Beasts of Beyond
no more light / intro - Printable Version

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no more light / intro - deimos - 01-31-2021

It was a black, inky thing, the Abyss. It was somewhere you were caged, somewhere you couldn't breathe, sleep, choke, die. It was an endless torture of nothing, sitting upside down in a cage staring down at the ground. Nothing, yet everything, existed in this moment. And they had caused this, they had. They knew who caused it, because it was murmured on the cries of other prisoners. Their eyes turned away, the dull vision searching for light, a shift in the ground, anything. Smooth black.

A herd of the black bat-hounds screeched as they arced past, and they flinched away, snapping their eyes shut and their shoulders folding in on themselves. And when they opened them, it was sun. Sunlight, blinding them and searching their eyes. They rolled onto their right side, ears flattened against their head as they slowly stood. There wasn't much they understood, but what they understood right now is that they were free, free of the Abyss. They didn't want to stand there and wonder how or why, but rather they began to walk and wander.

It was, well, freedom, after all.

But they were different now, they sensed. From what they once were, and what they existed as now. Some kind of raw anger ate at their insides, a hunger for.. was it blood? The tang and iron in it.. the spirit shook their head, continuing to wander, dragging their paws. The foliage underneath their paws, the wind as it ruffled their fur. They couldn't smell, anymore, though. They couldn't smell the wind, what it brought with it. But it was quiet, now. Quieter then the moans and screams of the prisoners begging for release.

Their eyes drifted down, to where their paws met the ground. It wasn't quite.. touching. It was touching, but they couldn't see the contact upon it. They were see through, if that's possible. They lifted one to their nose, staring at it for a long moment, before exhaling. They continued to walk through the foliage until they came upon the huts. But as they ventured further in, it became more and more apparent no one wanted to speak to them. The NPC's didn't even look at the spirit as they walked past them.

Their head turned, ears lowering. A faint, bitter taste of anger came up in their throat. Why couldn't they be seen?

// they're basically invisible! those who can sense spirits / auras can "see" them



Re: no more light / intro - michael t. - 01-31-2021

Unlike some within The Typhoon, Michael had never been blessed with the ability to see spirits. He didn't see special "auras" around others, nor did he think much of the seemingly magical powers that others possessed. He didn't doubt the existence of such powers – to do so would be pretty ridiculous, considering he could shape the earth with his elementals and shift between forms. Instead, he just couldn't really understand them. Couldn't wrap his mind around what an "aura" could possibly look or behave like. Some others had tried to describe what it was like to him in the past, but he had still never really gotten the full picture. Eventually, he had just given up trying, figuring that it wasn't all that big of a deal. He was fairly confident that those that he loved were who they said they were, so what was the point in knowing their auras? Such a thing felt too personal – as if he would be peeking in on inner thoughts that weren't meant to be seen. Just the thought of someone looking at his aura left him slightly unsettled.

This meant, of course, that Michael couldn't see the spirit, in a traditional sense. He wasn't able to see some sort of form for them, nor could he spot some sort of aura, either. Thankfully, the dealer had figured out a long time ago that it was a blessing to be observant. So, while he couldn't see the spirit themselves, he could see the effects of their presence. Could see the way that the foliage seemed to shift in the distance without the help of any wind. Could see the way that the sandy earth was disturbed without anyone in sight directly walking upon it. It was enough to make the bobcat's fur stand on end, and he thought for a moment that he was just imagining it. Still, he couldn't just let it go. For all he knew, there could be an invisible enemy lurking in wait, trying to find someone that they wished to harm. That alone was enough to motivate Michael forward, knowing full well how crazy he must've looked as he questioned the empty air, "Hello? Is someone there? I can't... I can't see you. But it feels like someone is..." Already he could feel the curious and vaguely disturbed gazes of nearby NPCs, confused by what he was doing. He tried his best to block them out, a heavy sigh leaving him.

Re: no more light / intro - Keona. - 01-31-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
There is more to scent and voice when the tiny dealer recognizes someone.  Knows someone is there.  Some odd sense of... Feeling.  Everyone carried it with them.  A unique sense of them that went beyond normal senses.

She had always had it.  Didn't know it was not normal.  But no one ever mentioned it.  Sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell.  But no one had to physically touch her.  She didn't need the contact.  She knew they were there.  Felt them all the same.  The feeling of energy.  Life.  Consciousness.  Individuality.  Them.

She hears Michael and pauses in confusion.  Someone he could not see?  The wildcat frowned.  Padded over quietly, her tail twitching.  She avoided the spirit without thought, sensing where they stood.  Sensing them without realizing they were different.  Invisible.

With a blink, Keona turned to 'face' the unknown.  Pale hues in curious thought.  "Aloha." Polite and quiet, but assured.  She knew for sure they were there.

Re: no more light / intro - deimos - 02-01-2021

There were many who passed, but select few who offered directions at the area they stood in, or even stopped to stare. That came down to a select few- namely the first. Michael. Michael, Michael. That name, they new, bitterness bursting on their tongue and a choking fear in their throat. The spirit recoiled, ears flattening against their head and fur standing up on end, eyes stretching white, pale breathes curling from their muzzle.

He was different, but the same. Same as what? What are you looking for? It was a bitter tinge in their soul, varying their color for a long moment, before their fur started to lay flat. Nothing. Just as quickly as it came, it was gone. They opened their mouth, as if to speak, but their voice was restricted. Like bubbles of air in water, the sound stopped before it ever reached his ears. It was a desperate cry to reveal that they existed, that yes, someone was here, someone..

Were they even someone? They had no name, no identity, gender, thoughts but the ones they had been gifted with. Their mind had run asunder from the assault of the Abyss, causing some general confusion. Their eyes lowered, swept aside as they realized it was a fruitless plight. Michael may never hear them. It was still a strange notion, knowing his name. Why did they know??

Keona, however, could see them. The spirit felt as if that much was true, their eyes shifting towards them. There was a hesitation here- they knew them, but not as well. They opened their mouth, and struggled to make words, to form them. "A.. Ah.." It sounded as if someone was struggling with breathing, drowning in their own lungs. "Ali... ve." The spirit recoiled at that, shrinking to a point it looked as if they might disappear in their own fur.



Re: no more light / intro - bubblegum - 02-01-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

As much as it may seem untrue, given her two experiences with her true mother's supposed spirit, along with the time she'd literally roomed with a supposed spirit, Goldie had no powers that gave her the ability to see spirits. In the past, it was all either their own apparitions managing to display themselves to her, or simply a trick of her own mind. She'd not ever have the answer to whether they visions were real, and she would not really ever have to think about it at this point. Whatever experiences she'd had before were long gone, buried far away, just as whomever this soul that wandered upon their beach today was. Though, she knew the story, the feeling, just barely. Just enough. And it was enough to make her think she didn't need to know more - not yet. It didn't feel good. And she's not sure she'd be able to take the overwhelming feeling now after the recent attack on her.

She notices the presence of Michael and Keona discussing something among themselves, and decides to approach them, having not been far away from them already. They were saying some sort of greeting to someone, though it didn't seem directly to each other, but somebody else. Her eyes glance around for a moment, confused. Was she missing something? The anxious feeling she experienced wasn't exactly unusual at the moment, and she would only have another indicator when she heard some sort of noise breathe out. "The Hell's that?" the tigress would ask in a confused manner, body slightly tense as she tries to look around for the source of the sound. Perhaps it was the wind? Though they were outside, and it wasn't particularly windy. Maybe a parrot was somewhere around, attempting to mimic the sounds it hears.

Re: no more light / intro - michael t. - 02-01-2021

Michael obviously had no idea that the spirit seemed to know who he was. However, even if he had known that the spirit had some idea of who he was – knew his name, even – he probably would've been incredibly confused. He knew very little about spirits, and he didn't know what kind of spirit would know who he was – thankfully, not many of his friends and family had passed away, yet. For now, though, the dealer was just glad to hear that he didn't seem to be completely crazy. After all, Keona had always seemed more in touch with the spirits than he had ever been, and she was saying hello, so that had to count for something. Sure enough, a moment later the wind seemed to shift, and quiet, disjointed words were spoken into the open air. Or rather, word. Alive. Feeling a faint frown come to his face, Michael looked in the general direction of where he thought the spirit to be, head cocking to one side, "Alive...? Are you trying to tell us that you're alive, or are you asking if we are?" One word was a little hard to go off of, especially since the thief couldn't see the spirit's facial expression or motions – if the other was even making any.

When Goldie approached, Michael turned to face the former captain – or rather, his niece now, he supposed. He noticed her tense and confused nature, and he was quick to speak up, offering a little smile, "Ah... don't worry. It was words, but... I don't think it's anything here to hurt us. Think it's just... well, a spirit. I'm not exactly well versed on the subject, but that seems to make the most sense to me..." It didn't seem as simple as just an invisible person, considering the odd way they seemed to be acting. Even if it was someone that was just invisible from some sort of power malfunction, they didn't exactly seem to be a threat. Instead, they really just seemed... scared. And disoriented. Sort of like Goldie, when she had first woken up.

Re: no more light / intro - ROXANNE R. - 02-03-2021

Roxanne had never encountered spirits before or so, had never seen one before mainly since she lacked that ability to see said spirits. The captain noticed that both Keona and Michael were discussing amongst themselves before Goldenluxury decided to walk over, a frown tugging at her lips for a moment as she walked over about to ask either of her dealers what was going on until a voice made her flinch and the fur start to rise on her spine with tail fluffing up immediately. "Uhm... What the actual fuck?" The captain hissed out in surprise though she'd turn over in the direction of Keona as she essentially stared at nothing though Roxanne knew that the small dealer was looking at something... Or someone. Roxanne just didn't know who it was, a frown appearing on her maw and her ears flattening themselves against her skull as she tilted her head slightly to the side. It made Roxie begin to wonder who this "spirit" could possibly be, she shook her head slightly feeling somewhat frustrated that she couldn't see it but she could feel the presence of it.

"Yeah, I'm sure that they're a harmless spirit." The captain said to Goldie as she walked over to press against the tigress in an attempt to comfort her daughter with her mismatched gaze still fixated on the direction that Keona was currently staring in, a frown still present on her maw both of her ears lifting up. She could only think of a few spirits that it could've been but she pushed away most of her assumptions, it was simply a spirit... Nothing to get worked up over. A spirit with unfinished business that's why they were here, right? Or that's what her assumption was anyways.

Re: no more light / intro - deimos - 02-14-2021

// wneiofne i know im responding late but i wanted to tie it up a bit! you dont have to respond

As the spirit's eyes drifted to that of Goldie, it felt like every static piece of them stopped. Their molecules simply ceased moving, and it was perhaps as if the Spirit was staring straight through them. Why? What was that pit of a feeling in their stomach, the tears that bitterly collected upon their ink-stained body? The Spirit opened it's mouth, and let forth a soft sigh. What, however, they truly meant, was perhaps equated to a wail. But the spirit didn't see any reason to do that. There was nothing that could have explained what they were feeling.

The head turned, slowly, towards Keona. The only one that the spirit felt that could communicate. They spoke another few words, their voice doubling, reverbing- echoing in everyone's ears. It was after they spoke, that the spirit turned and wandered away, before slowly fading away and disappearing.

"I don't want to be imprisoned anymore."

