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i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - Printable Version

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i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - Alexandre - 02-01-2021

// sets place after here (dragged to temple after passing out) + here (cotc capture)

The ice on the floor had faded. A puddle of water remained in it's place and the signature scent of the mountains floated in the air. In wake of it's appearance, the disappearance of Alexandre stood in it's place. His bed hadn't been set. Pillows laid unfluffed, blankets sprawled across, and the shuffle off the sheets once underneath his paws were dirtied. The only question was... What happened?

// continuation here

Re: i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - michael t. - 02-01-2021

Michael visiting the temple was not an uncommon occurrence, especially ever since Roan had gotten back from capture. He always made sure to check in with the soothsayer when he was able to, as well as check in with those who were staying there for health reasons. In the past, his main concern had been Goldie, but with Alexandre and the whole passing out incident, the thief had been checking in on him as well. Mainly for the benefit of Roxanne, since Alexandre was one of his nephews that Michael wasn't particularly close to. Of course, this didn't mean he wanted the fucking kid to get captured. The other was family, and that meant a lot to the dealer these days.

Stepping inside the temple, Michael was immediately put on edge by the scent of the mountains. The scent of the Coalition, that band of cunts. With a growl, the male moved slowly, padding through until he reached where Alexandre had once laid, cared for by Roan. With his short tail lashing behind him, the dealer then turned, snarling loudly outside of the entrance, "Guys! Fuck! Alexandre has been taken by the Coalition!" He was going to fucking kill them all. Burn those damn mountains to the ground.

Re: i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - ROXANNE R. - 02-03-2021

Roxanne had been within her office with the plans of visiting Alexandre when she finished some paperwork, she was already heading out with her ear twitching and picked out a few bits of jewelry to possibly give her son so he would cheer up a bit. It was jewelry that she hadn't used in quite a while so maybe he would like it, she walked along with the small bag in her mouth and stepped a lot faster within the sand. She was worried for Alexandre though her heart dropped when Michael spoke. They... They had taken her son. She immediately ran forward dropping the bag in the sand looking within the temple and realizing that her son was gone , her blood began to boil. Scales began to ripple on her legs and her snout becoming slightly longer, the draconic beast feeling that seething rage and wishing to come out but Roxanne held in her breath to stop her outburst.

The scales flattening down and disappearing as the draconic feline stood there with fire dancing in her eyes. "They're fuckin dead. As if losing Stryker wasn't enough for them, I'll fucking tear them limb from limb." The captain growled but she didn't say anything else, she would get her son back and when she did. He would be safe within their home, this was the second time her children were taken for being within the temple. Roxanne supposed that it was bad to refuse keeping her injured children there but Roan can argue all he wanted with her but the captain wasn't going to let her younger children stay there. A huff left her.

Re: i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - SirDio - 02-03-2021

A third encounter? And a kid? [color=#093044]"You're.. fuck.. god damn.." the Mau seethed, walking up to the two. It wasn't often she visited the temple.

[color=#093044]"I'll help get him back," the started, and electricity shot out from her legs, white and quick, [color=#093044]"I'll kill anyone in my way if I have to. They went too far with trying to attack Goldenluxury." and killing Xhocoatl, even if she didn't know him.

Re: i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - rhosmari - 02-06-2021

Kids had a way with sense the atmosphere, probably better than most adults did. It was like a wave in the air as he slowly came upon the scene, one that made him feel too tense and afraid. He had been collecting small flowers he had been finding around the house when he heard the angry call about something. Something he didn't quiet understand yet and he had come over to see what it was that was going on. Right now his ears were back, brushing the stubby horns that were steadily growing from his skull. Forked tail was curled against his body as he inched his way closer, not looking at anyone in particular but trying to understand the feelings that were being put out here. The rage was certainly something he had heard but he was sure that there was more to to it. He remembered that his brother had been sick, he wasn't eating like he was supposed to and he had been put in the temple so that he could heal himself. He paused as he came near his mother, eyes searching and looking before the lime orbs shifted to look up at the woman. ''Mama....'' He began to just get her attention before he turned his eyes back to the empty spot.

''Where did Alex go?'' He finally asked with confusing coloring the words that left his throat as he walked a bit closer to the spot where his brother normally was. The whole area was messed up and he sniffed a little, a cold chill washing over him before he back pedaled and found himself pressed up against someone, though he didn't move and instead he closed his eyes and tried to force his young mind to understand the severity of the situation. Yet it didn't want to and all he really wanted was his brother back where he was supposed to be, not knowing that awful things were happening to him.

Re: i cant describe it, give me a pen }} disappearance - Simon F.M. - 02-08-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
Fury filled the feline as word reached her of her sons disappearance, a snarl on her maw as she came to a stop beside the others. "They will pay for this," she snarled out, eyes landing on her fiancee. Her short stub for a tail would twitch, an attempt of her feline habit of lashing her tail. She would land her eyes on her adoptive son, anger shifting to sorrow and a small sigh leaving her. She would wrap a large paw over him, aiming to pull him close against her. "We'll get him back, mon boulon, do not worry."

They had to get him back; if they didn't, she would tear the coalition down from the ground up. They would regret the day they took her son from her, that would be guaranteed.