Beasts of Beyond
TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - Printable Version

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TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - Byriath - 02-01-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

He had spotted the hybrid from a long ways away in the night, his yellow scales a dead giveaway. On his boat Byriath hung to his axe's pommel, waiting as his boat gently traveled to the sands.

With the gentle noise of his boat hitting sand the beast departed, setting deep prints in the sand as he dragged his axe after the hybrid. When he was close enough the monster swung, hitting the hybrid between the shoulder blades and sending him down in a yell. Dawn itched at the horizon and he had to work fast. Descending upon the hybrid he clasped the boy's jaws shut, using his jaws to lower the axe against his neck. 'No... No let me have just one wish..' Byriath growled. How pitiful, such a powerful looking animal submitting like that?

'state it, boy.' he prodded at the hybrid's mind, sifting through memories and names and people. The hybrid didn't even struggle. 'Tell Medusa I loved her.' Byraith grunted and swung the axe into his neck, letting blood stain the sands before he holstered the axe and began to drag the body back to his boat.

Medusa. White scales. White fur. Muscular. Cute. Words that the hybrid used to describe this woman. Fire. Blue fire. Snake. Cat. Leopard. Strong. Byriath groaned, wrapping the body in a black cloth and throwing him into the boat. He looked at the tracks and blood he left. At least it would be... should be easy to determine what happened.

Kicking the boat away from shore the beast steered it back to the coalition islands. A good skin and bones.

// Byraith is already gone by the time anyone gets there, but they can see the paw prints, drag marks, and blood from the struggle.//

[align=center]"Speech" 'Thought'

Re: TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - bubblegum - 02-01-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

There was only one interaction the tigress has actually had with Xhocoatl, in general, and that was when they'd come upon him eating someone who was trespassing. She honestly had been quite indifferent towards the action itself, only finding herself a bit annoyed when he'd decided to respond towards some disgust by continuing his efforts anyway. Still, she didn't let it paint her whole opinion of him. After all, she'd hardly any opinion to have in the first place. It would not occur to her now, however, that the male would be missing. All she knew when she'd stumbled upon the beach today was that she smelled that place again, and blood.

She was tempted to avoid it altogether, walk away. What if they'd come back for her? She looks around, not wishing to be alone. No, no, this time she would be smarter. She would make noise. What if someone needed help? She needed to at least check, and then she would leave. That would be fine. She could do that. And so the tigress would, approaching hesitantly and quietly, looking over the scene with cautious eyes. When she spotted nothing but blood, and tracks, she stopped, gritting her teeth. She huffs, trying to keep herself calm. Someone had clearly been attacked, and likely taken. Something had to be done about it.

"Ah, umm..." she growls to herself under an anxious breath, trying to figure out what to say so she wasn't completely useless. "Th-There's blood on the beach! An' tracks..." the tigress manages to call out loudly, her head lowering after doing so. She takes a few steps back, trying to catch her breath, body slightly shaking. She doesn't think she'll stick around for long, but she wants to bring some awareness to it at the very least, to someone who may prove to be more helpful. She can feel a headache begin to spur, slight dizziness alongside it, and she turns her body away, distancing herself from the scene, watching carefully.

Re: TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - Keona. - 02-01-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Goldie's voice alarms the petite wildcat.  Pale hues sharp in concern.  Alert.  Quickly, the dealer trots over, inhaling softly.  Blood.  Coalition.  Xhocoatl.  A frustrated breath.  Her ears flicked to and fro, perked for any other sound.

But the blood and scent go...  Away.  Whatever had happened... Had happened.  "They're long gone now," she murmured, head tilting lightly towards Goldie.  Keeping her tone neutral and sure.  "... That's a lot of blood though. I'm not sure if Xhocoatl is-" well.

Keona sighs heavily.  Odds were not in their crewmate's favor.  Still.  The tiny fae crept along the sand, brows furrowing.  "... The scent goes to the water." Did they swim?  Use a boat?

Re: TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - michael t. - 02-01-2021

"He's dead."

Michael's words cut coldly through the air, although he hadn't really intended them to sound so... emotionless. He had actually been a fan of Xhocoatl, and had begun to consider the other a friend. However, he knew better than to shed tears over something that The Coalition had done. That would only provide them with a sense of satisfaction, and the dealer had no intention of letting them have that. Instead, he would have his own sense of satisfaction. One The Coalition of the Condemned was nonexistent, slaughtered down to nothingness for their crimes. Honestly, The Typhoon should've killed them all when they had the chance, when The Coalition was on the run and weakened following Stryker's death. Unfortunately, he knew why they hadn't. Roxanne had been distracted, far too worried about Goldie's condition for something like that. And she had wanted to give The Typhoon a chance to recover, and he knew that – yet still, he couldn't help being frustrated. Cause now they had countless people being kidnapped, not to mention killed.

The scent of blood and death on the air made bile rise in the back of Michael's throat, and he shook his head from side to side. His muzzle was downturned in a sharp frown, muttering to both Keona and Goldie, "The best thing we can do right now is just report it to Roxanne. We're gonna get revenge for him... and everything else The Coalition has done. But we can't go running after somebody over a dead body." And he knew what he said was true. Sailing off after a random Coalition member would do them no good, especially since it would more than likely just lead to more captures. A heavy sigh then left the bobcat as he glanced over at Goldie, noticing the way that she distanced herself from the scene. It made sense, considering what had happened just so recently.

Looking back at Keona, he gave a short nod to his fellow dealer, although he knew that she wouldn't be able to see it. He then made his way over to Goldie, pressing lightly against her side as he muttered, "Don't worry... we're not letting 'em take anybody else. And especially not you. Roxie would tear the whole world asunder for you... not to mention that Sophiea girl." He offered the former captain a bit of a mischievous smile, trying to raise her spirits slightly.

Re: TAKE ME TO CHURCH! / Death - ROXANNE R. - 02-03-2021

Damn, they really snatched her only snake cat like that?

The smell of blood brushing against her nose and the roof of her mouth beginning to salivate, it had been a while since she... No, no, she mustn't. A soft sigh leaving her maw as she began to make her way over to where the metallic smell of blood clung the strongest only to wince realizing that it had been Xhocoatl they had taken. A frown appearing on her maw recalling the last time the two of them had spoken and it had been when he had disobeyed her in not eating the Condemned body in public in front of her grandson, her head shaking lightly at the sight of blood. "No need to report it, I'm right here." Roxanne would say rather dryly with a shake of her cranium, her tail lashing briefly to the sides in frustration looking at the drag marks of a weapon then the body and pawprints. The captain stepping forward to one of the pawprints placing her small paw into it to get a good guess of how big this guy was and he was definitely a lot larger than her, a smirk on her maw as a snort left her.

As much as she was a big person for revenge, she knew that it would be best to let the Condemned tire themselves out... They were a lot of attention whores at the given moment and frankly, Roxanne could easily round up her allies to execute the group if she really wanted to though she saw no point in it. "One of you two... Put up more fucking defenses, they're trying to put on a show. Jabbing the caged animal until they lash out, I won't give it to them just yet." This was directed to both of her dealers until she decided to approach Goldie knowing what had happened, the draconic feline would press against her daughter's side with a small nod as she confirmed with a gentle gaze "Asunder and more, sweetheart." At the mention of the British woman, Roxanne rolled her eyes briefly. That Sophie chick did one thing and now, she was suddenly a knight in shining armor. Her ear twitched with irritation at the thought but she supposed that she was grateful for the winged femme for saving her daughter.