappointed either when someone came forward and talked about a junkyard. Oh boy. Here went having a clean home because it was about to be filled with all of these 'artifacts'. Shaking his head a little he gave a smile toward the woman but he didn't have time to speak as another came forward. A pale lioness who spoke weird. But after a moment and some thoughtful squinting he got the just. "Thanks for the welcome and we would appreciate a guide to town. I mean I would potentially spot it from the sky but I'd rather rest my back."

His gaze of gold and ocean blue followed toward another who spoke up about why they left the Pitt. Was the desert heat too much for them? Valid question which he had no issue with answering. "Hmm. We were there for almost a day I guess. And well, we have some rather bad memories when it comes to deserts. No offense on the Pitt, just not our cup of tea." The imagery of his husband getting his head cracked like an egg was a vivid and harsh reminder of what desert dwellers were capable of. But he had been equally just as dangerous and vengeful when he drowned the perpetrators. Still he took a deep breath in and he pulled his long ears forward just a bit as another came forward. He found her amusing, just a bit and he glanced to Mulder then as he spoke up with a bit of tiredness lingering in his voice. "You hear that? Two head gators seem up your alley. Could be an alien. You never know."