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return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - Printable Version

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return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - Kian. - 01-29-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman still did not know how he wished to manage his time -- thoughts of continuely dividing it between the Typhoon and the Pitt lingering heavily in his mind.  There were crewmates and family he wanted to help within both groups.  Yet these thoughts fell second in importance to that of his daughter; whose birthday happened to be the next day.

The faerie made the majority of the journey as a polar bear dog; for speed and convenience, dragging a small wagon behind him.  A few wrapped gifts lay within, books and a few wooden carvings.  As he reached the gate, Kian shifted back into his usual form -- the small wildcat with his usual jovial grin.  Brightly, he reached up to smack the bell once, energized now that he was close to the ocean once again.

"Ahoy! Sorry I've been away so long!  A blizzard kept me busy." He called, tugging the wagon over the border.  "I hope nothing too interesting happened while I was gone."

More importantly, the pirate hoped everyone was okay -- the owl that stopped by hadn't given him much to go off of.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - Keona. - 01-29-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
That sounded like her father.  A relief.  The tiny wildcat breathed out softly as she quickly bounded after the sound.  He sounded all right.  Upbeat as always.  The added sound of wheels was odd, but she paid little mind.  Much less to the time or date.  Pleased that he seemed well.

"Da." She flicked her ears.  Avoiding the... Wagon?  He hadn't had one with him when he left.  "Is everythin' okay?"

He had certainly been away for a while.  But a blizzard was serious.  And he cared about their cousins.  Keona understood that.  Even if it had made her antsy some days.  She kept her paws busy here, but she couldn't check the weather over the desert.

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - michael t. - 01-29-2021

Michael didn't know Kian well, mainly due to the other's frequent absence. In spite of this, the dealer did respect the other, liking the Irishman's jovial attitude, and respecting the love the other clearly held for his family. Still, the bobcat hadn't really been expecting the other to return from The Pitt anytime soon. When Kian had disappeared, Michael had figured that it was a more permanent thing, as so many former members of the group were want to do. He couldn't say that he was unhappy to see the other, though, especially considering how upbeat Kian was, as he seemingly always was.

The male arrived shortly after Keona, his bob of a tail flicking behind him as he glanced over the other had brought with. He muttered softly, the ringing of the bell still stuck in his ears as he spoke, "Wow, that's quite a few gifts you've got with you, Kian. Did The Pitt really like you that much?" He shot a small smirk in the other's direction, knowing full well they were probably for Keona. Even if he didn't know about his fellow dealer's birthday, it was natural for a father to bring back little knickknacks for his kid. The news about a blizzard, though, did cause Michael to pause, a confused look flitting over his face before he questioned, "A blizzard? Out in that desert? That must've been... well, an exciting day, to put it lightly. Anybody hurt?" While the dealer didn't care much for The Pitt, he did know that Keona had been planning on bringing a basket there, at some point. Maybe they could use the help even more than previously thought.

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - Alexandre - 01-29-2021

The soft pawsteps of Alexandre traveled over towards the arrival of Kian, eyes scanning the small Irishman as his words lingered in his ears. A blizzard? The thought of snow was a strange one. Tropical islands like The Typhoon rarely had a lick of white snow. The kitten never saw it. Only the rumors of how cold it got and how every exhale could look like smoke. He wanted to hear all about it, but refrained his curiosity for the sake of welcoming them back. "Welcome back," the feline piped up. "I don't think you missed much." His own problems were besides the point.

His head craned to the side. "How was your time in The P..." Orange hues shifted to Keona as they approached, words fading as he did so. The concern in her voice caused him to shuffle in his spot, eyes drifting to the wagon instead. He'd wait until their reunion proceeded and her concerns were averted, but he couldn't help but think the blizzard wasn't so glorious after all. Michael's words only enforced his thoughts.

//i got ninja'd twice while watching wobbledogs, so keepin this short lol

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - Kian. - 01-30-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The faerie's eyes gleamed -- seeming to brighten with each passing moment.  He felt torn for a moment, in being disappointed there were no immediate stories to tell, and relieved nothing worldshattering horrible had happened in his absence.

With a wink, Kian answered Alexandre's cut-off question, "not as hot as it could've been."  Given the cold front, the wildcat felt more than relieved to be back in the archipelago's warmth.

Seeing his daughter brought a pleased purr in his chest, rumbling in his throat as he attempted to nudge her lightly.  Had she inherited his habit to worry after all?  "Everything's okay, Sibi.  Cold front ran through the desert, brought in a blizzard with it.  Gael was quick to sound the alarm, had everyone get in one of the temples for shelter.  Now there's just a bit of snow waiting to melt once the cold air passes."

He shrugged in a relaxed manner, clearly at ease with the situation.  He trusted Gael; the Pitt would be just fine and the freak winter would pass in the end.

At the mention of the gifts, the pirate grinned wider, happy to explain their purpose in full -- he had a feeling Keona had not mentioned it.  "My cousin tells me I go overboard sometimes, but I think everyone should get a gift on their birthday.  These are for Keona," he flicked his tail, "to open tomorrow."
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - COAL - 01-30-2021

well, wasn't this a sight. a bit of a reunion, something coal didn't think he'd ever get to have.. not that he really wanted one. he'd never been particularly close to his family, far more inclined to journey out and adventure than he was to make meaningful relationships with family.. this was the longest he'd ever stayed in one place, and he was starting to get restless. walks through the territory were hardly enough, and it got to the point that he felt he needed isolation.

and now, that isolation was over. he was out and about again, eyes and smile wide as ever as he came up to the group, settled only a few feet away behind keona. "da, huh?" he said, looking at the man. "nice to meet you! i'm coal. i was stuck in a blizzard once, had to hide in a tree trunk to keep warm." he introduced, trying not to ramble too much- he knew how most felt on that, and it tended to annoy them.. so he'd refrain from annoying the father of his only friend so far.
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Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-31-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Upon hearing the sound of the bell, Vayne made her way over to the gate, following just after Coal. A rusty spotted cat, one who looked strikingly similar to Keona was there and apparently had been apart of The Typhoon before. "Are you coming back to stay with us?" She asked Kian, more out of genuine curiosity rather than malicious intent.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: return — FEELS LIKE A RIVER - bubblegum - 01-31-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Kian had managed to leave to the one group mostly unaffected by last month's events just a few weeks before they'd all gone down. Still, it was apparent what had happened. The monthly meeting had been quite a spectacle, the news of Stryker's tyranny quickly spreading. And in the end, the Pitt had been called to aid them end it. But that didn't mean that everything was over. The effects were still felt, a group had still been destroyed, leaders killed, individuals used, and plenty forever scarred by what unfolded. The tigress was no exception, and neither would be multiple members that'd already approached. Whatever he'd known Goldenluxury to be before all of this, she was not the same. She was no captain, no courageous leader, only a shell, forgotten memories, lost head, and whatever fire that burned was drowned out by the endless, viscous waves.

And this Goldenluxury didn't know who the male was that stood at their gate. She could figure out, by the words of himself and others, that he was a returning member. She would approach slowly, looking the other over carefully. Her tail twitches as he interacts with Keona - his daughter proven by their exchange, taking a mental note for the future. She stood slightly away from the group, waiting her turn to speak, wondering what she would explain, if anything need to be explained at all. She would start, how she always would, at least. "Hello, welcome home," the tigress greeted with a small nod first and foremost. "Uh, 'm Goldenluxury Roux, or Goldie. Is' nice t' meet you...or meet you again, if this is the case."