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i'll protect you - open; a gift - Printable Version

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i'll protect you - open; a gift - rhosmari - 01-29-2021

In secret she had been working on this, taking time to make sure that it was suitable. It was usable. That the balance would feel just right for her. It just needed small changes as it had been crafted long ago. She knew how Ares had felt about the sword, that it belonged to her and while she agreed that she shouldn't have something like that just yet she had decided to make her own choice. Stepping from Arrow's home the woman that burned bright made her way over to the little child's home. She wished that Ares stayed with her but then she wasn't sure if Arrow would be okay with another creature in her home. Maybe she would ask. She would prefer it but only if Ares wanted to as well. Regardless the lioness focused on the task at hand and she set a small box down upon the ground.

Was not Ares close to her sixth month? And while in her tribe they would have gotten this sooner she felt it was right. Her tail tip twitched, the flames jittery and flickering with her nervousness. But she was sure about this. So she knocked on the door and when it opened she gave a small smile. One of love, a mother's love. "Hello, daughter." She began gently before nudging the box forward. "She believes that it is time for her to have this. This used to belong to Elsweyr when she was younger...around this one's age. I hope she likes it." Inside the box and wrapped in damaged velvet was a dagger, carved from black dragon bone. The edge was serrated, the sharp side dyed red. The hilt was carved with fire and the image of a dragon skull.


Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - Ares - 01-29-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Ares had begun to hate many within Tanglewood. They avoided her, whispered and stared. But the one Tangler she couldn't hate was Elsweyr. Even with the change of form, her proclamation that the lioness wasn't her mom, the recent events of her own change helped her understand.

She had somewhat cleaned out most of the wreck she still lived in, so she still lived in it. Still the guilt haunted her but she cared little. Alerted by the knocking, she got up from her spot to investigate. Seeing Elsweyr behind it the child smiled. "Hi, mom." She looked down at the box, ears perking up. Though she had a feeling Aurum would say something about Ares with any sort of weapon, as she opened the box and unfolded the velvet she couldn't help but gasp. 

Picking the dagger up she turned it in her paw, taking in the look with a sudden feeling of founding. Being found, being loved. Gently she placed it back in the box and stepped over it, pressing her face against Elsweyr's fur. "Thank you... it's gorgeous, mom."

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - S. PENDRAGON - 01-29-2021

Ares had become a dangerous individual within the group or that's what she had been marked down as such, the British woman did not fear the soon to be trainee nor would she ever. Sophiea, if she had been trying, could've killed that rampant dinosaur that she had woke up to one day. The recently promoted Shaderunner had been walking along the town square only to notice that Elsweyr was heading in the direction of Ares' home, her pupils immediately narrowing in suspicion upon seeing the box that Els seemed to possess. A single tufted ear twitching lightly as she watched from a distance and the fur along her spine would rise once Ares emerged only to reveal what was inside of the small box. A dagger. Sophiea lifted a paw to her face pinching the bridge of her nose unable to believe how idiotic the deputy of Tanglewood was, Aurum having taken the sword away due to it being dangerous in the mere paws of a child and here was the lioness giving a weapon to the same "child" that had caused havoc within Tanglewood.

That's when Sophiea decided to approach with her small tail wiggling to the sides in irritation before voicing her thoughts and opinion, nobody was ever free of her sharp tongue and her verbally lashing out. At the moment, she did not see Elsweyr as her future leader but rather a foolish mother that clearly had no sense of direction when it came to raising a child. There had to be discipline and clearly, Ares was some spoiled brat. "I hope you are aware of your actions, Elsweyr. I sincerely do... Especially since Ares wasn't entrusted with a bloody sword... Only to throw a tantrum when she wasn't allowed to keep it. You think a dagger would be any better in her possession?" There was a pause as she let that sink in before she proceeded to say in a blunt voice "I hope you don't shed tears when your child is possibly exiled due to your foolish actions." The winged feline knew it was harsh but Elsweyr wouldn't listen so, that's all the woman could offer her. Her stern gaze shifting to Ares before turning around with a shake of her head, she had more important matters to attend to then arguing with a fool.

/ out!

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - rhosmari - 01-29-2021

If the woman could purr she would have. Although the small chuffs that reverberated in her throat were good enough. She would not have to fear anyone here that much was certain and she would train and help her to keep a leveled head. Her daughter was not a monster, nor was she something to be looked down at like she was scum. She hated the idea of any child having to be treated this way no matter the circumstances. ''She is very welcome and when she is older perhaps this one will officially teach her how to use it.'' The woman was proud of Ares, she seemed to be holding up despite the hostility toward her which was good. It showed strength even though as a child she was more fragile than most. Lightly her tail waved back and forth as she looked down at the dagger that had been in her family for a very long time. Her mother had owned this dagger when she had been around Ares' age and had gifted it to herself and then in turn now she was giving it to her own daughter. She would protect her and she would make sure she knew how to defend herself against those that wished to do her harm or even wished ill upon her. But a lesson. ''She wishes her to understand, only use this when she is able, capable and only if someone tries to harm her.'' The words left her muzzle with a soft and gentle stern tone. But their bonding moment was broken by someone else.

Someone she hardly knew much about since coming to Tanglewood but they certainly had a lot to say to her about her choices. The lioness merely looked down at the woman with heated bright blue orbs and she let her speak. She let her misguided thoughts sprinkle out before she waved her tail almost dismissively. She was gone before the woman could even defend herself. Too afraid to have an argument it would seem so the Shadow Regent turned away from her and back to her daughter. ''Do not listen to her. She has mites for brains and this one does not hold her words very high after what has happened. Ares, she is no more dangerous than this world of dragons and those that control the elements. If she is so dangerous then maybe they should have treated Elsweyr the same when she set a tree on fire, when her house was set ablaze and could have destroyed the town. This one will teach you and she will learn control.'' She spoke with a softness as she leaned down to touch her nose against her head. The woman was still learning control over her fire, it was not anywhere near perfect but she was trying just like Ares was trying.

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - Ares - 01-29-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Ares smiled widely, feeling the warmth of love before the brit lady spoke her poison. But it meant nothing to Ares.

Pulling back a little, she nodded to her mother's words. "I'll keep it on a cord, it'll be a reminder that you love me." and that Ares loved the lioness back. "Im.. used to the hate, in a way. I don't want you to be punished because of me, though.."

"And she didn't know I was that.. thing. I doubt she cares about it, or me, now."

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - XANTI - 02-01-2021

The cheetah chomped on his chewing tobacco, staring up at the swaying treetops. He heard the voices and words, but he didn’t bother reacting or getting involved. After all, he was a newcomer, and a newcomer should observe before taking drastic action.

Elsweyr’s brother had joined yesterday morning, and he doubted his presence would be welcomed by Ares. After all, he was effectively a stranger to the kid, even if he did feel like an absent uncle to the kiddo.

However, when Sophiea intruded on the mother-daughter bonding, he sighed heavily and rolled his head to the right. Too lazy to stand up, he scratched his neck and spat brownish liquid beside him. Ximen’s ears twitched, his golden eyes narrowed, and he tracked the woman’s movements as she left the scene.

“Ares has the right idea, keeping the knife.” He scratched the side of his muzzle with a pawpad. When his eyes opened again, he looked at Ares. “Train hard with the blade, like Elsweyr. She learned self-restraint with that knife. Expect Ares’s mistakes to hurt Ares, as Ares learns to use the weapon, but strive to never hurt another. In time, Ares will learn.”

He closed his golden eyes and centered his head again. The breeze tickled his belly fur as he lazily chewed his tobacco. The child would make her own decisions, and neither of them needed him to offer anymore unsolicited advice. In fact, he’d probably stepped on Elsweyr’s paws enough.

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - wormwood. - 02-03-2021

Re: i'll protect you - open; a gift - rhosmari - 02-03-2021

The woman couldn't help but cringe when her daughter said she was used to the hate that the other Tanglers were giving her. It was painful for a mother to hear because a child, no matter if they acted more mature or not was still a child, and the things that others said and did to them affected them. It was not a pass card to abuse a child because of maturity sake when things could always change and lessons could be learned. Her tail wrapped around the child then as she gave a soft sigh. ''She should not be used with it. She should be used to living here freely and others helping her not shouting her down and locking her up.'' The lioness pulled a smile across her peach toned muzzle and she flicked her tail lightly before her head rose up and she listened to her brother's words. Right now she was happy to have him here, someone who understood and she could talk to him. He was a constant solid presence when they were growing up and she appreciated his words. He was right, their tribe practiced many different methods of restraint and using weapons was one of them. It taught discipline and understanding a weapon and how to use it both defensively and offensively gave a look into what life really meant. ''Thank you, Ximen.'' If she could purr she would have but then their moment was interrupted.

Her rounded ears pulled back as she narrowed her eyes on Aurum and it was most obvious that she did not like his decision and that he could not trust her with how she was going about this. He didn't approve of this and she didn't approve of how he threatened Ares with exile. She was more upset that he couldn't have at least talked to her about the punishment before he put it up considering it pertained to her only daughter. She had thought that when he deemed her to be deputy that he would share his thoughts with her, they would talk things out and get to understand each other. He would teach her what it meant to one day potentially be leader of a foreign place. But she guessed she was wrong, she wouldn't have any choices, she was not to be his council when rough decisions were being made and instead he would truck on with what he believed was right. She supposed it was for the good of Tanglewood as a whole. She didn't have anything to say because everyone had their stances and they were all out in the open. His dripping sarcasm was not lost on her, his words of irresponsible meeting deaf ears and she turned away from his retreating form and instead focused on family. ''Things will get better, she is sure of it. They can work through this and the sun will break the clouds. She will see, Ares.''