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I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - Printable Version

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I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - Ares - 01-29-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Ares, after a few days of rest after leaving Tanglewood, approached the border of Palm Glades with a gentle walk. Looking at the dagger her mother gave her, she sighed. The right choice. Selfish, yes, but right. She would return to the swamp when she was ready, she resolved. She would return when she was older and stronger and had more control.

Clearing her throat, her seldom used voice called out at the border, "My name is Ares. I wish to join Palm Glades as an apprentice, or at least become an apprentice here soon." She was almost old enough, so maybe they'd let her slide and become an apprentice after joining. Obviously, they probably wouldn't. But she didn't mind waiting, telling stories and helping within camp.

Re: I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - rhosmari - 01-30-2021

''I don't see why not. Although it's up to Rhinestonestar about the apprentice stuff.'' He honestly didn't have the authority for that kind of stuff. Stepping over the maned wolf would pause for a moment, unsure of where to stand or even what to do at this point. Well, he didn't give his name yet so there was a start. He was out of the loop when it came to business associated with Tanglewood but he was sure that it wouldn't necessarily be a problem. Flicking his tail a little back and forth, both fluctuating independently he would give a small smile. ''Um, well, my name is Sorbet and I'm a Gladiator here. Welcome to Palm Glades, Ares.'' He figured she would fit right in with the locals around here given their own docile demeanors. Himself included, despite his...growing skinniness of his body. He was just too nauseated to eat anything recently and didn't want to chance it.
code by Reggan

Re: I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - magnum - - 01-31-2021

Magnum was the next to come forth, his eyes settling carefully on the arrival of a young girl who seemed to have quite a lot of fire in her for some pipsqueak on the border a quick sniff of the air let him know this kid was from another clan, though he hadn’t been out enough to truly decipher exactly what clan she came crawling out of. Nonetheless, a tooth grin spread across his maw as she moved to stand on one side of Sorbet, cocking his head all the while “ You seem a little young to be one just yet though, but I don’t see why Rhinestone wouldn’t stop you once you’re 6 months or whatever the hell the right age is around here.” The wolf rolled his shoulders as he fell back to rest on his haunches for a bit and relax while this kid probably decided if she wanted to make herself a bit more know to them.

For once, no cigarette was dangling from his mouth and he was able to full articulate his words for the young one. “ Magnum and uh, I guess I’m also a Gladiator here now too. Nice to meet ya, Ares. ” Hopefully he wasn't going to be stuck with this kid if he was ever given the chance to mentor. He could tell already their personalities might not fully sync up or could. But, who really knew at this point in time.

Re: I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - Ares - 01-31-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Well, it would seem that her thoughts had been answered. Amber eyes settled on the maned wolf with a patient, blank expression. Worry flashed against her eyes as she looked at his form, why was he skinny? "Its nice to meet you, Sorbet. Thanks." She nodded, not quite comfortable to mention the skinniness of him.

The canine caught her attention next, mentioning her youth which made her gently roll her eyes. She was kinda young, yea. She answered with a gentle nod, "Alright." She sat down and bent her wings inward to her body. "Thank you, Magnum. It's nice to meet you."

Re: I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - RHINESTONE. - 02-02-2021

Someone from Tanglewood? Looking to join them? That was pretty... interesting, considering the group's understandable hostility towards the Glades. Still, Rhine wasn't about to just kick Ares out on her ass. After all, she was only a kid, and it didn't seem like she was any type of threat. At least, as far as Rhinestone was aware. She just hoped that they wouldn't have any Tanglers beating down their door anytime soon, trying to claim that they had stolen a child or some shit. Either way, the legate had a hospitable smile on her face as she made her way over, still seeming a bit clumsy on her feet. It was taking a bit of time for her to get used to this new body, as it always did when she ended up shifting. Being a tasmanian tiger meant that her legs were shorter, but it also meant her tail was longer, and she had to admit that her center of balance was all fucked up. She only hoped that Ares wouldn't really notice, and wouldn't think that the Glades's leader was some kind of stumbling around drunk.

Settling down next to Sorbet, the colorful tasmanian tilted her head to one side before speaking, chuckling a little, "'Fraid Magnum's right in that department, kid. We tend to be about tradition around here, and six months is a pretty good age for apprenticeship, at least in my opinion." She then found herself pausing, briefly biting down on the inside of her cheek. It really would take a little while before she was used to this whole different voice thing. After taking in a deep breath, the legate then continued, "Otherwise, though, I don't really see a problem with you joining us. Although... you're from Tanglewood, right? I don't have to worry about some Tangler coming here and ripping us all a new one because they think we kidnapped you, do I? Cause I don't really want them to be any more pissed off at us than they already are." She felt a bit bad asking such a thing so bluntly, but she needed to. The safety of the Glades as a whole always came first.

Re: I don't even know |Joining| what I don't know - Ares - 02-03-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Amber eyes flashed red with the mention of tanglewood. "No, Tanglewood doesn't even know where I've gone. If they do come bearing down on you all, I'll personally tell them to get lost." It was a primal anger she kept within her, though now easily snuffed out. She wasn't mad at Tanglewood entirely, but the idea that they'd think the Glades would kidnap someone? Preposterous, Ares thought. "Anyway, I suppose it's a good thing I'll be six months soon." She spoke softly, looking at the Tasmanian tiger out of sheer curiosity. The child had never seen something that brightly colored or interesting in form and posture, but she broke the stare to look beyond the legate. "If what my mom says is true, is there a woman named Medusa here? The name is familiar and I want to know if she remembers me or any events from Tanglewood." Because Ares, somehow, remembered the scuffle the hybrid had with Stheno - she wanted to ask how the two knew each other.