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RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - Printable Version

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RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - APHRA CIPHER . - 01-31-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra should have gone searching for her daughter the moment she realized that Vayne was missing. Of course, that's not what she did. She was angry at Vayne for running off, angry that the child had not listened to her. But on the other hand, the succubus was glad that Vayne had disappeared. It gave her some time to herself and she didn't have to worry about the annoying furball bothering her for a while. But now, it was just getting infuriating that Vayne hadn't returned home. She couldn't have survived out there for long. Aphra growled to herself mentally before she started the trek back to The Typhoon.

Reaching the gate, Aphra reached up and pawed at the bell, a sigh escaping her before she angrily called out, "I'm here to pick up Vayne. She's coming home with me."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - bubblegum - 01-31-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The tigress would approach from the sound of the bell, a bit hesitantly at first, then moving quicker as she sees it's simply a lone female at the gate, seemingly a bit ticked off. She looked over the other, ear twitching at her words. "Ah, 'm sorry, n' you are..?" the tigress would ask gently as she adjusted her stance in front of the gate, offering a curious gaze to the female. Maybe it could be assumed that Vayne was this woman's child, or some other caretaker, given how natural she seemed to make it from her picking the other up, but Goldie wouldn't know. Perhaps if it'd been a month earlier, she would be seen chewing the other's face out. But, given the state of her head, she held very little recognition over the other. She could feel a sense of unease, however, and discomfort, as she peered towards her, though for reasons she wouldn't be able to explain. She'd rather know who the other was before she simply handed off a child that was staying with them, especially since she wasn't certain if that child even wanted to go.

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - SirDio - 01-31-2021

The mau, as recent a joiner as she was, didn't know the woman known as 'Aphra' the Typhoon had to deal with, so to speak. Hearing the bell's toll she approached the gate, taking in the appearance of this woman. Already a little stressed, she forced a smile. She stopped next to Goldie and spoke quietly, [color=#093044]"Hello - are you her mother? My name is Lucy." Her kinked tail swayed gently and she forced away the sparks at her feet.

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - Keona. - 01-31-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Well.  No.  She didn't think so.  The petite wildcat furrowed her brow.  Pale hues dark in ire as she padded up towards the sound of the bell.  Her tail flicked behind her as she came to a halt besides Goldie and Lucy.

Aphra was preferrable to Caesar, but Keona did not view her parenting skills very highly.  Much less enough to believe she had the right to come making demands about a daughter who had clearly wanted to be with the Typhoon.  "Aphra."

"You clearly took your time." Cold.  Do you even care? "Since Vayne came back here on her own accord, I don' believe you get to make that call, Aphra." The dealer spoke sharply, tone firm.  She would not be taking excuses or bullshit today.  Vayne was young.  Didn't deserve the drama Aphra so loved to cause in her wake. 

"'an before you make excuses of being her mother, you've never given me reason to believe you know how to act like one."

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - roan ; - 01-31-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

"Leave. Now."

Roan's voice cut through the air soon after Keona's, the soothsayer's tone ice cold and full of rage. The others around him seemed to fade into the background, nothing but a hum of static as he approached. Already sparks danced over his cream fur, settling between his wings and filling him with a sense of power. Keona seemed interested in talking, but Roan had no such intentions. Or rather, he wouldn't be talking with Aphra. Just at her. His next words came out in a snarl, the medic briefly glancing down at his paws as he felt his elementals welling up, the sparks circling around his ankles. He spat, shaking his head, "I will admit, you've got a lot of balls coming back here after you skipped town and snatched Vayne up with you. Unfortunately, you won't be leaving with anything." In most situations, Roan was nonviolent. He was a medic, designed for healing, rather than hurting.

Now was not one of those situations.

Aphra had no right to be here, and the soothsayer intended to make that crystal fucking clear. Another snarl was wrenched forth from the siamese's lungs as he threw himself forward, his electric elementals surging around his paws as he aimed to dig his claws into [member=1203]APHRA CIPHER .[/member]'s neck, while the other paw tried to drag down her face. If he was successful, she would not only feel the searing pain of electricity hitting her, but he might even be able to reopen the scars on her face. Scars from wounds that he had once patched over himself, back when he had trusted Aphra. Considered her his hermana. Those days were long gone, forgotten and dormant in Roan's mind.

Huh. It seemed as though pregnancy hormones and bitches didn't mix.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - APHRA CIPHER . - 01-31-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
With Goldenluxury being the first to approach, Aphra prepared to defend herself, but the argument she thought was going to start did not - at least, not with Goldie. The Captain didn't appear to remember her, which also equally pissed Aphra off. "Excuse me?" She growled, her icy gaze narrowing at Goldenluxury. "Yes, I'm her mother." She answered Lucy's question while answering Goldenluxury's... sort of. Not entirely, but fortunately Keona was there to slightly fill in who Aphra was.

Aphra's gaze flickered over to Keona and she hissed, "She's my daughter. I have every fucking right to-" She was cut off as Roan came bursting through, his words not registering as he tackled her and pinned her down, the electricity at his paws shocking her as he did so. Aphra grit her teeth in pain, hissing as much as she could, "Vayne is my daughter! I get to say what happens with her, and she's coming home with me."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - Simon F.M. - 01-31-2021

"You will not be taking my daughter, you retched bitch," came the reply from angered mother, though by adoption rather by blood. Small paws left divets in the sand as they grew, feline shifting into larger form as polar canines were beared in aggression. She would come to a stop beside roan, a paw lifted in preparation to pin the succubus if the need came. She flicked a rounded ear, murmuring, "Don't kill her, Mon étoile, at least not yet." she said as she flicked an ear.

She lowered her head to meet Aphra's eyes, clicking her tongue. "You're lucky your head doesn't hang next to the lion's on the gate, Aphra" she snarled, eyes narrowed to slits despite her usidae form. Her eyes skated around, searching for the kitten in question, before returning to Aphra. She nudged Roan with her shoulder, implying he should get off. "Vayne somehow holds affection for this worm, I'd rather not have her stumble upon the death of this pile of dirt." she commented, looking to the draconic feline for a moment. "She's hardly a threat, anyways," she would add as she bent her head down and let out a low growl near the Cipher's maw.

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - SirDio - 01-31-2021

with the arrival of other, more annoyed and angry bodies, Lucy felt herself grow angry as well. This white cat before her acted quite rude. Demanding the child as if said child had no choice. [color=#093044]"What makes you think Vayne has no choice in this?" She snarled, electricity becoming short, rapid bolts.

Though she did nothing to try and harm this unruly woman, the urge was definitely there.

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - ROXANNE R. - 01-31-2021

The sound of angry voices caught the attention of the Captain, she had been laying near the shore taking in the sunlight though it was being rather short lived. A sigh left her maw rising to her paws slowly wondering what the issue could've been yet it wasn't long until the sight of Goldenluxury, Lucy, Keona, Roan, Diya and... Aphra? Her pupils narrowed into dangerous slits in that moment as her steps would pick up the pace with tail lashing to the sides behind her, the draconic felines ears laying flat against her skull. Her lips peeling back as a snarl would erupt from her maw, Roxanne eventually speaking with a shake of her head not caring that Roan was clawing Aphra's face, this appeased her seeing the stark feline in such a state. "You were fucking stupid to come back here, especially considering the conditions that Vayne had come in when she returned to her true home." There was a pause as her face twisted in disgust for Aphra as she spat out "This is her home, the Typhoon will always and forever provide the care and love you were never able to give her. You poor excuse of a creature," A snort left her.

"I'd rather not have Cipher scum on my gate," Roxanne answered with a flex of her pink claws hearing what Diya began to say. The Captain let out a breath beginning to wonder how Aphra would pay, no one ever liked the bitch so why did this peanut brain whore return to the pirates home to reclaim someone who was never hers. Drawing near, Roxanne lifted up one of her paws aiming to shove Aphra's face into the sand until it was in the other's maw did she move away said paw without much of a word. Her mismatched gaze fixated onto Aphra as she took some steps back knowing that Diya could easily hold the Cipher down if need be, a small shake of her head as a dry chuckle left her maw "I'll tell you what... I'm in a good mood and feeling like a merciful captain today." She'd let that sink in as she stood there before taking a seat curling her tail around her forepaws "Get the fuck off my beach and go back to where you had run off to. You would be stupid to stay somewhere with several people itching to claw out your jugular, myself included. So, get the fuck out." Rising to her paws, the small cat would shapeshift into a tigress as her shadow towered over Aphra "Or this time... I won't let you go."

"Leave now or die, Aphra."

Re: RUNAWAY RUNAWAY // visitor - bubblegum - 01-31-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Whatever Goldie had expected, it hadn't been this. The female lightly notes Lucy's arrival, not recognizing the other either, however their dealer, Keona was a different story. And then it all went downhill from there. She seems to falter slightly at Aphra's growling response to her, and even further at Keona's cold bluntness. Clearly, this was someone she was supposed to know. And this was not someone she wanted to know now. Roan's arrival only further cemented that. She blinks at how aggressive he was, taking a step back as she watches his claws reach out for the feline in front of them. The dread she had felt seeing Aphra seemed to be making sense now. And she thinks maybe she should step away from the situation entirely, taking several more steps back as Diya then approaches, though only providing hate-filled words in response. She remains, however, just in case she would be needed for something.

She could feel her head starting to get dizzy, however, and a headache beginning to form. Any sort of stress tended to be overwhelming for her, and her head didn't respond well to it at the moment. But she remains planted, now from a distance, as more and more pitch in, the final for the time being her ma, attempting her own attack, before offering a simple warning to leave. Her eyes looked over the white feline nervously, not able to offer any words of her own. She only hoped she would listen to them, not take the child she'd so blatantly neglected.