Beasts of Beyond
able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - Printable Version

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able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - rhosmari - 02-03-2021

At 5 months of age he was a bit too much to handle. He was being creative with finding ways to sneak out of the house he shared with his siblings and his new moms. Back exits, side exits, front exits. The world was his oyster and he wanted to go and explore that. Sure he wasn't supposed to leave unsupervised but what was the harm in just having a little bit of fun? He knew that there were punishments but they never seemed to be too unbearable save for the ones where he had to sit still. He hated those the most. It was awful. He needed to run, explore, so something to pass the time. The pale youth wiggled through the brush, nibbling on his own bottom lip as he contemplated how he was to sneak past a couple of Typhooners. They weren't really out looking for him but if they caught him he could be in trouble. Pale green eyes narrowed slightly as he tilted his horned skull a bit. With a slight twitch of his forked tail he bolted out of the foliage and slipped down a path as quick as he could.

It took little time before he was finding himself in the clear and sprinting for the beach. He had seen it once before and he just wanted to see it again. Maybe even drink some of the water? Frankly he was curious on what it tasted like. Either way his paws brushed against the sands of the beach, slipping and sliding against the loose grains. He was bigger than an average cat but it was because he was a mixed breed. Part of his genetics came from maine coons and his long legged stature gave that away. He is all legs as it appeared but he is also bulky. Barreling into the water his mouth hangs open and unfortunately he gets a big swish of the liquid and promptly gags. "Ewww, it's all salty!" He immediately complains, spitting like his life depends on it.

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - Keona. - 02-04-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
As a child, the tiny wildcat had been curious.  Prone to wander.  Prone to causing her father some alarm.  Still now, she had the same inquisitive nature.  Drawn to know answers to things.

Her ears twitched and perked, confused.  Who in the seas would drink... She furrowed her brow as she trotted up to the water.  At ease with the rhythm of the waves.  Pale sea-green hues flickering and dancing towards the sound.  Young and inexperienced tone.  Bemusing.

"The ocean is made of salt water," the dealer remarked.  Simple and clear.  "It's not something you want to drink."

Idly, her tail twitched as her breath grew in sync with the ocean's beat.  At peace where the water kissed the sand.  Absently, she commanded a wave backwards, then pulled it closer once again.  Let it wash over her petite paws. "'s something you can sail over, or swim in when the waves are gentle. But I wouldn' drink it."

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 02-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne wasn't much older than Pyrrhicreign and she still felt excitement when she discovered something new. Not that the beach was anything new, of course, but her mother had been extremely strict when she was apart of The Typhoon - to the point where if she noticed any of the Roux family around, she would herd her children back into the home. So suffice to say, Vayne hadn't really gotten the chance to explore as much as she wanted to. And while she wanted to, there was a nagging fear that tugged at her that Aphra would be around the corner, hiding and waiting to take her away from The Typhoon again.

Vayne couldn't help but laugh as she watched a younger kitten sprint past her, opening his mouth and eagerly trying to drink the water. If it hadn't of happened so fast, she definitely would have tried to stop Pyhrricreign, but alas, the younger kitten was already trying to drink the ocean water before she had a chance to stop him. Maybe it was rude of her to laugh at his reaction, but she couldn't help it. "It's full of salt, silly!" She giggled.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - michael t. - 02-05-2021

Michael knew about Pyrrhic... sorta. It would've been difficult for the bobcat not to know that his sister and Diya had adopted a new child, considering how close they all were. That wasn't even mentioning how often he visited, with the chances of him not spotting the new addition to the family at all being quite low. However, besides knowing the kid's name and seeing brief flashes of him around the house, the dealer hadn't actually met his new nephew. Which he wasn't really happy about, since he generally liked knowing his family, especially Roxanne's little ones. Rox coming into his life and taking him in as her brother had been one of the best things that had ever happened to him, so it was natural that he wanted to repay that love to all her children. Even if occasionally his affection came in... odd ways, such as his half bullying playful manner towards Trygve. Although, to be fair, Ry had always been more than willing to dish it out as well, which is what had made their uncle / nephew – and mentor / apprentice – relationship work so well. That is, of course, until Trygve took off for The Pitt.

The bobcat knew it was never a good idea to linger too long on what had happened with Trygve, so he instead focused on what was going on in the moment. One of the benefits of having a hut so close to the shore meant that Michael essentially saw everyone who went in or out of the ocean, including exploratory little kids like Pyrrhic. The thief couldn't help but let out a soft snort as he heard the other's exclamation, his head shaking from side to side. How had Roxie not taught the kid that the ocean was salty, yet? Still laughing a bit, Michael then got up to his paws, moving over to where the water was lapping lightly at the sand before he spoke, "The both of them are right – sea water isn't really for drinking purposes. Don't feel too bad about it, though. My own pups tried to do essentially the same thing..." Well, he distinctly remembered Midas jokingly trying to dunk Franklin's head under the water and that being what had made Frankie drink ocean water, but it was sort of similar. Shaking his head a bit at the memory, the dealer then questioned, "Do your moms know that you're out here? You best not be taking advantage of Rox's busy schedule." He really did have to wonder how she was juggling everything lately – maybe he'd ask her later about how he could help out a bit more.

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - rhosmari - 02-06-2021

His tongue lolled out of his mouth as other's started to come over and explain to him about how the ocean was not something he was supposed to be drinking and that it was actually made out of salt which was incredibly gross by the way. Still he shook himself out as he quickly retreated from the waves, scooting backwards as he glared at the water as if it would try to jump at him and pull him back in. ''But I wasn't trying to drink it. It attacked me and went into my mouth, I swear!'' The young kit was quick to defend himself as he whipped around to face everyone, his forked tail lashing back and forth and really he knew that he should have skedaddled when others started showing up. After all he wasn't necessarily supposed to be out here all on his own. He was supposed to be tucked away and safe but where was the fun in that when there was adventure to be had. He was finding things and finding people which was the best thing ever and he was having fun while doing it. Beaming a bit he looked between the three before question was posed to him. Uh oh.

''Well, yeah, of course they know that I'm out here. It's just the beach and um, all of you guys ae here now to watch me.'' Wow, he couldn't look more like a little criminal right now with his slightly hunched shoulders as he back stepped across the sand and tried to make a made dash for it. They would have to catch him and he was sure that his fleet footed abilities would keep him safe till he was able to make a dash for a hiding spot. After all he couldn't get caught, no way. He had things to do and places to explore and maybe he could bring stuff back.

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - ROXANNE R. - 02-06-2021

Roxanne did have a rather busy schedule and she felt bad about it seeing as it took some time away from spending it with her family but she always made time for them when she could. The captain had been leaving her office from within the ship only to notice the small group of her crewmates and began to wonder what they were all doing until the familiar form of Pyrrhic broke away from said group and was beginning to run across the sand or trying to anyways. Spreading out her wings, the draconic feline took to the skies and it only took a few powerful flaps until she landed in front of Pyrrhic in his run before speaking with a tilt of her head "You are quite a ways from the house, little man." Her mismatched gaze dancing with amusement, a toothy smile present on her face but her tail lashed to the sides in a calm manner.

"Look at you! Completely soaked... Did the ocean water get you?" Mused Roxie as she glanced over her son to make sure that he was alright despite being partially drenched by the salt water, she was quiet for a moment before speaking once more "I hope you didn't drink the salt water... It's nasty stuff and makes you thirstier,"

Re: able to make it - open; introduction/trying to swim - Simon F.M. - 02-08-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
Diya had been trying her best, frankly. She tried to take care of watching the kiddos as best she could, trying to give Roxanne her time to work while still managing her own duties. But, with them all reaching the age of beta(or about to in Pyrr's case), it was getting harder and harder. They all wanted to go off and explore and, while she didn't mind that too terribly much, she still wanted to be able to keep an eye on them.

So, when her youngest decided to make an escape attempt, she had gone looking after him. She winced when she saw Roxanne had already found him, a grimace on her face for a moment. She tsked her tongue at him, shaking her large head. "I could have brought you out here, mister," she said as she finally reached the pair, gaze focused on him.